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[ERROR] No.18604008 [Reply] [Original]

I just finished this roll of toilet paper. I read the original cut, pictured, not the 90s uncut version. Can’t get these hours back. Seriously one of the most immature pieces of fluff I’ve ever laid eyes on. Real shallow shit.

>> No.18604059
File: 36 KB, 474x329, E620C762-816B-4BB2-8222-2C260C39332E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heinlein never been laid

>> No.18604118

The first half was good up until right after the conference. Cool exploration of a simple premise. After that it fell apart.

>> No.18604151

Agreed. I could have gone without the second half being the Passion of the Christ narrated by a used car salesman.

>> No.18604182

You've gotta bear in mind it was written in 1961, so criticizing the US Government and organized religion weren't as cliche as they are now.

>> No.18604190

You've gotta bear in mind it was written in 1961, so criticizing the US Government and organized religion wasn't as cliche as they are now.

>> No.18604201

You've gotta bear in mind it was written in 1961, so criticizing the US Government and organized religion wasn't as cliche as it is now.

>> No.18604216

No peepee. No!

>> No.18604239

I will admit I did like the church casinos. But having the character Jubal be Heinlein’s mouthpiece instead of working those critiques and praises into the narrative was weak even for 1961.

>> No.18604273
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It's not even that, it's how the second half got real weird about sex and ideals and morals when the first half focused so heavily on how those things are by no means universal. Second half Smith barely resembles first half and there's a huge disconnect between the two.
Here's how I would have written the second half
>after the conference
>Jubal explains to Smith the concept of housing and earning a living
>Martians don't do this, they go wherever.
>Smith wants to try this.
>Buys a house
>Tries doing 'magic' and stuff to give back to society (as he groks what a job is), but gets bored/confused as to why humans can't do it themselves
>starts teaching people the Martian language
>no large plan, just wants to help people get better
>following grows
>First half characters join him in his ever-increasing compound
>Gets assassinated near the end
>almost no one in the compound cares because they're advanced enough to not recognize death
>They all scatter and the best students form their own schools which continue to grow
Years later
>Jubal and Gillian visit one
>Leaders recognize Smith as a founder, but not the end-all-be-all
>explain how he never really understood human love, and that they've largely surpassed him, just like modern scientist build on the works of their predecessors
>The best can do things Smith would never have dreamed of while he walked among them, but loves seeing when he's discorporated
>And this is why the Martians won't be able to defeat them