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File: 26 KB, 355x499, trts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18610040 [Reply] [Original]

How does leftism even recover from this? It's impossible.

>> No.18610054

you see, the leftist cheats, lies, subverts, etc., so it won't necessarily care if you point out their poor character, they will simply insult you like they always do and continue subverting

>> No.18610056

>liste in good to Jews
>listening to Jewish ECONOMISTS of all things
NGMI, should have stuck with the wisdom of based Aryan Keynes

>> No.18610058
File: 24 KB, 700x311, spengler computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Corporations rule everything and we're moving toward neo-feudal serfdom anyway. All societies eventually degenerate and fail, no matter what fancy ideological ideas you profess.

>> No.18610075

Embedded liberalism was indeed better but the concentration of power and wealth of capitalism ensured its eventual failure, giving way to neoliberalism. Probably couldn't be avoided. It will only be fixed once the USD and the American empire die.

>> No.18610078

i sure would hate to be a serf! anyway off to my 2nd job so i can continue to afford to rent a cuck shack studio apartment

>> No.18610237

other than the fact that his prediction didnt happen?

>> No.18610410

They 1 can’t comprehend the writing or 2 are too indoctrinated to allow their maimed to digest the truth within.

>> No.18610459

Spengler accidentally makes several Marxist observations

>> No.18610463

> wordswordswordswordswords
They recover thus: They're in power, and you're not.

>> No.18610469

That’s hilarious because you have to be fully sublimated in liberal capitalist idealism to think Hayek makes a single coherent point

Even other academics laugh in public at libertarian theorists and their little think tank institutions. Even Zizek could humiliate a neofeudalist like Hayek.

>> No.18610542

>he didn't pay attention in school and is now flipping burgers

>> No.18610573

Academics are just people who never left school

>> No.18611221

these observations aren't accidental. In the same way Technocracy Inc. confirmed the labour theory of value in the 30s and later peak-oil and S-curves in production efficiency

>> No.18611227

SERF = Sneed Excluding Radical Feminist

>> No.18611240

That’s hilarious because you have to be fully sublimated in Marxist idealism to think Marx makes a single coherent point

Even other academics laugh in public at Marxist theorists and their little think tank institutions. Even Sowell could humiliate a neoprimitivist like Marx.

>> No.18611517


>> No.18611533

Bourgeois ideology isn’t a serious issue for self organisation by workers. Otherwise Marxism would have held back organising.

>> No.18611590

neither leftists nor communists have to recover from it, they can just ignore it and carry on. how is it ever going to be an obstacle? a neckbeard redditor shouting "read Hayek" at some leftist rally is barely a nuisance, let alone an obstacle.

>> No.18611605

on second thought, he might be a bit of a momentary obstacle because of how fat he probably is. but my point still stands.

>> No.18611617
File: 53 KB, 639x480, marxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modern Marxists are all pasty gormless dweebs who are nearly too anemic to even do the raised fist. You're reddit incarnate.

>> No.18611688

trots are social-democratic sects larping as Marxists. but Hayek is still not an obstacle at all to what they're doing. there's plenty of confused leftoids around at universities they can target. it's not like they need to be converting libertarians.
they may write some pieces against libertarians from time to time, but that's not because they're fighting for turf, but because they want to posture to people who are already leftoids. so in that case Hayek would actually be aiding them, not hurting them.
the real obstacle for them are the centre-left "neolibs", the Democratic mainstream, because that's where disenchanted leftoids most often defect to when they grow up. especially when Trump was president

>> No.18611703

>Even Sowell could humiliate a neoprimitivist like Marx.
marx would downright shit on sowell in a debate

>> No.18611708

Have you actually read it? It's easily his weakest work, mostly just a bunch of whining rather than solid theory.

>> No.18611712

damn those chicks are actually cute

>> No.18611718
File: 51 KB, 678x452, marxoids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my sect is the true sect
Ok? You still all pretty much do look like this though.

>> No.18611720
File: 538 KB, 480x706, e2b0068a09e301f7abe62f63faba7dea-imagejpeg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18611724

Nah that's just white people. Also that's a Trot cult. They'd call these folks Stalinists:


I know who I'm betting on.

>> No.18611726

Hayek is a clown


"Hayek’s efforts differ from classical liberalism because of his attempt to re-ground the doctrine at the highest possible level without recourse to the fiction of the social contract and by attempting to avoid the critiques usually made of rationalism, utilitarianism, the postulate of a general equilibrium or of pure and perfect competition founded on the transparency of information. In order to do this, Hayek is forced to raise the stakes and to turn the market into a global concept necessary because of its totalizing character. The result is a new utopia, predicated on as many paralogisms and contradictions. Actually, as Caille put it, were it not for “the welfare state’s failure to achieve social peace, the market order would have been swept away a long time ago.” A society based on Hayek’s principles would explode in a short time. Furthermore, its institution can only be the product of a pure “constructivism” and would undoubtedly require a dictatorial state. As Albert O. Hirschman writes, “this allegedly idyllic privatized citizenship, which only pays attention to its economic interests and indirectly serves the public interest without ever playing a direct role — all of this can only be achieved within nightmarish political conditions.” That today “national thought” is being reinvigorated by this type of theory says a lot about the collapse of this thought."

>> No.18611749

Add the words "first world" to your post and you could be right but as it stands there are probably more third world Marxist Chads than first world ones

>> No.18611760
File: 170 KB, 1067x800, men-s-coffee-12-2018_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, closer to this

>> No.18611765
File: 25 KB, 500x333, nazbols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whatabout this one outlier
Get some taste man

>> No.18611773
File: 66 KB, 621x414, naxals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I mean first world. But then again I looked up the Naxalites and they're apparently using teenage girls.

>> No.18611783

Why do Maoists have to be cringe all the time :(

>> No.18611790

If by "shit on", you mean write 900 pages of seething ad hominem like he did with Stirner, sure

>> No.18611864

In terms of survival skills, I'd bet on on that nimble teenage Naxalite girl against some suburban survivalist dude from the Fort Worth suburbs any day of the week.


>> No.18611913

There's nothing more leftist than capitalism.

>> No.18611922

I'd rather have a beer with the Texan than be summarily shot for being labour aristocracy.

>> No.18611937

there's nothing more capitalist than leftism, yes. trots and maoists included. fascist crypto-leftists too.

>> No.18611945

>Marxist idealism

Sounds like a coherent and informed reading of marx you’ve got there anon!

>> No.18611959
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>> No.18611969
File: 67 KB, 800x564, techinc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Technocracy Inc.

>> No.18611971

Feel free to give us your idealist reading of marx with whatever framework, criteria and rules you like anon.

>> No.18611990

Idealism: Unrealistic belief in the possibility of perfectability.

>> No.18612071

you forgot to change the bunkercel filename

>> No.18612087


Americans will be cringe regardless of what ideology they adopt.

>> No.18612145

communist society is never perfect. history doesn't stagnate

>> No.18612161

>these observations aren't accidental. In the same way Technocracy Inc. confirmed the labour theory of value in the 30s and later peak-oil and S-curves in production efficiency
quick rundown?

>> No.18612341
File: 809 KB, 1590x822, de Benoist A. - Hayek. A Critique (1998) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup, fags.

>> No.18613010

essentially in the 30s while the american economy was in the shitter a bunch of engineers and scientist got together for a survey of the natural ressources and how they have been used. Out of that developed a political ideology based on min-maxing the use of these ressources. The interesting part is they found out that similar to population size, production efficiency, raw ressource output like oil and coal etc. all followed the same basic scheme with a slow increase that very suddenly explodes and then stabilizes at a higher value. One of the members of the movement, M King Hubbard, would later use this method of analysing natural ressources and together with data he got from working for Shell calculated the amount of oil production, and when that production will hit its natural limits which is today known as peak-oil
On the LTV, in the Technocracy study guide they come to the conclusion that the most accurate and efficient method of analysing and planning an economy is to use energy values for machinery and labour-hours for humans. They combine the two into a theoretical energy based currency system. Production takes natural ressources and labour, so you add the energy needs for the machinery used in getting and working the raw materials and add the used labour hours. iirc the energy price of a labour hour is dependent on how much electricity that theoretical society produces.
If you replace some terms here and there you end up with something that looks suspiciously like marxs (and ricardos for that measure) constant and variable capital with the use of the human factor calculated in socially necessary labour time

>> No.18613045

I'd wear that shirt unironically, but I'm also black

>> No.18613047

i think he meant idealism as in utopianism

>> No.18613077
File: 130 KB, 709x887, Fix B. - Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Production takes natural ressources and labour
>with something that looks suspiciously like marxs
It looks suspiciously like Blair Fix and Power Theory of Value, if you remove the labour. Prices are affected by energy consumption and hierarchy.
Labour is impossible to measure objectively, because Cambridge Controversy. It's not the labour they encountered, it's energy.

>> No.18613087
File: 172 KB, 739x925, Fix B. - Economic Development and the Death of the Free Market (6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18613091

>those fucking thighs on third from the left
WTF I'm a marxist now.

>> No.18613097

>I'd wear that shirt unironically
>I'm also black
Just kys already

>> No.18613098
File: 112 KB, 761x877, Fix B. - Evidence for a Power Theory of Personal Income Distribution (2017).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18613117

Che was a racist

>> No.18613142

The only cure for the leftist is global warming induced societal collapse. Only then will they be forced to accept that they are totally wrong. So just take it easy, wait until 2050, and then go ahead and celebrate vindication.

>> No.18613166
File: 91 KB, 821x659, Fix, B. - Rethinking economic growth theory from a biophysical perspective (2015) (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>global warming induced societal collapse
Thanks to capitalism.

>> No.18613215

I don't really care what caused it, the knowledge that natural pressures will ensure that no large scale communist society will exist is enough for me. (Perhaps small scale commune type things will exist, but that's fine with me; state communism will be impossible and that's all that matters).

>> No.18613476


"The Libertarian tells us; You own yourself. This is the beginning of your being from which you freely contract with others. This is your domain, your autonomy which no one but yourself has the right to do with. This is the individual, of whom is the most fundamental unit of society. F.A. Hayek writes;
[The] basic contention is quite a different one; it is that there is no other way toward an understanding of social phenomena but through our understanding of individual actions directed toward other people and guided by their expected behavior.
To begin with, “self-ownership” is Cartesian dualism. To “own” is a transitive verb, which requires a distinct object to have, body distinct from mindーCartesian dualism. Hayek is keenly aware of this fact in his text 'Individualism and Economic Order’, and prescribes this effect of Descartes upon the individualism of Rousseau to deflect this accusation ー going as far as to assert that the French Cartesian individualism itself leads collectivism, unlike the British Liberalism which he, and the rest of the
Libertarian project at large, inherits. While Hayek is correct in illustrating that the British tradition loses much of the baggage from Descartes, it never actually escapes the notion of self-ownership because the very British tradition from Locke, that Hayek inherits, posits that;
Though the earth and all inferior creatures be common to all men, yet every man has a property in his own person; this nobody has any right to but himself.
Man’s ‘person’ being his property establishes dualismーthe thinking ‘I’ distinct from the body. A marketised Cogito."
If you're interested to read the rest:

>> No.18613541
File: 175 KB, 1072x976, monero how it works.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is ideas of stateless money in particular and decentralization in general are materializing.

>> No.18613548

On Monero:

>> No.18613567
File: 324 KB, 485x545, 1538069625438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomboys are nazbol?

>> No.18613585

>To “own” is a transitive verb, which requires a distinct object to have, body distinct from mind
lol what a shitty argument
the object of the verb can be the subject itself, there is no rule against it

>> No.18613690

can the one ancap making these retarded threads pls fuck off?

>> No.18613855

Which one. We are plenty.

>> No.18614309
File: 215 KB, 800x797, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not ancap or even commited to libertarianism, but the literature is very interesting.

>> No.18614312

>gets killed raped and enslaved because no public police force

>> No.18614342

>public servants can and have raped and enslaved
>public servants can and have protected rapists and slavers
>there is self-defense
>there is mob justice
>there are private security forces
Weak argument you got there.

>> No.18614360
File: 69 KB, 500x500, A4D80988-D196-4E35-BDEB-6B5DE73EB241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh private security forces
sounds like an army ruled by a king or fuedal lord... which of course in ancapistan you would be one right incel?

>> No.18614399

No, you have private security forces today. They tend to be more accountable that the public security forces. Easier to replace because they have competitors, cheaper because they don't have taxation powers and monopolistic unions, more accountable because the courts don't rely on them.

City blocks could hire these like condos do.

Or assemble their own volunteer watches.

>> No.18614408

>No, you have private security forces today
No you don’t. Blackwater is only allowed to exist because the government says so, they are accountable to regulation from the government dumbfuck moron.

>> No.18614436

Why did you jump to public contractors? I'm refering to private security firms like Securitas.

Regular people have no reason to hire armies, just rent-a-cops.

>> No.18615035

You are being protected by private guards in shopping malls - for free.
You will get robbed on public roads "protected" by state police and paid with your taxes though.

>> No.18615164

Keynes lost the debate even himself said it, and Keynes only took one class of economy, the guy was a retard (lanklet) and the people who follow him on economics are even more retarded

>> No.18615452

Unfathomably BASED

>> No.18615479

You know the lords protected the peasants in the feudal system lel

>> No.18615496

>neoliberalism won
>wageslavery everywhere
>I don't feel free at all

>> No.18615545

Hayek must have read Rousseau and believed him when he said that humanity lived a perfect life of peace and prosperity in the distant past when we were all running on our own in the woods.

>> No.18615585

Lol no they didn't. That's like saying the Mafia in Sicily protect the people they extort money from. In France when the English went on the chevauché the lord's were very conspicuously absent. Feudal lords were a parasitical class m8.

>> No.18615874

morais and kakabadse clearly doctored the data

>> No.18616680

are you gay? I'd fuck both of them

>> No.18616691

>he paid attention in school and is now 100,000$ in debt

>> No.18616692


>> No.18616704

I posted them as hotties yes
Nazbol >>>>>> vanilla Marxism