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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18609636 [Reply] [Original]

Why did /lit/'s taste improve so much in these 4 years?

>> No.18609659

>the bible
dunno but based

>> No.18609665

what happened that made infinite jest lose its meme status

>> No.18609671

time's march

>> No.18609678

For some reason these lists always seem so lackluster

>> No.18609704

A refined taste with age and experience?

>> No.18609736

>Infinite Jest
>The Stranger
I cringe evry time
>Moby Dick
Dangerously Based

>> No.18609742

I don't know, I guess it's just because stuff like stoner, gatsby, catcher in the rye, etc. were books I read in high school or when I was young. It's hard to believe that they are some of the top books ever written. I guess the 2018 chart is better in this regard

>> No.18609749

/lit/ has always had atrocious taste. That hasn't changed at all.

>> No.18609751

This board was taken over by reactionaries who aestheticize shit like Homer and the Bible on the surface level virtue signal that they aren’t “degenerate 20th century literature”.

>> No.18609764

or maybe they just think The Bible and Homer are better than 1981 and Lolita

>> No.18609778

Lolita has always confused me as to it's popularity.
Is it a examination of a demented, yet intelligent pervert and how unchecked passion leads to destruction? Is it popular for it's prose? Or it is glorified smut masquerading as a literary classic?

>> No.18609792

Lolita is better than the Bible. Suck my big old nuts

>> No.18609793

Unironically because if he /pol/ refugees coming in from the 2020 election

>> No.18609800
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>> No.18609876

>one hundred years of solitude not in the top 20

>> No.18609893


>> No.18609903

Lolita is a masterpiece because all of those are true.

>> No.18609912

It's not smut though. The farthest it goes is describing her tan lines, there aren't any sex scenes. You can find far worse stuff in basically any fanfic on AOOO

>> No.18609917

>Why did /lit/'s taste get so much more psued in these 4 years?
Fixed that for you. The top is a list by people who actually read books. The bottom by a bunch of posers who only talk about these books.

>> No.18609923

To be fair, you can find stuff on ao3 that makes asstr look tame.

>> No.18609927

it's literally just high school vs college assigned reading, which makes sense considering the 4 year gap. 4chan is old now

>> No.18609940


>> No.18609951
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true /lit/ always make the /pol/tards look like the retards they are

>> No.18609953

the list is from 2018 you fucking subhumans

>> No.18609957


>> No.18610043

Honestly this. I refuse to believe that my literary taste peaked in 10th grade

>> No.18610101

So where did all the oldfags go?

This place has been slowly crawling out of the shitter lately, here's hoping.

>> No.18610114

>This place has been slowly crawling out of the shitter lately, here's hoping.
lol, this place has never been worse (says day one old fag)

>> No.18610143

the prose for me.
sometimes i'd just stop and say to myself like "how did he do this" and i'd reread a whole paragraph because it read so amazingly. kind of hard to explain though.

>> No.18610147


Bullshit, Trump election and "the hacker known as anonymous/4chan" times were way worse.
After this place there's /r/TrueLit and a private tracker or two. And even then...

>> No.18610167

>redditor pretends to know anything by referencing the two most famous times 4chan was in popular media

>> No.18610178

I'll have to agree with that, you can't call it a top 20 books chart if One Hundred Years of Solitude isn't even there.

>> No.18610190

I prefer 120 days of sodom

>> No.18610192

What is so good about Moby Dick? I am asking earnestly. It seems weird for a 4chan list

>> No.18610209

The Bible is boring, brainlet-deep shit outside Ecclesiastes and Job.

>> No.18610214
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whatever retard, didn't ask

>> No.18610221

You will never have a high IQ.

>> No.18610225

Yes, those were the last times I was here and it got worse because of it being in popular media.
Reddit was tolerable until all the New Reddit shit started choking off the decent smaller subreddits.

Do you have anything better, anon? Skip the part where you pretend it's impressive to measure the years you've wasted in your basement.

>> No.18610232

Almost like the forever-chan senpais have grown up.

>> No.18610236

>whatever retard
Learn to punctuate properly before posting to /lit/, you fucking uneducated, zero-value Christcuck.

>> No.18610243

You'll understand if you start reading it.

>> No.18610252

It got more pseud. The books in the top still get more discussion going than books below.

>> No.18610265

A website obsessed with anime girls and you wonder why.

>> No.18610268
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whatever retard, didn't ask

>> No.18610276

Infinite Jest is still on the list, so it really didn't improve that much.

>> No.18610282

its the underlying thematic structures, universal feelings and the enjoyable ride

>> No.18610464

Judging by 16 and 17
>tfw no gf
set in

>> No.18610465

>thematic structures, universal feelings
Not everyone is a pedophile, sorry.

>> No.18610472

> "look at me not caring as I go fetch pics!"

>> No.18610489

Jordan Peterson. Hate him as much as you want, one thing remains true: people on the internet didn't know shit about the classics until him.

>> No.18610511
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it is an IMAGE board, anon.

>> No.18610551

He may have popularized Jung and solzhenitsyn a bit but beyond that no.

>> No.18610616


>t. faggot humiliated over his feminity

>> No.18610790

That is absurd, /lit/ regarded him as a pseud and was already deep into the Perennialists at the time.

>> No.18610812

2021 it will all be Guenon books.

>> No.18611189

Please tell me you’re not the same anon who was seething at that guy for not putting a comma after “whatever”.

>> No.18611255

In 2016-2017 /lit/ became obsessed with religion and ancient stuff. This board has a bizarrely powerful influence over Twitter retards, and I'm hoping our next phase is memeing philosophers from Antiquity or plays

>> No.18611267

Yeah, the larping is so great :D

>> No.18611356

You just named the two most entry-level books of the Bible, retard.

>> No.18611383
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>no goethe

>> No.18611386

2018 was unironically the best year for /lit/. This board was painfully cringe at the beginning, then kept improving. I guess users have become too young since 2018.

>> No.18611509

From these lists I've only read Blood Meridian and The Great Gatsby. I have a copy of 2666 but haven't cracked it open yet, should I though?

>> No.18611524

>should I though?
stop posting these absolutely retarded posts.

Fuck off back to plebbit with this attitude and dont return before actually having read a healthy chunk of the relevant works, faggot.

>> No.18611542

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.18611547
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>stop posting these absolutely retarded posts.
>Fuck off back to plebbit with this attitude and dont return before actually having read a healthy chunk of the relevant works, faggot.

>> No.18611549

2005 - 2015 was the rise of the hipster
the 2014 list reflect hipster tastes only
seems like this board is now allowing for a proper intellectual base with a hipster fashioning - which is obviously the desired final form of any humanist mode

>> No.18611585

Because I bullied them. Conistent war on plebhood and open aggression against midwittery is how you direct a herd to develop and grow. Report all booktubers, shit on modern novels, promote the Greeks and the proper classics, force high standards, bully pseuds. If you don't want this to become plebbit then you must promote elitism first and foremost.

>> No.18611820
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>Why did /lit/'s taste improve so much in these 4 years
I arrived

>> No.18612279

Stoner is the most overrated book on lit which is sad because it’s a solid book

>> No.18612725

If you were a highschool English teacher, wouldn't you want to make your students read some of the best books before 95% of them go on to never read literature again?

>> No.18612747

I think I know what you’re trying to ask. I assumed from all the references in cartoons or whatever that it was like, a Treasure Island or Robinson Crusoe-level sea adventure, the one with the big whale in it. But it’s actually a really fascinating literary experience. Worth a try.

>> No.18612748

Where is the 2020 chart?

>> No.18612763
File: 187 KB, 977x1916, 960B1AF0-B326-4BB8-ACEF-D74F32034653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.18612927

it’s not the top books ever written, you mong. it’s just a list of lit’s personal favourite books

>> No.18612954
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>that image
talk about irony.

>> No.18613001

Everyone’s obsessed with something impossible though

>> No.18613291

we cant read German