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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 109 KB, 1212x685, Boston 2021 07 07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18606856 [Reply] [Original]

We're having a /lit/ meetup in Boston this Saturday.

Email bostonliterature at gmail if you're interested & I'll give you the place & time.


If you've been to university organizations, reading groups, or hung out in a cafe up here, you've noticed the stifling eggshell-walking culture. And also that no one reads /lit/ books.


Something in the vein of Ben Franklin's Junto, Emerson's Transcendental Club. Discussion, critique, &c.

>> No.18606885

I think I can attend it. I will bring one of my Guenon book with me.

>> No.18606886
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>> No.18606969

so what are you guys gonna do exactly

>> No.18606999
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Someone please take photos of this awkward and embarrassing "meet up." My schadenfreude demands it.

>> No.18607038

Awkwardly sit around

>> No.18607048

I am a volkisch BAPist living in Western MA would I be CANCELLED from this event?

>> No.18607071
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Sean Goonan is the only fag from MA/lit/ that ever actually published a book. He's currently running in politics too. If he's not sponsoring this event then there's no point in going.
Why? That city is a junkies paradise and everything is beyond over priced. The whole city stinks of piss and weed.

>> No.18607115
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Cool idea anon. I recommend next /lit/ meeting be in new york so we can drown the likely cringe of a meeting with shitty beer and loud noises. I also know of some perfect places to chill and meet, and we can even time it to crash some BS academic conferences.

>> No.18607139

Plan about bombing the next marathon

>> No.18607163

gay orgy

>> No.18607326

Me in the front

>> No.18607336

Only if Frater Asemlen is going

>> No.18607356

Which publisher picked him up?

>> No.18607372

>Frater Asemlen

>> No.18607379

he self-published. Guy used to walk into bookstores with stacks of his books he printed himself and if they wouldn't put them on the shelves he used to sneak them on. The only person on /lit/ I think that ever published anything. He is currently in politics and trying to take over his city.

>> No.18607388

Is he running as an independent?

>> No.18607392

yeah but they are city elections I think so I can't vote for him. I used to troll on my college campus because local feminists started attacking him due to a section about females in his book. There were several raids on his campaign rallies and book talks.

>> No.18607410
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Is this a whites only event

>> No.18607470

Wish I could vote for him too but I'm not even American rofl
Thanks for this link

>> No.18607473

How do you know the G-Man? I used to play soccer with him lol

>> No.18607479

>There were several raids
Lol no there weren't who are you?

>> No.18607509


>> No.18607528

He is on Goodreads and has been shilled here enough times. He used to post here, at least I think it was him talking about his book. When I found out he was from Mass I thought I was getting trolled.

At BU there were when his book was found in the library.

>> No.18607532

goonanposting is multi-dimensional.
you can never be sure who's who

>> No.18607555

>some Hampshire College antifa faggot trying to create a doxpile of LE 4CHANNERS to send to the local news so he can write his faggy post-doctorate on trans lives kneeling and the Rape of 4chan Hitlers
yeah, no thanks go back to emerson you faggot east mass HOMO

>> No.18607582

God I wish

>> No.18607586

is that you faggot JEW junkie Ian who used to run Boston Antifa / Boston Anarchists? I know you think you're anonymous

>> No.18607616

charlie baker is a tranny

>> No.18607674
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>> No.18607848
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>> No.18608159
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>> No.18608772
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>> No.18608890

Can I come even if I don't read?

>> No.18608895

AK or AR?

>> No.18608901
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>budget rapture can only afford to download AI generated art

>> No.18609373
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>> No.18609621
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>> No.18609773
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>> No.18610140
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>> No.18610760

AK. Nod to our Chechen boy.

>> No.18612373
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>> No.18613569
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>> No.18613752
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>> No.18614819
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