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[ERROR] No.18602969 [Reply] [Original]

Let's say I dedicate the next year to studying this book. This including reading scholarly material and re-reading important dialog. What will knowledge will I acquire?

>> No.18602982

>What knowledge will I acquire?

I should probably start with proof reading my own stuff first.

>> No.18602989

I'm also wondering this

>> No.18603004
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Nothing. Start with the Neetch.

>> No.18603035

Nothing important, actual thinking doesn't really start until Kant.

>> No.18603036

A knowledge of a variety of central themes/issues in philosophy like:
>JTB and "the frege/geach problem"
>The social contract
>Issues of identity and knowledge related to identity
>The aesthetic theory of mimesis

>> No.18603076

Thanks for answering

>> No.18603084

My biggest takeaway is that I don't trust Divine Command Theory or extremist positions.

>> No.18603131

I have to read it too

>> No.18603208

Serious question, was Plato banging little boys? Symposium keeps mentioning "love" and I can't tell if there is some meaning lost in translation or if a group of elites are literally sitting around, drinking and talking about banging dudes.

>> No.18603231

a group of elites are literally sitting around, drinking and talking about banging dudes.

>> No.18603293

Look up pederasty on wikipedia. Mostly they just wanked each other off but yeah everyone was bi back then

>> No.18603399

you don't think. he does it for you

>> No.18603439

So did Socrates take it in the shitter?

>> No.18603446

I meant Socrates, not Plato. Same time period though.

>> No.18603500

Socrates is the only one said not to be a degenerate buttfucker in the Symposium. Alcibiades has a whole speech about trying to seduce Socrates and when he finally gets him in bed, it's like sleeping with a family member who's not gonna bust your bussy.

>> No.18603551

Socrates was notoriously ugly too correct? The Greeks must really love man ass.

>> No.18603611

The faggotiest thing Plato wrote was that men and women are equal in Republic
What a fag

Confucius btfo and debunked Pl*to

>> No.18603670

This is the same guy who thinks there's a Form of Pederasty out there in the heavens somewhere where this is happening eternally. His entire philosophy is an elaborate rationalization for his perversions. The Republic is Epstein's island.

>> No.18603813

bottoms love ugly bastards

>> No.18603881

You can stop at any point, so it's not like you're taking a huge risk. Also, nobody who has ever done this has regrets.

>> No.18603958

Could Epstein secretly be the greatest philosophical genius of our time?

>> No.18604083

>he doesn't know that that's only because the republic is a metaphor for the soul and the feminine and masculine analogies should be equal within one self
plato ought be expected to think many of the things pitched in the republic are laughable, unrealistic, and impractical if they tried to be implemented in an actual government, but that's not the point.

>> No.18604092
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sounds p cool to me

>> No.18605129

You will become a christian

>> No.18605145

Neet made Plato more relevant than ever

>> No.18605149

Even ignoring >>18603500, no. The "accepted" form of male-male sex was thighfucking.

>> No.18605412

How does that follow

>> No.18606816

Intuitive recognition of the Good as Divinity itself. Call it whatever you want, it is what it is.

>> No.18607034

>Intuitive recognition of the Good as Divinity itself.
What does that have to do with the belief that Christ died for your sins and everything else?

>> No.18607218

How do you really know something, or are you just using yourself? What is the Socratic method, and how can it be used in teaching (versus just giving the answers)?
You don't need to go all-in on the whole book. You can try a couple of passages, see if you're learning anything from them, and then decide to go for the whole text.

>> No.18607440

Is this book worth it? I've only read Ion,meno,symposium, rep,apology,crito and phaedon. I'm thinking of getting this for Christmas probably or probably some other book... I don't know.

>> No.18607904


>those replies
for fucks sake, /lit/


>> No.18607948

Speaking from experience

>> No.18607955

Protagoras is the best Yo

>> No.18608057


>> No.18608715

Just don't become a Greek simp and be too stupid to engage with later thinkers

>> No.18608841

Don't tell me what to do

>> No.18608977

brainlet question incoming: why does socrates use homer as a proof against the soul being a harmony despite him absolutely btfo'ing him in the republic dialogue?

>> No.18609407

>Reading Meno
>Socrates directs a kid to a proof that sqrt(2) is irrational
>therefore a kid is smarter than all the pythagoreans combined
I think I found his shittiest take

>> No.18609507

You would be wasting a year of your life.
Plato and Aristotle are best to be skimmed so you can move on to the good stuff

>> No.18609519

Your beliefs will change, he makes some arguments unheard of anywhere else(mid-end of crito specifically), pretty esoteric desu

>> No.18609523

reading group when?

>> No.18609724

What order should you read this tome?

>> No.18610219

You are ESL.

>> No.18610700

i think you missed the point

>> No.18610749


>> No.18611048

Read the first essay of that book, online if you dont have it, called Euphyphro. It wont take long. Then tell us what you think you've learned from it.

>> No.18612118

Then why do Christians base their entire religion on the philosophical contribution of non-Christians?

>> No.18612526

Perfect Archetypal World = Heaven
Our World = Earth

>> No.18613515

Maybe because the idea of sin for Socrates is an error of each one's Logos. As an error and not a malicious nature by itself it lead to piety towards sinners, the same piety Nietzsche criticizes. Christ is the Jew filter for Socrates I think

>> No.18613566

>As an error and not a malicious nature by itself
That's pretty much the Eastern Orthodox position
>Jew filter
What does that mean

>> No.18614805

>What does that mean
Rome was an empire of Stoic ideals (although its obvious hedonist decadence) because of the older warrior virtue ways based on the greek Kalos Kagathos. When it accepted the sect of Christians as official those ideals of what is a human melted with the sacrificial, "non-ego" philosophy of Christianity in general. Just assuming btw

>> No.18614840

>everyone was bi back then
That means sexual orientation is bullshit