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[ERROR] No.18604916 [Reply] [Original]

Is Philosophy a waste of time?

>> No.18604925


>> No.18604949

She's literally the perfect woman. The womanly woman of Parzival.

>> No.18604981

Philosophy is useful when it's subtractive (i.e., toward skepticism). It's useless when it's additive (i.e., toward dogmatism). The problem is that even most self-proclaimed secularists approach philosophy atpgpwdditively.

>> No.18604986

fucking CAPTCHA, man, wtf

>> No.18604998

If studying philosophy is something you really want to do, then don’t listen to uninformed advice about it being a waste of time. If you want to spend a few years studying interesting ideas as opposed to concepts that bore you, then go for it. Also, fine-tuning your ability to tell the difference between a solid argument and a poor one is necessary when living in a post-truth society.

>> No.18605006


what did he mean by this

>> No.18605220


Yes, that's why it's good.

>> No.18605235
File: 292 KB, 828x1012, 8B09F1E2-EC40-4600-A16B-089E7BF87100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes read Dr Sadlers recommended intro to philosophy list

>> No.18605243

>post truth society
What happened to this meme?

>> No.18605440
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>> No.18605454

>including Mary “Wollstonecraft” and not Spinoza, Hobbes, or even Kant
Pure soi

>> No.18605480

She is legit so ugly. Why did she stop posting videos on youtube?
Also WTF is these captchas

>> No.18605556

any nudes?

>> No.18605567

>why yes, I approach philosophy atpgpwdditively

>> No.18605574
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>why yes, I approach philosophy atpgpwdditively

>> No.18605690


>> No.18605704
File: 230 KB, 938x1244, 0DF7539F-9E9B-4BC2-B001-DAD72297007E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this first (my fave picture book)

>> No.18605719

No, it’s the only thing that is not a waste of time

>> No.18605757

Philosophy is a cookbook of arguments to make cattle obey.
When you subvert expectations, people look at you with awe and can't unsee the shit you've made them see. And you promise to deliver further: "Think like me, and you'll have a share of my power!"

>> No.18605758

Yes. Philosophy is largely worthless except for competitive onanism with other queers on the internet.

>> No.18605762

For some it is, for others it is not.

>> No.18605783
File: 77 KB, 1024x625, A0F5080F-5093-4F31-94E6-F6A0721F20DD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not if you have a sufficient IQ desu
It’s definitely a waste of time for midwits

>> No.18605796

Who is this cutie?

>> No.18605798



>> No.18605868

I hope Bakker grows out of being a disciple of bug men like Dennett if only because I like his writing.

>> No.18605935

not /ourgirl/ * e m m i e * that's for sure

>> No.18605970
File: 66 KB, 591x625, kat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one tell him

>> No.18605973

Easier when you stop posting her, bub.

>> No.18605991

Thanks, found her

>> No.18605993


>> No.18605995


>> No.18606000


No. There is some good philosophy, but it is generally technical and demand an above average grasping of logic. The problem is that zoom zooms are retarded mush brains with the attention span of a TikTok video so they are totally unable to sit down and read a technical book about basic Set Theory or Model Theory so they will never have access to the discussion being done by guys like Quine, Carnap, Russell, Peirce, Frege or even the older but still good stuff like Kant, Husserl, Aquinas, Aristotle that despite being non-technical compared to today's standards are still impregnated with technical lingo that are to much for zoom zooms. The kids will then flock to stuff that are more retarded-friendly like Sartre, Camus, Plato, Kuhn, Popper, Marx, Stoicism, Foucault, Nietzsche and Shopenhauer. Sometimes zoom zooms will try to distance themselves from the Midwits by going for authors that sound almost incomprehensible and demand lots of technical priors for a good comprehension like Hegel, Heidegger and Wittgenstein , but zoom zooms understand shit about what they are saying and just copy the lingo to sound smart, that is how you get a lot of shit posts in this board.

>not implying that all technical stuff is good or the converse, Wittgenstein is the most overrated philosopher in history while Plato is pretty cool.

>> No.18606009

I read maybe 2 philosophy books a year and only when I'm in the mood but I retain pretty much nothing.

>> No.18606204

>not implying that all technical stuff is good or the converse, Wittgenstein is the most overrated philosopher in history while Plato is pretty cool.

trips of truth. the only cool thing about wittgenstein was that he masturbated to equations.

>> No.18606221

/lit/: the post

>> No.18606248

Holy based. I need a gf like that

>> No.18606356

Needs some Hegel and Heidegger

>> No.18606357

No, learn metaphysics, chicks love this thing.

>> No.18606366


>> No.18606370

She is the guenon poster, anon.

>> No.18606377

if you don't feel compelled to read it then yeah don't bother. There's not gonna be some secret in some tome that'll make it all worth it.

>> No.18606386

What a retarded meme. Using the word soul in nornalfag way for Schopenhauer is retarded.

>> No.18606427
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depends on what you're trying to accomplish, if you like it then just read it

>> No.18606568


>> No.18606631

he really got filtered by one of schopenhaur's most interesting ideas...bet he jerks off muh anti-natalism

>> No.18607060
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>> No.18607081

based atpgpwddition

>> No.18607654

books on atpgwddition?

>> No.18607958

But why is it a waste of time?

>> No.18608007

In my experience philosophy has only succeeded in making me more miserable. But if you have a genuine interest in it then sure go to your local library and read some intro to philosophy book and if you found it interesting start reading some philosophy texts.

>> No.18608103

>Quine, Carnap, Russell, Peirce, Frege
The only author worth studying in depth here is maybe Frege, the rest offer arbitrary "ideals" regarding what a philosophical theory/inquiry should do or be

Meanwhile, Heidegger and Wittgenstein offer philosophical revolutions and perspectives on how to actually LOOK at the tool you are using (whatever formal language you like)

>> No.18608143

Schopenhauer clearly said with death your ego or self disappears but your inner most essence remains immortal. Christcucks view soul as an eternal self literally, for them self or individual consciousness is eternal. So when that mutt retard in dungarees say some bullshit about soul it is completely different from Schopenhauer's Metaphysical point of view.

>> No.18608630

someone post it

>> No.18608691

>philosophical revolutions and perspectives on how to actually LOOK at the tool you are using (whatever formal language you like)
I don't think you've really read Carnap. Do you know what the Principle of Tolerance even is? Put that together with what he teaches in the Aufbau (that you are to pick a base vocabulary and construct all else from there by definitions) and the Logical Syntax (that all that you need to do, given the Principle of Tolerance, is rules of formation and rules of transformation), and Empiricism, Semantics, and Ontology (that the only questions of existence that matter are specific to the theories you pick, and you'll realize he's precisely interested in giving you the resources to look at the tool you're using, while giving you plenty liberty to then go whichever way you'd like afterward.

>> No.18608710

Thats a really good list, id add Kierkegaards Fear and Trebling and Sickness upon Death, but to be read before and after you read other works just to see how much you missed

>> No.18608713


>not worth studying

Holy fucking shit dude, this is the most retarded think I ever heard on this site and I have been to r9k before. I will suppose he never read anything about the guy, if this is indeed the case then go read some of his work, it is glorious.

>> No.18608742

>Yes goy stop thinking
Why are they like this?

>> No.18609053


>> No.18609703

I also approach life atpgpwdditively, as all shounjhqwld.

>> No.18609712

I once atpgpwdditively a girl. Never again.

>> No.18611033

i want to fuck her so bad bros...

>> No.18611059

Atpgpwdditively is an adverb, ESL etkgmmum.

>> No.18611128

>Is Philosophy a waste of time?
Studying it is. Who gives a shit what some rich dude 2000 years ago thought?

Just think for a few seconds, lol.

>> No.18611136
File: 27 KB, 405x563, 35._Portrait_of_Wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18611182

What kind of fucking retard finds Plato's Republic 'too big brain'

>> No.18611448

Who should you read before him

>> No.18611465

>posts the man that single-handedly BTFO philosophy

>> No.18611475

the pic is cringe

>> No.18612063
File: 44 KB, 493x622, D5DF6C50-7D21-4FB8-911B-4BF160C5C283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>posts the man that single-handedly BTFO philosophy

>> No.18612182

Holy shit, I totally forgot about existence of this bitch.

>> No.18612197


>> No.18612201


>> No.18612202
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>> No.18612382

There’s no meaning inside yourself so yes

>> No.18612409

Yes. It’s much like the function of thought itself. To not think at all is reprehensible. To think too much is usually a symptom of something insidious. The difference between Plato and 20th century philosophy makes this perfectly clear.

>> No.18612460
File: 35 KB, 600x600, 1300044776986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vindication of the Rights of Women

>> No.18612650


How can she be my gf???

>> No.18612664

>current year
>still stuck in analytical and continental philosophy
>believing the only evolution is whatever process shit Whitehead thought up or to spam Guenon until /lit/ is unbearable
>not embracing atpgpwdditivle philosphy

>> No.18612666


>all that medieval christfag shit that has literally no place in the 21st century
>adding in a woman even though she's not even a philosopher

Can this fat fuck just finish his Hegel series already so I can finally drop him?

>> No.18612801

She's lesbo

>> No.18612809

This place is one step from being Reddit

>> No.18612822

Check out this bitch coming in and atpgpwdditively fucking up this thread

>> No.18612888


Can I see proof

>> No.18612926

Dam only read 4 of these. Still so much to go.

>> No.18613620

This is more like intro to the history of philosophy, but it will absolutely NOT make someone a good philosopher. Not because the books themselves are bad (most aren't), but because they're disjointed, disordered and generally all over the place in their positions. Might as well put in anglo analytics in there too.

>> No.18613691

That's not very atpgpwdditive of you, friend.

>> No.18613705

Suck my atpgpwdditive dick

>> No.18613726

I have found that "applied philosophy" (ethics, philosophy of science, etc) is quite interesting. It can also be useful of course, but it is interesting for its own sake as well.

>> No.18613980

no such thing

>> No.18614609


>> No.18614640
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shes so beautiful. I love Kat!

>> No.18614734

You seem to have read all those "low" tier philosophers you mentioned. But I just read some wiki paragraphs about Quine and that, by instance, was again repeating other theories (main ideas) which, in turn, repeated older theories. Like the ontological commitment theory; isn't it just a repetition of the main idea of contingence in this space/time plane?
>If you think about something it exists
>everything (imaginable for man?) exists
You seem to overate people, just like zoomers do.

>> No.18615085

Don't blame the captcha for your parkisons dickhead, we all see though it.

>> No.18615117

one of these things is not like the others

>> No.18615141

The process of destroying and the ideology of absolute skepticism is what left us with the sorry state of philosophy (and civilization). That notion devolves into relativism and, ironically, dogmatism all the same. It is the easiest thing in the world to destroy. You don't need philosophy for it.

That every reply to this comment is reddit meme shit is a sad indicator of the state of this board. Eat shit faggots.

>> No.18615144

what's the deal with Kat's feet?

>> No.18615464
File: 10 KB, 178x283, 1B1861E5-E79E-4F51-80B8-691CA47FC4D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone recommend a better top 10 list than this pls
>medieval christfag

>> No.18615570


>> No.18615588

Yes. Imagine defining reality to an extent in a way which potentially have great benefit for mankind if used correctly then dying. Now imagine thousands of generations who lack the capacity to really understand what you meant and who use your definitions as a ploy to further themselves. Your school of through has not spawned any progress despite being accurate. The only thing it has done is given the strong and intelligent more tools to rule over the weak and create endless discourse for midwits who lack the understanding for rules in which your ideas were made. Concepts made to be fluid and evolve are now seen as set in stone and defended endlessly as word of law. Those who lack the reason to see the point of trying to do anything other than simply live comfortably will scoff at it all smugly while being subjugated by your ideas. On top of that there are the endless masses who think they are intelligent simply for having read or even memorized your ideas. Eventually your definitions become a cruel imitation of itself.


>> No.18615891

Studying the objective truth (philosophy) doesn't matter if you can't impose the truth towards society. If you want to impose values towards society you need to implement a religion in it, hence the study of religion is more important than philosophy. Religion is power. Religion says "This the truth!!!" and what it says as being the truth keeps being considered the truth for thousands of years regardless of it being correct or not. Philosophy is bluepill to distract you from religion.

>> No.18615901

What the fuck does that video have to do with your post?

>> No.18617245
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Fuck you don't leave out Carl Sagan

And yea if you pick quotes to fit a meme no shit.

Also at least they aren't trying to sound smart for no reason.

>> No.18617310

Have you read all of these philosophers? Is this how you spend your time? What did you get out of it?

>> No.18617464

based Chuck the philosopher

>> No.18617478

he seethes about it and have heated arguments with other philosophy bros

>> No.18617484

Everything except philosophy is

>> No.18617499

>it's good because it sets me apart from the rest by my mastery of jargon