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[ERROR] No.18612670 [Reply] [Original]

How could anyone take this seriously?
>if you establish the male with the female as a single unity so that the man will not act masculine and the woman not act feminine, … —then shall you enter the Sovereignty.

>> No.18612676

>I disagree with it so it's trash
Lol pleb

>> No.18612685

Deut. 22:5 The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

>> No.18612687

It's talking about marriage.

>> No.18612692

Man, that BUCK is thoroughly BROKEN

>> No.18612694

Not sure how you could arrive at that conclusion

>> No.18612699

You are a fool, that's not surprising.

>> No.18612701
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Nooooo my entire edgy belief system got btfo nooooo!!

>> No.18612706
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americans are a disease

>> No.18612712

Marriage is the restoration of woman being created from Adam's rib. Through marriage they that became two flesh are restored into one. This is typological of man's restoration with God through Christ, as Christ the head becomes one with the Church, his body.

>Matt. 19:5 And said, For this cause shall a man leave father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife: and they twain shall be one flesh?
>6 Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesh. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.

>Eph 5:28 So ought men to love their wives as their own bodies. He that loveth his wife loveth himself.
>29 For no man ever yet hated his own flesh; but nourisheth and cherisheth it, even as the Lord the church:
>30 For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones.
>31 For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother, and shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh.
>32 This is a great mystery: but I speak concerning Christ and the church.

>> No.18612714

Cope seeeth

>> No.18612722

deuteronomy is the dumbest shittiest part of the bible and one giant cope

>> No.18612729
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Muh cope
The verse:
>man will not act masculine, woman not act feminine

>> No.18612730

damn christianity is so retarded jej

>> No.18612731

More like it's the most misunderstood part by retards who've never made any effort to study it.

>> No.18612736

Ah, you're probably right. I don't acknowledge Thomas as canonical so it doesn't actually matter to me.

>> No.18612746


>> No.18612749

Don't you have a window to lick?

>> No.18612751

Reminder that Eve was literally created from Adam's rib in a literal garden of Eden literally ~6,000 years ago.

>> No.18612754

Isn't that just the integration of the feminine aspect in men (or the reverse for women)? The Hermetic texts talk about it, Jung too

>> No.18612768

>6,000 years ago
Few Theologians accepted the need to calculate, there are several movements in Bible that are not given a concrete span.

>> No.18612775

>>man will not act masculine, woman not act feminine
translation error.

author probably meant to refer to contemporary male and female stereotypes that are sinful. man will not act as the men do, women will not as the women do. because they are a new thing, see.

>> No.18612786

It's bullshit to try and instill non-Christian concepts secretly to poison the minds of believers.

>> No.18612788

Is that why the Byzantine Empire calculated years from the moment of creation? Or why there was a genre of literature known as the Hexameron which was a commentary on how the six literal days of creation functioned? Even the church fathers people like to cite against it actually believed it, e.g. from the City of God by Augustine:
>Chapter 10.—Of the Falseness of the History Which Allots Many Thousand Years to the World’s Past.
>They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6000 years have yet passed.

>> No.18612803

Go down Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaoes to
Let my people go!

When Israel was in Egypt land
Let my people go!

Oppressed so hard they could not stand
Let my people go!

So the God said: go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaoes to
Let my people go!

So moses went to Egypt land
Let my people go!

He made all pharaoes understand
Let my people go!

>> No.18612804
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>It was a translation error

>> No.18612806

Yes the lord said: go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaoes to
Let my people go!

Thus spoke the lord, bold Moses said:
-let my people go!
if not I'll smite, your firstborn's dead
-let my people go!

God-the lord said : go down, Moses
Way down in Egypt land
Tell all pharaoes to
Let my people go!

Tell all pharaoes
To let my people go

>> No.18612807

The "Gospel of Thomas" isn't scripture. It doesn't matter what it says.

>> No.18612815
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>> No.18612819

is the idea here that god himself curated the "canonical" texts rather than the actual living breathing people who fought and killed each other over it

>> No.18612825

What is scripture, and what is not was arbitrarily determined by Vatican in 4th century CE. This shit, however, is older than some Pope, who decided what are you allowed to read.

>> No.18612826


>> No.18612827

Also Christians
>The law which was delivered by God himself doesn't matter because of a random schizo Paul.

>> No.18612836


>> No.18612838

The 'canon' is the scriptural tradition of the Church. The Church is the body of Christ, who is its head, and who guides it. Scripture isn't something that exists in a vacuum but is part of the Church.

>> No.18612844

sorry i believe in christ not the church

>> No.18612846

Reminder that the Bible says that one day is like a thousand and a thousand to one for God, meaning time is not perceived the same way between man and God.

>> No.18612849

Which church? There where many denominations by the time the scripture was canonized.

There is no single "Church"
Keep regurgitating what they feed you.

>> No.18612855

>Believes everything MUST be based in le rationality
Go shove your 50th vaccine up your ass, NPC.

>> No.18612858

The Pope doesn't decide what I read or anyone else. We all have the freedom to choose what we wish to read in regards to what is openly presented for us to read. Given that these false gospels are out in the open it is up to those that read or look into it to distinguish for themselves what is legit and what isn't.

>> No.18612864

>There is no single "Church"
Yes, there actually is. Funny how you tell him to keep regurgitating what they feed you when your understanding of what a Church even is is non existent. You think a Church has to symbolize a building where people gather together from a certain denomination? You're wrong if that's what you think.

>> No.18612865

>The Pope doesn't decide what I read or anyone else. We all have the freedom to choose what we wish to read

>> No.18612870

Yes, I know that certain books were held back. My point is that we have the choice to read whatever is openly presented to us. Why did you forget to quote that part?

>> No.18612872
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>> No.18612873

Christ is the Church. Christ is the head and the Church is the body, together they are united as one. This is called the mystical union.
The Orthodox Catholic Church, or the "Eastern" Orthodox Church as it is called.

>> No.18612886

You realize how stupid that sounds right...

>> No.18612890

No I don't, because it isn't. All you're doing is revealing just how little you actually understand. I wouldn't say because you're stupid though, rather because you refuse to properly educate yourself in these matters.

>> No.18612897

>This is called the mystical union.
If we call ourselves mystically united with Christ then everything we say is as if it came straight from Jesus!

Don't you see the problem with this theology?

>> No.18612904

You're dumb. That's stated in the Bible in the majority, if not all translations. Again, all you're doing is revealing just how little you know and are making yourself look like the uneducated fool here. Not the person you responded to by the way.

>> No.18612907


>> No.18612914

I didn't claim that. We believe the same thing we have always believed. We don't innovate and make up new doctrines like the Roman Catholics do. But Christ is our head and he guides us to the truth. The most pertinent passage is here >>18612712, the one from Ephesians.

>> No.18612918

How are you even going to argue these things without being properly educated on the matter? You're coming from a stance as if you've done your homework, then you ask to be spoonfed? Why do you do this?

>> No.18612924

So you're saying a non physical entity called "the Church" canonized the Bible. By what physical means did this happen? Explain

>> No.18612931

You just said it was in the Bible show me the verse. I might change my mind if you give me actually evidence.

>> No.18612934

Read the New Testament. I won't even say the Bible because you don't need the Old Testament to understand. Shoot, I'll narrow it down further for you. Read the books and letters after the Gospels, that's where you'll find your answer.

>> No.18612937

>By what physical means did this happen? Explain

1 Cor. 2:12 Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God.
13 Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.

>> No.18612945

Marcion's canon makes much more sense

>> No.18612967

It's speaking about individuals not the church as a whole. And definitely not the specific church that canonized the Bible.

>> No.18612975

Not him but you just don't get it. The fact alone that you couldn't understand what was being said in that scripture explains full well why you hold the position you do in these regards in the first place. I'll leave you alone now.

>> No.18612977

It's speaking about you actually, which is why I posted it.

>> No.18612981
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Meaning each individual has received the spirit of god.
Which I question since many Christians contradict each other.

>> No.18612987

Why do I disagree with you if we're both guided by the Holy spirit?

>> No.18612990

He's a troll, just a heads up.

>> No.18612996

>I can't support my argument with scripture so I give up

>> No.18613002

Because we're sinners.

>> No.18613026

Then what Paul said is a lie.

>> No.18613074

>ah smoke, redditbros, the bible is too based to say christcucks are prolgbt! what should we do?
>*sips soimilk*
>but of course! apocrypha! let's argue with christcucks about how freaking dumb is apocryphas! how will they recover from this?!

>> No.18613103

the amount of literalist hermeneutics in this thread is astonishing

>> No.18613110

Incorrect. It is talking about the ego.

>> No.18613112

Christianity (and Islam) most likely spread so well not because of people reading into it (most didn't), but because rulers enforced it. I think traditional pagan ''down to nature'' customs would have made more sense to the people of those times, considering average level of knowledge about the nature.

>> No.18613120

This is way more reddit than anything else itt

>> No.18613128

OP here. Don't most Christians consider gnostics as satanist tho? I don't see your point.

>> No.18613140

Proto-Jungian psychic unification.

>> No.18613147

Most Christians don't know what gnosticism is

>> No.18613148
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>> No.18613164

I'm going to have nightmares

>> No.18613264


>> No.18613283

yes they do. i dont see your point either. i posted that to highlight the reasoning of all the people who were trying to justify their critique of christian doctrine by supporting it with a critique of gnostic doctrine.
>fnaf tier memes
the fucking state of this board

>> No.18613297

Catholics know gnosticism is a heresy. Most of them probably couldn't tell you what it actually is, though. That's fine. They shouldn't be too familiar with heresies, they should know the teaching of the Lord.

>> No.18613313


>> No.18613318

ok retard

>> No.18613324

The average Catholic is too busy waving rainbow flags at pro-abortions marches to worry about gnosticism.

>> No.18613327

>they should know the teaching of the Lord.
More like whatever new BS doctrine the church comes up with

>> No.18613342

whats with all the anti-Catholic sentiment on this board? is everyone here really that prideful and pseudo-intellectual?

>> No.18613348


>> No.18613349


What is your objection?

>> No.18613357

>man will not act masculine, woman not act feminine.
Because this is transgenderism

>> No.18613364

>prideful and pseudo-intellectual
Catholics in a nutshell

>> No.18613373


What makes you think it has to do with bodies?

>> No.18613374

ah right they should subscribe to the intellectual tradition of... what is you believe again?

>> No.18613384

Deuteronomy is the priests' code. It's not aimed at the regular Joe.
>also she new captcha sucks liquid turds

>> No.18613397
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What makes you think it doesn't have to do with bodies.

>> No.18613400

>Deut 1:1 These be the words which Moses spake unto all Israel...
>Deut 12:1 These are the statutes and judgments, which ye shall observe to do in the land, which the Lord God of thy fathers giveth thee to possess it...

>> No.18613405

>should subscribe to the intellectual tradition of
Any one but the Catholics.

>> No.18613411

Never read Deuteronomy in his life.

>> No.18613415


Masculinity and femininity precede and/or transcend bodies.

>> No.18613452
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>man will not ACT masculine, woman will not ACT feminine.
It's used as a adjective. When someone acts they are in the physical. Nice try at coping.

>> No.18613514


One can act feminine, by being prudent, reserved, graceful, without being feminine in the bodily sense.

>> No.18613588

Going from one bullshit excuse to another.

>> No.18613596


Eh? This is in line with my initial reply.

>> No.18613685

If a man is acting feminine, it goes that he must use his body to demonstrate such qualities(prudence ect...).

>> No.18613766


But his body does not become feminine.

>> No.18613805
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Orrr does it... I guess we'll never know

>> No.18614887


>> No.18614938
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>schizo polfaggots now are dredging up two thousand year old apocryphal logia buried in the desert to ree at

>> No.18614989

Many such cases

>> No.18614993

>Someone thought this hundreds of years ago so it's true

>> No.18615002

Ah I misunderstood originally


> A few people hundreds of years ago cares about this so everyone cared about it