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[ERROR] No.18608065 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best book about events leading up to 9/11?

>> No.18608080

Do you mean the hijackings themselves or the whole story of Al Qaeda?

>> No.18608118

Both actually. And also interested the same from view point of CIA/FBI etc.

>> No.18608131

The Quran

>> No.18608138

It happened because of British/French retardation. If the Brits and French hadn't dismantled the Ottoman Empire, the more moderate Turks would have kept control of the oil fields away from the Saudi and Wahabis, which means that the KSA's funding for Islamic terrorism wouldn't have happened, which means no Al-Qaeda, which means no 9/11. Basically, the Middle East would be a good place today if the Ottomans were still around.

>> No.18608149
File: 198 KB, 868x1198, page1-868px-Bin_Ladin_Determined_To_Strike_in_US_(August_2001).pdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the President's Daily Brief that Bush received on August 6, 2001

>> No.18608160

legacy of ashes

>> No.18608190

Doesn't sound very helpful for preventing an attack. "Our known enemy wants to strike us."

>> No.18608192

CIA cope

>> No.18608200

idk but i remember when i was in elementry school i read this novel "We all fall down" which was alright.
its like a father/son "take your kid to work" thing that takes place on 9/11 and then the dad and his kid have to travel down the building while its on fire and shit.

>> No.18608210

I've read
>Global Jihad: A Brief History, Glenn E. Robinson
It's rather in-depth and rather boring, dry deliver throughout.
I have two other books with that word within the title:
>Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World, Jay Sekulow
>See Something, Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad, Philip Haney, Art Moore
Within 1.5y I'll likely go thru 'em.
The first though explain in detail all the history, ties and motivations.

>> No.18608216

Culture of Critique

>> No.18608245

Sort of related but I'm currently working on a massive book that covers the entirety of what happened IRL and in various circles of the internet from May 28, 2016 (the day Harambe was shot) to Jan 20, 2021 (the day Biden took office), drawing links between events and covering stuff like Epstein's capture and suicide; my thesis is that, when that rifle bullet struck and killed Harambe, we entered a kind of alternate reality, and things kept escalating and escalating until around Jan 6th 2021, when the timeline shattered; it wasn't until two weeks later that we actually entered back into our normal timeline and the old one evaporated completely. Currently the book is about 800 pages long

>> No.18608310

>Unholy Alliance: The Agenda Iran, Russia, and Jihadists Share for Conquering the World, Jay Sekulow
Wow this does not sound like it has any agenda at all lmao

>> No.18608325

Taking out the subtitles from books leads to too many dupes though. And subtitles function similarly to allcaps and thumbnails within video-hosting websites - clickbait; or plain titles for any article-based medium - newspapers, news sites, even scientific journals at times.
Attention-based economy :D

>> No.18608387

Articles with clickbait titles usually are full of clickbait content. I have a hard time believing that anyone who would characterize their book that way has anything worth saying that isn't George Bush "muh ebil axis" tier agitprop

>> No.18608528

The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America by Peter Dale Scott

>> No.18608564

Ghost Wars for Afghanistan from the Soviet Invasion to 9/10/01
Directorate S for 9/11 to end of Obama in Afghanistan
The Looming Tower for the 9/11 attack specifically or the Congressional report which is quite good.
The Black Flags for AQI and the birth of ISIS
Cobra II for the mechanics of the Iraq Invasion
End Game for a detailed military history of the Iraq War from an American perspective
Invisible Nation for a background on Kurdistan
A Peace to End All Peace for a background on the end of the Ottomans (recommended to me by Tom Donilon actually)
The Kingdom on Saudi Arabia
The Twilight War on Iran from and American Perspective, Guardians of the Revolution for an Iranian focused perspective, and All the Shah's Men if you care about the coup on detail

Hunting in the Shadows is decent too, I would stay away from Dirty Wars as it is pretty baised.

For theory, How Terrorism Ends and Understanding Terrorist Networks is pretty good for intro work that is still scholarly.

For larger scale geopolitics, The Revenge of Geography, just the sections on the Middle East if you want

For a lens of US policy What Good is Grand Strategy? And Berlin to Baghdad for big picture, Legacy of Ashes for just the CIA.

How to Eat Soup With A Knife for COIN

Those are the big English language sources that I can think of that are accessible and won't repeat too much.

t. grad degree in the field and worked in intelligence for awhile

>> No.18608575

Shit, forgot Days of Fire for the Bush Admin generally. And then any of the memoirs from high level officials obviously. Gates' Duty is particularly good

>> No.18608624

It's not written yet. Maybe in 200 years after the Jews collapse society and objective research agnostic to religions, current allegiances, and socioeconomic factors are long relics.

>> No.18608657
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>> No.18608674
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The Nag Hammadi Library

>> No.18609235

Elder Protocols of Zion

>> No.18609396

Jihad vs McWorld

>> No.18609597
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>worked in intelligence for awhile

>> No.18609661

You're LARPing, but I would read this book.

>> No.18609907


>> No.18609911
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>> No.18609929
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>worked in intelligence for awhile

>> No.18610457

Simulacra and Simulation