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18631593 No.18631593 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Philip K Dick regarded highly

(Recently began reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep)

>> No.18631621

hehe dick...

>> No.18631631

He wrote good science fiction stories... well some of them are good. Quite good in fact.

>> No.18631784
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ability to write exciting crackerjack sci fi stories with entirely novel concepts at the time concerning human nature, spirituality, commodification, a reality. He's not a prose stylist or character writer but I definitely think he ranks among America's best postmodern writers. his contemporary non sci fi fiction is also fantastic which is a testament to his storytellng

>> No.18631794

His penis was inside women, and they did not immediately protest.

>> No.18631824

a proto-postmodernist, using scifi tropes for non-scifi fiction, a pioneer of americanoid schizo prose writing --which is the characteristic of the pomo writing.

Also, inspired Pynchon.

>> No.18631839

He was more than just another scifi writer he was a deep thinker. Read VALIS and The Exegesis of Philip K. Dick. One day they will combine Exegesis with Jung's Red Book to make a modern day bible. ITT above me: midwits seething.

>> No.18631906

>ITT above me: midwits seething.
All the answers above yours that aren't sex jokes have only good thinks to say about PKD so I don't know wtf you are talking about.

>> No.18631995

the real question is why did he describe rachael as a celtic cro-magnon

>> No.18632273

Because of how influential his work has been, not necessarily the quality of the work. His ideas were far more important anything else about him.

>> No.18632300

Midwit. Just as much as if not more than his ideas, his ability to show and make understood the paranoid mind from the inside is what makes Dick a giant. Find a more visceral novel than "Flow my tears the policeman said".

The closest America has to a Kafka.

>> No.18632309

>Things like "the divine Invasion", "the three stigmata of palmer eldritch" or "valis" are "crackerhead scifi stories"

Aren't there containment boards for nerds like you?

>> No.18632366

That's quite an achievement for a sci-fi writer to be honest, I kneel...

>> No.18632371

Crackerjack: Someone or something that is crackerjack is excellent or of very high quality. [US]
What the fuck are you talking about retard? don't come in the thread to start shit when you can't even parse sentences

>> No.18632386

Dont derail the thread with your insincerity please.

>> No.18632397

I genuinely don't know. Sci-fi is my genre of choice but he reads too much like an edgy incel drug-addict with a pen

>> No.18632471

> his ability to show and make understood the paranoid mind from the inside is what makes Dick a giant.
That falls within being an "idea" to me and is what I had in mind mostly.

>> No.18632497

>why did he describe rachael as a celtic cro-magnon
He was describing her as a "prime" human. A tall woman with lean, athletic build.

>> No.18632500

Writes good books. Can't write an ending to save his life though.

>> No.18632504

androids doesnt read like that at all

>> No.18632514

This word has no meaning. You couldn't even describe how he's edgy, because the word to you is just an umbrella term for anything you don't like.
Nigger, he had sex. Again, you don't even understand language, you don't even know the words you're using.

I will kill you faggot. I do 10 push-ups before bed every night. I could turn your world 90 degrees.

>> No.18632531


>> No.18632545

Science Fiction is broadly a dogshit genre, so when an actually good writer does sci-fi they really stand out.

>> No.18632556
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I'm really not just trying to be a contrarian ITT. To expand on what I said so it doesn't seem like I'm just shitposting, I've only met two people IRL who claimed to genuinely like PKD. One is a loser burnout hippy chick who has done absolutely nothing with their life but rejects that reality under the guise of "free love maaaan, the man's trying to hold me downnn", and the other was a Literal crackhead who thought he was a psychologist who "experimented" with all different kinds of drugs. This is the type of crowd he attracts, simply because his writing bleeds angst and reads like a 14 year old boy pretending he's different and more special than all the "normies".

>> No.18632670

>The author is to be judged by 2 random acquaintances you have who like him.

This is an 18+ board. Put your phone away and do your homework.

>> No.18632713

You sound like a normie.

>> No.18632726

i'm gay

>> No.18632743

Crackerjackoff with your anachronistic slang based off of fucking popcorn. We tryna stay Gucci here f am.

>> No.18632758

how can be a PKD fan and not enjoy anachronistic slang?

>> No.18632762
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Believe me, I tried to give his work a chance. His style is abhorrent and pretentious, much like his fans.
He was a drug addicted simp for 'le mysterious dark haired girls'. If that's all it takes for you turbo-incels to worship his barely coherent ramblings about "muh technological advancements bad", then I accept your concession and heartily suggest you find genuine meaning in your lives besides reading preachy, nihilistic bullshit and drooling "He's just like me!!"

>> No.18632825

Another of /lit/'s slow witted American jesus freak teens. The word pretentious is almost meaningless as a critique as it is, but to use it as an argument against pkd, who market forces made sure to steer as far away from pretentiousness as possible is comical. If pkd reads pretentious to you, you should seriously stay away from everything except your Manga and your bible.
>ramblings about "muh technological advancements bad"
You have never read a book by Philip K dick, this much is clear.

>> No.18632877

>american religious boogeyman
PKD audience everyone.
>made sure to steer as far away from pretentiousness as possible
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.” Yet he writes bullshit like this all the time.
"Whoaaa so deep I guess I'm not just a schizo retard!" That's what you sound like. Wildly pretentious and reeks of brain-rot.
>You have never read a book by Philip K dick
I wish. I definitely couldn't bring myself to finish one, that's for sure.

>> No.18632996
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>I wish. I definitely couldn't bring myself to finish one, that's for sure.

>> No.18633034

He's the king of cyberpunk.

>> No.18633114

Not based. Cringe, even.

>> No.18633127

Bruh. You're the one who criticized him first for not having sex by calling him an incel. I don't give a shit if he had sex or not, but you accusing him of being an incel is just false. Idk why I wrote all this out though because im 99% sure that you're trolling

>> No.18633409

Filtered. PKD is not for you normie. You insufferable halfwitted pseud. You grubby minded twitchy synapsed unremarkable bore. You are not privelidged by madness. … his raptures were, All air, and fire, which made his verses clear, For that fine madness still he did retain, Which rightly should possess a poet’s brain.
We of the craft are all crazy.
And you must
(to sniffing your own farts)

>> No.18633888
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Pic related is a great read that covers the various phases Dick's writing in depth. A very enjoyable read.

>> No.18634021

This motherfucking scumbag got me into using the I Ching and now I can't stop! Help!

>> No.18634269

Which of his books talks about the I Ching?

>> No.18634310

this but unironically

>> No.18634446

I found his stories to be interesting and unique and develop at a nice pace.

>> No.18634479

The Man in the High Castle did extensively. I believe Valis uses it as well

>> No.18634871

The Man In The High Castle. You couldn't ask for a more ambiguous ending to a story honestly.

>> No.18634888

he was an obscure hamfisted pulp author but by god before the internet he was OUR obscure hamfisted pulp author

>> No.18634919

That quote is from a speech, retard.

>> No.18634967

PKD is the most soulful SF author. Read someone like Card or Clarke and it's like you're reading a robot who probably diddles kids.

>> No.18634969

I've heard that the series doesn't really go as in depth as the themes explored in the book. Is this true?

>> No.18635287

I genuinely think he'll be the only American sci-fi writer to endure the wears of time, and I'm saying that as a Wolfe fanboy. I don't see Clarke, Asimov, and Heinlein being read or recognized a hundred years from now, and I think most of my own favorites are going to be relegated to that same niche that Dunsany, Morris, and Inklings not named Tolkien or Lewis now occupy: once well-known names now excavated by anoraks and nerds. Lem the Strugatskys will probably be remembered as well, but as for Americans? PKD is going to have lasting prominence.

>> No.18635310

good post

>> No.18635318

You mean the tv show? I wouldn't know I saw like, five minutes of it and it was full of shit that wasn't in the book.

>> No.18635465

he actually used the i ching to decide the plot for the book

>> No.18635761

The only person who knows what they are talking about. HINT: VALIS and UBIK are NON-FICTION.

>> No.18635830

He’s mid tier. Not bad, a fun read

>> No.18635871

he helped me feel less alone when i went insane
2. 3 stigmata
3. flow my tears the policeman said
4. scanner darkly
5. divine invasion
6. radio free albemuth
7. they're all good fucking choose one at random and read one

if you're a normie/not schizo you won't get it though

>> No.18636915


>> No.18637077


>> No.18637083

checked, just started reading that :)

>> No.18637120

read valis

>> No.18637193


Have Sex, incel.

>> No.18637215

He believed himself to be the reincarnation of Elijah

>At one point, Dick felt that he had been taken over by the spirit of the prophet Elijah. He believed that an episode in his novel Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said was a detailed retelling of a biblical story from the Book of Acts, which he had never read.


>> No.18637230

also did hella tweak

>> No.18637239
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the other 20th century boss tweaker

>> No.18637685

(OP) Recently found this great video essay on him


>> No.18637755


Normies are stupid herd beasts. And the freak / normie dichotomy is an American phenomenon or America induced. It stems from our lack of class hierarchy and resentment

>> No.18637772

Not everyone thinks so. I read 'Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep' and 'Flow my Tears the Policeman Said', when I was a teenager. I thought they were good at the time. But my friend's mom says they're terribly written. I don't know, it was a while ago.

Philip K Dick wrote the books for: Blade Runner, Minority Report, Total Recall, A Scanner Darkly, Man in the High Castle, ... maybe more, don't know them though.