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File: 696 KB, 1596x2128, sadmoment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18618226 [Reply] [Original]

>No internet or mobile data for four days
>Spend entire free time reading, manage to finish notes from the underground, as well as crime and punishment
>didn't even coom once
>didn't feel any desire to eat junkfood, only ate healthy food
>fully occupied
>internet comes back
>spend all my time on imageboards again
>coom three times before noon
>don't read at all
>eat massive amounts of junk
>continually bored, empty pit feeling returns
>constantly thinking I should be doing something else
How do I harness this power to focus and read again? I can't get rid of my internet because of work.

>> No.18618240

nice blog

>> No.18618256

hmmm I'm seeing a pattern

>> No.18618264

To be fair her grammar improved considerably

>> No.18618265

I think I'm on to something, perhaps we could all use this to better ourselves


>> No.18618274

If you were a halfway decent poster the jannies would be routinely granting you 3 day breaks. That's when I get all my reading done.

>> No.18618297

>In June I got injured and thought I would never be able to do anal again.
I'm sorry, but this is hilarious.

>> No.18618332

Similar situation to me. Even when my phone broke, I just attached myself to the computer more often to replace it. We need to do dopamine detox, but at the same time we need internet for work...

>> No.18618344

she was 14

>> No.18618357

no excuse. When I was 14 I could spell correctly. Typing like that is the mark of the retard. Not that I'm surprised, it's Lana Rhoades after all.
I should also say that the op image fills me with great satisfaction

>> No.18618391

Quit your job

>> No.18618440

I would just, and have in the the past, lurk 24/7

I need the money

>> No.18618477

>no excuse. When I was 14 I could spell correctly.
Holy shit, we've got a real savant over here? Did you get a trophy for you achievements?

>> No.18618503

Not him but you seem like a gigantic faggot. The subject was the retardation of the whore, your passive aggression towards him stating the simple fact that a 14 year old should have the grasp of basic grammar only affirms his point. I recommend you take the cock out of your ass.

>> No.18618504

>Rocky-esque montage of her training her asshole to get back in form

>> No.18618508

>Not him but you seem like a gigantic faggot
starting your post with "not him but..." is a dead giveaway that it is indeed you

>> No.18618513

Not him, but I agree with you.

>> No.18618516

not him but no

>> No.18618524

go to a coffeeshop or library

>> No.18618530


>> No.18618534

But there I'd tempted by arthoes, distracting me with their loose and inviting slimeholes.

>> No.18618536

kaczynski was unironically right

>> No.18618562


>> No.18618570
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>read good
>not read bad

>> No.18618584

this, but unironically

>> No.18618590

>I need the money
Then get a new job that pays you.

>> No.18618607

The hot 14 year olds ALWAYS have the WORST grammar.


>> No.18618613
File: 444 KB, 605x569, 7654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's not a secret that NBA players get to date the most desired women on Earth. They have the money, the platform, and the fame. And if you're playing for the Brooklyn Nets in 2021, chances are you're one of the biggest stars in the league.

>That's why it wasn't a surprise to see that adult film star Lana Rhoades claim that one of the Nets stars asked her out and invited her to a game. However, the shocking part is that he actually invited a side-chick as well as a backup option.

>While the world-famous entertainer didn't mention the said players' name, people around social media were already speculating whether she was talking about Kevin Durant or James Harden, as Kyrie Irving recently announced his engagement.

>“The guy who invited me also invited one of the other girls and this isn’t the first time that this has happened to me that where I’ve been invited on a date and they also invite a 'backup option,'" Rhoades said.

>“We ended up leaving dinner, not because of that situation because at that point, you’re already friendzoned, I don’t give a f*ck who you’re talking to, the date was really boring… I don’t want to be mean but me and this guy just didn’t click and I’m like what’s your favorite this, what’s your opinion on this, and he was just like, I don’t have opinions on anything, I don’t have favorite anythings, and he was serious and he wasn’t just saying that to shut down the conversation… he’s not spicy enough for me," the porn star concluded.

>> No.18618674

>be rich, tall, athletic, handsome
>still get turned down
wtf, what else do they want

>> No.18618699

Audibly laughed

>> No.18618700

At her level? Non-boring men.

>> No.18618713
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> in ONE day

>> No.18618715


>> No.18618719

> adult film personality

Also definitely Durant

>> No.18618733

Lana Rhoades=Anal Roads
wtf bros

>> No.18618748

No 14 year old types like that. It's not zoomer/internet lingo, that post is straight up brain-damage-retarded tier. Which means that it's either fake (i.e. a poor attemp at passing as a 14 year old), or that her IQ is in the mid 80s.

>> No.18618751

It's better to read than to waste all of your fucking time on the internet, you can't argue with that.

>> No.18618758

>adult film personality
call her what she is; Worthless whore

>> No.18618761

This was +10 years ago and she left photos.

>> No.18618763

laughed harder at this than was warranted

>> No.18618766

>it's either fake (i.e. a poor attemp at passing as a 14 year old), or that her IQ is in the mid 80s.
anon, my dear friend, it's Lana Rhoades. Do you really have a hard time believing that her IQ is high?

>> No.18618774

>it's damn hard to fuck me in real life
idk paying money doesn't seem that hard. the bitch literally offers herself up for sale

>> No.18618819

>14 year olds

>> No.18618823

kek and analpilled

>> No.18618828

>adult film personality
You mean, glorified virtual prostitute?

>“We ended up leaving dinner, not because of that situation because at that point, you’re already friendzoned, I don’t give a f*ck who you’re talking to, the date was really boring… I don’t want to be mean but me and this guy just didn’t click and I’m like what’s your favorite this, what’s your opinion on this, and he was just like, I don’t have opinions on anything, I don’t have favorite anythings, and he was serious and he wasn’t just saying that to shut down the conversation… he’s not spicy enough for me," the porn star concluded.
Based sports balled niggers

>> No.18618832
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>I dont have opinions on anything
>I don't have favorite anythings

>> No.18618834

This was meant for : >>18618613

>> No.18618837

yes deal with it you brainwashed fuck. puberty marks the beginning of the period where sexual arousal is 100% unambiguously normal

>> No.18618839

If you waste all of your fucking time on the internet than on reading, it seems the first option is better for you. If reading were truly more valuable for you then you wouldn't have such problem as "internet vs books" at all, you would just read lol

>> No.18618845

Not him but you are indeed a massive cocksucker.

>> No.18618857
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be better, anon

>> No.18618860


What a Rhoadstie.

>> No.18618868

>lowercase i
looks zoomie to me

>> No.18618874
File: 19 KB, 236x432, ayy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what awaits you. This is life. There is no magic answer that will fall from the sky. It's entirely up to you to be a man and fight your bad habits, or fall like the rest of them.

>> No.18618880

Why are you presuming things about me ? I'm simply stating that, for an individual, reading is a more positive habit than spending countless time on the Internet, which is exactly what OP is complaining about.
And no, it's not because someone has a bad addiction that it suits him best. Otherwise no one would prevent alcoholics from drinking more, since that's what their brain tell them to do

>> No.18618905
File: 203 KB, 837x1080, Screenshot_20210610_034944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now that she fixed her face, Lana is actually pretty cute. shame she's absolutely spoiled. her voice is pretty pleasant too. fucking whore. hate her

>> No.18618926

>now that she fixed her face
what did she do? stop botoxing?

>> No.18618931
File: 82 KB, 1024x768, 20210526_075652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take time for you, anon

>> No.18618936

i mean compared to the OP pic of her when she was supposedly 14

>> No.18619000

>you achievements

Enjoy your participation award, Kyle.

>> No.18619006

Guy sounds based.

>> No.18619070

Nah, just an empty-headed NPC negro.

>> No.18619073


>> No.18619081


>> No.18619092


>> No.18619100

She's famous, rich and partying 24/7.

Will have no problems finding a high status husband when she wants one. Will have kids if she chooses to.

Lana is hardly an example of failing at life.

>> No.18619249

>Lana is hardly an example of failing at life.
it's also a stretch to claim she's a success. making money by getting fucked is not something to be praised. It's the one thing that absolutely any woman can do with zero effort. the only edge lana has over other women is that she's attractive.

>> No.18619277

Plenty of attractive women end up hooked on meth, fuck fat guys in Las Vegas for 200 dollars and then get murdered by their nigger pimps. Lana at least managed to build a successful career with her looks. At this point she can easily move on to SFW entertainment if she gets tired of getting triple penetrated on camera. Morals aside, she's achieved more than any of us /lit/ incels will ever amount to most likely.

>> No.18619284

>It's the one thing that absolutely any woman can do with zero effort
no, not absolutely any woman can be a successful porn star. you have to be very dumb and very insane, way above average (or suffer from some kind of trauma). you also have to be sufficiently good-looking. not all women are porn-type good-looking at all.
t. i work "in porn" (just as a boring office job though)

>> No.18619289

>being a whore is an achievemement

>> No.18619300

You're just projecting your own beliefs on her. Objectively, she's a success. How many whores have made it as far as her? One in a hundred thousand maybe.

>> No.18619316

>no, not absolutely any woman can be a successful porn star.
true but my claim was any woman can make money by getting fucked.
even a 1/10 woman will find guys willing to fuck them for money

>> No.18619322

>t. i work "in porn" (just as a boring office job though)
are you partly responsible for destroying Pornhub? are you?! answer me!

>> No.18619324

Based suraj777

>> No.18619326

Why does being dumb, insane, attractive, having a trauma be a matter of effort, yes also beauty which you are born with and gets enhanced by someone on the staff.

>> No.18619342

Any white woman can indeed make a killing in any non-white run porn industry. Russian sluts make bank in India and Japan.

>> No.18619344

Use all your willpower to stay off the internet. This week I've read like 5-6 hours everyday because I've just been keep myself away from the internet.

>> No.18619402

Why would you work in such a vile industry? Have you considered murdering your boss?

>> No.18619518

Someone ought to post her crying on a pod because she drank piss on vid lmao

>> No.18619533


>> No.18619543

so hot. I came to that so often already. Best way to do it is to put that moment where she's crying on a loop while watching the kind of scenes she's describing. her sweet, whimpering voice is enough to make me hard as a rock

>> No.18619609

I wonder if someone has the side by side webm

>> No.18619644

Being the best shit eater isn't an achievement.

>> No.18619686
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>> No.18620575


>Will have no problems finding a high status husband when she wants one.

Are you fucking delusional? Maybe another degenerate with money like her, for sure. High status (and valuable) men can pick any hotter woman that isn't a crazy, used-up cum container.

>Will have kids if she chooses to

No doubt because we can really lower our standards specially when horny, so it doesn't mean anything.

>> No.18620783

sounds far better than a magic instant solution. we're all gonna make it brehs

>> No.18620948

Reward system broke.
With boredom/lack of easy reward supply other activities become only source of reward, therefore you end up dong them.

Even though you need internet for your job, you can see that it is possible to reorganize if you keep these principles in mind.

Record what you did, what had success, apply again, gather more data, apply again etc.

>> No.18621203

Do white anglo girls all look this old at 14? She looks like a college student in the first pic

>> No.18621905

American girls ripen quite early. 15 yo girls look they're in their 20s.

>> No.18621922

Stop valuing shitposting. I shit posted to enlighten and educate retards, and I did my job.

>> No.18621934

Prostitutes, especially glorified ones (porn stars) should be executed on sight and their corpses left in plain view for the dogs to eat so that they're made an example of
change my mind

>> No.18622164

A diet of hormones anon.

>> No.18622318

She's already pregnant

>> No.18622340

>I did double anal & Mandingo in ONE day
Lol this can’t be real

>> No.18622344

Fucking kek

>> No.18622352
File: 108 KB, 852x1000, b4fefe4c87b331766162981bafb86869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>next time please take 3 dicks

>> No.18622371

A personality
Girls don’t lie when they say that personality matters quite a bit to them, they just omit the fact that it only matters when coupled with decent looks

>> No.18623431

You got it wrong. The whore is based.

>> No.18623707

There are invisible 'things' in the current human canon of verified phenomena; WiFi, microwaves, even heat and air. Most of the world is now in total action against a collectively certified invisibility. That invisibility from a massive family of trillions of invisibilites. When you use the internet, on every level you are interacting with an invisibility, even anons are to you invisible people with invisible names. What about hallucinations, dreams - where do they go when you aren't paying attention, when you are 'conscious' - invisible? Keep your eyes open in the dark and you will begin to see things. When you shine a lamp on your skin, you will begin to feel warm. Look at an attractive girl, and get a funny feeling in your stomach. All these phenomena are beholden to description through language, and thus the churning of meaning and intent that filter through with them, also invisible. Invisible spaces between people can make you happy, angry, or sad.

>> No.18623713

My God you're seething so hard at the fact that she can fuck her way to a good and rich life LOL

>> No.18623721

most women who go to dubai to get fucked by dogs and shat on have a good and rich life LOL

>> No.18623731

women have always been able to do that since ancient times (see: king's wife)
That being said being a whore is being a literal lowlife. Jack the ripper did nothing wrong

>> No.18623754

Did your mom share her experiences from abroad? LOL

Typical incel, please have sex and seethe more

>> No.18623770

Whoredom (prostitution) is basically the ultimate female profession
>k good to go
It's really eye opening. Also distinguishes countries where collapse is imminent from countries that will last a bit longer. Big porn industry = death and suffering soon if not already there
Women will suffer the most since they can't protect themselves or provide for themselves without a nanny state
It'll be fun to see them squeal. Maybe I'll buy a couple

>> No.18623777

imagine wanting to fuck dogs and get shat on instead of fucking you haha

the edge in this one is pure gold

>> No.18623780

>pure gold
I'll pay in silver though. Only wimmin like gold because they're low IQ

>> No.18623800
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>14 year olds
>not hot

>> No.18623985

yes, i absolutely seethe at the fact that a worthless whore with an empty head can make tons of money doing nothing whereas I'm a worthless incel with an empty head but can't get a fucking job. you pointed out nothing. you didn't say anything I'm ashamed to admit. now disengage from life for defending a fucking foid you -*
*(you are invited to imagine what uncivil words might appropriately appear at the dash)

>> No.18623991

subhanallah yes my brother

>> No.18624011

woman is the mother of death. i hate them. especially the pretty ones and especially teen girls. hearing about female suffering fills me with delight.

>> No.18624016

>To be fair her grammar improved considerably
She got dicked by /lit/ people

>> No.18624077
File: 288 KB, 401x375, 3647265457457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeh u mad bruv

>> No.18624080

yes, boiling with rage. again, what are you trying to point out when I have already laid all the cards on the table?

>> No.18624110

>/lit/ people

>> No.18624204


T. Lana Rhoadestie

>> No.18624264

>we put our HEARTS into this MOVIE
>I RIPPED MY ASSHOLE and thought my life as a whore was over but amazingly my RIPPED ASSHOLE recovered
Do wimmins have negative IQ?

>> No.18624306

Is that just a meme or was that actually her on Ask Jeeves?
If so, that's hilarious.
She's 24 now. Did she graduate or no?

>> No.18624316

it was a joke, the funny part is that she absorbed better grammar through /lit/ dick

>> No.18624362

There are 0 high status men that have ex porn actresses (glorified prostitues) as wives, literally zero lmao

what's objective success? she objectively has many simps and money but that's it

>> No.18624431

She's one of the biggest entrepreneurs of the century.

>> No.18624446

Porn is part of the world now and it gives plenty of people jobs.

>> No.18624470
File: 529 KB, 600x628, 1573872074406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not him but

>> No.18624485

>of the century
she's an expensive and well known hole. her memory will be as dead as her in 20 years time

>> No.18624493

>Did she graduate or no?
i think you know the answer

>> No.18624516

it's filth

>> No.18624536

beautiful filth.

>> No.18624539

slavery was part of the world too and gave even more people jobs (and could be even even more if you paid the slaves). Guess we should bring it back
I'm being literal btw

>> No.18624558
File: 42 KB, 300x353, thumb_create-meme-wojak-brain-figure-pictures-meme-arsenal-com-50099697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18624589

False equivalency.
Slaves did not choose. Adult industry personnel does it by their own volition.

>> No.18624635
File: 41 KB, 992x558, 180502_view_kanye_16x9_992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Slaves did not choose
anon please

>> No.18624759

I doubt this happened. Call me retarded, but there's no way an NBA player is so shitty on a date.
Guy just plays basketball and probably just chills, enjoying life. I don't see what's wrong with that.

>> No.18624772

>Guy just plays basketball and probably just chills, enjoying life. I don't see what's wrong with that.
That it's boring and dull. The woman did nothing wrong.

>> No.18624799

I feel you're right, in the sense that the girl saw he was boring. To be honest, it sounds less that the guy was boring, and more he was being a cunt and not want to talk to her.

>> No.18624933

Thats how kids before zoomers used to type you stupid fucking zoomer

>> No.18625024

You are all missing the huge thing here - the basketball man was on a date with *multiple* women at the same time (all the stuff about bringing a side-girl). That is a Chad fucking move (also a dick one, but whatever).

It turns out the porn star was the side chick and not the main one, so she's nothing bitching about how she was ignored and now saying she was the main girl to make herself feel better.

It's fucking laughable.

>> No.18625032

Oh kek, I didn't read that deeply in it.

>> No.18625033

>That is a Chad fucking move (also a dick one
chad = dick
c'mon jack, you should know this. betas know it and chads know it. why don't you?

>> No.18625038

>on a literature board
>doesn't read every post as closely as the works of the canon

>> No.18625041

I come here to take a break from reading, not to read into the nuances of basketball player's sex life: if I did I would go to >>>/sp/

>> No.18625048

It is only a chad move if both women like it that way and both are into you. Otherwise you literally are just inviting two women at the same place and time. She might be screen whore but she did nothing wrong here (besides dating a brainless basketball brute).

>> No.18625052

>Slaves did not choose. Adult industry personnel does it by their own volition.
And? Completely irrelevant, slavery creates far more jobs

>> No.18625069

Being a slave is not a job. They don't get paid.

Your move.

>> No.18625073

Oh btw you are also just grasping for straws now... There hasn't been a single decent argument against pornography (and consuming it moderately). The only thing ITT is le feefees!

>> No.18625087

god this is so hot

>> No.18625092

Chad moves are done with confidence and not caring about the response of others because you know you are right. That doesn't always mean being a dick, though it can.

Whereas >>18625048 completely misunderstands what being a chad is about by assuming that a chad move relies on other people enjoying it and thereby sublimates the man's id to the egos of women.

>> No.18625120

>The only thing ITT is le feefees!
That you, a supposedly moderate porn user, wrote this is all the argument I need to stop watching any and all porn. Dear God, please don't let me ever post something so cringe.

>> No.18625133

Like clockwork.

>> No.18625140

What, were you only pretending to be retarded, and I feel into your devious trap? Well knock me over with a feather into a big pile of I don't give a shit.

>> No.18625169

>completely misunderstands what being a chad is about by assuming that a chad move relies on other people enjoying it and thereby sublimates the man's id to the egos of women.
No, that's not what a chad is. A chad is someone who attracts and fucks women either by his actions or his looks. The basketball player is not a chad because the woman didn't fuck him for being a boring NPC with no looks to back it up. He's simply a retard who invited two women on a date. You can do that, too, but it only counts as chad if you fuck both.

>> No.18625197

It didn't create jobs for slaves, autist
It created for people processing distributing and selling the cotton, people who guarded slaves, people who created the tools slaves used and so on

Pornography has been proven to have very bad effects on the brain, similar to social media addiction (and actually worse)
It's not something controversial, just like social media addiction isnt' controversial. Nobody's hiding evidence, I mean
People just don't care about it
Another argument is that pornography serves no actual purpose. It doesn't produce anything of value, it's just debauchery for the sake of debauchery and it can easily brainwash people into pursuing a similar lifestyle which comes with drugs, STDs, no relationships and no respect from anyone
Playboy mags are far better, for example and stuff like that have been around for millenias without any significant impact, granted they were not widely distributed

>> No.18625215

>Pornography has been proven to have very bad effects on the brain

>> No.18625377

there were at least a few books on that
I think one was titled "Your Brain When On Porn" or something like that
Meanwhile there are no other books providing evidence for porn having any benefit, not just on the person but also in society in general. It's only good for capitalism

>> No.18625544

>Your Brain When On Porn
rightist propaganda bullshit on one level with jordan "wash that cock" peterson and traffickinghub

>> No.18625627

>noooo I don't like your evidence therefore invalid
I mean, you don't need an excuse to jack off anon. And no matter the evidence presented you won't stop anyway so why are we arguing? There are no benefits to porn besides cooming, and in that case, fleshligths and onaholes are better
Porn is obsolete and only for poorfaggots

>> No.18625643

there's a benefit to porn. It allows incel losers like me to gaze upon the highly arousing female form. also i had a Tenga and didn't like it. but let me ask you anon, why are you even concerned with the well being of others?

>> No.18625701

>Pornography has been proven to have very bad effects on the brain,
Really. Will you now cite CHRISTIAN statistics from the Christian website?? Omg porn so bad I see pixels on a screen but they're not like any other pixels!
People itt are not watching porn right now so why are they crying about addiction.

>> No.18625706

>no respect from anyone
We're bot in the 19th century anymore. In fact it's the more social and achieved people having more sex.

Or do you think withering away in a basement moralfagging on the chan is respectable?

>> No.18625708

No fuck off xcuck, Christianity is one of the few jewish scams bigger that pornography

>> No.18625711

>with the well being of others?
I'm concerned with the opposite actually
you don't need excuses to jerk off anon. If you like it do it

>> No.18625717

anon, blown out roasties aren't respected by anyone. Literally anyone
only their 200kg incel simps
barely an achievement
dunno what that means

>> No.18625718


>> No.18625734

bLOWn oUT roAStiES