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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18601379 [Reply] [Original]

How do i read a book in a screen? I just can't, for lots of reasons it's just so inferior when compared to an actual book, but it's my only option right now.
How do you do it?
How do you read a fucking PDF without wanting to commit suicide

>> No.18601394

you don't. buy the book anon.

>> No.18601409
File: 3.00 MB, 640x532, cooming.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18601419

i'm basically poor and i don't want to read in shitty translations (i live in a third world country), which makes PDFs the only option (i want to read mostly classics which are available online).

>> No.18601449


>> No.18601453

Remove notifications and close the browser. Maybe turn the wifi off.

>> No.18601454

Get an e-reader retard.

>> No.18601473

I used a beige background colour ("zathura" pdf viewer can re-color a pdf too) and a lot of external lighting (much better than dark mode in a dark room). but then I just got a Kindle, thank fuck. the difference is enormous

>> No.18601480

False flag meme. Reverse psychology to instill the popular misconception that Turing was invaluable to the enigma crack. He wasn't. He was part of a team and his role was questionable. He is simply idolized because of propaganda. Homosexuals have contributed little to technological development. Why work on anything when your whole lifestyle revolves around cooming? Just focus on getting enough done to survive nd then hookup. What's really on their mind isn't what they do but busting the next one. That's their outlook on life.

>> No.18601490

Alright then. Go to your local library. Seriously. Do it.

>> No.18601497

ok thanks i'll try that

>> No.18601518

i literally hadn't even considered that but i'll try it.
chances are it will be very poorly managed though

>> No.18601523

do you really believe what you typed?

>> No.18601654
File: 76 KB, 400x266, human-resources-department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. /lit/s HR rep

You really levelled with that guy but kept your cool. I think it's time we all really assess what kind do world we want to live in going forward. Thank you for this.

>> No.18601664

Blantantly obvious that the people who made the did it to mock the God hated fags type of people. 90 IQ religious fundamentalists don't even know who Turing is, let alone would waste time with his history. Do think the sign is actually unironic lol?

>> No.18601765


>> No.18601825
File: 34 KB, 700x471, 1620436198321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with this woman 100%

Send from my Apple MacBook™. The opinions expressed in this post are not necessarily those of Apple™ Inc. or its subsidiaries.

>> No.18601835
File: 74 KB, 770x770, StormBlack_Front_BackVert_EN_770x770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With this.

>> No.18601841

>poor third-worlder who can't afford books
>just buy a $150+ ereader bro lmao

>> No.18601898

It's called saving up. Send me a third world address and I might give my old kindle to you. Even a sony 13.3" isn't out of reach for a first or third worlders even though retards think it is.

>> No.18601923

when i asked if that anon really believed what he typed i was lesser thinking about his questioning of the authenticity of the sign but more about the conclusions he took out of his theory

thinking that all homosexuals in this world see sex as their only raison d'etre is laughable, especially when you consider what an educated mathematician and scientist turing was. do you really think anyone in this world would learn all of this only to get enough money to fuck? obviously oscar wilde also only wrote because he wanted to fuck, right?

>> No.18602067

>obviously oscar wilde also only wrote because he wanted to fuck, right?

>> No.18602280


yea i dont read pdfs. pdfs are horrible for reading books. i read epubs because it scales down the text, font size and everything according to screen size on my android tablet. same on laptop. plus, there are tons on customizations on apps themselves.

personally, i cant read dense non-fiction digitally because i need something physical in my hand to digest it completely. for that, i use printing and binding services. for reading fiction or skimming through meme tier books, epubs works just fine. in fact, i read entire asoiaf on my tab.

although, take care to download properly formatted epubs, otherwise it will be all over your screen. it may take you multiple attempts to get that one properly formatted epub on your screen. i download from z-lib.

ps: i especially like the feels and smoothness of google play books. i read asoiaf on that. i havent really came across an app which is as smooth as google play book reader.