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File: 45 KB, 227x341, TheBellCurve.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18604455 [Reply] [Original]

Has any book in history caused more collective seethe than this? All of its predictions have come true since it was written

>> No.18604485

Yes actually. I can name like 10 off the top of my head:
>Das Kapital
>Communist Manifesto
>Mein Kampf
>Common sense
>Two treatises on civil government
>The Quran
>The Torah
>The Talmud
>95 Theses

>> No.18604509

It’s been debunked, anon. Go seethe about it on your containment board

>> No.18604615

>le deboonked

Every prediction made in the book came true. Cope harder you retard

>> No.18604622


>> No.18604632

>Every prediction made in the book came true.
name them

>> No.18604638

This. I have 150 IQ and I'm an unemployed NEET that hangs out with people with IQs ranging from 90-130 who are all more successful than me

>> No.18604667

>cognitive elite will isolate themselves from society
True, elite colleges are more isolated and inaccessible than ever, as well as the employment pipelines they supply

>quality of life will deteriorate for those at bottom of IQ scale
True, low IQ ethnic minorities have seen measurably decline in opportunities and living standards over the past two decades

>low IQ individuals will out-reproduce high IQ individuals
Always been true but shockingly accurate today, high IQ whites, Asians and Jews are dropping below the replacement rate

>low IQ migrants will further decrease the average IQ
Self evident and well evidenced, look at the IQ and employment trends in Minnesota since Minneapolis since the twin cities started mass importing low IQ Somalians

>conservativism will degenerate into protecting rich and middle class enclaves against the encroaching slum menace
Sadly true, conservatives today don't seem to have any concrete policies besides protect the middle and upper classes from scary brown people

>expanding welfare state will feed into a 'custodial society' where people have little agency or freedom
True and growing truer every day. The social policy of liberals is to create as many wards of the state as possible for 'humanitarian reasons'

>welfare state policies will incentivize low IQ minorities to have more children
'Welfare queens' are a well documented phenomenon

>> No.18604762
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(((murray))) has already been btfo by taleb

>> No.18604767

You just made a post without citing any data, or even citing the book makes those claims. Why, anon?

>> No.18604789

most neocon-brained post so far today

>> No.18604794

Did you even read the book?

>> No.18604798

Anon, you made the claim. You have to prove everything you said with data. Why can't you do that - Anon? You're just gish galloping false claims without citations. That doesn't cut it on /lit/. I'm going to ask you a second time. Cite your sources for your claims from the pages of the book to prove you even read it, and cite data backing up those claims. This shouldn't be hard since you're so confidence in what you're saying.

>> No.18604801

>Has any book in history caused more collective seethe than this?
Jesus christ I hate internet addicted zoomshits

>> No.18604808

The Torah is literally just the first five books of the Bible. You'd know that if you read books.

>> No.18604809

OP is just full of shit. The easy way to shut them down is just to ask for evidence they read the book like >>18604798.
OP won't respond because he's just a shitposter, and this is a bait thread. A lot of newfags from /pol/ make it obvious they're from that board because they expect you to believe what they say at face value without backing it up.

>> No.18604814

What the fuck is gish galloping? I'm not OP or the person who made the claim, but positions like those have always been the theses of the book. If you want data you should refer to the book, which has it in abundance, because you apparently have no idea what it even is and just hopped on the bandwagon the moment you heard anything you don't like regarding race. But that's your problem: the book has your evidence, you just reject it out of hand without knowing the first thing about it because you don't like what you thought it was about. You probably haven't even read the supposed refutations of it or Murray's responses. Get the fuck out of here

>> No.18604823

>samefagging this hard
positively seething

>> No.18604826

See, you're still not doing it anon. You're just proving my point. You just lied about reading the book, and you continue to lie because you can't even provide evidence for anything you said as being true. Anon, why did you think lying here would cut it? You make it too obvious you're a pseudo. I asked YOU several times to cite sources for what you're saying, and can't do it for a second claim you made in >>18604667
you're just not intelligent anon. You're very fucking stupid, and I've just easily exposed you. Anyone reading the thread now knows you're full of shit.
You can't even fucking cite page numbers , or even collaborating evidence for the views you cited.

>> No.18604833

what did you hope to to achieve by making this thread op? do you think there will any productive discussion here? we already have had many threads about this book, this is clearly a bait thread its best you go back to your containment board.

>> No.18604835

>The book has evidence
Yet, you can't even cite a single page. For some reason. Why is that? Why pretend you read the book, Anon? You fucking retard - you can't even do something so SIMPLE, yet you are so confident in your beliefs. This is fucking embarrassing.

>> No.18604841
File: 370 KB, 1080x1347, Screenshot_20210707-002324_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read the book that you're talking about for once and maybe you'll find your evidence :)

>> No.18604843

Wow, this is so fucking sad. You can't even cite a page Anon. Holy shit, go back to /pol/.

>> No.18604846

IQ is a jewish psyop pushed by materalists and neocons to destabilize and divide people from the real problems which is the elites, soon jews will be pushing the iq meme as proof of their superiority to goyim cattle.

>> No.18604851

From the perspective of liberals if you think other races have low iqs it means you want to exterminate them

also it's about the average, not blacks or hispanics or whites as a whole
there are blacks who have iqs higher than the average white person
someone like thomas sowell has a higher iq than a rural bumpkin like sarah palin obviously

>> No.18604854

These aren't predictions anon. They were already happening for many decades before 1994, when the book first came out.
Ok. And?

>> No.18604860

There's at least 2 books and a dozen papers published showing the methodological flaws of this shitty larping book. Why can't fucking race critical spergs learn statistical methods, if they like citing statistics so much.

Socioeconomic mobility is a meme. If you are born to a high IQ family that lives in a poor country or area by random chance, you will be outcompeted by a dumb person born in a rich family in a wealthy place. If you literally ever got out of your room or read the literature on this matter you'd see this blatantly fucking obvious and nearly self evident fact, you absolute cretin.

>> No.18604863

/pol/ here. Why do you hate us, Anon?

>> No.18604867

God I love how assmad this book makes people. Like the two or three anons having mental meltdowns in here right now
Every serious study on the subject shows a continuing disparity between blacks and whites in IQ, accounting for SES, of 0.5-1.0SD. Cope and dilate.

>> No.18604875

>book caused seethe

>> No.18604881

>Has any book in history caused more collective seethe than this?
Yes. Herodotus. It's the first history book and his insane claims keep getting backed up by science. Historians poopooed his ideas about what happened to the lost army of Cambyses II, for millennia, and then they showed up where he said and covered from the sandstorm he said got them. He predicted shit we didn't even know could exist, like the Iranian predisposition to vitamin D deficiency, when people didn't discover vitamin D until the modern age. You have no idea the amount of seethe Herodotus has made with stories which he wrote down after talking to some guys in the taverna the night before. People had dedicated limbs they would eat if he was right about Cambyses. And that's just the seethe related to books commonly attributed to him. If you really want to get scholars mad, ask them if they think he wrote the Syrian Goddess.

>> No.18604885

There's not another book that causes so much seething in the US today, and this thread is evidence of that.
Do you own research tranny

>> No.18604886

because you shit up every board with your autism instead of staying in your containment board

>> No.18604892

I've definitely seen more seethe in discussions about whether Xenophon was continuing on Thucydides history of the Peloponnesian War or if he was continuing on his own work or some other collection.

>> No.18604921

>There's not another book that causes so much seething in the US today, and this thread is evidence of that.
Ussher's Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti is being vastly underestimated by anon. Way more people in the US seethe over "is the world 6000 years old?"

>> No.18604959

Problem is militant atheists are on the wane and emotionally unstable manchildren prone to temper tantrums at politically divergent perspectives are on the rise

>> No.18604967

Problem is your head is so under a rock that you don't realise there's a 4000 year faction, that other religions compete, that the flat earthers have their own view, and that even fewer people care about OP's book than there are militant atheists.

>> No.18604991
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Is that the buckbreaking guy?

>> No.18604994

>meaningless buzzwords

>> No.18604999

This is 4chan you slobbering nigger, and everything I cited is in part 3 of the book, most of it in the final chapters. As far as American statistics you can look those up yourself if you give that much of a shit

Muh pol boogeyman is not an argument faggot, it's just proof that you don't actually have one

>> No.18605008

I haven't used lit in a while, when did this redditspeak become so common?

>> No.18605012

Simply directly quote the parts of the book that make the predictions you listed

>> No.18605017

>From the perspective of liberals if you think other races have low iqs it means you want to exterminate them
ive noticed this too, but where does this line of logic come from?

>> No.18605025

The exhaustion of revolutionary potential has been realized, and so now instead of critiquing the system or attempting to change it, leftists ironically mint the straight white man as the greatest good and demand that everyone of all races and genders can be exactly like straight white men too

>> No.18605039

Lmao if you spent a quarter of the time you've spent seething on this thread and venting to your fellow trannies in discord or reddit you could have found it yourself. Are you an infant that needs to be spoofed?

>> No.18605061

>in 300 posts these anons might have reached that time when geologists didn't believe Pliny until the US army got erupted on
I'm here for it

>> No.18605062

Uwut. White males are the final boss of liberalism

>> No.18605064

Actually substantiate your argument with quotes instead of wasting your time bitching about trannies.

>> No.18605076

Sounds based. Historians are annoying autists, they deserve to get shit on.

>> No.18605118

Is that before or after we get to the time a transcription error in Tacitus turned Chrestians into Christians?

>> No.18605123

Depends if you think Tacitus corrected it or if the 12th Century monk or someone inbetween did.

>> No.18605144

In terms of scholarly disputes, it's hard to beat ancient historians in general. The amount of seethe deployed over centuries of debate would be incredible to those outside the loop.
To this day there are still people with high positions in academia that deny there were kings of Rome.

>> No.18605173

>there are rocks from ancient Phrygia making both sides assmad by using both terms in one inscription
Still, I doubt Tacitus had an e in it. Sure, he was generous to the Celts and their faggotry and inverted genders, but he's not going to call Jewish rebels helpful.

>> No.18605179

>he's not going to call Jewish rebels helpful.
He would if it's their name.

>> No.18605185

no, youre thinking of tariq.

>> No.18605192

And they just happen to have a leader whose name is one letter off? Please.

>> No.18605198

>Anon, you made the claim
No, anon you made the claim by saying it has all been debunked. So about you show me how it's been debunked? Cos it seems to be a pretty accurate description of 2020s Amercia to me.

>> No.18605203

But Saul becoming Paul is totally legit and not something they would repeat?

>> No.18605213

Oh fuck off, you know that's a different thing. The movement is named after the leader.

>> No.18605218

Kek. You think they're called "anointed-one-ians"? It makes shitloads more sense to call the leader the anointed one and the followers the helpful ones than your way.

>> No.18605226

>You think they're called "anointed-one-ians"?
Yes, because they all get fucking anointed to join.

>> No.18605231

You're the one who brought up the stones that cannot have been influenced by the error, you already know Chrestians is legit.

>> No.18605234

>you already know Chrestians is legit.
Or Phrygians are fucking retards and it's harder to fix spelling mistakes carved in fucking stone

>> No.18605239

>this much cope
Whatever helps you sleep, anon.

>> No.18605250

>You think they're called "anointed-one-ians"?
It sounds retarded in English but flows naturally in Greek. Movements being just a suffix added to the founder/leader is so common I don't know how you can frame it as extraordinary.
Chrestians is probably legit though, I don't see why the two names couldn't be used.

>> No.18605253

>Chrestians is probably legit though, I don't see why the two names couldn't be used.
Because it's fucking retarded when the only so-called proof we have of Tacitus ever writing it wrong is an 1100s manuscript where the scribe blotted out the e to change it to an i. All that proves is that scribes are retards too.

>> No.18605261

>BLM & stormniggers: we race war levels seethe now
>Tacitus niggers seeing a typo: hold my fucking calyx

>> No.18605262

Post ww2 trauma

>> No.18605281

That 1100s manuscript is also the only proof we have that Tacitus wrote about Jesus at all.

>> No.18605287

Are you really this retarded? The scribe is copying from something, and the only reason he would have to correct it is if he looked at the original and said
>Oh fuck, I fucked up their name; better change it to what the original said.

>> No.18605288


Same dude, tested my IQ at 170 and my personality at INTJ(with sigma-male characteristics). I think my lone-wolf nature is a reflection of my superior intelligence, only few enlighten ones can get my ideas, this is why I hang out in site for the intellectual elite of humanity like LessWrong, SlateStarCodex and Blacked.com. My political alignment is anarcho-post-left-nihil-alt-furry and I have though long and deeply about all the numerous contradictions of our outdated Neo-Liberal paradigm, my incredible insights would probably help the living conditions of the great mass of bottom-feeding commoners, but I still keep them to myself since I am an Accelerationist. Yesterday Mom came to my room to talk about how my cousins are all working awesome jobs and having fulfilling lives and that I should do the same, I explained to her that wolves like me thrive by following their own paths and not by bending their personality to fill some socially conditioned niche like a "job". She started crying(probably excess of pride about her wolf of a son(me)) and locked herself in her bedroom. She is still there, so I will be the one prepping my smile fries today, so I have a limited time to hang out in this forum, this in turn will necessitate me to be very direct about the point I am trying to make: Despite having a 170> IQ and basically being a God on Earth that should be worshipped by the lesser mass of human animals, I do think IQ is overrated and not a perfect predictor of outcome, the proof is myself: despite being basically an embodied God I am not the most successful person I hang out with, there are guys with 90,100,110 IQ somehow doing better than me in life, so I am led to believe that The Bell Curve has been thoroughly debunked by my personal anecdote.

>> No.18605291

Or the scribe looked at the finished copy and saw that the two words didn't match and since he didn't refer back to the original he thought he was correcting an error when he was making one.

>> No.18605296

kek nice pasta

Literal reddit trannies seething ITT right now with OP's book. I'm going to start carrying a copy around with me wherever I go so that I can flash it in public and start counting the number of frothing mouths, the wild stares under the masks, the clenched fists and seizure-like fits that this epileptogenic bait book generates.

>> No.18605297
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Holt shit

>> No.18605299

ngl i'm tempted to start calling them chrestians just to piss this dude >>18605291 off

>> No.18605307
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>> No.18605308

The problem isn't calling them Chrestians, it's claiming Tacitus did when even the scribe who copied him didn't think Chrestians was what he said.

>> No.18605309


>> No.18605313

I think they're femoids.
This is a good post. Seething about citations is retarded as all of these are self-evident if you're keeping up to date with the times.

>> No.18605316

tacitus's chrestians then. whatever makes you seethe this bad kek

>> No.18605321

Sincerely hope you both get fucked by a rabid bear

>> No.18605323

that's not very chrestian of you

>> No.18605325

>Same dude, tested my IQ at 170 and my personality at INTJ(with sigma-male characteristics). I think my lone-wolf nature is a reflection of my superior intelligence
No, it's just you don't know how to humble yourself and learn from other people. This sigma male shit is garbage for men that can't handle realizing that other men are incredibly useful repositories for advice and otherwise.

>> No.18605326


>> No.18605329

blatant strawman and ad hominem

not an argument

>> No.18605349

Do you really think the scribe was checking the whole thing against the original as he went? They only borrowed books to copy for a short amount of time so transcription errors are pretty common. This anon is much more likely right about the process>>18605291 where the monk might have looked back over his work without the original and might have seen what looked like a transcription error. The internal consistency of the group being named after the leader could easily be the scribe's error.

>> No.18605411

But Germans thought jews were high IQ that's what made them dangerous

>> No.18605442

You're retarded or playing tricks pretending to be retarded

>> No.18605457

Empty snark is not an argument
Tesla and Schopenhauer were mocked unproductive loners as you describe.


>> No.18605474

>le epic welfare queens with a dozen kids meme
Go back.

>> No.18605488

>it means you want to exterminate them
Or put them in a caste system.
That's historically not too far off from what happened.

>> No.18605500

got em

>> No.18605624


>> No.18605637

new pasta dropped

>> No.18605640

The Tacitus lads seem to be having a better and more seething argument than the ones discussing Facebook memes with each other. They're getting more meat out of a possible misspelling than these IQ and race people are getting out of a whole book.

>> No.18605696

How do you measure an abstraction?

>> No.18605710

Stopped reading, back to /pol/ with the other midwits.

>> No.18605716

The funny part about this book causing so much cope is that it is possibly one of the driest, most inoffensive books ever written.

>> No.18605771

Tacitus has a fantastic style and says some pretty offensive shit, bro. You're probably reading a translation which has been censored to death.

>> No.18605806

The Bell Curve is written in English

>> No.18605963

Oh I thought you were in the big boys discussion. Disregard this post >>18605771; it's not for you.

>> No.18606217

>race realist
retard alert
You're 100% right. That's why you're attracting so much seethe from delusional idiots.

>> No.18606226

What is confirmation bias?

>> No.18606241

Lmao have sex, /pol/yp

>> No.18606243

>retard alert
You know there's a lot of overlap between those groups, come on jack

>> No.18606264

All of the "mistakes" that were featured here aren't mistakes. North Africa and the Levant were unquestionably "Western", demographically and culturally, during the time of the Romans. And doesn't Taleb obsess about being called white/Mediterranean and not Arabian? He's a hypocrite.

>> No.18606277

The neocons of today are the New Deal liberals of yesteryear. You're thinking of paleocons (or you're a braindead leftist who sees dogwhistling in everything, to be distinguished from serious left-wing critics of the status quo).

>> No.18606282

Neoconservatism comes from Trotskyism, zero relation whatsoever to New Deal libs. Quit talking out of your ss

>> No.18606292

What is this retarded pilpul that you're doing?

You're asking for citations for claims that are not only made in plain English multiple times across Murray's works, but are also commonly known in public discourse (as they made a lot of people seethe). Anybody who has spent even a fraction of a second dealing with Murray's work would know this. These aren't citations that are worth going over, since you're asking for evidence that Murray ever made these claims (which, if I had the Bell Curve with me and wanted to waste the time, I could easily do for OP) rather than evidence that Murray's claims are true (which is a much smarter angle of attack). It's like asking somebody to cite Descartes's skepticism argument.

You're a leftist arguing in bad faith. And you're doing this because you're completely incapable of refuting the points made in the book.

>> No.18606300

>Neoconservatism comes from Trotskyism, zero relation whatsoever to New Deal libs
Except they adapted the ideological framework of New Deal libs: egalitarianism, support for a modern welfare state, interventionism worldwide, and nominal support for Christianity (but willing to concede on social issues). That's the link. Are you sure you aren't talking outside of your own?

>> No.18606344

>possibly one of the driest, most inoffensive books ever written.
It's the more scholarly version of twitteratis seething at a "it's ok to be white" flyer.
The most important part of the affair is that something as comically tame in tone and self-minimizing in scope as the bell curve ended up controversial.
The claims of the book are minimal. There is virtually no room to diminish them without entering straight up denial of *any* influence of intelligence on social outcome and biological influence on varying intelligence across humans.

>> No.18606394

Just because it has the same content as the first books of the bible does not make it an abridged version of the bible. If that were the case Judaism would be just an abridged version of Christianity. Rather, the context in which the Torah in read makes it so we can consider an entirely different book.
A book that has been shortened in such a way that removes critical information from the way it's interpreted can be considered a different book entirely.

You'd know that if you thought about what you read from books.

>> No.18606400

It is pretty sad. Some people don't like reading but still like the idea that other people think they read. It's probably the male equivalent of fat girls who take the photo from above and crop out their body.

>> No.18606447
File: 2.62 MB, 1648x3168, talmud1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Talmud
Seethe is not the right word.
Outrage and disgust are

>> No.18606459
File: 146 KB, 479x592, jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek
Reading some of the replies are fucking golden, you genuinely rustled their Jimmies

>> No.18606460

the bioleninist banker dog seethe generated by this post is off the charts

>> No.18606524

Whole thread worth it for this kek. Gonna insist on Chrestian from now on.
>version of Christianity
That's Chrestianity, I think you'll find.

>> No.18606713


>> No.18606933

The IOTBW shit wasn't "tame" or innocent, and everyone (including the people who put it up) know it.

>> No.18607289

>True, elite colleges are more isolated and inaccessible than ever
This is a complete lie, its literally more easy to get into an elite college than any other time in history. Jesus Christ you're retarded.

>> No.18607350

It's another "I need a peer reviewed study to know what color the sky is" episode

>> No.18607357
File: 30 KB, 684x484, 0-_gH_ZgWNEZUjB1ho.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're wrong. The median family income of the Ivy League students (150k-200k) for example is significantly higher than the general median family income. The lowest quintile of families in terms of family income are less than 10 percent of all Ivy League universities. It may be more easy to pay for an elite university if you're poor and get accepted, but the hard part is still and has always been getting accepted.

>> No.18607404

what are you talking about the black birth rate in america decreased, since welfare

>> No.18607415

What was so evil about it?

>> No.18607441


> its literally more easy to get into an elite college than any other time in history.

If you're a member of the tribe and literally have over 2000% over representation and nobody bats an eye, then sure.

>> No.18607471

>True, elite colleges are more isolated and inaccessible than ever, as well as the employment pipelines they supply
lmao this is super false
stoped reading here

>> No.18607480

>57% of students in elite universities are from the top quintile of median family income

>> No.18607487

im gonna need you to walk into traffic

>> No.18607506

I remember when it was happening. Everyone knew that /pol/ was doing it; it wasn't some well-kept secret. That's what pissed people off, not some deep-seated, taboo hatred of white people.

>> No.18607538

Acceptance rates at elite colleges have been caving for decades.


>> No.18607564


Fuck niggers and this captcha.

>> No.18607811

From what it seems, the admissions process at elite schools has become more difficult and exclusive than it has ever been.

>> No.18607821

Isn't the Talmud literally fanfiction?

>> No.18607883

Only if you’re white
If you’re black you just have to be able to read

>> No.18607919

Even his digits are superior

>> No.18607965

Immmm.... Immmm.......
.... Deeeeeboooooooooonnkkiinnngggg

>> No.18607975


>> No.18607980

What's the reason for all the seething replies to this post?

>> No.18608040
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based digits based post

>> No.18608384

Cope retard, just because you don't like the word doesn't mean the concept is invalid

>> No.18608403

That's since legalized abortion sssdrretard

>> No.18608409

The field of anthropology is one giant
jewish cope

>> No.18608413

Kek what a cope post

>> No.18608453

One of my neighbors junior year in college was black. When he mentioned he got accepted into MIT, I asked why he didn't go. He said "I would've been a diversity admission. My ACT was a 28."

>> No.18608467
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>> No.18608478
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>> No.18608736

Now that is a man I have respect for

>> No.18609431

By sperging out about it, they proved /pol/ right. It would have been a hard L if nobody reacted.

>> No.18609479

This thread took a sudden turn towards smart—
>Phrygians are fucking retards
HOLY KEKLORDS THIS SHIT ESCALATED TO PLACES I COULDN'T EVEN IMAGINE. I mean, it's fitting for a race baiting thread, but this nigger genuinely mad about the Phrygians. Is Taleb among us?
Congrats to the history seethers. I thought this thread would be the normal shade of retarded this bait attracts, but goddamn that anon is MAAAAD about the Phrygians.

>> No.18609602

no white fragility?

>> No.18609603

That's what /pol/ wants everyone to think.

>> No.18609810

It's "evil" because it mocks a core value of post-war society - concern for victims. Despite being hilarious, it is bait done intentionally in bad faith, a more trollish version of "but what if the races were reversed?!". In the US whites and nonwhites cannot be treated as moral equals because the former are oppressors and the latter victims - IOTBW trivializes the suffering of the marginalized.

However as we have seen by now obsession with victimhood gets us to "math be racist yo", so mockery of victimary morality is generally worthwhle.

>> No.18609824

Redpill me on Tacitus

>> No.18609880
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I saw local news stories where people were furiously tearing them down without knowing where they came from. It was even a motion in Australian parliament put forward by the right populists that the mainstream conservative party voted for before they realised. It was defeated lol. Not sure why you people act like it's inconceivable whites could be the target of racial animus while you also are painting them as history's worst monsters and have a giant campaign dedicated to undoing their nefarious alleged systems and so on.

>> No.18609950

why use 3 year old data? why not separate black, Hispanic and Asian liberals.

>> No.18609973


blacks, hispanics and asians are overwhelmingly democrat(liberal), and since their aggregate shows more in-group preference than the white non-liberal isolated it is fair to assume dividing them further would not change the picture very much, white liberals should still stand out as the only group showing large out-group preference.

>> No.18610003

lmao is he seriously denying Thales was a greek?

>> No.18610007

>trying to poke holes this hard
Not much changed in 3 years
I sense you're a cuck in denial. You don't have to hate yourself you know.

>> No.18610023

>trying to poke holes
I'm asking question about the voter based and why 2020 and non liberals for other race was not in the bar graph

>> No.18610067

Liberals in general view whites as the antagonist of history, the nonwhite liberals have no reason to self loathe. There's no comparable narratives for them.

>> No.18610115

thales was a proud iranian scholar

>> No.18610181


>> No.18610194

He's Ionian, which most people would count as "From Turkey" now.

>> No.18610273

Major Roman historian. Wrote in Latin, sometimes suspected to be of Celtic descent because of his enthusiasm for Celts, considered by most to be schoolboy rich kid friends with Pliny the Younger. Most of what we know about his personal life comes from Pliny, like all good rich boy childhood friendships where the more silent one also writes professionally on homosexuality across the known world.
From what we can read of his works, Celtic men are gay because their women are too scary to mate with, Jesus was a dirty traitor but Nero DumDum still shouldn't have killed him because martyrdom, Finns have the happiest life because they only care about meat and fighting strong winds with sticks, and Britain is a shithole but free of imperialist bureaucracy.
His name's pronounced Tacky tus, if you're wondering. Consider yourself fully redpilled

>> No.18610344

You seem to have a persecution complex.

>> No.18610356

Based, ignore the t*mblr/r*ddit migrants seething

>> No.18610364

Coming from the left that's pretty damn rich lmao.

>> No.18610365
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>> No.18610405

>He predicted shit we didn't even know could exist, like the Iranian predisposition to vitamin D deficiency, when people didn't discover vitamin D until the modern
Is this shit real? How did they know about vitamin D?
I think^^ isn't real because
>Britain is a shithole but free of imperialist bureaucracy.
is obvious bait.

>> No.18610411

Don't trust the historians, listen only to the /pol/fags, do not read books to check facts

>> No.18610417

>le left XDDD

>> No.18610439
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>the left doesn't even exist
This gaslighting is getting stranger by the day.

>> No.18610458

Take your political whining to /pol/.

>> No.18610486

Tacitus was based, he called the jews 'a race born for slavery' which is dead on

>> No.18610495

Try coming up with an argument instead of seetheposting.

>> No.18610502

>hahahaha look ma im being le offensive on the internet

>> No.18610517

>>Britain is a shithole but free of imperialist bureaucracy.
>is obvious bait.
Tacitus really liked a lot of the primitive tribes for muh noble savage feels. He loved Britain though and a lot of his reasons were basically 'Celts are useless, I wish I could be a NEET with them instead of being in Rome where shit is all Roman and orderly and bullshit'.

>> No.18610527
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>pointing out people can be prejudiced toward whites is offensive
Are you lost or something?

>> No.18610532

What book is that?

>> No.18610535

You're not part of a persecuted victim group.

>> No.18610541

How do you know he's not ugly? He could be ugly.

>> No.18610544
File: 17 KB, 324x485, deadwhitemen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a site detailing a video. If you want books there's a whole cottage industry based on shitting on whites.

>> No.18610568

Anon I don't think I need recommendations for books from someone who reads descriptions of videos and books by internet famous by proxy geekish girls.

>> No.18610569
File: 158 KB, 897x706, Dehumanization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>statistical differential outcomes for your demographic means you're a persecuted victim
>in the most tolerant inclusive society of all time
You people are a joke.
Don't forget fat. Fat people have almost weaseled their way into being a protected class whereas right wing white males are not considered persecuted despite being more dehumanized than Arab terrorists.

>> No.18610584

Oh well if you're fat then you're deservedly victimised. Same with the ugly thing. You should stop subjecting people to your presence too, since you're coming across retarded online. Please erase yourself for the good of humanity, because it's inefficient to have valuable people spend time killing you. I presume you have no books to leave to us in your estate, so, yeah, bye.

>> No.18610594

Did he really say Finns were happy because they're trying to fight wind with sticks and eat meat? I can't find that on wiki

>> No.18610600

Not an argument.

>> No.18610607

No, it's an order. Obey your betters, that's a good fat retard. Try to be quiet about it too; some of us are reading real books.

>> No.18610637

>we're not dehumanizing you we just need you to fucking die
I'm not even fat, you misread, but your homicidal ideations over ideas you don't like sure smacks of mental illness.

>> No.18610639

Oh it's another one of these retarded threads. Remember kids, science works through falsification, and if a book that is not peer reviewed like this one and that has cited eugenists as evidence, it becomes obvious that it's unscientific and useless in these debates.
Also, if you think what I say is biased and nit-picked, watch this video where this guy obliterates every fucking point they make.

>> No.18610643
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>> No.18610658

What he called the Fenni (Finns) he also called the happiest people. He said they were happy because they hunt and then eat the carcass together, and use sticks and twigs at most when they need some shelter from winds. He thinks they're happy because they have no priority except meat. There is a massive debate about whether those Fenni were people he mistook as Finns and what they were if they weren't Finns. I'd like to point out I'm personally not taking any of the sides of that argument because I have seen the e/i argument above. They might be precursors to the Finns. They could be Sami. They could be almost any tribe near the Baltic sea. I hope I cast a wide enough net I won't have anons wishing death by bear on me.
You can read his work if you're really interested.

>> No.18610668

>ask anon to an hero
>he thinks I'm not telling him to kill himself
Fucking fat retard.

>> No.18610998

>in the US whites and nonwhites cannot be treated as moral equals because the former are oppressors and the latter victims
Reddit. Return. Now

>> No.18611006

'Normies' in institutions the US and UK all sperged about it, revealing their true hand. Although everyone already knew where their loyalties lay

>> No.18611019

Because they all vote one way. The split between Dems and republicans only happens with white Americans

>> No.18611027

You're the self hating liberal from the infographic ahahahahah

>> No.18611028

Ok poltrash

>> No.18611029

>muh anecdote

>> No.18611521

debunked by alt-hype

>> No.18611541

there wasnt a concept of the west then, we are talking about about race here none of these people were racially ''western'' they were all MENA the same as today

>> No.18611545

and no taleb doesnt care about being called white he doesnt beleive in whiteness he just doesnt want to be associated with arabs.

>> No.18611732


>> No.18611739

Like I said, it wasn't a secret where it was coming from.

>> No.18611754

Oh yeah because whites aren't the majority in most statistics in a majority white country. 44/45 US presidents weren't white men, and the managerial class isn't majority white.

>> No.18611758

Even though I'd be called a conservative who has to watch what I say in public?

>> No.18611768

>You have to prove everything you said with data.
Gonna need a peer reviewed study from a source I approve of to back up this statement.

>> No.18611770

This are the most repulsively Jewish posts I've seen on /lit/ in a long time.

>> No.18611794

Congratulations, you have autism.

>> No.18611849


>> No.18611855

Yes. Who would put up something like that?

>> No.18611861

The faggot with the deboonker-always-on-Youtube archetype reveals himself

>> No.18611875

They proved your pol boogeyman right by overreacting to it. The fact that the statement was seen as controversial says all you need to know about those talking heads.
No one cared where it came from or who put it up, it was the 'horrible and divisive' statement that they reacted to.

>> No.18611891

Nigga there are Albanians who think Aristotle was Albanian and want to claim him for their retarded country.

>> No.18611902

I said RIGHTIST whites, who are in fact a minority. Lrn2read

>> No.18612159

...because the most likely explanation was white supremacist trolls.

>> No.18612165

Unlike race, political ideology can change, isn't so objective, and is harder to measure.

>> No.18612171


>> No.18612364


>> No.18612648

Even in today's hysteria, most people have no idea about /pol/, and the people reacting against it seemed like histrionic faggots with an axe to grind against white people. There's a reason why it has become the standard for grassroots psyops.

>> No.18612654

It was debunked. Alt-Hype exposed Shaun as fighting a straw man version of the Bell Curve, which fatally undermined Shaun's rebuttal video. All 3 hours built on shoddy foundations. That's the best the left can offer to counter race realism.

>> No.18612674

It's amazing the difference between anons who read and anons who watch videos on youtube. I wonder if it's a parenting decision? The ones that don't read not only have more buzzwords which they don't appear to fully understand, they also seem to have a weird obliviousness to how dumb they sound. It's like their parents never bothered to listen to them, never found out they were saying retarded shit, and never corrected them, and then the kids went on talking at the level of a spastic five year old, convinced that they must be smart because nobody bothered to tell them otherwise. Even in a best case scenario where the anons who don't read are sixteen, that's still ten years of basic development they're missing and they have no idea they're missing.

>> No.18612689

Lolita definitely not. The rest yes.

I have never heard ill mention of Lolita in my life. On the Internet, I’ve only read people who hate its style.

>> No.18612737


>> No.18612742

Even people who don't specifically know what /pol/ is know that there are a lot of far right internet trolls who like to cause trouble.

>> No.18612743

Lots of projection in this post.

>> No.18612753

We arent trolls, we are right and you are to educated to see it.

>> No.18612759

Do you think you're my mother or are you using buzzwords you don't really grasp the meaning of?

>> No.18612765

Sounds like something a troll would say.

>> No.18612776
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>We arent trolls, we are right and you are to educated to see it.

>> No.18612816

If your IQ was really that high you would understand why your anecdote is irrelevant.

>> No.18612853

While I don't doubt that jews use IQ as a way of manipulating others, you cannot dismiss the consequences IQ has on society. I definitely dispute the claim that ashkenazi jews have the highest average IQ as justification for their overrepresentation in many institutions and higher roles in society.

>> No.18612861

The amount of people who are terminally online is much smaller than you think. That probably means you need to take a break from the internet.

>> No.18612869

There is a high correlation between socioeconomic status and IQ. Also the disparities in IQ of different racial groups are well documented and easily observable.

>> No.18612883
