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18630415 No.18630415 [Reply] [Original]

Which parts are real and which parts are propaganda and fake

>> No.18630422

>Which parts are real
All of them - in a certain sense at least.
Arguably all of them - depends on how strict you want to be.
None of them.

>> No.18630423

Religion is a tool used by the elites to control the masses. It is inherently propogandistic.

>> No.18630435

All things are real
All things are fake
You’re too entry level to conduct a hostile anti-Sauline reading and penetrate Jewish Jesus
From behind.

>> No.18630440

Some things are historically suspect, like the genealogies of Jesus in Maythew and Luke showing his descent from king David. They don't match up and even have a different number of generations between David and Jesus.

>> No.18630448

The entire bible is historically suspect because it is radically deficient as a source on its purported contents.

This is because of the disciplinary nature of history.

>> No.18630574

You have to be 18 to post here

>> No.18630609

read Verbum Dei for more info

>> No.18631078

What's that?

>> No.18631084

the word of god, but I assume it is some cult text

>> No.18631186

Not only a heretic but also a pleb

>> No.18631198

>worship the god of Jewish nomads
>not a Jewish nomad

>> No.18631603

Clearly not, otherwise so much attention would not be payed towards jewish fairytales.

>> No.18631617

All the history and ethical law is real
All the maxims and wise observations are on point
All the fairy tale mumbo jumbo is fake and gay
Sorry Cultists, snakes can't talk

>> No.18631625

Speaking in tongues is how insane people get filtered

>> No.18631629

the devil in the form of a snake is the symbol of Evil offering temptations

>> No.18631630

Just because its propaganda doesnt mean those parts arent kino. All the great ancient works of the near east are propaganda in some form because its the royals who have the resources to write epic literature in the first place. Samuel is an awesome book that blends history and propaganda while also being well written and interesting

>> No.18631640

checked and corecked

>> No.18631648

Read La Bible amusante if you want to know

>> No.18631671

The snake is not the devil. Genesis says its a beast of the field that god created. Its a snake and the story explains why snakes dont have legs anymore.

>> No.18631685
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Just read Tolstoy's version where he edits out all of the supernatural stuff and turns Jesus into a philosopher.

>> No.18631687

It's a creature that rebelled against God so it's Satan

>> No.18631703


>> No.18631705

What kind of retarded take is this. If that was true dont you think God would have said so when he curses the serpent?
So the Lord God said to the serpent, “Because you have done this,

“Cursed are you above all livestock
and all wild animals!
You will crawl on your belly
and you will eat dust
all the days of your life.
15 And I will put enmity
between you and the woman,
and between your offspring[a] and hers;
he will crush[b] your head,
and you will strike his heel.”

>cursed are you above all livestock and above all animals
Your schizo satan theory is not anywhere in Genesis

>> No.18631751

The verses you posted is about how humans (the offspring of Adam and Eve) will destroy evil (the snake) but the evil will strike back when being purged.

You are too dumb for the Bible anon please go back to YA

>> No.18631752
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Talk to any Rabbi or Jew about Satan and the Devil and you will see where Christianity begins over Judaism
1:06 Jews have their ancient words and Christians have their Greek words
The Jews have Jewish ideas that are not Greek. Christ was a Greek conceptual framer. Jews have no Father in heaven, no trinity, no afterlife all that is Greek.

>> No.18631764

>Christ started with the Greeks
Christ! One more reason to love Him.

>> No.18631777

No schizo it explains why snakes crawl on their belly and are cursed above all LIVESTOCK and WILD ANIMALS. Do you see the word evil in god's speech? Or the word satan? Is the word satan or devil anywhere in the book of genesis?
Garden of eden also explains why men and women get married, why the word for woman is isha in hebrew compared to man ish, why men have to farm and why childbirth hurts for women and a bunch of other shit. Genesis is full of etiologies like this throughout the entire book

>> No.18631805

The Jewish history portions of the Old Testament are probably at least in part propaganda directed towards neighbours of the Jewish kingdom. I wouldn't trust the early church history as it is portraited in the new testament either, or portrayal of pagans.

>> No.18631812
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>Our neighboring kingdoms the Moabites and Ammonites are the result of drunk incest in a cave

>> No.18631816

>conduct a hostile anti-Sauline reading and penetrate Jewish Jesus
tell me more...

>> No.18631823

You need more IQ points to deserve a reply anon

>> No.18631836

Yeah >>18631812
forgot to references this. It's clearly just a political dis to dehumanize the enemy, in a way.

>> No.18631837

evil linguists like noam chomsky who believe language have meaning created language

]bad as philosphers like lifhtensten affirm language means nothing and thus nothing meands nothing (proveablely) fusck foucaULTSA AND TELL ME TNHE TURTH

>> No.18631853

take your meds and learn to read

>> No.18631862

if you were a believer you'd believe all of it was the real, indisputed truth

>> No.18631907

>mumbo jumbo
Everyone laugh at this secular plebeian

>> No.18632046
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>> No.18632100
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Jefferson did it first and better

>> No.18632819


>> No.18633665

Its all real however some books were not included in the canon established by the 5th century that were found in the dead sea scrolls which itself has writings dated to before that

>> No.18633704

thats the humor of it

>> No.18635197

Anyone into that MythVision YouTube channel? Some of their stuff is pretty interesting.

>> No.18635381

>Religion is a tool used by the elites to control the masses
And that’s a good thing, grow up

>> No.18635389

bro religion is like the opium of the masses man...
>hits bong and turns netflix on

>> No.18635416
File: 134 KB, 1653x949, Bible way to Heaven with Prayer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

friendly reminder to /lit/ that eternal life is the free gift of God. if you want to receive it, and be 100% sure that you'd go to heaven, watch this short gospel video.

it's very easy to get to heaven anons


>> No.18635503

Jesus told his apostles that the apocalypse would take place in their lifetimes.

But it didn't. How does that alone not cast suspicion upon him?

>> No.18635514

pretty sure you are suppose to take all of it as the truth if you truly desire salvation through the end of times

>> No.18635528

It means “uncover, disclose, reveal.” In late 14th century Church Latin, it became “revelation.” In Middle English, its general sense was “insight” or “vision.” Its usage as “a cataclysmic event” is modern.

>> No.18635554
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>> No.18635566

>Bullshit cope detected

Whatever floats your boat brother, enjoy your mental gymnastics my man.

>> No.18635567

That was a very nice video ty for posting

>> No.18635587

>Pastor Anderson

Why am I not in the least bit surprised?

>> No.18635653

But it kinda did when Rome got fed up with the Pharisses and destroyed the 2nd Temple

>> No.18635680

That's not apocalypse, that's romans doing agood thing fror once.

>> No.18635711

>implying apocalypse means literal end of the world
Agree about the romans though

>> No.18635757
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>he thinks meaning of words do not change over time
enjoy suffering over being confused about how the world works because you got filtered by your low nigger tier IQ of yours

>> No.18635762
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