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/lit/ - Literature

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1860722 No.1860722 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /lit/,

What college or uni do you go to and what is your major?

Recently accepted FSU transfer junior reporting in, International Affairs major (going for either the History or Geography concentration.) Here is the beautiful campus where I will be spending my time.


>> No.1860731

English major at Harvard.

>> No.1860734

school: uf

b.a. in pol sci

enjoy us eating your faggot asses for breakfast noles

>> No.1860735

not lit, go fuck yourself
as i'm posting may as well respond:
IR master's, waseda uni

>> No.1860736

Western Carolina University

English Major, concentration in education.
Minoring in Philosophy and French language.

>> No.1860737

lol you're college looks like a prison.

>> No.1860742


Practical and well-balanced. If you were a female I would ask you out on a date right now.

>> No.1860746

My education is in the College of the Patriarchy.

I wasn't accepted into this school by choice. I'm only a "whore" because they say I am, because I am a woman and all woman are made whores by a male-dominated system that makes them suck cock both proverbial and real.

>> No.1860755

I'm at the University of Waterloo, and our campus has construction everywhere too. I'm studying computer science with a minor in pure math.

>> No.1860758
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>Community college
MFW reading is only half the excitement

>> No.1860763

I got a school for you
the school of make me dinner,wash the dishes, and try not to drown my children

>> No.1860764


>Community college

>Peon level "public service" jobs

Enjoy being a slave with only half an education.

>> No.1860765


Some girls like being maids, I hear. More power to them, I guess, just as long as they know how to protect themselves in those kinds of dangerous conditions.

>> No.1860768
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St. Lawrence University. Going to be a senior.

Major: Performance and Communication Arts (Focus is on the rhetoric side of the major rather than the performance side)

Minor: English (Literary Studies)

>> No.1860770

Let me guess,English major?

>> No.1860772


I'm in Tally and it sucks. Hopefully transferring to USF.

(Math and Physics)

>> No.1860774

We are all slaves. There are no earthly masters. There are no free men.

>> No.1860775


Econ major, also doing NROTC. Nice try, though.

>> No.1860777


>Thinks Tampa doesn't suck worse than Tally

Oh wow

>> No.1860778

Enjoy being a slave to the big banks and old rich white folk.Kind of makes you their nigger don't it?

>> No.1860780


What an imaginative insult. You don't exactly seem like you have the brainpower for math and physics to be honest. Weren't you claiming you wanted to be a cop last time I saw you?

>> No.1860787


Only doing it so I can be an "old rich white folk" that makes everyone else my bitch. Your career choice doesn't really have that opportunity, now does it?

>> No.1860788

St. John's University

I'm studying Pharmacy.

>> No.1860789

goin to uf in fall, was gonna go to fsu but decided i wanted to break off from all my old friends/classmates who are pretty much all going to fsu.

>> No.1860791


Political Science and African-American Studies

>> No.1860797


lol I might actually know you.

>> No.1860798

University of Arizona, going into the second year of my MFA in creative writing.

>> No.1860802


>State university

>Creative writing

Son, you done goofed.

>> No.1860812

Yeah,it'll be fun to work at a desk for 40 years making money then be too old to enjoy it.Unless of course you fuck up once and no one wants to hire you.Then,you end up in the poor house for a few years till i'm called to resuscitate your lifeless body after overdosing in an alleyway.Then,i go home to my wife and tell her the hilarity that ensued that day.Or maybe you'll make a lot of money and get a trophy wife who after 6 years decides to kill you and take all your money.She hated you the whole time.

>> No.1860814

FSU, what a dismal little place.

If I see those fucking faggots dressed up like ninjas playing with foam swords outside of Strozier again I am going to report their asses. Same goes for the little shits that somehow think it is mature to roam around screaming and shooting at each other with plastic guns. I am just waiting for those turds to have their asses kicked off campus.

That is the kind of fucking trash at FSU. The world's biggest community college. Maturity is few and far between, hard to be found.

>> No.1860815
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>Yeah, what a waste of time. Pffft MFA from the U of A

>> No.1860819


What makes you think you have the business sense to be as well known as your little hippy idol there?

>> No.1860824
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>shift the argument when faced with a counter point.

>> No.1860830

inb4 mfa shitstorm

>> No.1860831

Unless of course, you're fully funded with a stipend and you aspire to work in academia.

>> No.1860832


You don't need an MFA to be a great writer. You either are or you aren't. Getting a Creative Arts Master's degree is a bigger money dump than a pack of Trojan condoms (and your continued existence in this world can attest to the second)

>> No.1860835
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>English majors
Oh god my sides,they hurt.

>> No.1860836


I don't think going through an MFA program made DFW the writer that he was.

>> No.1860839

My grandfather studied medicine after working as an investment banker. Well-educated Finance major who later went to medical school and became a doctor. Worked his ass off for it.
He had the money to send my father to an Ivy League school, the University of Pennsylvania.

Do you know what my father's major was? Literature.

My father now lives in a trailer, begging for handouts from me dear old aging grampa. Oh, what do you make of that.

>> No.1860840

going to NIU (Northern Illinois University)

yep it's a shitty state school, but I applied late, I'm 21 and they gave me a nice scholarship. taking what I can get.

Undecided major, possibly Psychology with a double major or minor in Computer Science. End goal would be to get a PhD in research psych and get a job teaching part time and researching stuff.

>> No.1860841
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>> No.1860843


who really cares?

>> No.1860846

he's trying to make himself feel better for having a worthless liberal arts degree
if he took some more statistics classes he'd understand why that poster is meaningless

>> No.1860849
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>> No.1860851

Sure is samefag in here. Also, said samefag seems stricken with a pathetic hatred of liberal arts majors.

>> No.1860854
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>statistics classes

>> No.1860870

TMCC for Engineering

Not getting much of a literary degree because it's better to self educate yourself I think

>> No.1860880
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>self educate yourself

>> No.1860882

UNC Chapel Hill

Economics/Political Science

>> No.1860885

NYU Film

>> No.1860892


To be honest you actually made FSU sound kind of fun.

>> No.1860900
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>> No.1860903

UBC in canada
geographical information sciences

>> No.1860908


I jelly. What was ur ACT/SAT? was it hard to get in? I'm very interested in film.

I'm at University of Illinois U-C with an English major/ Education minor, getting a Spanish endorsement.

>> No.1860910


English major, minor in Russian

>> No.1860913



>> No.1860919


Majoring in business administration.
Minor in film studies.

>> No.1860923


oh fucking lol

>> No.1860927

holy folks from vancouver in my /lit/?
thought no one reads anymore around here

>> No.1860941

2250. I don't really know what the acceptance rate is or anything like that. You could always come for an MFA after you graduate, though the anti-intellectuals on this board would then call you ill-adjusted or something.

>> No.1860950


Well crap I hope my 3.6 is good enough to get accepted. NYU is one of my top considerations for grad school.

>> No.1860953
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>your future

>> No.1860956

I'm fairly certain your portfolio counts for a lot more then your GPA/scores.

>> No.1860958

I'm going to Towson University and I'll be majoring in English Literature. Yes, I know it's useless but I don't give a fuck. It's what I like and it's what I'm good at. I'll probably try to hook up with DoDDS so that I can go back to Europe.

>> No.1860966


Cool that's good to hear. I'm going to try to gain experience in video editing and make worthwhile short films or something.

>> No.1860972

I'm majoring in speech pathology.

I want a minor. I am mainly considering computer programming, Spanish, and anthropology. I am also interested in Japanese, but minoring in it might be a bit excessive. Don't know if want. But how cool would it be to study Japanese philology or somethin like that? or even to become a speech pathologist to japanese-speaking folks. I've read that people afflicted with certain types of aphasia can comprehend kanji but not kana, and some can comprehend kana but not kanji...I find this absolutely fascinating

>> No.1860978

Why are liberal arts degrees worthless?

>> No.1860986

Agnes Scott College

>> No.1860988 [DELETED] 

Not the NYU poster.

The pertinent question: what exactly have you done thus far?

>> No.1860993

Not the NYU poster.

So you've done... nothing at all related to film thus far? Not even shorts? Come on, dude, seriously?

>> No.1861000

What you get your Bachelor's in doesn't define what you're going to do for the rest of your life. My mother got her Bachelor's degree in Business. Now, years later, she's working as a nurse practitioner in a nephrology clinic.

>> No.1861001


Nope :( I don't have the proper resources at the moment. I would if I did. The arts dept. won't lend non art majors camera equipment.

>> No.1861002

Tufts University, international relations and economics, minor in english

I do how I do, and will be graduating into a vibrant field of work from a university that's well regarded within the IR circles

>> No.1861006

Keep trollan, I majored in English and I got a job with a publishing company just two weeks after graduating.

>> No.1861008

you are the global fact

>> No.1861011

NYU poster here.
Its actually not detrimental if you haven't done anything film related yet. Most of the required items for your portfolio are written, eg a piece of dialogue. You visual component can be satisfied with stills. They're really looking for the potential to make good film, not a history of making good film.

>> No.1861012

Your visual component*

>> No.1861013


Ok thanks man that is helpful. I'll work on it. I have 2 years.

>> No.1861029

Vanderbilt University, majoring in Computer Science. I don't really like the school that much though, so I might end up transferring.

>> No.1861033

Please tell me how you accomplished this. I would love to go into publishing. What English track were you on?

>> No.1861038
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Ahh, I see. So what one majors in won't necessarily determine their career path, which makes the degree itself somewhat pointless. But the actual learning experience gained from a liberal arts education isn't pointless or worthless. The skills I've gained so far are quite useful.

I was this poster >>1860768
I go to SLU, a liberal arts institution and I've had a couple professors tell us that our major won't determine what our jobs might be. I'm on the side where I think this is ok. It allows for possibilities. It doesn't tie me down. It's so much the major as it is the skills I've learned, I think.

On the other hand, because the degree itself may not necessarily be full of worth, finding a job may be harder than usual. Though, my school does have a very good placement rate for graduates and I intend to make full use of career services in my second semester senior year. I have no idea what I'm going to do. I have no plan. I'll find something though.

I quite enjoy the liberal arts education though with the variety of courses available for me to take. While I haven't enjoyed every class I've taken, I've enjoyed the overall experience.

Granted, people will disagree with me. Saying that it's pointless, that I should have gone somewhere else. There are pros and cons for every school regardless if it's liberal arts or not and there's no point in arguing because each side will have good and bad points. It's just another debate no one can win.

>> No.1861039
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It seems to me that people only go to college so that they could get a good job afterward. This is the primary motivation (culturally anyways). I wish it weren't so but it's true and I think the perception is that if you're not studying something that will get you a good job with a high salary, you're wasting your time studying whatever it is you're studying. It's expected you go to college to get a job, not to learn about things you may or may not be interested in. If you're interested in engineering no one will question you. Some people are. Some people go into engineering and other fields of the sort because they know you can get a good job if you do well enough. If you're interested in philosophy or English, well, that's nice, but what are you going to do with that? Is getting a good paying job the ultimate goal of going to college?

I'm probably missing something. I'm not very well learned on the subject. This is just what I've noticed from my own experiences and being an observant party. I'm no expert, but these are just some things I think about regarding the college education system. I'm part of it right now so this is very relevant to me.

K, I'm done.


>> No.1861042
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Amherst College. Classics; French.

>> No.1861045
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Bard College

Creative Writing / Computer Science

School loves hard science majors so I am getting a full ride.

> but I have no idea what I want to do with my life...

>> No.1861072

no matter what you're studying, people will call you worthless and make fun of it. we can tell western culture is really pathetic when even people who are mocked for having the most "useless" degrees in terms of the job market are still spoiled brats by the standards of much of the rest of the world.

die in a chemical accident, all of you.

>> No.1861295

UC Berkeley; Japanese Literature.

>> No.1861297

Out of school yo

way to waste your tuition

>> No.1861324

UCI; Major in Psychology with a minor in English.

>> No.1861349

Bergen Community College
I'm in the Mathematics transfer program.

Ask me about being a complete life failure

>> No.1861350

Uni of Birmingham

Mech Engineering

>> No.1861363

Starting in September, I'll be studying Computing Science at Newcastle University (in the UK).

It's the third best degree to take for both job placement and graduate salary (after medicine and law), so I figure it should be pretty useful.

>> No.1861390

University Of Auckland
Double Major English and Philosophy
hopefully be able to fit in a certificate of languages - chinese as well
otherwise i'll just take some computer science papers and maybe a basic maths one.
Any other NZ /lit/fags here?

>> No.1861552 [DELETED] 

Tufts, eh? Nice! I'm delivering a paper at a conference there near the end of the year.

About to finish my MA at Georgetown in Security Studies and embark on my PhD in October. Did my undergrad at UCL. I double majored in Political Science and History, but they only ended up accounting for half of my classes. I took various classes in philosophy, literature, psychology and fine art too. Damn, they were fun times.

>> No.1861556

Newcastle Unifag here.

You'll love it here! Although I have a few lectures where CS students are in before us and most of them look like typical /b/tards and spergs when I see them coming out. And one of my friends transferred to the course from CS because he found there to be too many lectures, haha. But I'm sure you'll have fun.

>> No.1861559

Engineering/Science at uni

changing to creative writing/journalism at TAFE.

>> No.1861561

GSU, Audio Engineering


>> No.1861591


>Hong Kong

Are you a Chinese or a Ghostface?

>> No.1861596

Translation and Interpretation

>> No.1861604

USF transfer junior (in the Fall) as an English Literature major.

I got accepted into Rollins College, but I couldn't afford it.

>> No.1861609

Cornell University in Ithaca NY
Majoring in LBGT Studies minor in Womens studies
I'm a guy

u mad

>> No.1861618

If I was one of you poor fucks that goes to community college/too poor I would join the French Foreign Legion. yeah its a pain in the ass and its hard as fuck but once you finish your 5 years you'll come out with ~100,000 if you didnt blow it all on liqueur and hookers. and if you dont live like a tool that 100,000 could last you for the rest of your life

>> No.1861621

>if you dont live like a tool that 100,000 could last you for the rest of your life
>the rest of your life


>> No.1861626

I wanna do what your grandfather did.

I study in Mexico's Tecnológico de Monterrey, in the Guadalajara Campus. My major is financial administration.

Also, because this is /lit/, I'm reading What They Teach You at Harvard Business School by Philip Delves Broughton. Pretty fun read until now.

>> No.1861633


B.A. Computer Science and Japanese

>> No.1861638


Yeah, I'm just going to get a 50k job and continuously earn more money rather that sacrifice my soul to a military.

Yeah, that's right, 50k. Because I do engineering and shit. ugh. feel it. it's my cock up your life's ass.

>> No.1861641

How is UBC? I'm an American but I've been eyeing UBC as a safety school. I'm planning on majoring in Russian Studies and minoring in Russian language and literature. My other schools are University of Vermont and AmericanU.

>> No.1861642


It's funny how engineers always talk about the money they make. I've never met one who actually had a passion for the field.

And don't go and pretend you do now, it's obvious you don't.

>> No.1861649


That poster is shit anyway. What it doesn't tell you is that those CEOs with liberal arts undergraduate degrees make, on the average, 50% more than the rest. You can learn economics and business OTJ. The more you know about the world the better you are able to manage a business in it.

>> No.1861652
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Systems Engineering (Operations Research).

Did some internships in networking and support technology - entirely unrelated to major. Got a great job out of it though, tech and ops ended up being a golden combo, bad economy and job market where?

>> No.1861682

School: Unity College
Major: Adventure Therapy

>> No.1861688

Just got accepted at College of New Jersey.

I was going to go into English and Education so I could learn more about literature, but then I realized if I didn't succeed as a writer, I'd have to become a teacher. And I fucking hate kids.

I've switched to psychology. Much more interesting, and helps me create more believable characters. I can learn how to create better prose on my own.

>> No.1861709

University of Liverpool. English.

>> No.1861720

Strange. If you're not either of the Alexes I know, or Patrick, Newcastle's gotta be full of /lit/fags.

>> No.1861724
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Notre Dame. Math.

>> No.1861749

>If I was one of you poor fucks that goes to community college/too poor I would join the French Foreign Legion.

Bunch of rapists and fucking criminals.

>> No.1861756

Dropout here, just want to remind the haters of Liberal Arts:

> Liberal Arts major can't get a job in your specialized field
> One less person to compete with
> Stfu about what other people major in, its not your life, your time, or your money

>> No.1862500


OP here,

let's meet up some time.

>> No.1862505

i like engineering
my dad did too

>> No.1862507

Going to UF, majoring in Psychology and Theatre.

>> No.1862512



>> No.1862515


You could *arguably* say that for any military force. The FFL just happens to have a worse reputation.

>> No.1862519

Jesus. So many Floridafags on /lit/ today.

>> No.1862520
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ITT: pic related

>> No.1862522

Isn't it awesome?

>> No.1862531

English Writing, but the differences between our Literature and Writing programs were very little.

Honestly, just apply to everything you can find. Craigslist, Monster, wherever jobs are listed.

A little while after you apply, SEND FOLLOW UP EMAILS. I thought sending one would make me seem like an impatient bothersome faggot, but the job I got sent me an interview offer the day after I had sent a follow-up.

Sometimes it's just being in the right place at the right time - that's why you should extend yourself to as many places as possible.

>> No.1862536 [DELETED] 


GOD TIER: Linguistics, Modern Language, Library Science

TOP TIER: Journalism, Professional Writing, Public Administration/Public Policy

MID TIER: Communications, Geography/GIS, Public Relations, Political Science, International Affairs, Law and Society, Arts and Letters/Humanities, Social Work

LOW TIER: Creative Writing, Graphic Design/Photography, Art Administration, Music, Museum Studies, Philosophy, Classics, Religion

SHIT TIER: Art History, Theater, Film, Minority Studies/Criminology

FAGGOT TIER: Women's Studies and LGBT Studies

>> No.1862546


GOD TIER: Linguistics, Modern Language, Library Science

TOP TIER: Journalism, Professional Writing, Public Administration/Public Policy, Urban Planning

MID TIER: Communications, Geography/GIS, Public Relations, Political Science, International Affairs, Law and Society, Arts and Letters/Humanities, Paralegal Studies, Social Work

LOW TIER: Creative Writing, Graphic Design/Photography, Art Administration, Music, Museum Studies, Philosophy, Classics, Religion, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Social Science, Literature

SHIT TIER: Art History, Theater, Film, Minority Studies/Criminology, American Studies

FAGGOT TIER: Modern Dance, Women's Studies and LGBT Studies

>> No.1862592
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>> No.1862617

NYU. It's a good school and I like the lit department, but the financial aid is fucking shameful considering that my family makes less than NYU costs every year. They should just make it completely need-based instead of giving all the privileged northeastern rich kids "merit" scholarships for having enough money to go to a prep school.

>> No.1862623

UF is similar in this regard. In my case, my dad makes a tad over the UF cost of attendance (counting living on campus and all that jazz). They supplement it with loans, but why not give grants to us poor people?

>> No.1862628

History at the University of Pennsylvania. I'll be reading for a Master's at Oxford if I maintain my GPA.

>> No.1862770


Big problem here. It appears that if one is even moderately successful at their chosen career, income is inversely proportional to your list.

>> No.1862776

i have a degree in mathematics from madison, wi.

i now work for two men and a truck, and i have no regrets.

>> No.1862782

as a mover.

i'm currently indoctrinating myself in catholicism and passing actuary exams, when i'm not driving a huge ass truck or moving washing machines.

life is pretty good.

>> No.1863375

Michigan State University, Honors College.

Studying for a BA in Philosophy, BS in Biochemistry. Not sure about the dual degree yet. I might just get one degree or expand to a couple more majors/minors. English/Lit is up there as a consideration.

>> No.1863380

SUNY Geneseo

I would have gone to a private LAC if I wasn't, you know, poor as fuck.

>> No.1863384


>History at the University of Pennsylvania. I'll be heading for a Master's at Oxford if I maintain my GPA.

You are on the path I wish I was on.

>> No.1863393

DePaul, CHICAGOOOOO campus, represent!

>> No.1863423

lol do you really think there are people on here finishing up their weekend mbas at depaul naperville who you need to distinguish yourself from

>> No.1863427

UBC Vancouverfag

>> No.1863445

I'm majoring in Trolling
University of NVMUA

>> No.1863446

>ctrl+f georgetown
>0 of 0

>> No.1863455

You're upset by the lack of Polo and Sperry in this thread?

>> No.1863456

St. Andrews

English Literature/Art History joint honours.

>> No.1863460

Going to Humboldt State as soon as I finish my transfer requirements. Majoring in computer science. Also majoring in smoking weed errday.

>> No.1863538

UC Berkeley English major reporting in.

>go to 4 year
>go to grad school
>get phd in English
>teach at a community college
>get to talk about books/politics/philosophy all day
>livin' easy

>> No.1864630


>Grad school

Enjoy working at Publix for ten years.

>> No.1865026
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>mfw undergrads think they will actually get a job related to their major.

>> No.1865037


do you come from a well off background?

>> No.1865054

Studying English Literature at the University of Edinburgh. It's a real joy to study here, given Edinburgh's rich literary history.

>> No.1865060

Poli Sci and Environmental Economics and Policy at UC Berkeley. Hoping to go to law school.

>> No.1865070


Hello, me again.


The notion that St. Andrews won't accept underprivileged students is a myth. I ended up favoring Edinburgh because it is consistently ranked above SA in both the quality of its undergraduate teaching and in its research, but before that I was offered an Unconditional place at both (as well as Glasgow). I can assure you that my background couldn't be less 'well off', and that if you have sufficiently high grades (all As, if you're sitting Scottish Highers - and it doesn't hurt to have Mathematics and a science, to illustrate your 'roundedness') and a good, focused personal statement - you can get into any Scottish university, for any course.

>> No.1865074

>I can assure you that my background couldn't be less 'well off'
You're from a shanty town in Burkina Faso?

>> No.1865076

Hey, I work here...Or there, where you are. In fact, I'm here right now.

>> No.1865088

Pratt Institute (NYC)

Creative Writing

>> No.1865100
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>> No.1865115


Might as well be, save for the Buckfast-swilling sophisticates in Celtic kits.

>> No.1865118

English Literature at the University of Warwick :)

>> No.1865134

>University of Liverpool
Pick one.

Also, English. Exeter.

>> No.1865144


I'm the guy who you were asking (despite the guy who already answered), and my answer is pretty much the opposite - my family are fairly wealthy, I guess, and I went to a good school in England. I'm not really expecting to do anything with the degree, other than I might one day like a job in publishing, or in a gallery. I came to St. Andrews because a lot of my friends were coming here, to be honest.

Sorry for the slow reply - been out drinking :D

>> No.1865150 [DELETED] 

Library and Informations Science on the worlds largest institution solely committed to LIS

>> No.1865162

UF too, studying anthropology and business.

>> No.1865178

Bastards rejected me

>> No.1865192

RISD. Studying architecture

>> No.1865207


Don't take it personally - it's just because you're stupid. I bet one of the former polytechnics will take you, so chin up, wee man.

>> No.1865234

University of Maryland...undecided haha

>> No.1865249

You're quite well off, just not as much as you're like to be/feel entitled to.

I.e, you're a toff.

>> No.1865259

College is over-rated. If I go, I'll go for something useful. Maybe science-related.

>> No.1865261

Also, thread's not /lit/-related.

>> No.1865270


They only offer the minor in Russian, so it'd be a bad choice for you.

>> No.1865300

Man,if i could make 30k a year that would be sweet.What are all the teachers complaining about?

>> No.1865335

No one who earns less than a seven figures is ever happy with their salary.

>> No.1865338

Vanderbilt University

Nigger Studies

>> No.1865349

maybe if your used to being middle-upper class.

>> No.1865364

Shimer College. Any other folks from Great Books schools here?

>> No.1865503

I went to a community college for 1 semester, found out the starting salary for my major was 28k-30k/yr range. I make 40k/yr with no degree.

>> No.1865594
File: 19 KB, 244x200, tom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drama and Philosophy - Royal Holloway

>Dem transferable skills
>Dat social life
>Dat time for introspection
>Dem solid sevens with only gay guys on my course for competition
>Dat doing a degree I'll enjoy above all else

>> No.1865614


doing what?

>> No.1865624

>studying english literature or language as a major

Your time would be better spent in a fucking library for 4 years

>> No.1865816


Go for American if you can afford to live in D.C.

Their international studies and language programs are ace.

>> No.1865820

>expects us to be impressed that he is making slightly less than the average GDP per capita

>> No.1865822

i went to new college of florida and i majored in economics and history

chill shit, i was in the best dorm

>> No.1865857


>New College

Too bad you can't get into grad school with those non-graded transcripts.

I know some New College students alumni and I can tell you outright that no one takes them seriously. They are perfectly nice people but they are flakes who never learned any survival skills for the real world. New College is a joke that everyone but its students are in on.

>> No.1865867


is new college florida an all girl school

i never hear about any boys going there

>> No.1865876
File: 70 KB, 300x250, University-of-Phoenix.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not true. I go to Evergreen State college in Wa, which does the same thing. Tons of grads go on to get master's and Phd's. Don't hate.

>> No.1865880

>mfw you probably went to a boring ass school and rue your decision

whatever you say, bro. i have plenty of friends who got into good grad schools with no problems so believe what you want to believe. the flakes are certainly flakes but the ones that worked hard are getting a lot out of it.

it felt like one. the guys that did go had a gaggle of girls around them unless they were truly irredeemable 4channers or gay.

>> No.1865883
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>> No.1865886

University of Montreal, Sociology.

>> No.1865891


Who's an accomplished alumni from your school?

Name one. Musicians and struggling "artists" don't count.

>> No.1865902


New College doesn't have a reputation for accepting any students or producing any alumni that most people would take seriously. Maybe some kid that always wears sweaty tie dyed t shirts and has a purple mohawk. Someone that just wants to play instead of work, and might claim to be an intellectual just for appearances. However, I applied there and a classmate went there. From what I understand their students are unduly pampered and not trained in the kind of etiquette or survival skills necessary to today's job market. If I worked in HR I would be extremely hesitant to hire someone that graduated from New College, much less call them in for an interview.

>> No.1865906


>the guys that did go had a gaggle of girls around them

Beta males livin' the dream

>> No.1865907

>Who's an accomplished alumni from your school?

>implying i give a fuck

did i apply there thinking to myself, "hmm, no major politician came out of here, obviously it sucks"?

>> No.1865921


If you don't examine who your school produced, there's something you're not doing right.

>> No.1865927

I like your use of the word "gaggle" in this post.

>> No.1865928

>not looking at the professors and the classes they teach instead
ok, i went to a bad school, wasted years of my life being pampered and i would not get theoretically hired by you. got it. ;;;;_;;;;

>> No.1865930
File: 134 KB, 1354x882, vmphoto1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Viggo Mortensen graduated from my school. He's pretty notable

There are other accomplished people that are posted on the website but I can't be arsed to look them up right now.

>> No.1865934


What are you doing with your life right now? Stocking shelves at a health food store? Peddling comic books on the street? Saying "do you want cream with that?" Or are you too much of an "artist" to work for someone else? How's not paying the rent going?

>> No.1865937

Lorrie Moore has more /lit/ cache than the Viggster

>> No.1865939

it's my go-to word for a group of women, heh heh

you just will not let it go, will you? i am currently sitting atop a mountain of cocaine and wipe my ass with twenty dollar bills for all it matters to you.

but the fact is, we are both losers for arguing over something so inconsequential on 4chan.

>> No.1865945

Carnegie Mellon, electrical engineering

Started out as a computer science major then lolfuckthat

>> No.1865968

Oberlin College

DM in mus performance and english

>> No.1866007

CSU Long Beach
Information Systems

>No connections
>internship at shitty company that will probably go under this year
Please, just kill me now ;__;

>> No.1866185
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>that feel when I get told I'm allowed to use the senate house library as part of my university, not to mention being right next to the british library

You jelly /lit/?

>> No.1867809


That is pretty fuckwin.

>> No.1867817

California Baptist University
Double majoring in Biology and Philosophy, doing pre-med concentration. Also trying to squeeze a minor in Latin and still graduate in 4years *fingers crossed*

>> No.1867831

Gonna get me a certificate in computer hardware maintenance and then, perhaps, freelance in web/graphic design on the side.

Prole as fuck.

>> No.1867864


>Baptist school


>implying they teach you actual biology and not just "lol God made the world in seven days, shut up"

>> No.1867886

HSU english major here
as soon as my cc stops being a retard and sends them my transcipts that I requested over a month ago

>> No.1867889

Triple Major (not really, Harvard doesn't have majors) Music/Pre-Med/Comparative Literature with a minor (not really, Harvard doesn't have minors) in the Classics.

But I'm a Rhodes Scholarship this upcoming year so...

>> No.1867890

Graduate in Columbia College Chicago's Nonfiction MFA program.

Have a BA in English and a BFA in Creative Writing from UNCW

>> No.1867899

>implying you know anything about my Biology professors dumbfuck.
>Implying biology is somehow different at a Christian school than a secular one

No they don't teach creationism, and yes they taught evolution in BIO 1. I am going here because I got a good scholarship. So go fuck yourself, and maybe once you spend the better part of 3 years taking Biology courses you will be on an even playing field with me to talk about anything evolution or science related

>> No.1867904

>he doesn't realize Harvard, Princeton, Oxford,Yale etc. were all originally Christian schools

>> No.1867913

/lit/ has got some butt-pained high school dropout trolls doesn't it?

>> No.1867929

I'll be applying to Cambridge, King's College London, Sheffield Uni and UEA in a couple months time for 2012.

Anybody that has been to those unis or live/lived in those citie, I would really appreciate any feedback on them.

Also, trying to narrow down my 5th ucas choice out of Durham, Bristol and York, I'm ever so slightly in favour of Bristol out of those three, closely followed by Durham, but coming from a fairly small town, I think I'd prefer to live in a big city like Bristol.

>> No.1867937

Williams College
Maj: Cognitive Science
Min: Western Philosophy

>science at liberal arts college

>> No.1867938


No, UCL is a pretty awful university (for undergraduate teaching) in every respect other than its location in London. The buildings are a mess, the social life is non-existent, the Student Union is in a state of disarray, teaching time (lectures and seminars) amounts to around 8 hours per week on average.

Incidentally, I can't imagine why you'd be using the British Library as an undergraduate. Everything you need for courses is freely available in the university libraries and I doubt you'll get permission to use any of the rare documents at the BL. Compare this to the situation with good American universities (the top ones have endowments around 10x that of UCL) where undergraduates are expected to engage with the primary sources which are part of the library collections.

Still, London is a nice city.

>> No.1867940

Sure is class warfare in here.Too much hostility with very little reasoning.As long as you got some sort of post high school education you're okay in my book.You have no reason not to in the U.S

>> No.1867943

>implying people don't learn how to write through practice and application
>doesn't realize that University of Arizona is a god-tier MFA program

>> No.1867945

I don't know much about DePaul, but I live really close to the Lincoln Park campus.

>> No.1867948

First semester dropout. We cool?

>> No.1867949

come at me bro

>captcha: goopot Internet

>> No.1867952
File: 28 KB, 379x395, thumbs_up_Congratulations_xdvx_on_30k-s379x395-100732-580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tried

>> No.1867985

Russian Studies Major at IU

>> No.1868592
File: 31 KB, 255x252, MarineCorpSeal255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

USMC, learning to be a cryptologic linguist.

>> No.1868922

Majoring in English, concentration in Lit
Minoring in Philosophy

>> No.1868939

BA in English from Baylor, will have Masters in Education in about...10 months.

>> No.1868954

Former Navy nuclear reactor operator (6 1/2 years)

Current student at USD (University of South Dakota)

History (ancient-history specialization)

>> No.1868956



>> No.1870318


I'm not at UCL. All UoL universities get to use senate house.

Nice paragraph though.

>> No.1870324

was an engrish/psychology major at FIU but I dropped/failed out

>> No.1870345

phil major
french minor
econ minor


>> No.1870418

University of Plymouth

analytical chemistry starting this sept