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18630289 No.18630289 [Reply] [Original]

The inability to die in a war is the most heinous crime comitted towards my generation.

>> No.18630298

>The inability to die in a war is the most heinous crime
kys urself nigger

>> No.18630301


>> No.18630311
File: 105 KB, 725x917, 1372016837627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being able to die at your absolute peak, with the entire horizon of possibilities never set in stone
>dying for virtue and ideals
>dying with the innocent naivety that your death was meaningful

Can't wait to die in old age as a decaying rotten husk shitting in diapers and being smacked around by nurses who are just wishing I'd hurry up and die already.

>> No.18630334

I don't resent the fact I'll never die in war. I resent that I'll never commit war crimes and retire in Peru.

>> No.18630351

Just declare war on whatever you want you spineless worm.

>> No.18630361

Filthy fucking sheltered faggot
Go move to central Africa and suck the cock of some private security contractor. And then fuck around with native militias.

>> No.18630365

you can still do it in multiple places, even in Europe like Ukraine and Russia. or in south america with drug lords.

>> No.18630382


>> No.18630390

You know you can die young in modern society of other causes than suicide

>> No.18630395

Theres some wars going on right now. You can achieve your dream of being killed like cattle RIGHT NOW.
Obviously you wont do that. Pussy
Didnt they retire to argentina?

>> No.18630397

Who's they? I'm going to Peru.

>> No.18630405

Why there?

>> No.18630449
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OEF 09-10.
Get fucked zoomer. You'll get the chance to put your money where your mouth is soon enough.

>> No.18630460

I don’t want to die in a war. I just want to fight in one.
I want to reach 40 then I can die, but if it had to happen before then, then dying in a war probably would be the only acceptable way.
Plus we won’t have a virtuous bellum iustun war anyway. There is no proper cause to die for anyway. Its all capitalist or marxist horseshit. Honorable ears died with national incentives outside the economic not being permissible. Its what makes Vietnam’s wars still so cool.

>> No.18630462

How? Bearing in mind it has to be a dignified death, not ODing on heroin

>> No.18630474

>tfw conscripted into the army
>tfw thrown into armour
>tfw punished over everything by conscript officers
>tfw claustrophobic

>> No.18630477
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Fuck yeah. Who else here is a raging alcoholic?

>> No.18630538


>> No.18630545

The one that kills me does have to give me a part of bis soul while doing so, I don't want it to ne a spic.

>> No.18630589

Imagine being this cucked by war and the elites that send you into certain death.

>> No.18630622

Obviously not what OP is talking about. You can sign up to do this right now

>> No.18630632

Spend some time reading accounts of people at war. You will do just about anything to avoid being in the situation. There's nothing fulfilling about it. It's just you watching your friends die all around you and murdering people you don't know.

>> No.18630636

>Muh born in the wrong generation
>Muh noble death
Do what the other anon said >>18630351 or stop whining. Also dying for some fat retard on a throne is the most cucked thing you can imagine.

>> No.18630640

Brian and his dumbfuck dad are just absolutely clueless. Always bitching and whining.

If I had the weapons, the money and preparation I would kill my sister and handicapped father right this minute and go on a cross country murder spree. I don't cause I would get caught immediately and I am no dumbfuckkkk

>> No.18630647

Actual soldiers laughed at this skinny midgets sudoku.

>> No.18630693

No it isn't. You can and should still become a soldier in modern times, and mature warriors such as Cincinnatus or Ernst Jünger will always affirm the value of a peaceful life that includes the cultivation of military virtue and readiness. The actual problem of modern life is the decadence of the peacetime or 'peacetime' condition, not the absence of war.

>> No.18630698

I want to die of aids

>> No.18630731
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>We have to go back!

>> No.18630738
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Such a basic bitch understanding of Mishima, you just get back from skimming his wikipedia article?

>> No.18630763

why do people idolize this turbomanlet DYEL who frequented gay bars?

>> No.18630782
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Join the army.

>> No.18630787


>> No.18630811

You can go to iraq, sounds like a heroic death :)

>> No.18630814

Who would want to die in a modern war. Its all a joke now

>> No.18630818
File: 6 KB, 293x172, download (50).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am so glad I didnt die fighting for my people, dying in diapers like demented baby being ignored by nog nurses is so much better

>> No.18630821

Yeah no shit, it always was.

>> No.18630829
File: 258 KB, 1280x949, 2075785_full-helmuth-von-moltke-quotes-peace-wrathofgnon-perpetual-peace-is-a-dream-and-not-a-pleasant-one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absence of war brought the decadence of peacetime

>> No.18630879
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Just shut the fuck up dude.

>> No.18630909
File: 189 KB, 1280x842, Quote - Deutsch Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The idea of a deliberate sacrifice of self, which will occur in slaughter anyway, because soldierly rearing and military training is partly being trained for death as all people in military command structures understand, because military life is where emotions are heightened to a degree which civilian life can no longer cope with the exertions, particularly the moral exertions which are required.

>> No.18630948

This seems hardly correct, considering that the most decadent nation of the world, America, is also the most bellicose.

>> No.18630955
File: 976 KB, 290x231, 3B88EC2A-3801-464B-9E3D-9F238836F5AB.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simply love too see fat aristocratic fucks wax on about how wars are heckin valid and hella epic while troops bleed out in their own shit and piss on the front

>> No.18630976

Officers do that too, except for the shit and the piss.

>> No.18630981

drone bombing milddle eastern children and hospitals from the safety of your local McDonalds isnt really war

>> No.18631022

Why, exactly, do you think it would be good to give your life for a nameless, faceless state that with each passing year asserts more control over your time, your space, your privacy, your property, your family, and your very thoughts and feelings? Why is that a good thing?

>> No.18631025

Enough with the bait threads

>> No.18631028

Yeah 'actual soliders' who had their ranks purged and were entirely subservient to Americans. Not a great point mate.

>> No.18631041

I'd rather the gay sex bait threads like this one, instead of the fascist bait threads like Jordan Peterson.

>> No.18631068

Who said you have to fight for the US you dumb American retard

Faggot spotted

>> No.18631075

What is your ideal war?

>> No.18631097

Before WW2, young Europeans went to fight and die against Franco, without any support from their governments, and so can you. Just choose your Battlefield and go die there, there's no shortage of conflicts, you would make a fine somalian pirate.
>Hard mode: enter the French Foreign Legion, become a Frog by blood spilt

>> No.18631124

>Faggot spotted
>I'd rather have JP threads
I fuck men mate. You're the faggot.

>> No.18631142

you have no idea who Moltke is and a quick wiki search won’t enlighten you properly.

>> No.18631145

I just think war seems it might be at least interesting. Every other aspect of normal life is boring and disappointing.

>> No.18631169

It most definitely is war. You might argue that it is dishonorable or meaningless, but there is no definition of warfare that excludes the use of superior force of arms or attacks on civilians. Both have been part of warfare from the beginning, and if something, they've become a less common part of it during modern times.

>> No.18631192

Hahaha, they went to fight for Franco too you nonce.
The FFL is for gypsies and criminals.

>> No.18631245
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>This seems hardly correct, considering that the most decadent nation of the world, America, is also the most bellicose. Krauts pre45 had a proper revered warrior culture.
Murica has no martial or warrior culture. Both This is why they outlawed (((aggressive war))) lol.

They are glorified world Jannies

>this faggot
Moltke literally created modern warfare as we know it. Even princes as late as WWI, WWII were fight in the army on the front lines.

>> No.18631274

>Murica has no martial or warrior culture.
What a retarded statement. I bet you come from Romania or some gypsy country.

>> No.18631288

>Murica has no martial or warrior culture.

This was not the argument, though. That America is decadent was the starting point. The argument was that a lack of war created the decadence of America. America has and has not had a lack of war, including aggressive war and a low-level civil conflict, yet it is decadent. Therefore, the argument is false.

>> No.18631292

here we go with excuses, more reasons to sadpost your faggy wojaks eh?

>> No.18631297

Sky diving or shooting up a mosque do it for you?

>> No.18631303
File: 931 KB, 446x550, 1625469971292.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay now keep drinking piss beer, eating mcshit burgers, watching talmundvision, kneeling before tyrone and you guys are literally Rome 2.0

>> No.18631310
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based, this is why I smoke almost two packs per day now.

>> No.18631319
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>that vid
Dear God...

>> No.18631325

Not like any wars past ancient Roman ones and the initial Muslim jihads were worth dying in.

>> No.18631328

I'm not American. But clearly that video doesn't represent 'warriors' of the US, every population has a group with a slave mentality.

>> No.18631331


>wrath of Gnon

into the trash it goes.

>> No.18631338

I swear the average iq of lit users drops everyday with the increasing number of faggot migrants present. If you're deracinated then no wonder you can't see why there's any meaning or worth in fighting in X war

>> No.18631402

All states are the same. Focus on your family.

>> No.18631424

t. American

>> No.18631432

I would like to die in a war out of principle.

>> No.18631442


>> No.18631443

Name a recent war that was worth dying for.

>> No.18631445

All of them

>> No.18631448
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>american "warriors"

>> No.18631469
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My only fear is the US civil war will start when I'm like 60 and won't be able to participate. Imagine sitting down with your friends and hand picking the traitors on social media who have destroyed your country. Imagine you and your friends storming Fox, CNN or some other media conglomerate HQ and executing these traitors while using their own equipment to advertise the consequences of subverting your home nation.

>> No.18631472

You mean Antarctica right?

>> No.18631483

Unless you're 59 and 1/2 right now I wouldn't worry anon...

>> No.18631510

international travel has never been cheaper. you could buy a plane ticket to Syria and a go get shot RIGHT NOW. you could start a one man war on a local police station RIGHT NOW. but you won't because you're a fucking idiot larper. Niggers in Chicago are shooting each other up RIGHT NOW and you could get a piece of that action but you are a faggot playing pretend, not a warrior. So you won't.

>> No.18631532

Just join a boxing gym, lose some weight eat right and get a girlfriend. These silly fantasies are a product of your lack of doing anything.

>> No.18631533

Why do people say shit like this? War is obviously more than being shot at. If that’s all it was, I would just go to Southside Chicago, or hell, I would shoot myself.

>> No.18631535

Real bad motherfucker here. Tell us more, desperado.

>> No.18631536

Are you retarded? Do you have answer to the question or not?

>> No.18631545


>> No.18631573

American seething

>> No.18631583

People make fun of tards like OP because, almost without exception, they are do-nothing fantasizers who are whining about their conditions without making the best of them. They are indistinguishable from the weebs who wish they could get isekai'd into Naruto land or Dragon Ball Z or whatever. They are losers who have failed to integrate into the society they are in (regardless of the quality of that society) and prefer escapist fantasy. They have a fantasy impression of something they saw on TV or movies or a video game or epic poem or whatever ENTERTAINMENT MEDIA they choose and wish they could participate in something that doesn't exist and probably never existed. They want life to be a certain but without involving them having to really do anything hard or different.

>> No.18631596

So…no? You don’t have an answer to my question then?

>> No.18631607

>Why do people say shit like this?
see >>18631583

>> No.18631624

Doesn’t even answer the question obviously being asked. Which is why people say stuff like “Oh, you want to die in a war? Why don’t you go totally die in this thing that’s not even a war or this other thing that’s only technically a war that you have no stake in?” Seems pretty retarded to me to not only say that, but not understand that’s what’s being asked about…

>> No.18631660


>> No.18631672

It’s not.

>> No.18631688

Literally who?

>> No.18631700

>This is why they outlawed (((aggressive war))) lol.
Like Rome did you fucking retard

>> No.18631712

greatest general of the 19th century post Napoleonic era.

>> No.18631749

>just wishing I'd hurry up and die already.

Well, I mean, by the time a person is in a nursing home, EVERYONE is just waiting for them to die, that person included. The staff is waiting for you to die, your family who doesn't care enough about you to take care of you is waiting for you to die, and you're waiting for you to die.

I don't know why they don't just end it, but it's probably because then the life insurance policy won't pay out.

>> No.18631788

>The inability to die in a war
>They want life to be a certain
if anything its the opposite, life has became too certain, which is one of the things that makes war appealing. You are basically 97% guarantueed to end up like >>18630311 said. Also war is the ultimate remedy for escapist fantasies that most people indulge in on daily basis, since it evokes the primal urge to of superior to assert dominance over inferior which is always present in nature

>> No.18631903

>Well, I mean, by the time a person is in a nursing home, EVERYONE is just waiting for them to die, that person included.
Then why the nursing home in the first place?

>> No.18631927

How many people do you think felt the same way and signed up for war only to end up in a pool of their own blood and shit wishing they could take it all back?

>> No.18631946

But what if it’s like diving into ice water. I can say here and now that I want to jump into ice water but once I feel that cold water hit my skin, my body and brain are going to beg for me to get out and wish I never did it. Does that mean I never should’ve jumped?

>> No.18631953
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america has a kneeling culture

>> No.18632009

It's pretty clear the only people who ever wanted to go to war were either warlords who got to keep most of the looting and women to themselves or faggot alienated larpers like OP who are just bored of their lives. When Agamemnon tests his soldiers by telling them they can leave and they all pack up almost immediately because they want to go back to their families and not die in a pointless war over some random whore.

>> No.18632132

I want to die in a war but it just so happens that modern wars aren’t worth dying in. Kys larper

>> No.18632139

Let's take bets on OP's age.

My guess is 17

>> No.18632156

You’re dying. Wtf difference does it make if it turns out to be worth it or not? You won’t be here to see it.

>> No.18632183

You mean the moon right?

>> No.18632204

bum-rushing poland on meth was probably dope ngl. retreating from soviet ukraine in a rain of bombs and shells not as much

>> No.18632240

cool quote still btfo by french and anglos

>> No.18632272

These things have their place I guess but I wish just once we could have a thread with a picture of Mishima, that actually understands, or wants to understand Mishima, and talks about something relevant to his writing, Japanese writing broadly, anything. It always draws me in to leave me disappointed.

Do I want to die in a war? Yes. You had me at die. /thread. Now let’s talk about literature.

>> No.18632549

>I wish just once we could have a thread with a picture of Mishima, that actually understands, or wants to understand Mishima, and talks about something relevant to his writing, Japanese writing broadly
there is thread like this almost every week. lurk more

>> No.18632615

You're just too weak to cut it. If you can't persevere in any environment then you deserve to succumb to it.

>> No.18632646

1) you are a turbo faggot
2) you need to be 18 or older in order to post here
3) technically you can still go and die in war. (but modern wars are cowardly and meaningless. or maybe they were always like this, maybe the wars in history were never as glorious as we thought.)
anyways, god i fucking wish you larping kids were born in middle east or something.

>> No.18632659

15 and grew up without a proper father figure, takes stuff posted on 4chinz too seriously, needs to stop posting and socialise before it's too late. Or a woman larping as man.

>> No.18632719

No there’s not. They’re almost exactly the same as this one, some sort of mischaracterization of his ideas or shallow talking about his books like “this is good and this isn’t good”.

>> No.18633413

>Or a woman larping as man.
This would definitely explain the worship of a melodramatic fruit.

>> No.18633486

well its hard to say how good arguments are but /lit/ talks about sun and steel, sailor who fell from grace of the sea, temple of golden pavillion, confession of mask fairly often

>> No.18633496

Yeah but it talks about them like “Sailor That Fell…is good” or “The Temple.. is not good” or “It’s based”. Hardly a discussion. Meanwhile, there’s actually quite a lot to talk about.

>> No.18633505

Check out this anti-life physiology

>> No.18633647

Screaming for your mom while you try to stop your guts from falling out of your body all while writhing in agony in the cold mud is so based!!

>> No.18633653

>NPCs ITT trying to understand honour, soul, and dignity

>> No.18633658

There’s a reason why almost every war book from WW1 on is critical of it.

>> No.18633666

War is not pleasant, but the prospect that war exists creates a goal in defending one's nation even if war never breaks out. We live in soulless times where there's no interest in spirit, which is matched by the incredible rise in mental illnesses. These are pathetic times.

>> No.18633670

aren't the actual veterans of the war usually pacifists in japan?

>> No.18633684

No. The veterans of the war came back and defended it. Japanese pacifists are generally Marxist intellectuals who were pacifists before the war as well.
You can look at surveys of voting patterns etc. in the United States as well, since they're up to date, but pacifists are almost universally people who have had no experience of war, while people who have had experience of war think of it as something either unpleasant but necessary or genuinely enjoyable. Jocko Willink, who I'm sure you've heard of, talks about how much fun he had in Iraq all the time, and I've heard other veterans talk about how they miss the frontline as well.

>> No.18633702
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Join the army and go to Afghanistan. What are you on about? War hasn't ceased, they'll ship you right over asap.

>> No.18633723

Anon do you know there are many ways to join a fighting army?
if the cause doesn't matter you can join some islamists, or a cartel/gang

interwar germany relly was gret after all

>> No.18633758

>Anon do you know there are many ways to join a fighting army?
>if the cause doesn't matter you can join some islamists, or a cartel/gang
You don't get it anon, that's ok

>> No.18633777

Literally no difference between the fights between modern gangs and city states of past besides gangs being unable to do it as much in the open

>> No.18633784

Like I said, you don't understand this part of human experience that relates to fighting for one's own.

>> No.18633800

Gang members fight for their own, they're probably closer to the classical idea of a warrior than any modern soldier as they're treated as heroes and get the spoils of wars looted from their foes

>> No.18633810

One's own refers to blood. You don't get it.

>> No.18633870

the average gang member is probably as closely related to each other as the average squad one

>> No.18633894

Ok anon, most of us are not related to gang members and are not interested in gangsta crap that is against the culture of our nation. You clearly can't grasp what the thread is about

>> No.18633917

>its "americans cant understand concept of blood and soil" episode

>> No.18633950

I think the Americans are the only people who understand it even a little bit at this point.

>> No.18633988

Unlikely. Most americans have no connection to their land, no heritage and culture beyond most superficial consumerism. I can trace my lineage seven centuries back to austrian nobles. Of course one cant understand what it means to give life for his country when his parents got there 50 years ago. Which is why saying just go die in gang war or Syria sounds so obscene.

>> No.18634004

The problem isn't Americans. There are tons of Americans who understand what you mean. The problem is that you're arguing with a liberal.

>> No.18634341

they have literally left the place you idiot.
20 years btw

>> No.18634373

I'd also like to die in a war. Maybe I will volunteer for the PLA in the Taiwan Liberation Conflict.

>> No.18635271
File: 188 KB, 865x1400, B95672D6-0B5E-420F-923F-A0AF58F8DCD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dying in a war is nothing cool. Unless it is to defend your family or ideal, it is meaningless. And dying is not cool either way.

You all retarded larpers who would shit their pants in actual combat.

>> No.18635288

>Dying in a war is nothing cool

only somewhat true, the manner that YOU will die will be in the war that has been ongoing since the dawn of man. you will die oblivious to this war, believing you were never part of it. dying valiantly in full combat regalia with a weapon in one's hand will always be cool, you've just given up on it to live the desperate life of a quiet gay man and japanese-inspired pedophile. the Grand War will continue without you.

>> No.18635292


Men have never went to war for the sake of an honorable death, that's a misunderstanding of honor

>> No.18635314

Bent double, like old beggars under sacks,
Knock-kneed, coughing like hags, we cursed through sludge,
Till on the haunting flares we turned our backs,
And towards our distant rest began to trudge.
Men marched asleep. Many had lost their boots,
But limped on, blood-shod. All went lame; all blind;
Drunk with fatigue; deaf even to the hoots
Of gas-shells dropping softly behind.

Gas! GAS! Quick, boys!—An ecstasy of fumbling
Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time,
But someone still was yelling out and stumbling
And flound’ring like a man in fire or lime.—
Dim through the misty panes and thick green light,
As under a green sea, I saw him drowning.

In all my dreams before my helpless sight,
He plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning.

If in some smothering dreams, you too could pace
Behind the wagon that we flung him in,
And watch the white eyes writhing in his face,
His hanging face, like a devil’s sick of sin;
If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood
Come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs,
Obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud
Of vile, incurable sores on innocent tongues,—
My friend, you would not tell with such high zest
To children ardent for some desperate glory,
The old Lie: Dulce et decorum est
Pro patria mori.


>> No.18635325

There's a fine line between dying in a heroic charge in a victorious battle and dying in a horrific war camp and being eaten by your Japanese camp guards. Or being invalided out of the war and then dying randomly when the enemy bombs your city.

>> No.18635883

so instead of doing something meaningful (to you) with your life, you will just live a mediocre shitty life and follow mindlessly whatever path has been set up for you? You have such a distorted and life-denying view of reality, probably due to spending all day in front of a computer.

>Can't wait to die in old age as a decaying rotten husk shitting in diapers and being smacked around by nurses who are just wishing I'd hurry up and die already
No one else is responsible for that but you.

>> No.18635887

Fuck war. It is a higher aspiration to promote peace and the mutual prosperity of man.

>> No.18635888

it always was about fighting for the interests of the people in power who don't care about you as an individual other than the taxes you pay. Don't be naive.

>> No.18635920

OP how do you feel about the idea Germany was stabbed in the back?

>> No.18635936

there are many retards on 4chan

>> No.18636207

Literally nothing is stopping you faggots from dying for Israel are whatever.
Thinking that war was "based" for the average participant is completely retarded.

Also read some homo sacer for answers as to why the state doesn't want you to die for him anymore today but rather stay alive(for whatever it's worth).

>> No.18636855

This. There is no point in communicating with people on the different side of spectrum unless you're discussing pragmatic solutions. Other than that, we have completely different innate axioms that inform all our beliefs and thoughts.

>> No.18636861

I'm sure you can find another way to die for Israel.

>> No.18636949

Nothing glorious or honorable about war after WW1. The idea of rotting to death in a trench surrounded by the corpses of your friends or getting wipped out in a second by a missile sounds misserable to me.

>> No.18637008

You think people didn’t rot in trenches before world war 1?

>> No.18637017

>Dying in a war is nothing cool
It’s easy the coolest way to die even now in 2021. What’s the alternative? A heart attack at 80 in some hospice facility where a poor nurse has the unpleasant responsibility of removing your adult diapers from your decrepit-before-death corpse? Getting shot by some thug for your wallet while walking your dogs early in the morning? A car accident with a drunk driver? It seems obvious to me.

>> No.18637035

Would you spare me? Nobody cares about your ancestry.com report and it certainly doesn’t make you hardy. Meanwhile, many Americans live in rural areas, in harsh ecologies, where life is still hard and to be thick skinned and resilient is a requirement. One can’t understand what it means even though it happened many times in American history. Your clueless and your spiel about your lineage is just obnoxious. People like you embarrass me.

>> No.18637039
File: 178 KB, 679x1024, die-for-israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, Goy...
You can die for "the middle East" anytime you like, you've had 21 years in Afghanistan alone...

>> No.18637043

People who say responses like this have a low-middle IQ at best.

>> No.18637051
File: 325 KB, 1089x1487, Biden-JQ copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but Child Ridin' Biden and his Globalist masters will have us back there toot sweet...

>> No.18637181


>> No.18637206

Imagine being so boring that the noblest aspiration you can imagine is dying in a foreign country for the economic and political interests of an anonymous elite. Also if you really want to die in a war there are ample opportunities today.

>> No.18637214

That is unironically, unequivocally, without question, the single least boring thing I could possibly think of.

>> No.18637235

War is undoubtedly exciting, just as any fight or survival situation is. What I mean is that anyone who yearns to die in a war only does so because they lead a dull and mediocre life.

>> No.18637243

>they lead a dull and mediocre life
Yeah. And?

>> No.18637262

Some people tend to dislike it when they are not even allowed to die the way they want, anon. Maybe you are content living like a dog until the very end, but unfortunately we are not all like you.
I am going to ignore your strawman for now. Why don't you tell us more about your exciting life instead, anon? In fact, what do you consider to be an exciting life in general?

>> No.18637265

Fucking do something about it. There is nothing inherently noble about war, but if you really want to fight and die, as I said there are many options and I encourage you to investigate them.

>> No.18637266


War is sweet to those who have no experience of it.


>> No.18637283

I'm an acclaimed artist currently showing in New York and Oslo

>> No.18637295

What's exciting about that? You didn't answer either of my questions.
>There is nothing inherently noble about war
This is wrong btw. War calls forth self-mastery and every virtue. Very few things are as demanding or high stakes as war is.
I am yet to see a single proponent of war who thinks it is "sweet". No offense, but you are probably both a coward and a retard, anon.

>> No.18637303

First of all, there’s nothing noble about the alternative either but elaborate then. What’s so exciting that it’s a better alternative?

>> No.18637309
File: 21 KB, 364x374, cant mossad the assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For almost the whole of last decade you could have fought for based Assad. Why didn't you?

>> No.18637333

>debate me

>> No.18637339
File: 205 KB, 1200x1806, 48dfa5b506541d7cbc754f631863861b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only is there no worthwhile war to die in, there's also no worthwhile nation to die for
everywhere is a fucking shithole these days

>> No.18637351

>implying it would be better to be disemboweled by a spear on the fields o Troy because your king was mad that he got cucked

>> No.18637365

would rather that than dying in the middle east just for my gay government to replace me with a Pakistani

>> No.18637390

Well then you're a complete for not seeing that these scenarios are functionally the same

>> No.18637415

I don't want to "debate you", I just think that you are a retard, a coward and a bugman. This means that you are, naturally, incapable of understanding people like OP. I thought that it would be a good idea to expose this fact, so that OP doesn't erroneously assume that there's something "wrong" with him or whatever. Anyway, your avoidance has already proved all of my assumptions about you right, so I am going to rest my case now. Cheers anon.
It's ok anon. Build your own community. You can do it.
Fun fact: if peace endured for too long, ancient Hellenic youth would riot and destroy their own cities themselves, until the governers would accede to their demands and declare war on someone. Similarly, after diplomacy in the Hellenic world became too rigid for regular aggressive warfare, enormous multitudes of men volunteered to fight as mercenaries and participated in the remaining, large wars between the still-independent and powerful city-states.

>> No.18638131

youll be filled with regret when youre struggling to breathe, trust me

>> No.18638413

this is it, the best response in the thread.

>> No.18638429

You can always do what Mishima himself did

>> No.18638443

What are you talking about?
Theres been the iraq war, the afganistan war and probably some other wars.
If you want to go to war just join the army or marines.
Theyll come up with another war.

>> No.18638512

Most warriors are closet homos because they spend too much time with other fit attractive men.

>> No.18639133

>>debate me
Fucking based

>> No.18639183

It's all internet nerds affecting machismo itt, they have no interesting in soldiering. They lack any irl frame of reference for masculinity, which is why they obsess over a queeny japanese man who killed himself.