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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18600594 [Reply] [Original]

Have you improved your life by reading? What book made the most difference?

>> No.18600611

David Goggins made me stop being a pussy
Mark Rippetoe made me stop being a DYEL
Samin Nosrat made me stop being a bad cook
Cervantes made me stop being a DYER

>> No.18600615

Marie Kondo - The Art of Tidying

>> No.18600622

Stop posting these videos please. It results in discussions that derail the thread and lowers the quality of the board. I think we have all observed this from your last thread. You just want that wave of retards to flood the thread and shit it up with off-topic posts?

>> No.18600630

>Have you improved your life by reading

of course

48 laws of power
Devil's pleasure palace gave me an appreciation for the arts, I did not have before.

>> No.18600636

All those muscles and I could still kill her in a single strike

>> No.18600652

We put the gloves on and get in the ring, I corner-rape her and completely destroy her. After beating her into submission I put her head between the ropes, bend her over, pull down her pants, pull down my shorts and rape her there and there while still hitting her. I nut inside her without pulling out, probably the best orgasm of her life.
Take note white knights, this is what women want

>> No.18600671

More likely than not she’d enjoy being used as a punching-bag and getting raped, women are more likely to orgasm during rape btw.
Sorry but being nice and respecting her isn’t to give her the hots for you, girls that go to the gym and get buff like her are signaling that they are looking for a strong man to make them submit.
I’d make it more fun (for me) by reclining against the corner and letting her whale on me for the first two rounds, the look of horror on her face as she slowly realizes I’m not going down no matter how much she punches me would be priceless. Then I would lay the hurt in her then rape her while still punching her.
100% chance she would enjoy the experience and get an orgasm.

>> No.18600676

The Pale King

>> No.18600680

No. Ignorance = bliss

>> No.18600682

>Have you improved your life by reading?
>What book made the most difference?
Right now it is THE NEW TESTAMENT - KING JAMES VERSION. Been reading that like a motherfucker and my life has indeed improved due to it.

>> No.18600689

Stopped reading once I realized that it had no impact on my quality of life nor social standing. The only thing reading did to me was making it even more clear to be how corrupted the world is.

>> No.18600702

lmao this is so funny fucking faggot you are really going to do this every thread hahahhahahahahahahaha don't you realise how funny it is to watch you do this every time? retard you spend your whole time on /lit/ i knew you would be there to post about your rape fantasy. like clockwork. you have no life.

>> No.18600726

This arouses me so much. Am I high T or gay?

>> No.18600735 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600746

post physique

>> No.18600758 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600759

>The only thing reading did to me was making it even more clear to be how corrupted the world is.
Reading can help you overcome the corrupt world. Why not go all the way?

>> No.18600764 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600766

Find a new board any time

>> No.18600769 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600773 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600779 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600788 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600794 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600799


>> No.18600806 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600811 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600818 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600824 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600827

Based porn poster in a non-porn board.

>> No.18600828 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600836 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.18600846

It doesn't matter what people like. People are not animals. They are endowed with intellect and reason so as to not be impelled by beastly impulses because "pleasure". Pornography will be banned and fornication will be criminalized. Any sexual act outside of marriage (itself only valid between man and woman), is prohibited and warrants castration or death.

>> No.18600865

Have sex, christcuck. You can be 100% sure that you future tradwife has Chad's cock shoved down her throat right now.

>> No.18600886

If God doesn't exist, it is all the more reason to be more extreme in the battle against lower animal instincts and deprive personhood to those who submit to them.

>> No.18600900


>> No.18600913

>implying a seething incel with weak virgin cock such as yourself will ever be able to attract a wife

>> No.18600914


>> No.18600924

You're just desperate for some cause or purpose while in reality there's none. People in power do whatever they want to do, morals are only imposed to pleb cattle.

>> No.18600939

It's not about morality. It's about preventing maladaptive sexual behaviors from manifesting. They are of no net benefit for individual or society.

>> No.18600948

More like 48 laws of beta bullshit

>> No.18600949

Fair enough, but have fun attempting to reverse the female sexual liberation. There's no going back now that they've tasted complete control of dating market. Chad cocks until 30, beta bucks afterwards.

>> No.18600992

>steal = aquire resources
>cheat or rig = gain advantage
>collude = gain
>loot and burn a village = profit
>"unjust" territorial conquest = e
Using amorality for DUDE HECKIN SEX AND MASTURBATINERO doesn't result in anything other than a fleeting sense of pleasure, moron. It's a case of being biologically spooked where the brain rewards you for doing something it considers "good". When a soiboi thinks of the immoral, he thinks of orifices for his dick. When a Chad considers it, he aims for gain like Bernie Madoff (RIP & PBUH) or global domination as in the case of Alexander, Hitler, Stalin, Saladin. Even Genghis Khan wanted to impregnate not so much for the pleasure but for the hyper abundance of progeny, warriors to follow.

>> No.18600998

Meant to delete the moron part. Sorry.