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18623120 No.18623120 [Reply] [Original]

Do you think it’s weird that he’s 41 years old?

>> No.18623123

No. I think it's weird that anyone listens to what he has to say.

>> No.18623131

Literally who?

>> No.18623133



>> No.18623137

I think he doesnt lie and the people that hate him curiously all do. Dont know who he is or what his game is but I fucking despise liars so he's good in that sense

>> No.18623147

He lies plenty. He doesn't even show his face, for example.

>> No.18623154

You just said that without showing your face therefore you were lying

>> No.18623157

Not showing your face is not lying. What is a specific thing you think he lies about? He is honest about every taboo our ruling class has as far as I can tell. Again I would not vouch for him as a person because I have no idea who he is but he is honest about the things he says, and I am so disgusted by the incredible mendacity of almost everyone that that gives him a lot of points for me

>> No.18623167

His shits out boomer talking points on his twitter so it wouldn't surprise me if he is in his 40's. Still think it's funny that he makes Kantbot cope and seethe by just doing nothing at all.

>> No.18623169
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>> No.18623182
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>> No.18623202

no. is aging weird? did you expect him to 'age out' of shitposting and being funny? weird how? elaborate.

>> No.18623217

This is a good reason to buy lottery tickets and scratchers if you are still in your 20s. After 30, brain MAO and amyloid increase, dopaminergic neurons decrease decade by decade. Within 15 years of your 40s you could be in a home with cancer. Theres really no point of saving money only to age and invariably die. The chance of it in young adulthood is worth more than its future investment.

>> No.18623221

Take your meds

>> No.18623226

I could sign up for a 401k and get 4.5% 100% matched but I won't. Imagine waiting until 59 and 1/2. Money won't have value to me then, it'll be too late.

>> No.18623247

That's not a take meds tier post unless you're talking about coping shit that makes morons simply not care like alcohol or opiates . It's a cogent assessment of the discounted evaluation of monetary value and life quality as life progesses and death/illness approach.

>> No.18623248

It was always obvious he wasn't that young since we have his posts on Salo from over ten years ago when he clearly wasn't a teenager either.
He's also very obviously not a body builder. In fact I don't think he has EVER claimed he was. He never talks about fitness, he never boasts about PRs or any of that shit. I wouldn't doubt the man has never benched more than a plate.
His book is still good. He himself and his Twitter feed are cringe as fuck.

>> No.18623249

Just throw your money into the stock market and see what happens.

>> No.18623381
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>His book is still good.

>> No.18623399

no man the scratchers are the only way, you could have cancer 25 years from now... think about it

>> No.18623415

I assume the photo he uses is one of himself.

>> No.18624457

why does a Romanian immigrant such as BAP feel he has a right to talk about the true racial character and stock of the American people. A Mexican or black has a million times more of a connection both through blood and history to the American state than a Romanian who parents got off the plane three decades ago.

>> No.18624499

>CIA is based guys
>militarism is based
It's neocons all the way down. The alt-right never even existed, it was all just various psyops to make sure racist incels keep voting republican. It was a marketing campaign based on market research.

>> No.18624524

I’m on the Smith and Wesson retirement plan and I plan on collecting before I’m 55 so there’s no problem here.

>> No.18624533

He talked a lot about looksmaxxing once. He said Brazil was the epitome of failed culture because it had a looksmaxxing culture that disappeared.

>> No.18624540

You are a retard if this is a serious comment.

>> No.18624557

answer the question then. By what right does a literal Romanian immigrant (first gen as well) complain about America and its racial stock. He is more of a foreigner to the land he lives in than any Mexican or black person.

>> No.18624581
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> 41 years old
> talks in zoomer

>> No.18624585

The idea is obviously that the true American stock is European you idiot.

>> No.18624590

> Mexicans lived on the dirt that America now sits on first
Means literally nothing at all.

>> No.18624610

> parents put you on a plane and fly from shithole country where the yearly income is $1.5k to take you to America
> grow up
> start talking about how your ancestors built this country and Mexicans and blacks need to gtfo
surely you see the issue here

>> No.18624619

Just give up. Racism operates like a psychological disorder.

>> No.18624631

Yes it does, you literal mongoloid.
No one should be a citizen or be allowed to talk about politics as an immigrant before their family has spent 3 generations in the country.

>> No.18624632

If all of that is true (I doubt it is), sure but the argument is really obvious in principle and you’re just intentionally circumnavigating it. The idea is that America is a nation for people of European stock, which would presumably include Romanians. Any idiot could plainly see that’s the argument so I don’t know why you’d play dumb. And simply saying “The mexicans lived on this dirt first” is neither a refutation nor even an argument. It’s not even particularly logical in its own right. So I still don’t see your point.

>> No.18624638

And these “Mexicans” that lived on the magic dirt before it was the country it is? They get an exception right?

>> No.18624659

Given that they've been here for more than 3 gens, probably longer than your ancestors, and were integrated (however poorly) into your Nation, they don't need a fucking exception.
Anyways, shut the fuck up, BAP would get wrecked by the first Mexican/Native/Whatever he'd voice his opinion to. If you need more to disregard him, you are even more retarded than him.

>> No.18624672

This guys name is costin alamariu and he's a Romanian immigrant to the USA. If you think that a literal Romanian immigrant has a right to talk about how California and Texas should be purged of Mexicans and be given to people such as him you are delusional. What right does he have to make such a comment. It's one thing to be an Anglo-American whose family dates back to the Mayflower and say this shit and another to be a literal first gen immigrant from Romania talking about how your ancestors were pioneers and warriors that built up America. Peak delusion.

>> No.18624676

>The idea is that America is a nation for people of European stock, which would presumably include Romanians.
The absolute state of delusion of Amerimutts.

>> No.18624695

Yet you specifically grant them a literal exception. The natives were driven off the land and they certainly weren’t had in mind when those documents, which were very specific, were drawn up.

He clearly believes the right is bestowed to him by virtue of being an American citizen of European stock. It’s really not that difficult to see.

Which part are you pretending to know anything about, who America is for or whether Romanians are Europeans?

>> No.18624719

>It's one thing to be an Anglo-American whose family dates back to the Mayflower
Why? If he was you'd just be talking about how "Anglo-American" and "Anglo-Saxon" are just Anti-Semitic constructs and the only real ethnicity is Jewishness.

>> No.18624731

nice strawman

>> No.18624735

>The natives were driven off the land
But then you made the mistake or saying you also own the land you drove them into, binding them into your Nation's fate and administration.

>He clearly believes the right is bestowed to him by virtue of being an American citizen of European stock
So, who'se the entitled little bitch then?

>Which part are you pretending to know anything about, who America is for or whether Romanians are Europeans?
Americans have no identity, and Romanians are white trash. What the fuck are you glossing about?

>> No.18624739

No. He’s be talking about how the stock of all 4 natives living in Pennsylvania would’ve been here longer so they’re the “real Americans”. It’s constant goal post shifting to avoid the actual premise being argued in favor of one that’s more convenient.

>> No.18624756

>But then you made the mistake or saying you also own the land you drove them into, binding them into your Nation's fate and administration.
This isn’t even fucking true you idiot. You’re talking about reservations which you’re clueless about and still not what’s being argued. He specifically said “Mexicans” implying natives broadly, who were as a matter of fact driven off American soil and not had in mind when the founders invoked a very specific group of people not were they had in mind when wars were fought over territory. How long they lived on the soil where America sits today or whether their reservations still exist within national borders is completely irrelevant and nonsensical to even bring up.

> So, who'se the entitled little bitch then?
So is that your counter argument then? That he’s wrong because he’s “an entitled little bitch”?

> What the fuck are you glossing about?
You are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.18624763

I see that as just another way to get at what I'm getting at. The Iroquois got to Virgina a decade before the English, therefore 50% negro 50% Huastec beaners should be allowed to flood into Wisconsin, and Somalis should be allowed to flood into Wales, because "Anglo-Saxon" isn't real (but "Jew" is, so Palestinians need to get out).

>> No.18624767

> be a literal romanian immigrant
> hop off the plane
> grow up
> talk about how america belongs to you because the plane you got off arrived from europe
> DEMAND that Mexicans-Americans who have been in the US for generations and blacks who have been in the US for centuries be deported
this is a reasonable position to hold for 4chan retards.

>> No.18624784

Mexicans are not "native" to the US in any way shape or form. They are native to Mexico.
>B-but Aztlan
Aztlan is in the present day state of Nayarit. Its usage to mean "The entirety of North America and Europe" by the Chicano movement is an invention of the 1970s by Chicanos attending California universities on US Federal Government scholarships.

>> No.18624791

BAP doesn't claim this.

>> No.18624793

First of all, you keep changing your story. First you say that his parents came here, then he’s been here for 3 generations, and now he came here straight off the plane from Romania himself. Which is it? It’s besides the point but it just highlights how you keep changing the details to fit your narrative.

Now to the point that renders this totally irrelevant, the idea is that America is a nation for Europeans. If we take Romanians to be Europeans and this man to be American, we could assume that in his view, he is American. Now regardless of how long those Mexicans have lived in present-day California, the argument is that Mexicans either can’t be or simply aren’t Americans, which none of you have refuted even in premise.

>> No.18624800

>Mexicans are not "native" to the US in any way shape or form. They are native to Mexico.
That’s why I said he, not me, was implying natives broadly, you illiterate.

>> No.18624824

Yeah. Same age as Roosh except had 0,00000001% of the sex roosh did and only with males

americans listen to him and americans aren't real people so technically nobody listens to what he has to say

>> No.18624831

>You’re talking about reservations which you’re clueless about and still not what’s being argued. He specifically said “Mexicans” implying natives broadly, who were as a matter of fact driven off American soil

> American Indian Appropriation act of 1851, setting all the Natives in American territories in Oklahoma

Holy shit you are dumb

>> No.18624834
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He looks like picrel while larping as a bodybuilder. He frequently posts roiders while claiming that he's "anti-toxins"
he has no idea what he's talking about, just plagiarized nietzsche and didn't even do it well

>> No.18624838

>First of all, you keep changing your story.
first of all you ape learn to follow a back and forth there's two guys you are talking with not just me. BAP came to the USA with his parents as a kid from Romania I've never claimed anything different.

> Mexicans either can’t be or simply aren’t Americans
Nobody except from the small selection of your online echo chamber believes that unless you are an American of european stock you aren't American. Even the most conservative Trump loving boomer considers Ralph Nader (Lebanese American), Danny Trejo (Mexican-American), Michael Jordan (black-American) to all be Americans.

If you really believe that a Romanian immigrant has a right to hop off a plane and consider himself a truer American with a greater connection to its history and land that a Mexican American or a Black American that's been there for generations you are not only delusional but in the extreme minority.

>> No.18624840

> Premise is retarded.
There, refuted.

>> No.18624891

The American stock is American (amerindian)

Delusions of a dying breed, let them be

>> No.18624904

Romanians aren't even white lol
That's why he advocates for sunbathing, his skin can handle it
His followers will get cancer lmao

>> No.18624906

He does. He parrots heartiste (firepower) and has admitted to doing so in leaked dms with a lib

>> No.18624927

>Romanians aren't even white lol
Yeah, Poles are white trash, Romanians aren't even on the scale.

>> No.18624964
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another buck for the breaking

>> No.18624969
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based dabbing on the scamflu and the clown cult.

>> No.18624970

when he likes tweets calling to "Retake California" with an image of a bunch of blonde people sunbathing what do you imagine the connotation is?

>> No.18624974

>that image
Do people actually think getting vaccinated for anything makes you 100% immune?

>> No.18624977

fpbp, he's a complete and utter pseud

>> No.18624979


>> No.18624988


>> No.18625015

Well, I've read his book and you haven't, so I can see where the issue is coming from, but he's probably butthurt that California is full of ugly and obese people instead of GLORIOUS BODYBUILDERS, KRAFTING FIZEEK IN NUDE.

Or he could be talking about driving Mexicrement back into the sea. You DO believe that "The United States" is an inherently racist and White Supremacist construct rooted in taking empty land and developing it into a country and that White people need to be punished for having done this, after all.

>> No.18625027

that's enough 4chan for you today Costin back to twitter with you

>> No.18625042

And gay. He's a twink hence why he doesn't bulk up
neckcel and cheekbonecel just like his breaker likes

>> No.18625046

If there's nothing wrong with burgers colonizing america then there's nothing wrong with somalians colonizing sweden germany france and uk
might makes right after all, no?

>> No.18625050

The fact that I share a board with people who take him seriously is pathetic

>> No.18625070

>He frequently posts roiders while claiming that he's "anti-toxins"
How can you tell by looking whether or not someone is on steroids?

>> No.18625086

Do people still think natural immunity isn't real?

>> No.18625095

It really is true that RW guys want a daddy tell them what to do

>> No.18625099

It's natural for young men to want a male mentor. This was very normal even in antiquity.

>> No.18625110

Very easy
>big (mass) AND lean
>huge traps
>huge quads while not flexing
>capped, round delts
there are other signs too but these are the basics. You should asks yourself, "if this person is like that without roids, then what would he look like if he did take roids?"
All of olympians are roided and all of wwe roster is roided as well you can take them as an example
Costing posting roiders means that he has no idea about actual bodybuilding, which means he's a DYEL
no wonder he idolizes mishima. Mishima was a turbomanlet DYEL who frequented gay bars

>> No.18625151

>Delusions of a dying breed, let them be

You mock them for 'dying out', but that situation is only occurring because in no way will whites act to retain their status due to their morality. If they were not so concerned for the well-being of non-white people, they would not be a dying breed,

>> No.18625160


And by that I don't even mean anything extreme, I mean that they would not even favour policies that help white families have more children.

>> No.18625170

Okay and if Joe Biden tomorrow announced every illegal Mexican living in the United States is now a citizen, it wouldn’t change the basic argument that America is and should be a country for Europeans in any way. I think you are the idiot here. You should at least engage the actual idea instead of dancing around it if you’re going to be like that.

>> No.18625171

built and big chest while lack of abs as well. This is typical for roiders who don't work out a lot just take roids. The areas with the most androgenic receptors overdevelop while others remain similar and the result is disproportional
traps, quads, delts, chest all have more androgen receptors

>> No.18625174

I read the book. He’s like a clickbait version of Julius evola outfitted for modern millennials. It’s really cringe when I look at it in retrospect

>> No.18625185

>Nobody except from the small selection of your online echo chamber believes that unless you are an American of european stock you aren't American.
I haven’t mentioned even once what I personally believe. I’m challenging you to engage the idea being presented because none of you have done it. You’ve just created a strawman to discredit as you see fit. What the most conservative anyone thinks is of absolutely no importance here. It wouldn’t even matter if every human on earth was in complete lockstep on this. So you’ve still done all this typing and not made a single argument.

>> No.18625187

bro I'm 30 and I think that's weird, all the years just get shorter after 20

>> No.18625196

>The American stock is American (amerindian)
According to who and what?

>> No.18625200

Only a European or American could think you even have a point contained in this. As of it’s just an a priori given that you need to apply some universal logic of fairness to all people, in this case, equal administration of “might makes right”. You don’t even see the irony in that probably.

>> No.18625203

>If they were not so concerned for the well-being of non-white people, they would not be a dying breed
If niggers weren't violent animals, they wouldn't commit disproportionate amounts of crime. We don't disagree anywhere

>America is and should be a country for Europeans in any way

>> No.18625219

According to ancient DNA. They were the first inhabitants, and arrived in waves. All from east siberia
What's also important to note here is that the Dorset people were older than the ancestors of modern Eskimos despite belonging to the same "race", but were wiped out. If they were still alive, they'd be the original "natives"
Shartmericans didn't wipe out the amerindians. If they did, it would be their land now no matter how stupid it sounds for a WASP originally from Bavaria or Derbyshire to be living in Texas

>> No.18625245

I don’t know. Ask BAP. I would assume it has something to do with specific mentions of white Europeans in our founding but you seem to know his position so well since you’re so ready to dismiss him. You’re supposed to be addressing this, not me.

>> No.18625251

> if [unrelated thing] happened, it wouldn't change that [position presented without argument].
Yeah, no, I don't see them point in engaging with retards.

>> No.18625253

> I’m challenging you to engage the idea being presented
you haven't presented anything to engage with. You've claimed that only americans of european stock are actually Americans and thus a Romanian who hops off a plane has a greater connection to Texas or South Carolina than any Mexican American or Black American. If you explained to me why only americans of european stock are real americans I'll engage with your ideas.

>> No.18625263

>According to ancient DNA. They were the first inhabitants, and arrived in waves.
> they stood on the magic soil before the Nation ever existed so therefore you have to make them citizens of your nation
No you don’t and it’s completely irrelevant when they were on that land. Colonists took it, drove them off, and set up a nation which specifically mentioned a very particular group of people. The burden is on you to explain why they belong to that very particular group of people or why that specification is either misinterpreted or not, not who stood on the magic dirt first.

>> No.18625267

and then the laws changed anon

>> No.18625269

>Colonists took it, drove them off,
Except you didn't.

>> No.18625283

I fucking explained what the argument was in my very first reply. I’ve not personally claimed anything other than the fact of your failure to address that argument, which again, is not even my own. You keep invoking these vague “connections” but what do they matter and why? What makes them more important, or more valid in the context of the nation than any other “connection”, in this case race and heritage? You’ve not addressed any of this even once. The only person who’s addressed it said basically “they were on the land the first so it’s theirs”, and I’ve already explained why that’s a retarded argument.

>> No.18625288

Not really the same, men in antiquity weren't alienated the way men are now. Also these ottermode BAP types have a lot more going on than just platonically wanting a male mentor, they're neurotic and even in this thread you can see the mental illness on display.

>> No.18625296

And? If I became President tomorrow and gave citizenship to every brown-skinned person currently standing on American soil on the sole basis that their skin is brown, would that somehow refute someone else’s argument that America is supposed to be country for Europeans? It obviously would not.

You’re right. I’m not a colonist.

>> No.18625301

I mean Moldbug thinks highly of him, that's enough for me.

>> No.18625303

>I fucking explained what the argument was in my very first reply
you stated that real Americans are only those of European stock but gave no arguments for such as position. It's such a ridiculous belief to hold at this point in time that it seems like a joke almost. If you provide some arguments or link the comment where you made said arguments I will engage with them.

>> No.18625309

>What makes them more important, or more valid in the context of the nation than any other “connection”, in this case race and heritage?

> retard thinks a Romanian has the same Gene's and heritage than a Frenchman.
Mate ask any New Englander from the beginning of the century how many more Poles and Romanians we ought to bring in, he'd slap you just for mentioning the idea.

>> No.18625339

His position is the same position anyone else uses
>i'm superior others are inferior. Wait what, I'm getting btfo?? NOOOOOO UNFAIIIR

>> No.18625343

I stated that was the idea being presented you disingenuous ESL. I addressed the obvious feigning ignorance and straw man by people misrepresenting the position and provided no position of my own. This is BAP’s argument, not mine. And it’s quite obvious what his argument is and what his rationale is but so far no one who’s taken issue with me for merely pointing it out has addressed it. They’ve only dismissed him, pretended that’s either not his idea or pretended it’s mine, and then in lieu of giving any arguments to dismantle his argument they’ve challenged me to provide them as if it were ever my argument in the first place.

The idea is clear. He believes he can make such statements because he’s of Romanian ethnic stock and an American citizen and America was a nation founded for people of European ethnic stock. So either address him on that premise or don’t but don’t keep just insisting he can’t make that argument because of some vague “connections”.

>> No.18625345


So, you admit it's about risk management and we can have a nuanced conversation on that principle, then. Know what numbers are pretty close to 100%? 99.9999% recovery rate for those under 18 and 99.98% recovery rate for people 35 and under.

>> No.18625349
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>> No.18625350

I’m a New Englander so can I ask myself?

I would slap you for being an idiot for the record.

>> No.18625356

>argument that America is supposed to be country for Europeans
It's your job to prove this premise, burden of proof and all that
if you can't support it then it's automatically dismissed as fake and gay and you go straight into a detox clinic so you can stop sucking dicks

>> No.18625357

Show me where I’m crying about Mexican birth rates.

>> No.18625363

And if you look anything like your mentor I'd kill you with a single punch to the throat.

>> No.18625365

>It's your job to prove this premise, burden of proof and all that
It’s not my premise you fucking imbecile. Jesus Christ. Learn to read.

>> No.18625366
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>> No.18625369

My mentor?

>> No.18625379

This weak ass excuse for a "white" man

>> No.18625383

Do you cry about immigrant birthrates in germany, uk, france, sweden yes or no?

>> No.18625384

I know the idea that you are stating is that "America is a nation for European people and thus only those of European stock are real Americans." WHAT IM STATING is that this is such a ridiculous belief to have I'm curious what the arguments for believing in such a thing are. Not only are those of non-europeans stock recognised as Americans in legal terms but also on an ideological level by the overwhelming supermajority of the population. So tell me what is the rationale behind the belief that only americans of european stock are real americans and all those Mexican Americans and Black Americans are something else?

>> No.18625393

I don’t even know who that is. This is getting pathetic. You got called out on your straw manning, you failed to given any arguments, and then you resort to weird insults. You’re like a kicking and screaming little girl. You are either very childish or not very intelligent. I’d ask you to identify yourself so we can know what your investment in this is anyway but I won’t do that.

>> No.18625401

Can’t say that I ever have, no. I’m afraid I don’t know much at all about birth rates in those countries.

>> No.18625404

> State a premise that all further argumentation follows from
> People say your premise is dumb
> Complain that people aren't engaging in your premise
> People ask you to make an argument for the premise to engage with
> REEEE its not my premise and I don't have to provide any argument just engage my premise REEEE
you're honestly one of the dumbest people I've encountered on here.

>> No.18625430
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>I don’t even know who that is.
>You are either very childish or not very intelligent.
Hey, only one of us has been able to follow this conversation, and it isn't you.
>I’d ask you to identify yourself
Exactly how fucking retarded are you?

>> No.18625440

They make up about half of all birthrates
Which means that in a few decades, before 2100 even, they will be the quintessential europeans just like european-americans are the quintessential americans now

>> No.18625441

>I know the idea that you are stating is that "America is a nation for European people and thus only those of European stock are real Americans."
I’m not even stating that. I’m staying that this is clearly BAP’s idea, and I said so because the original poster feigned ignorance over this in order to discredit him without ever entertaining the basic idea.
> WHAT IM STATING is that this is such a ridiculous belief to have I'm curious what the arguments for believing in such a thing are.
Are they not obvious? The basic premise is that this land was colonized by European settlers who drove the natives off the land and then set up a nation for which they very specifically outlined and identified “whites” and “Europeans” so he would therefore claim that America is supposed to be a nation for whites/Europeans. What the United States of America does legally today is of no importance to this line of argumentation. It is actually a very simple idea and should be easy to address but apparently that’s not so.

>> No.18625453

You still don’t get it. You are an illiterate ESL. I stated what was clearly BAP’s premise, not mine, and you STILL haven’t provided a single refutation. Not one. But I’m dumb? Lol.

>> No.18625456

he doesn't have to provide refutation when there are no supporting evidence for the premise

>> No.18625460

I don’t know if that’s true or not so I’ll just take your word for it. I still don’t see how it’s relevant here. America isn’t Sweden.

>> No.18625472

>who drove the natives off the land
They didn't though, lmao. They drove them off SOME lands
>for which they very specifically outlined and identified “whites” and “Europeans”
somalians will do the same in sweden in a few years, guess that makes them native swedes when they identify svens as "somali-descended"

>> No.18625475

>What the United States of America does legally today is of no importance to this line of argumentation.
Except it does when you consider that the US has clearly not been a country for white euros for the last century and a half, and BAP argues from the position of someone who'se family immigrated while it was no longer so.

>> No.18625476

> Why does this Romanian think he can say this stuff?
> Well, he clearly thinks he can say this stuff because of X, Y, and Z
> That’s retarded. He’s a retard.
> Why is it retarded?
> It just is. Okay? YOU have to provide supporting arguments for YOUR idea. I don’t have to do anything. It’s just retarded because I say so. He can’t say those things and I don’t have to justify that.

>> No.18625485

>They didn't though, lmao. They drove them off SOME lands
I've been telling him that ever since this convo started, he's under the impression all Natives were yeeted out of the US.

>> No.18625490

>Except it does when you consider that the US has clearly not been a country for white euros for the last century
Less than a century. Even the largest major metro areas of the United States were almost 3/4ths white and mostly European immigrants as recently as 1970. But that’s besides the point because their fact of being here and being citizens, either now or before doesn’t at all refute them idea of whether they should or shouldn’t be.

>> No.18625503

Because it’s a totally irrelevant distinction. If that’s your argument then you mean to say that because some natives were living in the soil they somehow have a right to be granted citizenship in the new nation, but you have no line of reasoning to support that. It’s a nonsense argument.

Also stop talking about Sweden and Somalians. Nobody said anything about either until you brought them up and it’s not relevant.

>> No.18625506

>because of X, Y, and Z
What's the support for X, Y and Z?

>> No.18625517

>somehow have a right to be granted citizenship in the new nation
No, if the natives of an area are not genocided completely then they are the heirs of that area for as long as they maintain their genetic composition
If the area changes name or comes under the occupation of someone else is irrelevant. See occupation of spain, italy, balkans and so on by muslims

>> No.18625521

>But that’s besides the point because their fact of being here and being citizens, either now or before doesn’t at all refute them idea of whether they should or shouldn’t be.
Yes it does. Reality is the best refutation of whatever fucking fantasy you retards can cook up.

>> No.18625522

X Y and Z would mean the idea that America was founded by Europeans for Europeans. So what’s the support of X Y and Z? It would be a mix of historical fact and BAP’s personal line of reasoning which you’d have to consult him for obviously.

>> No.18625533

>No, if the natives of an area are not genocided completely then they are the heirs of that area for as long as they maintain their genetic composition
Kek. According to who? What God drew up that rule and made everyone abide by it absolutely?

Are you actually illiterate? The reality being debated is who America should be for, not who currently is allowed to have citizenship.

>> No.18625543

>Are you actually illiterate? The reality being debated is who America should be for, not who currently is allowed to have citizenship.

Literally the same thing you fucking moron.

>> No.18625560

>mexipepe is black
What the fuck? When are they gonna differentiate between the indio copper-like skin to the chocolate black of africans

>> No.18625568

>According to who?
People who bitch and moan about the colonization of europe by niggers and muslims. If they're completely fine with that, and their ancestral homelands ceasing being their ancestral homelands just like they support the idea that america is not the ancestral homeland of amerindians and therefore have no rights to it, then I have no problem with their argument

>> No.18625578

>The reality being debated is who America should be for
Its rightful heirs, amerindians

>> No.18625588


>> No.18625621

checked double dubs

>> No.18625638

okay thank you for FINALLY laying out the reasoning behind the premise you've repeated over and over in this thread. Now let me respond. First of all why do you assume that American as an identity exists in some almost platonic realm where it remains unchanged by what happens in the material world. Identities are fluid things that change over time. The American identity was initially not broadly European, it was protestant and for those of northern European stock. Go and read the arguments that were occurring behind the scenes during and just before the Immigration Act of 1924. The Americans were worried that the lesser stock of Eastern Europeans, Southern Europeans and jews were diluting their American culture and identity. This is not to say that those groups were not seen as white. Rather that the American identity was distinctly protestant and understood itself as being of Northern European extraction. Today nobody would question whether a Cretan or Sicilian is a real American. Similarly post 1965 the American identity has undergone another shift not only legally but ideologically also and is not necessarily tied to any race now. Like I said before everybody considers Ralph Nader and Michael Jordan to be fully Americans despite them being of Middle Eastern and African stock. I imagine you will respond saying it doesn't matter what people think but in that case reread the beginning of my response. If you disagree and hold that identity is something immutable and is not governed by what happens in the material realm there's no more discussion to be had.

>> No.18625664

reminder that accfag was outed as bapfag

>> No.18625690

Reminder that there's like two people on this entire who even know what you're referring to

>> No.18625713

kek Mexican immigration has been a net negative for the last 5 years now though and Mexican birth rates are below 2.0 now. Sad to see that a complete MexiCHAD takeover of the US southwest didn't happen.

>> No.18625731


It's not that euro stock is more "real" than those other ethnic groups, it's just that they are more intelligent and build more orderly, powerful, and beautiful civilizations. this is obviously the case.

there are many factors but you can simply see it as other ethnic groups having less adaptation to and less innate understanding of what the dominant mode of civilization (the nation state) requires, since the dominant mode of global civilization is based on the europeans who conquered everything in recent centuries.

>> No.18625735


woops, wrong reply link

>> No.18625738

all hispanics support reconquista and mexicans despite not being necessarily mexicans themselves. Majority of youths are now hispanic so cope

>> No.18625747

>get surpassed by jews
>worship niggers
>ruled by trannies
yes very orderly, powerful, and beautiful civilization

>muh civilization
literally not an argument, "civilized" whites get btfo by malnourished somalians and cholos
very superior

>> No.18625753

No. That isn't a counterpoint either.

>> No.18625763

Can you guys post examples of genuinely fit men who are
1. Not doing it for the aesthetics; and
2. Not on steroids?
For instance, soldiers at the peak of their ability. The only examples I've seen are fighters and veterans, who are typically extremely compact and lean.

>> No.18625766

hispanics are 23% of births today and 25% of hispanic women have children with white men. You'll be diluted and assimilated in 2 generations max.

>> No.18625771


as you have admitted, jews are obviously superior because they have surpassed everyone. that doesn't mean that the following effects which you have listed are going to be amazing, but you can't deny that americans are the most wealthy and powerful nation, the most influential culture in the world, and that in america the most wealthy, powerful, and influential are jews. doesn't mean that it is as beautiful as previous eras, simply that it is the most right now. every other country is infinitely more of a shithole except insofar as they keep up the appearance of past glory. but all of the vitality has departed and all of their smart, strong, attractive youth come to america instead.

>> No.18625794

BAP isn't even American lol, and even then, why should someone be barred from insulting the US? The US is a shithole and should be mocked.

>> No.18625798

Soldiers aren't very fit in particular. They're more athletic and some are strong-built
Very good physique without roids would be olympic swimmers and polo players. Note here that this is appearance-wise only because even they roid but not in the same way. This makes them appear far more natural
They are mostly lean, and if you want to add mass then you're still fit but meaty, you lack definition

>> No.18625807

What is the difference between being fit and being athletic?

>> No.18625808

(not) sorry mate your time's up
https://i.4pcdn org/pol/1616106959595.png
enjoy your demographic being 40% or less with half of your people or more being infertile
this means 15-20% of all births maximum

>> No.18625822

athletic is when you're strong and/or fast. You have athletic abilites
fit is more visual and aesthetic. You can be extremely athletic without LOOKING super fit. But technically you are fit. Therefore "fit" is mostly used in visual terms
Zyzz for example was very fit despite the roids but he'd probably get blown the fuck out by the average highschool athlete

>> No.18625824

> US hispanic birth rate below 2.0
> hispanic birth rate globally below 2.0
> most USA immigration now from Asia not hispanic countries
> hispanics have children with white and blacks in high numbers
you will be diluted into the muttland that is America anon sorry (not)

>> No.18625835

I see. I would like to be athletic. What would you say I should do? I currently ruck, do martial arts, and also some routines I learned from cadets.

>> No.18625844

>read thread
>there are unironic beaners ITT shilling reconquista memes
You aren't conquering anything Pedro, the reason people oppose immigration from your shithole is that you tend to make places where you settle slovenly and disordered. Mow my lawn.

>> No.18625973

is he a real person or just a meme

>> No.18626034

Depends, really. Soldiers have good cardio, usually, but that doesn't translate into athleticism all the time. My 16 years old sister beat the entire Van Doos in the swimming round of a triathlon by more than one minute of advance.

>> No.18626040

He's a fed

>> No.18626073

this thread is just one giant ad-hom against BAP

>> No.18626084

Fuck off faggot, he deserves it.

>> No.18626103

>youth already majority hispanic
>white birthrates 15% of all birthrates at best

>> No.18626120

That sounds pretty good. I've seen most people in kickboxing and muaythai being fit
But you need to do it frequently, at least three times a week
Try to never spar hard. And do a lot of bodyweight exercises at home
Also keep in mind that you need to regulate your caloric intake depending on what you want to achieve (bulk/lean)

>> No.18626129

Wat? Retarded

>> No.18626130

europeans destroyed forests and natural miracles of america and they still do. Same goes for them
also not an argument
dilate, might makes right and beaners are mightier than you. As are jews
>mow my lawn
get mowed down by your nigger gods kek

>> No.18626132

imaginary persona of some yale nerd

>> No.18626139

yes cardio doesn't necessarily translate to athleticism. Distance runners have a lot of cardio for running but aren't athletic
Also many soldiers roid now

>> No.18626145

He's never said the CIA is based wtf ahahahaha. He calls them commies

>> No.18626153

Wow, he's surprisingly good looking

>> No.18626159

What race are you then lol

>> No.18626166

yes twinks take care of their appearance

get mogged humanlet

>> No.18626187

It's the same response that you types always give, pathetic adherence to the status quo and the inability to form a good argument. Sounds like Reddit suits you better desu. Upvoted

>> No.18626199

America from its founding until the 70s disagrees kek

>> No.18626207

I live next to a base. Soldiers come and do their water training exercises on the lake in front of my house. I do not exaggerate when I say that most 7 years old in the village are MUCH better swimmer than them.
The lake is 1.5 km wide, everyone in the village swims across it twice a summer, it's a local event. I've been doing it since I was 6.
Most soldiers that come and do their swimming training can't do 300m without touching ground, it's fucking insane.

>> No.18626219

>no u
double nigger hands typed this post

>> No.18626232

Since 65 you dumb retard

>> No.18626251

> no Asian or South American immigration took place before the mid 60s.
Doesn't matter anyways, BAP's America was never a white America.

>> No.18626260

Of the land, not the nation

>> No.18626271

Only if you agree with who it is currently allowed citizenship you fat mong.
>Just agree with the status quo bro it's easy

>> No.18626319

bruh just because you train doesn't mean you're good. There are tons of people that do sports that are shit
Maybe I should specify that I'm talking about good soldiers, people who regularly do exercises and stuff
navy seals? I'm not familiar with soldiers types of america. I'm obviously not talking about the average recruit that is 150 kg easily and eats curry all day

>> No.18626340

What are you really, bet you're an obese beaner or pajeet

>> No.18626348

Ah yes, the status quo is most definitely that America should be for whites only. Retard

>> No.18626351

just go have your nation somewhere else
there's a reason "blood and soil" mentions soil specifically

>> No.18626353

No, only if you don't have the means to do anything about it, which you don't.
America hasn't been and never again will be a white country. Fucking kill yourselves already you disgusting mutted brain.

>> No.18626356

Lmao. Check the demographic statistics and their immigration policy from before 65. You've been gaslit into believing America was always diverse.

>> No.18626361

why should it be? america is aids and has fucked up multiple countries and pushes globohomo
if white americans go extinct then they stop funding the globohomo machine with their taxes and the world is free again

>> No.18626367

>just go have your nation somewhere else
The state of some modern Americans hahahahahahahahhaa

>> No.18626373

>You've been gaslit into believing America was always diverse
Anglos, Irish, Italians, Germans, etc.
America has always been diverse.

>> No.18626378

You were on about me projecting, so I had to re-explain my argument to you, you dumb faggot retard. Learn to read. I'm not talking about 'globohomo'v

>> No.18626383

>All European
Wow it's almost as if they had an all European immigration policy up until '65.

>America has always been diverse.
Gaslighting or bait. Reddit attempt at an argument either way

>> No.18626396

Ah yes, the people that built the USA Vs the people that built Mexico. I can't possibly imagine why so many Mexicans flee to the US. Hmmmm, very very complex.

>> No.18626416

Yup, and they all hated each other, and would have fucking slugged you for implying they shared anything else but the remotest of connection.

>> No.18626434

Go back to R3ddit you faggot

>> No.18626447

Why did people flee Europe?

>> No.18626452

Don't worry, people are currently fleeing their homelands for Europe too. It's certainly far better than Mexico, Pedro.

>> No.18626458

Can't make me.
Just like you can't domshit about the state of your society, you fucking weakling.

>> No.18626464

Like I said you've been gaslit by revisionists

>> No.18626469

there's a difference between Europeans who came to the uncharted wilderness that is now America and built a civilization from nothing and dirty illiterate mestizos swarming the decaying remnants of said scivilization like locusts

>> No.18626477

Wtf is domshit lol, is this Mexican for complain Pedro?

>> No.18626479

No there isn't. Stop lying.

>> No.18626506

I did and I regret it as it has improved little for me in life. Averaged 20% ROI to date on major investments and simply put it isn't enough, estimating further growth at 8% annually, I wouldn't have more than a few hundred thousand a decade later into my 40s, and by then it would be too late to do me any good and was never enough to do any of the ambitious projects I've always wanted to do. I suggest young (early 20s) men essentially throw their money away at the minute chance of success if their aim is to be multi-millionaires at a young age, otherwise it will prove difficult or impossible. Now, I've given up on my dreams and hope only to amass enough to survive on dividends and interest of around $1k a month to languish on until I die.

>> No.18626514


>> No.18626516

The difference the amount saved has made on my life has been minimal. I would not have missed it had I lost it all. However, had I succeeded in winning a major jackpot, it would have immeasurably improved my wellbeing.

>> No.18626523

Evidence Mexicans can maintain civilization?

>> No.18626534


>> No.18626559

Evidence that burgers can?

>> No.18626567

completely different cultures and many (like the italians) never assimilated

yeah the difference is that those europeans worship niggers and let trannies sterilize their children as they have 15% of all births
Might makes right and you get btfo only thing you can do is cry online

>> No.18626568
File: 412 KB, 1200x900, E1B627D7-8642-4808-9482-BC9A61FF02BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut the f*ck up, you st*pid a*s motherf*cker

>> No.18626575

40% of america's population has european origins
average age of whites is almost 60 (infertile)

>> No.18626608


>> No.18626626


>> No.18626639

Btfo by the eternal Spaniard.

>> No.18626665

Your mother cleans toilets

>> No.18626673
File: 17 KB, 251x201, 1602719729194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OSTIE DE CALISSE I fucking hate having to share this continental landmass with all of you cunts. Just fucking do your second Civil War already and stop bitching about race while simultaneously drowning us in immigrants.

>> No.18626688

No alphabet. Check mate.

>> No.18626708

Ok but if the US is so great, why hasn't it produced any languages on it's own?
Or is ebonics your contribution there?

>> No.18626726

Uhhh duuuuhhhh maybe because it was founded by British settlers and it's only a few hundred years old

>> No.18626748

America inherited the English language. Indeed, American English is more correct than British, as looking at words from the 1600s, the spelling more resembles the American style than the UK soft S nonsense.

>> No.18626753

I was defending Americans until this, the absolute state of burgers

>> No.18626757

Sounds like the excuses of a subpar culture.

>> No.18626766

Look at the Anglican Prayer Book of 1662 and tell me I am wrong.

>> No.18626811

Pedro insulting burgers despite holding >us citizenship

>> No.18626837

>all hispanics support reconquista
You are an idiot, and probably not even Hispanic

>> No.18626846

And you'll do nothing about it.
Signs of a great Nation, for sure.

>> No.18626907


>> No.18626915

>muh semitic runes

>> No.18626917

lol do something about it shartmerican

get sacrificed to xipe totec

>> No.18626946

Nice smuggled in moral premise. >>18624499
Hi fatbot.

>> No.18627034

Retarded reply for too many reasons to completely address at once.

>> No.18627041

>Now let me respond.

>> No.18627057

He doesn’t talk like zoomed. He makes up words like Roald Dahl.

>> No.18627444

1. Swimming isn't a useful skill for the overwhelming majority of soldiers.
2. Do you know what branch and part of the military those soldiers are in? If they're in Combat Arms or the SEALs, that's one thing, but it's another entirely if they're just cooks.

>> No.18627491

what a strawman. No one said anything about Mexicans and the only problem with Mexicans anyway is they depreciate labor value. Anyway no, redskins aren't automatic American citizens anymore than Gauls would be considered automatically Roman citizens. (which they weren't, in case you didn't know.)

>> No.18627620


>> No.18627624

but it ain't the 70s no more yt boi

>> No.18627665

BAPbros completely and utterly in shambles ITT SAD!

>> No.18627666

>1. Swimming isn't a useful skill for the overwhelming majority of soldiers.
I get that, but many of them would not be considered capable of swimming by one of our 15 years old instructor, so it was pretty shocking.
> The Royal 22nd Regiment[1][2][a] (R22R;[4] French: Royal 22e Régiment)[5][6] is an infantry regiment of the Canadian Army. Known colloquially in English as the Van Doos (representing an anglicized pronunciation of the French number twenty-two, vingt-deux)[7] or in French as le Vingt-deuxième,[8] the mostly francophone regiment comprises three Regular Force battalions, two Primary Reserve battalions, and a band, making it the largest regiment in the Canadian Army.[citation needed] The headquarters (French: maison-mère) of the regiment is at the Citadelle of Quebec in Quebec City, also the site of the regimental museum, and all three of its regular battalions are stationed at Canadian Forces Base Valcartier in Saint-Gabriel-de-Valcartier, 15 kilometres (9.3 mi) outside of Quebec City. The regiment serves as the "local" infantry regiment for the province of Quebec, where it draws most of its recruits.

>> No.18627672

france (belongs to the french) isn't italy (belongs to the italians)
america (disputed) however is america (belongs to the amerindians)

>> No.18627675

The weirdest thing is that's actually a picture of him. I thought it was someone else for sure, but nope, actually Costin.

>> No.18627682

>w*stern armies are a joke
what's new

>> No.18627689

proof? dark hair and swarthiness aren't enough it could just be a turk

>> No.18627690

>creoles arbitrarily rejecting one side of their ethnicity but not the other.
I honestly don't get this. Mexicans have both Spain and the Aztecs to draw upon. That's a wonderful thing. Rather than pretending they're victims, they should embrace both sides and try to build something new based off that.

>> No.18627701

>I get that, but many of them would not be considered capable of swimming by one of our 15 years old instructor, so it was pretty shocking.
I don't know many people who have swum for that length. How quickly is one expected to be able to swim 1.5km?
>The regiment serves as the "local" infantry regiment for the province of Quebec, where it draws most of its recruits.
Have they ever been deployed to a foreign conflict? I have to wonder what the difference in skill and strength is between the average member of Combat Arms and the Van Doos.

>> No.18627707

costin pls go we all know that's not you

>> No.18627718

I imagine it was probably him in his is early 30s. I've never met the man (but apparently it's not that hard to? Meeting e-celebs is gay) but there's no way he looks that good now.

>> No.18627729

his prof pic has a muscular neck
costin's a neckcel >>18624834

>> No.18627734

>How quickly is one expected to be able to swim 1.5km?
I was pretty bad and the fastest I did was 34 minutes, slowest (at like 7 years old) was an hour. It really isn't hard, if you have a bare minimum of technique, the rest is willpower and fighting off hyporthermia. My sisters would do it in like 22.
>Have they ever been deployed to a foreign conflict?
Yes, the Van Doos is a decorated regiment, probably the best the Canuck army has (not that that means much). They did well in Italy in WWII and were absolute heroes during the war of Korea, where they held off the enemy advance for something like 3 days after the americans had fucked off (with another unit of aussie or new-zealanders, iirc).

>> No.18627743

he's literally a homosexual twink the bodybuilder dudes he posts are dudes he wants to fuck him in the ass not dudes he wants to look like I know this is difficult for you to hear but that's the state of ameritard right wingers rn

>> No.18627749

I think he meant about the current soldiers
are they trained? Do they have combat experience and how well did they do?
stuff like that. That's what makes you athletic

>> No.18627760

>It really isn't hard, if you have a bare minimum of technique, the rest is willpower and fighting off hyporthermia
Maybe the soldiers just don't have technique. They don't teach them martial arts, either.
>Yes, the Van Doos is a decorated regiment, probably the best the Canuck army has (not that that means much). They did well in Italy in WWII and were absolute heroes during the war of Korea, where they held off the enemy advance for something like 3 days after the americans had fucked off (with another unit of aussie or new-zealanders, iirc).
When is the last time they actually fought, though?

>> No.18627769

Read about the Battle for Hill 355. The PVA pushed the Burgers off the mountain, but couldn't move the Van Doos, who stayed there and endured 3 days of shelling like mad chads before the Burgers managed to mount a counterattack.

>> No.18627789

>When is the last time they actually fought, though?
Afghanistan. But this was before then, This happened nearly 15 years ago.

>They don't teach them martial arts, either.
They actually do, or at least they have the option to take classes on the base. One of my kenpo teacher taught there. Apparently they take comps very seriously too.

>> No.18627828


>> No.18627831

That was a different time. Giants walked the Earth in those days.
>Afghanistan. But this was before then, This happened nearly 15 years ago.
I'm not sure how we would stack up to the men who fought in Korea, particularly considering how poorly we fared against the Taliban.
>They actually do, or at least they have the option to take classes on the base
Is training with firearms and explosives optional? It is obviously not considered an essential skill to them.
>One of my kenpo teacher taught there.
Kenpo isn't practical, dude. I'm talking about MT, BJJ, etc.

>> No.18627857

post proof that he's 41

>> No.18627867

>Kenpo isn't practical,
I'll be the first one to say that, but he wasn't the only teacher to go there either.
Kek, one of the best guy in my city went to Thailand after finishing college, took a summer class in a school there. He went with a friend who is a runner, does a lot of comps here. They both couldn't follow the youngest kids in the training camp on their daily 20km run.

>> No.18627890

born 41 years ago

training on its own is useless if they suck at it tbqh

>> No.18627898

>Kek, one of the best guy in my city went to Thailand after finishing college, took a summer class in a school there. He went with a friend who is a runner, does a lot of comps here. They both couldn't follow the youngest kids in the training camp on their daily 20km run.
We really have regressed as a people, not just morally, but also physically.
A question, though. If these kids could run 20km every single day without incurring injury, why are we told that we need to take days off? And is there any hope for a Westerner attaining that level of athleticism?

>> No.18627909

>born 41 years ago

>> No.18627922

What is this weird celebrity cult ITT. You are all pathetic. Who gives a shit about what online bloggers have to say.

>> No.18627944

>without incurring injury
I don't know anything about that. Seeing the way these guy hit each other, I can't think they end up living very long lives. But they are incredibly impressive while they do so.
>And is there any hope for a Westerner attaining that level of athleticism?
Sure, start them at 5~6, and beat the shit out of them every time they fail. Have the older ones beat the shit out of the younger ones for any or no reason, just to toughen them up. These kids are living at the camp like indentured servants.

>> No.18627946

We're talking about fitness at this point.

>> No.18627957

Okay, that actually sounds terrible. What do you think is a happy medium to which to aspire?

>> No.18627966

it's just an online subculture. If you've noticed its gone from Atheism/hitchens stuff to antiSJW/Peterson stuff to now esoteric racism/BAP type stuff. Something else will come along soon enough.

>> No.18628000

>He is honest about every taboo our ruling class
Such as?


>> No.18628001

>Okay, that actually sounds terrible. What do you think is a happy medium to which to aspire?

One of my friend, probably the chaddest chad I know, grew up doing nothing else than rowing. Every single day he could, he'd row for at least 4 hours, if not more. By the time he was 16 he had an absolute chad physique and the discipline to put him at the top of his class. He'd always seemed happy doing it.

>> No.18628009

As if you dont know, there is zero reason to ask such an obvious question

>> No.18628029


ITT: Kantbot peddling a fake dox because he is jealous of BAP being more influential than he will ever be

>> No.18628365

literally don't even know who kantbot is

>> No.18628389


>> No.18628655

I love how much he makes the fags, trannies and bugmen absolutely SEEEEETHE on this board.

>> No.18628687

Xenophobic much?

>> No.18629146

>ITT: Kantbot peddling a fake dox because he is jealous of BAP being more influential than he will ever be
The dox seems to relatively accurate, going by the reaction to it.
That said, kantbot is probably full of shit with the whole "bap is a fed" stuff, with the real thing being probably just some bored shitposter that realized he could make money off selling what is basically self-help for rightoids, imo.

>> No.18629884

dox is accurate and has been confirmed since brap says on his twitter the exact same things he says in his thesis there was a recent thread about it
that being said if it's not accurate then why do you care?
why do you care in general?

>> No.18629896

He makes you see yourself as the pathetic man-boy that you are, over feminized, completely cucked, weak, soft, docile and full commoditized.

>> No.18629912

I have no reason to believe he is a treacherous and treasonous Zionist neocon, and I doubt you do either

>> No.18629922

that would be bap and his average followed (exceptions exist, some of them work out)
his fans are literally boomers with tiny moleman eyes

>> No.18629933

How do you know who his fans are if they're mostly anon?

>> No.18629944

some have named themselves and lefty media have picked up on it
tiny moleman eyes
his anon fans are discarded as basement dwellers unless proven otherwise with timestamps
the roider golden one has a less faggy fanbase lmao

>> No.18629954

Lesson learned, always finish your genocides 100%

>> No.18629961

That entire scene is anon, anyone who says who they are is seen as a threat because being public can get you targeted by the regime. I dont think any of the relevant people are open about who they are

>> No.18629965
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>turning the Southern US into yet another third-world shithole
Yeah definitely super based and Aztec pilled lmao
Spics have absolutely no claim to that territory. Even if you larp as Spaniards there was almost nobody living above the former mesoamerican regions at the time America took over.

>> No.18629986

>doesn't lie

>> No.18629990

Most of the Aztecs died of disease and famine during Cortez's sieges of Tenochtitlan. In all likelihood you are descended from the races the Aztecs kept as slaves

>> No.18629995
File: 68 KB, 668x824, tiny moleman eyes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-it's definitely because of the regime it's not that I'm a faggot
none of his non-american fans have posted anything. His american fans are even bigger basement dwellers
>I dont think any of the relevant people are open about who they are
they are, and they look like picrel

>> No.18629997

>turning the entire continent into a globohomo shithole
Yeah definitely super based and European pilled lmao
>Spics have absolutely no claim to that territory
Neither do americans besides amerindians, it's pure might makes right.

>> No.18630002

Can you honestly state why different races in America have different average test scores?

>> No.18630006

iq test you mean? Because some races are dumber and some are smarter
some races are also more dominant while others are not. WASPs for example aren't dominant at all, they are subservient
slave race, smart enough to keep things running while serving their masters
jews are smarter anyway

>> No.18630011

I see you loud and clear. God know when you lie anon, he sees every single lie as another disgusting streak into your soul

>> No.18630024

90% of wasps worship niggers and trannies and at least 50% support white genocide
you have far surpassed weimar and you still don't do shit
because you wont do shit
its in your nature to get fucked by others

>> No.18630029

I'd rather have neither but if I had to pick I'd choose globohomo over having Americans be entirely replaced with spics
>it's pure might makes right
Flooding the country with fat retards is not really might. Remember you still have to live in the steaming turd of a country you'll create

>> No.18630035

You don't understand anon, I believe in your god more than you do, I cannot lie, I cannot hate, and I cannot condemn. He told you the way and you rejected him. You will still be saved, nobody will be condemned to eternal torture, you dont have to be afraid.

>> No.18630049

>I'd choose globohomo
of course you would
>Flooding the country with fat retards

>> No.18630050

so hes like a psued or something?

>> No.18630063

your god favors your extinction

>> No.18630064

Yes, I would obviously choose a bad situation over not existing. Deport your mestizo niggers to central America instead so neither of us have to deal with them

>> No.18630073

If you don't like it go back to europe nigga lmao

>> No.18630077

He loves absolutely everything including you, you do not have to be afraid or hateful anymore. It's not even a Christian thing if that bothers you, it is outside and beyond all that. Just know that there is a universal mercy that awaits you no matte what, you do not have to hate yourself at all you are part of the stream of meaning that we call God.

>> No.18630081

>He loves absolutely everything including you
I know, but he certainly doesn't love your race
or maybe he does love you so much that he wants to take you near him as soon as possible

>> No.18630092
File: 118 KB, 1080x1587, 1611876035915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant wait to genocide you again low iq spic

>> No.18630105

Hatred is always hatred against yourself you reflect outward because it feels so bad to know people close to you hated you

You will feel better eventually anon, I love you

>> No.18630113

>my race is getting btfo, what should I do?
>yeah, posting memes on the internet'll show him!
I have more spaniard blood than you, waspboi. America was named after an italian too
Back to europe you go

>> No.18630118

>Hatred is always hatred against yourself
why would God hate himself? I think he just loves you race so much that he wants you near him as soon as possible

>> No.18630128 [DELETED] 

>it’s another kantbot/logo astroturfing thread
Honestly surprised you aren’t dead. Kantbot will die within the decade due to a stroke and logo will die of AIDS, it looks like he already has it.

>> No.18630129

Just look into the sunset and feel what you care about most, you are not just your race anon, and you are not bad, there is nothing wrong with you

>> No.18630130
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Wrong. America was founded as an outpost of Europe in the New World. Neither a black nor a mestizo has any credible claim to the American nationality, whereas any European who speaks English and grasps the fundamentals of Scottish Enlightenment thought does.

I don't care about immigration law or any other such trendy nonsense or bullshit, I mean only what fucking common sense would inform you about whom America was founded for and why, and even mystery meat peoples and other foreign cockroaches often explicitly share that position when they're bitching about flags and statues and the contents of textbooks.

This is to say nothing of the fact he's a Yale-educated political scientist.

>> No.18630138


>> No.18630161
File: 184 KB, 900x1200, 1601486457879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. goblino pretending to be Spanish and Italian on the internet

>> No.18630178

does that mean he likes niggers?

>> No.18630190


>> No.18630215

the idea that america should only be for ''whites'' is just as arbitrary

>> No.18630221

i accept your concession

>> No.18630376

If you think that's weird, wait until he's 42.

>> No.18630471

Well, I'll be... maybe you Aztecs weren't so bad after all...

>> No.18630696

> be a literal romanian immigrant
> hop off the plane
> grow up
> talk about how america belongs to you because the plane you got off arrived from europe
> DEMAND that Mexicans-Americans who have been in the US for generations and blacks who have been in the US for centuries be deported
this is a reasonable position to hold for 4chan retards.
BAP is always free to go back to Romania

>> No.18630703

ahh yes BAP who came to America in the 1990s came into an America that was an uncharted wilderness

>> No.18630706

The world belongs to the white man

>> No.18630740

Based anti-racist Christian.

>> No.18630897

/pol/tards really believe this

>> No.18631337

Kind of agree with this guy >>18629922
bunch of men obsessed with their looks and if they appear trad enough, teenage girl tier

>> No.18631581
File: 1.54 MB, 300x264, C375A000-E278-4068-B8D2-E6DE0142298F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>320+ posts
>for this thread
You can really tell how bad this place has gotten, I swear.