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File: 226 KB, 940x788, stoicism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18622659 No.18622659 [Reply] [Original]

>stop doing stuff
>stop caring
>surrender to caesar
>why would you want freedom or wealth beyond subsistence when you have logic and god? :^)
>dude if you're sad or depressed it's your fault lmao
Why the fuck has this meme philosophy been gaining so much popularity during the last few years?

>> No.18622667

So you don't tell your boss to F off. Perfectly compatible with the system.

>> No.18622977

>dude if you're sad or depressed it's your fault lmao
this is 100% true

>> No.18623026

>>surrender to caesar
The stoics killed Caesar.
>>stop doing stuff
The stoics like did stuff
>>why would you want freedom or wealth beyond subsistence when you have logic and god? :^)
Did someone forget to tell the bugman that he can't take his ps5 with him when he dies? Materialism doesn't make sense if material doesn't last forever.

>> No.18623038
File: 26 KB, 584x525, 02674113-4703-443E-AAE9-E4951D113508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stoicism is about letting go of shit you can’t control, not letting go of everything.
It’s coming to terms with the fact that the ubermench does not exist and you are not him.

>> No.18623048

you can't take anything when you die idiot

>> No.18623188

Ah, it's that anon misrepresenting Stoicism again. :)

How do you do today?

Consume this philosophy properly, not in its memefied, popularized version of the zeitgeist.

In short, don't get your philosophy from Reddit or YT.

>> No.18623197

try reading The Practicing Stoic if you are not a complete troll and actually want justification of this philosophy's merit.

>> No.18624372

Calling it meme philosophy does not do it justice. It has completely been assraped by average normie pop psy/philosophy media to a point where the modern day normie stoic is literally a cuck (not joking on this one)
That's not to say the original philosophy was any better, if you're into religious superstition then it's definitely compatible with your world view but to anyone with common sense it's cowardly to take the easy way out by cultivating apathy to shield from pain.

t. Wasted time reading Meditations (lol), Letters from a stoic and Discourses + Enchiridion

>> No.18624587

did a stoic fuck your mom or something? why keep making these threads?

>> No.18624618

Reminder that Epicureanism and Pyrrhonism are the only good philosophies from Hellenistic times.

>> No.18624629

>but accepting that I'm not omnipotent and there are things out of my control is KEKOLDRY!!!!!!!
the only criticism that ever gets levelled against stoicism here

>> No.18624808

That's what I said

>> No.18624918

lmao stoics coping and seething.
This >>18622667 also it help you to be productive, get things done and be "successful", that why normie love it. But that is without questioning anything; absolutely disgusting

>> No.18625115
File: 118 KB, 748x489, 1594432266933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Wasted time reading Meditations (lol), Letters from a stoic and Discourses + Enchiridion

>> No.18625434

>dude if you're sad or depressed it's your fault lmao
you are the sole interpreter of your reality

>> No.18625720

i dont subscribe to aristocratic philosophies. i am a common man, not a wealthy well-heeled man of means, so stoicism isn't for me. it's for the 1%.

>> No.18625851
File: 5 KB, 290x43, Literati.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18625939

>>surrender to caesar
Cato was the staunchest Stoic and he did the opposite, historylet.

>> No.18625964

>stoics killed Caesar
Nothing stoic about the pompeians. Elitist sons of dogs that were assmad at Gaius' unsurpassed glory and genius more like

>> No.18625994

Ever heard of Brutus? He even was Cato's son-in-law.

>> No.18626001

Is pompeian the term used for Pompey's followers? I'm just imagining the citizens of Pompeii somehow killing Caesar with Mt Vesuvius

>> No.18626016


> Stoicism is about letting go of shit you can’t control

Defining what you can't control is highly subjective and in practice leads to inaction. The stoic would prescribe to a man troubled by the politics of his day to focus on himself and his immediate circle of influence. Which is good practical advice for most people, but Napoleon certainly wouldn't take it. You could also argue that bearing the burdens of climbing up the social ladder as Napoleon did followed stoic principals. Stoicism is a directionless philosophy and tends to morph to the existing temperament of it's practitioner. The measure of a man boils down to whether his irrational impulses at based or not, stoicism will not cure cowardice.

>> No.18626019

Doesn't make him a stoic. The Junii were prominent and influential, not paragons of roman virtues.

>> No.18626235

Literally spearheaded the stoic opposition. They actively rebelled against tyranical emperors. Aurelius came along and brought prosperity. But I guess you're right, they didn't do anything.

>> No.18626511

>this is what happens when you get your history from an HBO show

>> No.18626530

the founder of stoicism (Zeno) was a destitute man who lost literally everything he owned in a shipwreck. it's not a "philosophy for aristocrats"

>> No.18626542

they're never going to do that. these threads will never end

>> No.18626584
File: 42 KB, 629x542, B3ADF584-A56E-434F-BB4F-F1117039F7B1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say his legacy left a net positive on history?

>> No.18626953

all the stoics you've actually read were rich and powerful dudes. an emperor, a multimillionaire with political connections, the head of a school. you're being cucked into accepting your station by people whose station is way better than yours

>> No.18627107

>Which is good practical advice for most people, but Napoleon certainly wouldn't take it.
Yes, and Napoleon ended up losing. Compare that to Lord Nelson. "There is little wrong a captain can do so long as he places his ship alongside the enemy." Yes, although he gave his life, the victory at Trafalgar secured Britain's dominance of the seas.