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[ERROR] No.18601712 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about it since I live near one.
Possible pros: easy, lots of downtime to read and write?, ability to request interesting books that are expensive or rare.
Possible cons: spend day babysitting the homeless (I live on the edge of a big city, how bad do you think this will be?), low pay
Am I missing anything? Low pay doesn't seem so bad if there is lots of free time.

>> No.18601719

> lots of free time
> city library
No, you'll be spending lots of time making programs and events at the library

>> No.18601736

Alright, OP. Do you want to be dirt-poor AND a subservient slave to your local regional council for the rest of your life?

>> No.18601743

Like teaching kids and such? How many events can their realistically be?
Can you explain? What will local regional council make me do? I don't know much about library work other than that sometimes I check out books.

>> No.18601783

I don't know about your library, but my local library has 1 or 2 events everyday. They aren't low effort effects either, you have to make your own stories when read to the toddlers, think of activities, and they have to be different every time, so you can't do the same puppet show week after week. Or if it's a teen event, you have to think of a unique arts and crafts project. Obviously you would've have to do all of them, your coworkers would do some, but every time I go to my library the librarians are busy either manning the check out station, preparing for an event, or doing the event. The trope of bored librarian with nothing to do reading all day only exists in Hollywood, imo. Maybe it's different for rural libraries

>> No.18601791

*Obviously you would NOT have to do all of them

>> No.18601829

Wow, I haven't seen that but I guess I better check how many events my library has. I am not really interested in the "rewarding" part of library work, just the books.

Are there any jobs out there that have downtime for writing? Maybe bookstore is closer to what I am imagining. Aren't any good ones nearby though.

>> No.18601850

just become an archivist instead. it requires more training than being a librarian, but you won't have to deal with as many hobos or kids as you would as a council librarian. also, you will more likely be sorting through texts in places with better collections. i know a couple archivists who work work for private employers, archiving and cataloguing the collections of rich as fuck cunts with massive personal libraries. seems like a pretty kino job to have.

>> No.18601869
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According to someone here in an older threat, night shift security guard. Do a task list, a couple patrols, then you've got the whole night to sit and stare at security cameras. Dead of night means silence and nobody around, so good reading / writing conditions.

I'm also told that being IT Support in any major company is good. Lots of effort to set up the system, then after that you're basically just kept around until something breaks / the boss can't enter his password because he left capslock on, so most days your free and no one expects you to do anything unless the computers aren't working.

Haven't done either myself, so pinch of salt, but just what some others have said.

>> No.18601879

It is hard to get librarian jobs because libraries aren't in high demand and the people who have the positions have a death grip on them until they die (not retire, but die. It's such a cake position they figure they will do it forever). You also need a shitload of schooling in "library sciences," I think at the masters level.

It's not a good field to go into unless you like few positions, lots of competition, and basically waiting for someone to die so you can even get a spot to apply to (which you won't get because others will be more qualified).

>> No.18601885

>Are there any jobs out there that have downtime for writing?

Yes. Night-time security guard. I never got so much reading done as when I was a security guard.

>> No.18601911

Actually seems like a pretty cool job, probably not a lot of downtime, but still I am digging what I see.
Worth a shot. Late night part isn't my thing, but still might be worth it if there isn't anything else. Seems like late night hotel desk might be similar.
My brother does IT Support at a big corp, so I know that one is not true.

>> No.18601916

>>I'm also told that being IT Support in any major company is good. Lots of effort to set up the system, then after that you're basically just kept around until something breaks / the boss can't enter his password because he left capslock on, so most days your free and no one expects you to do anything unless the computers aren't working.
This is me, but it depends on the shift.

I work at a university, so we support teachers and students with their devices and systems. Usually, we have simple problems, but because we're the first line we do get all the shit.
The evening shifts are dead silent, yeah. From 4pm, and weekends, it's dead.

>> No.18601925
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The only legitimate /lit/ occupation is NEET.

Ngmi otherwise.

>> No.18601928

Honestly, this sounds like a pretty sweet deal.

>> No.18602344

There aren't many jobs that don't require you to work 80% of the time, and are also
> entry level
> comfy
> pay ok money
you could be a security guard and get lucky with getting stationed in a nice area, but there's always a risk your agency will send you to nigger town

>> No.18603638
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I'm a night shift security guard at a 5 star hotel, I've been doing security for about 6 years now just got into hospitality. I can tell you that this job is brain dead easy with great money and benefits. The big catch with security in general is your coworkers, if you work night shift and some jerk off calls out in the morning more than likely you're pulling a double, some are ex cops or military that think security is an "operation" and it turns an easy job to an uptight slog. Like I said its so brain dead easy that I'm leaving the job looking for something new that actually has me doing something with my time. Also adjusting to working nights sucks.

>> No.18603660

This. Good fucking luck getting even a library page job OP.

>> No.18603698
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Why do you wanna have a female job, faggot?
>but muh bookz
>ehh reading...muh freetime
Grow some balls. Be a MAN. You're embarrassing your parents.

>> No.18603927

I did that for 2 years until covid hit and they kept asking me to do more and more while they refused to give me my raise. Now I'm going over to the front desk for more money, plus I don't have to deal with puke or piss or blood or medical emergencies or exploding boilers.
These fuckers hired on someone after me for more than they pay me and he lasted about a month. Some military faggot that got the job because our supervisor got promoted and he's also a fucking military faggot who gives himself and his buttbuddy weekends off.

Still easy work but goddamn it attracts the worst coworkers

>> No.18604090

It's hilarious that you say that because literally the Director of Security at my place is an Ex Marine Ex cop and his butt buddy is a ( go figure) Ex Marine Ex cop, they are in eachothers ass so much that the DoS put him on day shifts and gave him Fridays and Saturdays off. Jerk offs man ruin a good thing for the rest of us. Ex military people just want yes men who work so they don't have to work anything besides they 8 hours and go home

>> No.18604153
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If you're worried about your parents being embarrassed cause you have a job you enjoy then you really grow up.

>> No.18604656

How do you become an archivist?
Spending my time dealing with collections, old texts and whatnot sounds enjoyable. Being a curator also seems cool, how do you get jobs like this?

>> No.18604758

Absolutely not. Any job where women work is hell on earth

>> No.18605456


>> No.18605475

Libraries are changing, and throwing homeless people out is not womans job.