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[ERROR] No.18593877 [Reply] [Original]

I've noticed more and more people on /lit/ are interested in cultural decline, but don't want to read books fueled by incel rage and spooks (you know, written by tradcucks, polretards, where feeling and values are presented as arguments). So I present you this book as an alternative, tldr:

>in earlier times people had higher general intelligence, because the conditions were harsher (colder climate - less resources), which lead to more conflicts, so groups had to have smart people to succeed
>modern times are no longer characterized by conflict, harsh climate or scarce resources
>more people with all sorts of illnesses reach adulthood, less smart people are produced
>lower general intelligence correlates with violence, lying, lesser participation in politics, valuing short term goals over long term, etc.
>lesser amount of geniuses are born
>modern values and morals just exacerbate this decline

This is a book that is packed with solid arguments that are based on facts that you can talk about without being ostracized by your progressive comraderinos.

>> No.18593908

>why is modern society so shit?
>no mention of jews
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.18593918

It's not so hard bro, voting rights for women is the source of everything bad with the world.

>> No.18593936

yep, thats what I meant, people like you discourage others from looking critically at our modern culture, because cultural critique is associated with seething anti semites and incel women haters. Just go back and let men talk.

>> No.18593968

"Modernity" is jewish in nature and your book is nothing but academic cope.

>> No.18593974

just go back, you dont belong here, this thread isnt for you.

>> No.18593986

Isn't a good deal of the Frankfurt School about cultural decline?

>> No.18593988

Just read Yuri Slezkine, anon...

>> No.18593993

He's right though. The problem lies with the social conditioning.

>> No.18593997

>looking critically at our modern culture
>while ignoring all the problems with our modern culture
You’re an idiot.

>> No.18594005

Hey that’s anti-semitic you can’t say that!!!

>> No.18594006
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>> No.18594021
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>This is a book that is packed with solid arguments that are based on facts that you can talk about without being ostracized by your progressive comraderinos.
Thank you for these safe points approved by the administration. Now I can discuss this topic at the coffee shop without being mistaken for one of those dangerous dissidents that I spend the rest of my day seething over.

>> No.18594026
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>> No.18594036


>> No.18594048

Yes, but its the same worn out marxist cliche about capitalism that defangs revolutionary potential, as if all people naturally want to be free and equal. Their critique is full of spooks.
just go back, shoo shoo vermin
no, I dont like women myself and have nothing agaisnt racism. I do find attempts at explaining vast socio-historical and evolutionary results with appeals to jews and women extremely stupid though. The idea, that jews or women do profit most from modernity is a fact though. But not the root of the problem

>> No.18594066

>but not the root of the problem
So what is? Some bullshit fucking made up “concept” that doesn’t even exist in reality? It’s the Frankfurt School and the decline of White Civilization after the World Wars, dude. It’s not that difficult to understand.

>> No.18594073

>It’s the Frankfurt School
How? Explain further

>> No.18594083

You're alright. Just don't start your next thread with buzzwords.

>> No.18594087

yeah yeah, it would be on the page 7 by now

>> No.18594097

The Frankfurt School was an institution established to question how and why communism had failed to become a worldwide phenomenon but rather was limited to only a select few countries such as Russia. The primary goal of this school was to achieve this worldwide communist revolution, and their method for doing so was to establish a culture within academia of relentlessly questioning, critiquing, and breaking down every single aspect of society at that time.
Andrew Macdonald goes into pretty good detail of this in his trilogy.

>> No.18594102

>5 farmers having sex in the woods
Yes tradition
>Now homosex and lesbian have sex on the street
No no the book say no, that's degeneracy

>> No.18594109

>in earlier times people had higher general intelligence, because the conditions were harsher
therefore we must end all aid to Africa and drop more bombs on the middle east
>which lead to more conflicts, so groups had to have smart people to succeed
yet OP also says
>lower general intelligence correlates with violence
why is violence bad if conflict "makes group smart"?
>more people with all sorts of illnesses reach adulthood, less smart people are produced
therefore we must execute the sick and deformed and prevent poor people from seeing doctors
>modern values and morals just exacerbate this decline
but OP laments "books fueled by incel rage and spooks where feeling and values are presented as arguments"

>> No.18594124

>It’s the Frankfurt School
And who is behind that I wonder...

Oh, it's just Jews. It's almost as if these theories about huge trends of history and the fact that Jews just happen to end up ruling the world and there's nothing you can do about it goy are just copes for the Jews.

>> No.18594214

>therefore we must end all aid to Africa and drop more bombs on the middle east
>therefore we must execute the sick and deformed and prevent poor people from seeing doctors
no value judgement follows from those statements you moron

>why is violence bad if conflict "makes group smart"?
conflict among groups, with the risk of population elimination, not hitting your granny in the head violence

>> No.18594249

What's wrong söyjak, don't you want a smarter population? The solution is obvious, nuke China.

>> No.18594349

think they'd pay to have a fellow comrade come live with them? ill teach em english

>> No.18594352

Stop saying go back on 4chan

>> No.18594358

go back

>> No.18594378

go back over the wall

>> No.18594421

just go back, 2016 tourist. Btw, Trump lost.

>> No.18594436

He's right though. Stop making entire narratives to avoid pointing at the elephant in the room

>> No.18594445


>> No.18594462


>> No.18594467

have sex. NOW!

>> No.18594473
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Read Notes on the Death of Culture by Mario Vargas Llosa available on b-ok
I refuse to elaborate further.

>> No.18594502

the west is over
east shall reign supreme

>> No.18594542

>>in earlier times people had higher general intelligence, because the conditions were harsher (colder climate - less resources), which lead to more conflicts, so groups had to have smart people to succeed
>>modern times are no longer characterized by conflict, harsh climate or scarce resources
>>more people with all sorts of illnesses reach adulthood, less smart people are produced
>>lower general intelligence correlates with violence, lying, lesser participation in politics, valuing short term goals over long term, etc.
>>lesser amount of geniuses are born
Retarded shit
By these assumptions 3rd world shitholes must be the genius factories. But no those places are still shitholes despite harsh conditions

>> No.18594577
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Yeah I'm thinking Vargas Llosa is over

>> No.18594623

Yeah this is the most retarded post on lit. Lmao at the claim there’s no conflict in the modern world.

>> No.18594626

The point isnt that harsh conditions = abundance of smart people, because there is a temporal aspect to it. Harsh conditions (cold temperature, that characterized pre modern era) lead to lower resources so groups have to fight among themselves to survive (group selection). Only trough this process geniuses are bred (they cant pass on their genes otherwise, because most of them are not interested in things that lead to procreation). Given time, 3rd world countries will eventually breed out those that have high altruism, groupishness and higher iq. Whereas peaceful developed Western countries are losing those traits.

>> No.18594648

modern developed Western countries are less characterized by conflict among groups and nation than in pre-modern times. Well documented and obvious fact. There is no risk of such conflicts that would entail elimination of big groups of people in Europe or USA.

>> No.18594703

Total bullshite, I am from South Asia and this place have been shithole since British came. There is no DFW here.

>> No.18594735

which means there is no evolutionary pressure for it not to be shit. Sedetary life forms do exist. Thats why we have former life forms among us.

>> No.18594754

"no such thing as progress" fags always go quiet as soon as you mention medical science Lmao

>> No.18594766

its not "no such thing as progress", but more like, "the progress is not eternal and all of the achievements of it, medicine included, will bring its own pitfall"

>> No.18594775

Oh you retard. This region had many great authors throughout the history. You're being seriously reductive here. >>18594735

>> No.18594784

sorry that I'm not well versed in your shithole country and its dogshit cultural achievements

>> No.18594798
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Good bait

>> No.18594820


>> No.18594922

will use in case of toilet paper shortage, thanks bankercattle

>> No.18594938

That's a lot of speculation, sounds like the other side of the coin of Steven pinker style retardation.
Thanks for the submission op but I dont think this solves the argumentative problem

>> No.18594979

its a tl dr what the fuck do you expect

>> No.18594999

Its not allowed to mention the semitic influence on modern society

>> No.18595004

What else one could expect from an amerishart?

>> No.18595050

not american
not allowed to say doesnt mean its true. Give me a scientific inquiry that shows that Jews have ruined the West.

>> No.18595080

You're a spiritual mutt

>> No.18595319

Mark Fisher? Baudrillard?

>> No.18595326

You are correct. This is one of my main areas of interest as well. I started with Spengler. But there's almost no discussion to be had because 99% of people are not interested in objectivity, they project themselves and their own failings onto society rather than attempting to judge it as it actually is. In this case Reddit is full of leftie suoybuoys and 4channel (formerly 4chan) is full of incel poltards. I genuinely have no idea where to go to discuss this kind of thing. But I can tell you you're wasting your time here.

>> No.18595347

You can grow up instead

>> No.18595354

I feel like one of the only adults in a world of people who do not progress past the late teenager mentality.

>> No.18595374

maybe you have come across some forums or anything? I feel that 4chan is draining my hope in humanity at the rate faster than it should happen

>> No.18595387

It's time to take the anti-human pill. Read Spinal Catastrophism.

>> No.18595397

Suck a dick about it fag

>> No.18595404

>It's time to take the anti-human pill. Read Spinal Catastrophism.
Please elaborate

>> No.18595414

Nope. The problem with philosophy of culture is that it's too niche. First of all you have to be something of a Spinozist and detach yourself from all value judgements to reach objectivity, secondly you have to actually know what you're talking about which requires you to be at least somewhat well read on the subject. The barrier of entry is too high for a common discussion board.

>> No.18595419

The very evolution of the human skeleton leading to the emergence of the brain as the crown of the spinal column and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race

>> No.18595431

Eh, he mooched off Zapffe's The Last Messiah. 21st century scholarship suck massive dick.

>> No.18595444

It's a fun read if you want to see a dizzying number of citations of German Idealists

>> No.18595477

Thanks but I am not interested in this academic mental masturbation. The Last Messiah is enough for me.

>> No.18595484

can you expand on Zapffe? I'm readign his wiki and some of his conclusions are strikingly familiar to what I have thought about (probably Nietzsche is the common mediator).

>> No.18595486

this is retarded.

>> No.18595511

Just read the essay bro. It's written very beautifully and you can probably read it in 30 minutes.


>> No.18595517


>> No.18595753


Salo forum, whenever Nic gets it back up and running, is probably exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.18596518
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Whenever people on /lit/ or /his/ tell you to "go back", present them with this image.

Observe as they try to deflect this

>> No.18596533

You are semi-based

>> No.18596545

99% scapegoat/red herring desu

>> No.18596554

>yep, thats what I meant, people like you discourage others from looking critically at our modern culture
Why do you automatically assume it isn't the Jews without having actually read the arguments? Are you really that pre-programmed? Break the conditioning.

>> No.18596590

Google returns nothing about salo forum.

>> No.18596643

>colder climate makes people smarter
this is exactly what the "polretards" say

>> No.18596670

It can't be, because there was a time when women weren't politically enfranchised, and those who WERE politically enfranchised decided to politically enfranchise women. Ergo whatever the source is, precedes the political enfranchisement of women. Whatever it was, infected and rotted the brains of those men who thought it would be a good idea to do so.

>> No.18596938

Never coming back niggolo is a fag!

>> No.18596967
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>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords

Fuck off.

>> No.18597000
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>> No.18597120

You're just imagining things, you're just being paranoid, you're just projecting your insecurities, it's not real, that's why anything vaguely perceived as antisemitic is the most tightly policed shit in the contemporary west.

>> No.18597486

>every time
>take notice
>you're just an anti semite
I'm a pattern recognizer. not even that anon. It is literally every single time.

>> No.18597504

>>in earlier times people had higher general intelligence, because the conditions were harsher (colder climate - less resources), which lead to more conflicts, so groups had to have smart people to succeed
>>modern times are no longer characterized by conflict, harsh climate or scarce resources
>>more people with all sorts of illnesses reach adulthood, less smart people are produced
>>lower general intelligence correlates with violence, lying, lesser participation in politics, valuing short term goals over long term, etc.
>>lesser amount of geniuses are born
>>modern values and morals just exacerbate this decline

Modern times are characterized by conflict, you just are choosing to surf on your computer all day.

>> No.18597508
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Jews can represent every single head of the mainstream media but the moment you point that out there is a chorus of asspained screeching. that really makes me think. racial quotas apply for everyone except jews it seems. how much of the so called "white privilege" is in reality jewish privilege we mistakenly catch the blame for? it's all so tiresome.


>> No.18597514

It's like 40% of the time because they climb to be 40% of everything of note intellectually if they're not butchered and dispossessed. The rest is just you remembering the hits and forgetting the misses like how cold reading works.

>> No.18597524


>> No.18597546

They're not heads of all mainstream media. I agree the left's hypocrisy and the taboo on noticing their success is annoying and those are real phenomena, but the conspiracy is not.

>> No.18597550

>Give me a scientific inquiry that shows that Jews have ruined the West.
Kevin MacDonald's Culture of Critique.

>> No.18597564

Read Cofnas' critiques. MacDonald totally ignores all gentile contributions to modern leftism, and his argument is basically that they're not white nationalist enough, when most WN's make it known their kind is unwelcome.

>> No.18597578

>when whites are overrepresented in any field or company it's called white supremacism
>when jews are overrepresented in any field or company it's excused as "meritocracy"
I'm tired of the double standards. Why are you incapable of understanding that? Why are you so angry to begin with?

>> No.18597584

I get the double standard is bogus and agree with you on that. I'm not mad at all, not sure what gave you that impression

>> No.18597589

Nobody is saying that there's a literal conspiracy, only that their behavior among gentile societies shows a very stable pattern.

As for the 40% thing, I wonder if you would ever apply that to the aristocracy of yore. Did aristocrats make up of the overwhelming majority of intellectuals until the industrial revolution because they were that much better than literally everyone else, or did they find themselves in such a position because they were politically powerful, controlled the media and the publishing industry for all intents and purposes, and also formed an old boy's club where aristocratic critics wrote panegyrics about fellow aristocrats at the expense of the middle and lower classes? Did the bourgeoisie become more prominent in literature through the 19th century because they were that much better than the aristocracy, or did that happen because the aristocracy lost their real power and the bourgeoisie found themselves in the same positions of power and influence as the aristocracy in the preceding centuries?

Cofnas didn't even read the fucking book lmao

>> No.18597599

It primarily comes from Ashkenazi intelligence which is a fact. It's not about them being morally better, though some of it does have to do with cultural capital as well. I wonder if you think their being 50% of chess champions is down to nepotism? How does that work, exactly?

>> No.18597600

I dont understand what part of it you are still insisting on calling a conspiracy if you agree both that they are indeed statistically-improbably overrepresented and also create and push double standards to prevent this from being pointed out. Where is the conspiracy if every facet of this is factually true? Why is pointing out nepotism of jews suddenly verboten? Why is any criticism of jews no matter how true and how deserved treated as the slaughter of a sacred cow? What part of this do you call a conspiracy theory, if every part is demonstrably true and you agree on that?

>> No.18597602
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>looking critically at our modern culture, because cultural critique is associated with seething anti semites
Funny you should say that

>> No.18597616

you're trying to argue that the newscastors we are cursed with, who can hardly write anything worth reading and always devolve to screaming about "[spin wheel] is racist" or orange man bad, is due to MERITOCRACY? Where is the merit? our current journalists all suck ass at their job. every day i read headlines that don't even make grammatical sense, let alone is the content anything worth having written about. it's hogshit. it's all clickbait tier writing and you say that's all hiring based on pure merit? It's NEPOTISM.
spare me or I'll point out the greatest chess mind ever to live was an adament anti-semite, while being himself a jew.

>> No.18597618

The conspiracy theory is that they consciously and even unconsciously work together for a nebulous Jewish interest which somehow involves degenerating gentile societies through subtle indirect means. This scheme purportedly includes everything from Freudianism to modern art.

>> No.18597631

>let's have a non-/pol/ thread
>100 replies later

>> No.18597632

When's the last time that you heard progressives discuss the relationship between climate and intelligence? This is pure autism.

>> No.18597633

Would you be willing to endorse this line of reasoning with whites contra non-whites, too? Do you think the success of white people can be attributed in a not insignificant part to their advantage over negroids, aboriginals, etc. in terms of raw, genetic intelligence?

>I wonder if you think their being 50% of chess champions is down to nepotism?

What makes you think that chess is purely a matter of raw intelligence (whatever pure intelligence means according to you) rather than a matter of a specific subset of skills, some of which is innate, and the rest of which is acquired through experience at the game?

>> No.18597643

>why anything vaguely perceived as antisemitic is the most tightly policed shit in the contemporary west.
I have yet to hear a good explanation of this. People say the most vile things about Muslims or Africans or Muslims or whatever, and while they are criticized, it's considered free speech or whatnot. Say something bad about Jews, and you lose everything.

>> No.18597650

I'd wager the decline in newsmedia is a lot more to do with the shift to online than % Jews. Less people are paying for it which sent the quality down and they're all rushing to push the scoops out first without editing them.

>> No.18597657

The RICO act was established to connect small, ground level, individual actions into the framework of a larger organization with a singular goal. But using the same exact reasoning that formed the RICO act on jews is suddenly verboten to discuss. Every time an article comes out saying white people are evil and racist and blah blah blah it's always written by a jew, other than the rare instances of a token black. Cultural marxism's roots are entirely jewish. Despite the Italians having done it surely, say you, an ethnically based organization for the benefit of that ethnicity is beyond the scope of imagination. Oh, and the recently arrested black militia members in MA were part of a group which did just that but for moors, so there is proof that such organizations do exist and do operate.

So noticing all the aspects of the ground level actions is something you agree on, but drawing the obvious conclusion which has been substantiated through historic and contemporary examples, that's a conspiracy theory. If some group of people of a certain creed all come time and time, one by one, and every time they strike me in the head, my saying that they are acting as a group and targeting me cannot be substantiated, you say? And that would just be screaming hysteric antisemitism to even suggest.

you sound like the sozbois screaming "correlation doesn't prove causation" at everything as a blind mallet to halt any conclusions from being discussed that they don't ideologically approve of.

if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, I'm going to call it a damned duck.

>> No.18597659

>when whites are overrepresented in any field or company it's called racial superiority and natural aptitude
>when jews are overrepresented in any field or company it's called a conspiracy
I'm tired of the double standards. Why are you incapable of understanding that? Why are you so angry to begin with?

>> No.18597668

>lists all the consequences of decaying values and demographics
What's your point? Do you need to be forcefed /pol/ redpills with verbose, meandering, and dogwhistling language? Is this an aesthetic problem?

>> No.18597674

Yes, I do think that IQ is partially genetic, there are differences across racial groups, and this leads to different outcomes. I point to chess because it's impossible to rig that and does point to intelligence even if a subset of it. There's also their accomplishments in math, science and general academia, but you can just claim that's been rigged somehow and the gentile peer cohort is bewitched, but that's getting a little absurd.

>> No.18597675

if you don't lump jews in with actual whites, then whites are not overrepresented in any success measure anymore, other than by comparison to blacks and hispanics, not since the anti white rhetoric started being drummed out ceaselessly by jews in media and institutions of influence (education, for example).

>> No.18597677

Assuming you are correct, and let's say you are for argument's sake, your advice is that we ought to provoke the apex predator of society into squashing us. That's a great plan I'll be sure to think about calling their attention to me going forward.

>> No.18597689

>but that's getting a little absurd.
Yeah haha wouldn't that be ridiculous haha

>> No.18597704

>apex predator
Can a group who have been exiled 1,030 times in history be called an "apex predator"? Can a group who only gets away with nepotism because there are literally laws written to make it illegal to criticise them be called an apex predator? If you look in history even jewish success in trading was due to their getting favor from the political leadership in the form of insurmountable trade advantages like immunity from tariffs.

You can't call something that refuses to ever play on a level playing field an "apex predator." If Sam isn't aware he's in a race at all and Joshua runs past him to reach the top of the hill first, did Joshua really win the race? If Sam was forbidden to point out that Joshua lied about having broken his leg to take a handicap advantage in scoring, did Joshua really win the race? And by handicap I mean the "founding mythology" of Jewish immunity to criticism in the modern west. There are LAWS that make it illegal to question that event. "Truth does not fear investigation."

>> No.18597711

>the apex predator of society
They are no more an apex predator than cockroaches are apex predators in a run-down shithole of a house.

>> No.18597713
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It really just sounds like you got buck broken. Do sheep spend all day seething that wolves exist?

>> No.18597717

Cultural Marxism is a meme. Gramsci wasn't Jewish. Postmodernists were mostly French. Noone's ever provided a single quote from the Frankfurt school proving they were out to topple the West.

The left in general is antiwhite, much of the articles I've seen is from whites themselves. Maybe what you've seen of this is just confirmation bias? If someone comes in with hard statistics showing Jews are more likely to say anti white things, controlling for liberalism (they lean conservative in the UK, so it's not a universal thing) then I'll change my mind. So far some of the best analyses of the woke phenomenon come from a Jew named Zach Goldberg and published by Tablet.

>> No.18597723

Show me the mechanism by which they were able to bamboozle innocent Aryan scholars into over citing them and I'll take it seriously.

>> No.18597731

>can't for a response
>makes nonsensical pseudo smugpost instead
you are a faggot.
>s from whites themselves.
You refuse to even acknowledge reality and then claim to be perplexed by logical conclusions based on observations of reality.

>> No.18597735

...or at least that's what /pol/tards think, from what I've gathered. Of course I don't hold such ridiculous views! I'm a good boy!

>> No.18597741

>Noone's ever provided a single quote from the Frankfurt school proving they were out to topple the West
It seems neither you nor your opponents have any knowledge of the intellectual history of Europe (probably stop reading after thomism since this is a tradfag board). It is not a conspiracy that marxists wished to topple western governments and societies to implement a proleterian dictatorship. The very framing of basic tenets of marxism as a conspiracy theory rather than just "theory" so it can be discredited by people who are opposed to the people trying to discredit it is a testament to the severe intellectual handicap of American schizo polemicists.

>> No.18597752
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Some Ashkenazim don't consider themselves white but most do. I don't see the issue of them speaking as white when they think they're white and Jewish at the same time, it's you who sees them as necessarily distinct races.

>> No.18597757

Hadn't marxism literally been used to topple both Russia and China in living memory and people say that marxism's being an ideological tool to subvert and destroy civilizations is a "conspiracy theory".
>nooo it's cultural marxism not classical marxism
It's exactly the same that Mao's adherents used to convince chinese children to slaughter their own parents and culturally castrate themselves.

>> No.18597764
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>no they haven't actually dominated us they just happen to be in charge of everything
Cope. Literally what the fuck is your take here? Like I said before, if you're right I have nothing to gain from provoking them. And worse still, it would mean they can't actually be dislodged unless you become an accelfag and crash the plane. Awful choices.

>> No.18597775

This certain sect of people who sometimes, when and ONLY when convenient, say they are white, always seems to bash the white race and bring up, endlessly, incessantly, the subject of "white privilege" and yet are never volunteering to relinquish their own tenets of privilege despite, opportunistically, claiming to be "white". That really makes me think. If they want to start dismantling "white supremacy" they might well start with themselves, eh? One wonders why they do not.

Ah but of course, they're disingenuous loxists operating with an agenda and that agenda being vengeance on the west for Titus' razing of Jerusalem. Just mention the name "Titus" to a jew and watch how he reacts if you doubt they still remember and obsess over that event.

Being a rhetorician does not make you intelligent when you can't win any argument except by slithering away from it.

>> No.18597784

My point is Americans are literally too dumb to understand that there is no conspiracy. It is exactly what it says it is right on the label, but they frame it as a conspiracy and then the other direction brained amerisharts call them out for being conspiracy theorists, which they are, because there is a certain paranoid style to American herd politics.

>> No.18597786

Frankfurt school at most thought a fully class conscious Western proletariat would organically do the revolution themselves. There's simply no evidence they were trying to weaken the West by attacking the nuclear family with weaponized transgenders and so forth for Soviet takeover. They were more anti-Soviet.

>> No.18597801
File: 29 KB, 320x496, The Authoritarian Personality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yeah, the Frankfurt School was heckin' based and valid! If only /pol/tards realized that they were on the same side all along rather than being mutual enemies. :(

>> No.18597804

Yeah that's not a method they would have taken since it only became viable in the last twenty years long after they were all dead. Need to blame someone though!

>> No.18597809

It's in vogue to trash the white race but everyone's doing it, principally whites themselves. Most Jews don't even know who Titus is probably. Sorry but I seriously doubt you've actually brought it up to multiple Jews, or if you even know any at all. I know some and they're all boringly average people though tending to be on the bright side. If they're scheming against white dominance they're doing a damn good job of covering it up. You are the rhetorician here, you're not providing actual proofs of your claims.

>> No.18597813

Also after the USSR is gone.

>> No.18597814

Anglos are infinitely more to blame for the current state of society than Jews.

>> No.18597817

Don't most antisemites consider them to be mere golems in the hands of their masters?

>> No.18597819

>americans are just dumb!!!!
>qui guy occurred in France
kill yourself. you're out of arguments and were disproven at every corner and your last straw was broken in one touch. qui?

>> No.18597822

>let's blame about 5 or 6 marxist emigres from a far-right country the United States violently destroyed for a generalized left-wing turn in social and cultural but not economic attitudes in the United States

>> No.18597825


>> No.18597828

You're proving my point dumbass. The entire hermeneutics of conspiracy is Americans being too stupid to realize that society is non-democratic and viewing everything that smells ulterior as an affront to a democracy that does not actually exist

>> No.18597830

Holy ESL.

>left-wing turn in social and cultural but not economic attitudes

Have you ever considered that it's a feature, not a bug?

>> No.18597836

This is actually a good thread though

>> No.18597837

>I'm proving your point by disproving you in every facet
Incredible pilpul. look at how he contorts.

>> No.18597838

It's hilarious how potent they think the mere stroke of a pen by a tiny handful of Jews can be.

>> No.18597842

I don't know, but sounds retarded. Anglos have been at it since the foundation of the City of London Corporation, around 1080 iirc.
The Jews have been at it since somewhere around the 1850s. Are they a malefactor of society? Sure, absolutely. But the Anglos have been ruining the world for nearly a full millennium. The balance of blame is nowhere near equal.

>> No.18597846
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Based Brother, Wallahi

>> No.18597848

>literally antifascist country imports antifascist philosophers
>Oh my god you guys the frankfurt school did this
You're an idiot in any language anon

>> No.18597850
File: 26 KB, 346x313, 1611820626489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes i too am part of the vast conspiracy.

>> No.18597874

We're getting raided FYI guys

>> No.18597879
File: 83 KB, 1078x516, 909C2BF1-D2C3-487C-B2DB-9D0BFFA41E1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Nathan Rothschild has to say about the English king.
Anglos have been good got golems for Jew’s since they came back in the 18th century and took control of the Bank of England, they been the masters of the Brits and latter the Americans ever since.

>> No.18597916

Who's we?

>> No.18597924

>/pol/ raids thread
>gets pushback
>claims they are the ones being raided
>pretending to be the real /lit/ all along
The chutzpah of these guys

>> No.18597930

you almost got me

>> No.18597963

> level playing field
Only exists in the mind of a moralfag

>> No.18598223

This could have been a good thread, instead you get dumbshit replies like this one.

>> No.18598232

By /pol/?

>> No.18598247

Universal cultura decline propagated by western degeneracy produced by morally repugnant kikes!
You don’t have to be genius or “academic” to fucking state the obvious

>> No.18598270
File: 59 KB, 576x507, l.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/his/ and /lit/ are completely subverted at this point
Fucking kek.
These people are God's punchline

>> No.18598288

By who?

>> No.18598686
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>> No.18598689

You're 100% blind to the world around you desu

>> No.18598709
File: 36 KB, 483x504, melting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've been mindraped by an anime image board son. Go out and meet some Jews, they're basically fine.

>> No.18598722
File: 106 KB, 534x534, MAGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go out and meet some Jews
Not without a gun in my hands.

>> No.18598738
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>a minority is smart and successful
You're insane.

>> No.18598747
File: 218 KB, 232x198, who.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my people tried to kill the son of God, mutilate babies, and are responsible for 99% of all evil on Earth
Your time is coming.

>> No.18598830
File: 21 KB, 640x480, prettygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you'd kill me too for simply defending my friends from murderous lies? You're the good guy here though, sure, okay.

>> No.18598840

I have to say "people are dumber now than they were in the past" is a pretty silly argument. Just in the last 100 years, people's average iq has significantly increased in real terms from about 70-80. It's definitely true that people in the past had better genetic iq, which likely peaked in the 16th-17th century, but actual iq is higher today than ever before. I would advise reading some of Jim Flynn's work on this subject. There's a lot of psychometric data about intelligence. (That is not to say that modern degeneracy does not have real iq effects. Reverse Flynn Effect has been observed in some places over the past couple of decades. However, it seems extremely unlikely to have existed prior to then).

>> No.18598861

>So you'd kill me too for simply defending my friends from the murders they've committed?

>> No.18598868

What murders? The worst Jewish butchers were mainly just following Stalin's direct orders, whereas whites have done far worse.

>> No.18598873

>muh intelligence
somehow this seems more retarded than poltards and incels

>> No.18598881

that excuse didnt work for nazis why would it work for jews

>> No.18598894
File: 147 KB, 1280x720, yourpeopledidthis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, jew.

>> No.18598900

>lower general intelligence correlates with violence, lying, lesser participation in politics
This is entirely cultural. In reality, in most conditions in history decisive violence is extremely intelligent and an important means of securing yourself resources, status, and power.

>> No.18598901

Nevertheless, if you add it up, whites have been far more genocidal. The psycho I'm arguing with likely denies the holocaust too. It's just the typical falsification of history far right ideologues in every country engage in.

>> No.18598913

this guy gets it

>> No.18598917

Moreover society is less violent than ever

>> No.18598924

But if Jesus wasn't executed by the Romans humanity would not be atoned for our sins. Isn't it a great gift this happened?

>> No.18598928

whites get vilified and borderline genocided for our past. jews are protected by their american puppets for the crimes they're doing in palestine. nazis are universally abhorred, but if you so much as imply that a massive number of jews were commies killing of native eastern euros you're a nazi conspiratard

>> No.18598938
File: 189 KB, 736x860, hisbloodbeonusandourchildren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>“His blood shall be on us and on our children!”
The Goyim know. You didn't get control of the Internet in time. The Whites know. Your time is coming, MUCH sooner than your hubris allows you to think.

>> No.18598946

You people are full of shit. If you sincerely believed there was an active genocide against you you'd be doing something other than crying about it online, or you're a bigger cuck than the lefties. Further, you don't give the first fuck about Palestinians, so spare me your crocodile tears.

>> No.18598954
File: 251 KB, 1024x765, hodmr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're not a disgusting kike and you still believe in the """holocaust""" in the year 2021, you are fucking deluded.
The whole thing was a massive projection to protect Jews against their actions in their Soviet Union with their Holodomor, in which Jews exterminated at least 4 million White Ukranians, not by "gas chambers with wooden doorss" or "masturbation machines", but were done by cutting off the food supply and starving the White working class population.

>> No.18598957

>dodges the question
Everything Hitler said about arguing with the Jew is true of you people. Also, you actually think people are going to rise up when it reaches "critical mass"? Look at how many Americans believe their government is literal pedo satanists and they still do nothing. Obese, demoralized western cattle won't do shit.

>> No.18598959

if i tried doing something i'd be cancelled by people like you. palestinians mean us no harm, you do.

>> No.18598962

>oooh the scary left and their cancel culture
Absolute spineless wimp.

>> No.18598966

>he thinks cancelling isnt a thing
i understand that as a jew you're immune to it, but im not keen on becoming homeless or worse

>> No.18598969
File: 1.14 MB, 2560x1700, whatyouseewhenyoudie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK jew. Keep thinking your disgusting people, you children of satan, are going to survive the 21st century.

Keep thinking that. It only makes our job easier.

>> No.18598973

Falsification of history right on cue. Even if you don't count the Holocaust, there's still all this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genocide_of_indigenous_peoples

>> No.18598976

Holy fuck, you sincerely think they're genociding you and you're worried about maybe sleeping rough? You're a trifling bitch playing pretend, you don't mean what you say.

>> No.18598979
File: 155 KB, 804x801, neverforget.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute pilpul, jew. The difference is, your people don't kill others by disease.

If I were you, I'd probably either KMS or repent and accept Jesus Christ as my lord and savior, If you do anything else you will end up at the bottom of a barrel much, MUCH sooner than you think.

>> No.18598981
File: 60 KB, 1564x1298, yess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Holy fuck, you sincerely think jews are trying to genocide you

>> No.18598982

yes i do worry about it because i've got family too you moronic retard. nazis genocided jews and they did fuck all, but now imagine this was being done a more subtler scale by using all forms of propaganda available. i love how you're not even denying that i would be cancelled. dont worry once we're gone you'll be gone too. muslims arent exactly on friendly terms with you for the crimes you've done in palestine. take pride in your hollow victory

>> No.18598985

Haha 9/11, another slander. Bin Laden even shares the same beliefs as you on this, read his open letter to America. You and him and peas in a pod. Retarded backwards Neanderthals.

>> No.18598986
File: 10 KB, 250x182, Prince of Orange Landing at Torbay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOOOOO not my poor jeworinios!!! It's got to be the Anglos who have been controlled by jews since 1688!

>> No.18598991

Yeah so it's not actually in the Jewish interest to import Muslims? So you're forced to add another epicycle, right? There's a lot by now.
Okay, now prove Jews did this without apophenia. They must have a real hold on Japan too!

>> No.18599004
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>be scandi
>get told Trump lost

>> No.18599005
File: 32 KB, 602x538, neanderthalvscromagnon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retarded backwards Neanderthals
Ironic that you would say that

>> No.18599008
File: 68 KB, 634x594, iwonder.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which is Cro Magnon and which is Neanderthal, I WONDER!

>> No.18599012
File: 135 KB, 1440x907, fedreserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, now prove Jews did this without apophenia.
Who has controlled the United States banks and media since 1913?
Who has controlled the Western World's banks and media since 1945?

The Whites know, kike. The Whites have known since the 2000s when you failed to censor the worldwide exchange of information known as the Internet.
Your time is coming, Jew.

>> No.18599013
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>> No.18599021


>> No.18599027
File: 58 KB, 474x541, foil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I said *WITHOUT* mentally ill dot joining

>> No.18599037

Wow, 10 whole orgs. This definitely proves Jews are turning people trans somehow, with Talmudic word games???

>> No.18599042

top kek

>> No.18599043

>I said *WITHOUT* things that would call my people out as the children of satan
Not gonna find that here. Maybe try /r/edit? I know one of the female members of your tribe was a prolific member there for years.

>> No.18599048

Don't bother with these people. You'll never get them to accept the truth even when anonymous.

>> No.18599051

>. Bin Laden even shares the same beliefs
Bin Laden is 6'5 and probably more intelligent than you. I'd have a beer with him if he were still around.

>> No.18599057

Imagine playing jewish defense force if you're not jewish yourself. If you're not going to recognize what's right infront of you then you might aswell not post at all.

>> No.18599063

You have no evidence Jews run all the Western banks. Nor media. They are overrepresented but that's been explained. You're a nut who got radicalized by trolls on a cartoon porn forum.
>I know one of the female members of your tribe was a prolific member there for years.
Am I supposed to know who this is?

>> No.18599069
File: 552 KB, 1000x1413, 1606271716573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They are overrepresented but that's been explained.
Uhh, no it hasn't

>> No.18599070

>I'll deprive him of a you, that'll show him
Like I said, I've got Jewish friends. Even if I didn't the lies get to me. I mainly only care about the truth, something you partisan hacks know little about.

>> No.18599073

OK, jew.

>> No.18599075

Earlier I said the woke double standard on this is bullshit. Waiting on that evidence. Think I'll be waiting a while.

>> No.18599078

No you're lying to yourself and you're lying to us. I wasn't even replying to anyone in particular but I guess it's mostly (you).

>> No.18599081

>Am I supposed to know who this is?
I didn't think jews were this fucking stupid.
Maybe evil, but not fucking stupid.

You and your people reach new lows of humanity every single passing day.

>> No.18599086


>> No.18599094
File: 320 KB, 640x412, graduallyibegantohatethem.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.18599097

You're the subhuman if you don't have the empathy to understand why those around you might act on excellent reasons to defend the innocent against your ilk, on grounds of compassion, friendship and truth.

>> No.18599110

In your mind perhaps. You don't care about anyone that falls victim to them in the first place.

>> No.18599111


>> No.18599117

When are you going to prove they run all western banks? You've already Gish galloped past that claim?

>> No.18599124

I never mentioned any banks but they proudly state this themselves, like with the media. If it doesn't have the stamp of approved thought by the current administration though it serves no purpose to you. You'll dismiss it and use this as a shield against what's obvious to anyone that isn't a programmed moron.

>> No.18599139

Go back to your Jewish friends and tell them how you bravely defended them against anti-semites online. You're clearly not going to accept anything that puts your friends in a bad spot anyway.

>> No.18599148
File: 588 KB, 1600x2136, holmes_2-112416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"What's that? What do you mean you don't believe Jews are behind everything? You're saying they play no role whatsoever? Let me derail the whole discussion into argument about my foregone conclusion."

>> No.18599166

Yeah I must simply be brainwashed by the system that's why I hang out with radicals all the time and read all their material. It's that I've looked into your claims and found them to be largely baseless and you can't stand that. I even know what you're talking about, there's a couple articles where one guy brags about them in Hollywood, which clearly isn't the same as the entire western news media.

>> No.18599198

OP here finally someone who adressed the actual argument jesus fucking christ, did someone post this thread on /pol/?

They adress the Flynn effect in great detail: "Historical Variability in Heritable General Intelligence;:Its Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Cultural Consequences" goes into detail on why IQ is increasing" and "At our wits end" book argues that only our specialized iq is increasing (but this increase is stopping by now) most probably to better living conditions, whereas general iq is decreasing at high rates, they name it the co-occurance model. Both Flynn effect is true and the idea that we are losing our general intelligence. Only the latter will have serious effects in the long run, because Flynn effect will stop eventually, whereas decreasing doesnt seem to.
general intelligence has a very high predictive value and is 85 percent~ hereditary, it is worth taking it seriously

>> No.18599203


>> No.18599215

You clearly don't know shit and you never will because if you accepted any of it you wouldn't be able to see yourself as a knight in shining armor, defending the innocent with your empathy and compassion against the evil online anti-semites.

>> No.18599293

Yeah fuck me for sticking up for people I care about, I guess. It's for your benefit as well, I'm trying to save you from mind rotting hatred that eats away at you on the inside.

>> No.18599389

I have this book anon and you didn't do a great summary of it. Although, I have to say, even if you did, it would likely be too technical for 4chan and thus wouldn't receive any replies.

>> No.18599544


>> No.18599562
File: 9 KB, 250x238, 1602588507066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>runs out of toilet paper
>its DA JOOOOOZ!!!!!!!

>> No.18599577

notice how most of them are male. There must be a patriachical conspiracy of men to rule over women and to mold media according to their own self interest

>> No.18599662

What are you defending them against? Ask yourself that. You will find that the enemies you fight again only exist as deranged laggards who are held in derision even here.

The institutions that enforce the modern day slavery of blacks is the one at your back in support.

>> No.18599686


>> No.18599699


>> No.18599716


>> No.18599747


>> No.18599755

>dems are the real racist
Come on, you people don't care about the plight of blacks, come to think of it you hate most whites too. Really you only seem to give a shit about yourselves, so it remains to be seen why anyone else should sympathize with you. I'm not even against whites playing idpol in principle if it restores some balance against woke insanity but you're only hurting that cause by insisting on harboring homicidal nutters for whom the JQ is a total closed worldview impervious to reason.

>> No.18599759

feminists seething at imaginary conspiracy of men to rule over them
>stfu roasties haha this is so dumb
poltards seething at imaginary conspiracy of jews to rule over whites

>> No.18599803

I'm no housing anyone, that's your own notion and one I already covered. The people you're railing against are insane laggards who aren't wanted, but unkind words will do nothing to drive them from our spaces.

All the same, you rail against homicidal autists and lone gunmen, we rail against billion dollar institutions that subjugate humanity. Also, even if YOU don't think they are, blacks are human too.

>> No.18599854
File: 501 KB, 6340x1932, polvsjews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ashkenazi here, dont consider myself "white" because there is no such thing as the "white race" it's a retard term made up by amerimutts who can't tell the difference between spaniards and estonians. Arguing that it exists is as dumb as arguing that all of africa, or asia, is the same peoples, cultures and traditions.

All americans,. regardless of their race (but unfortunaely common among my kin on that side of the atlantic), are retarded regarding race.

>> No.18599872

based jew dabbing at low iq mutts

>> No.18599879

This is 4chan you can't act like they're a tiny fringe here, maybe on /lit/ but that because they're mostly allergic to books. You may be more sensible than some of your fellow travelers but there's still the little matter of there being zero evidence Jews are behind a general degradation of gentile countries. The only thing shown is Ashkenazi are overrepresented in intellectual movements in general and cognitively demanding jobs, which makes sense with an IQ 1 SD above mean.

>> No.18600361
File: 663 KB, 1594x1518, Yidmann.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses this strawman

>> No.18600659

>They are overrepresented but that's been explained.
Not really.
Just because a group of people has higher average IQ, doesn't logically connect them to being overrepresented in media in a country they have no ancestral ties to.
There's a saying, "When Jews fall, they become the revolutionaries; when they rise, they become the financial elite." I don't think reducing this to higher-average IQ makes sense. I think it has to do with the higher degree of ethnic tribalism Jews have. To make my point clearer, if any other minority besides Jews or Gypsies lived in Europe, most of them would have assimilated and their ethnic identity would vanish. It is baffling how a hated minority could cling so vehemently to their identity for thousands of years, especially when the criteria for assimilation is not that hard. You could have just become Christian and looked no different than any other Southern Euros.
I don't like most white nationalists either because they obsess so much about blue eyes and blonde hair. Where I agree with them is Jews are a highly sadistic, ethnocentric minority that refuses to integrate and view themselves as part and parcel of their respective country.
Hell, look at China. There are Jews there, yet they look identical to the Han. Why can't they just abandon their supremacy ethnic identity and identify as Chinese first and foremost? This pattern repeats everywhere Jews settle because, as the Kaballah and Talmud make clear, they see themselves as a chosen race descended from Jacob, and all gentiles are descended from Esau and meant to serve Jacob until they are sacrificed.
Many religions provide the option of converting to be treated as brothers *or* love everything beyond even tribal identification. Judaism is an exception in that there are many verses that command Jews to become masters over all non-Jews, hence the pattern of Jews being highly nepotistic and working for the ethnic interests at the costs of the native nation's interests.
The thing is if Muslims, which I am not particularly fond of either, become the majority in Europe, then there is an option to convert whereas if Jews become the majority, there can be conversion and all non-Jews are in for exploitation.
In fact, look at Palestine. Much of the conflict would have vanished if Jews simply offered the option for conversion, but of course the average Jew does not accept such a possibility. If people invaded my land, threatened to seize my properties, and so forth, but I am given the option to save my land so long as I convert, I would most definitely do so. Jews do not offer this, and even the conversion process of many "reformers" is humiliating and involves being spat on and more from my studies.
Jews didn't reach elite due to high IQ. It is disingenuous to claim so. They did so because they view themselves as brothers, hence why they're capable of selling properties between each other in order to artificially inflate prices. This requires a lot of trust.

>> No.18600681

I hate Americans and their culture war so fucking much

>> No.18600700

Where's the evidence it occured as you say it did? IQ is well correlated to income (but not wealth, which is paradoxical and I'm not sure the answer to that actually) but whatever nepotism was there is collapsing anyway, look at skyrocketing intermarriage rates. And I'm not sure why it's even supposed to be a bad thing they stuck together after repeated efforts to wipe them out. Maybe you're just salty whites are individualists and don't do this as much. In any case it's still a huge leap from practicing ethnic nepotism to actively working to destroy the white race.

>> No.18600815

Eu and U.S aren’t the entire world. Plenty of wars going on around the world. And conflict here is vague. Sure developed nations have far far less violent conflict, but there’s still plenty of political conflict going on all the time. Finally I see no reason to think more conflict = higher intelligence. The entire idea seems to stem from an incredibly crude misunderstanding of evolution.

>> No.18600816

>And I'm not sure why it's even supposed to be a bad thing they stuck together after repeated efforts to wipe them out.
It is a bad thing because you're supposed to integrate into the culture you reside in. It brings disharmony when there is a vindictive minority who refuses to let go and just become, say, French. Jews already racially cluster near Europeans, so I don't understand why they insist on clinging to their archaic ways and religion. Judaism is a reprehensible religion that encourages an "us vs them" mentality, and there is no option for non-Jews to become "them".
>Maybe you're just salty whites are individualists and don't do this as much.
I would be salty if there was a white minority in, say, Middle East or East Asian, and they did not assimilate within 250 years. When PIEs invaded Central Asia, they vanished within 250-500 years. It is unnatural for there to be minorities who do not define themselves as a part of the overall encompassing culture or racially as the people. What makes Jews unique is their entire religion revolves around self-victimization and seeing themselves as superior to others. I would agree with you many Nordicists behave like Jews though.
>In any case it's still a huge leap from practicing ethnic nepotism to actively working to destroy the white race.
Jews actively work to destroy all non-Jewish races. It is ingrained in the religion itself. There are plenty of verses from the Talmud and Kaballah that corroborate this.
I have a better question for you. Why do you think Jews should still exist as a distinct people, especially in a land they have no ancestral ties to? I am not saying this in a genocidal way, but more in the way your archaic ethnic values no longer deserve to exist where they don't belong,and it's best to become something else. A Jew can easily become a European for example. Ashkenazi matrilineal lineage paradoxically doesn't even go back to Levantines as Nature studies make clear, so it is disputable that Ashkenazi are even real Jews. Why do you insist you are Jews then?
>but not wealth, which is paradoxical and I'm not sure the answer to that actually
High ethnocentrism is obviously correlated with wealth. There are no studies on this because it is politically incorrect to do so, but it is obvious to anyone who can use basic inductive reasoning.
I don't understand why you continue to deny this. I'm not argue Jews should be ethnically cleansed. Just that I find it disingenuous how do you don't acknowledge the reality of what's occurring.
>whatever nepotism was there is collapsing anyway, look at skyrocketing intermarriage rates
I don't deny that Jewish men who marry non-Jews might be good people themselves, but Jewish identity is passed matrilineally, which is a very odd thing historically speaking. As a consequence, Jewish identity is impossible to vanish unless drastic measures are taken such as deporting Jewish females. In most ancient cultures, identity is passed patrilineally.

>> No.18600842

Holy shit you are thick. Evolution occurs at an extremely long time frame. Thousands and thousands of years. And intelligence would only be selected (if it can be at all I’m not sure) if the conditions were such that intelligent people were more likely to survive and pass on their genes.

>> No.18600853

Sorry meant to reply to >>18594626

>> No.18600901

Also, another analog are Koreans in Japan.
Koreans could easily drop their identities and become Japanese or simply go back to Korea.
However, they have a tendency to self-victimize, do crime, and view themselves as intrinsically special relative to the "inferior" Japanese. An interesting parallel is how much Korean mafia is in Japan and likewise in USA the first mafia were Jewish...
Jews are no different than Koreans in this scenario, but it has been going on for thousands of years. Furthermore, they drain a nation's economy by hoarding resources and only sharing it amongst themselves.
If you're not going to become European, then you should leave their countries. You have no place pushing for your ethnic interests and then crying about being the victim in a country you have ties to.
For this reason, Jews deserve all of the discrimination they receive.
If you continue to debate me, without seeing my point, then I wish nothing but pain and despair for you.

>> No.18600909

There's no evidence Jews engage in unethical practices more than whites, nor is there that ethnocentrism correlates with wealth. For induction to work, actual evidence is necessary, not just a hunch. Please provide the quotes from the Talmud and Kabbalah that supposedly command them to destroy non Jewish races. Antisemites frequently circulate fake quotes, so I like to see your real ones if possible. There's supremacists in every group and religion. Whites ran overtly white supremacist governments up until a few decades ago. There's plenty of distinct ethnic minority groups that have lived among majority peoples for centuries. I just have a hard time finding Jews particularly egregious. Flawed sure, but so are whites.

>> No.18600915

Completely ignoring GAFAM which is behind a large portion of our current balkanization in thought.

>> No.18600957

>Please provide the quotes from the Talmud and Kabbalah that supposedly command them to destroy non Jewish races.
Most of these quotes are accurate. You can compare to a better translation here:

Sanhedrin 59a: "Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal."
Abodah Zara 26b: "Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed."
Sanhedrin 59a: "A Goy (Gentile) who pries into the law (Talmud) is guilty of death."
Libbre David 37: "To communicate anything with a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.
" Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is of three years of age.
" Sanhedrin 105ab: "Jesus fornicated with his jackass.
" Gittin 57a: "Jesus is in hell and is being punished by being boiled in semen. Christians are boiled in dung.
" Schabouth Hag. 6b: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording.
" Zohar 1,160a: "Jews must always try to deceive Christians." Hilkkoth Akum Z1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death.
" Choschen Ham 388, 15: "If it be proven that someone has given the money of israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of this earth."
Choschen Ham 266, 1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely if by so doing Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."

>Flawed sure, but so are whites.
You refuse to understand my point because you have a conflict of interests. It is a simple point, but you use so much mental gymnastics to deny the obvious.
I am getting tired of this.

>> No.18600966
File: 68 KB, 734x283, evidence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are such a fucking disingenuous cunt, I am getting tired of this. Just look at this image.
How can you deny this!?
Just stfu already, you deceptive bastard.
I have been polite with you for too long. Stop defending such ignoble actions. What kind of pilpul will you use next, huh?

>> No.18600971

>hoard resources and only share it amongst themselves
>they're criminals
Prove it. Where are the crime stats?
>they self victimize
They are frequent target of violent hate crime.

I'm just asking for you to back up your claims. No need to get nasty.

>> No.18600984

>no evidence Jews engage in unethical practices more than whites
Look at the Kitos War

>> No.18600996
File: 417 KB, 1369x1897, Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If anyone is interest, Wagner was linking the coming of modernity with the Jews in 19th century. Here is the essay:

>> No.18601013

Listen, stop side-stepping my points. You are not arguing in good faith.
I am discussing TRENDS and AVERAGES.
>Prove it. Where are the crime stats?
Some of the first mafia in USA were Jewish. I even explicitly claimed that. It is common knowledge:
>They are frequent target of violent hate crime.
Then EITHER LEAVE OR ASSIMILATE. If I were targets of violent crime, I WOULD EITHER LEAVE OR INTEGRATE. All that's happened is a cycle of endless self-victimization, which Jewish scriptures in fact promote such as here: >>18600966
Jews are more to blame for the perpetuation of these problems. Get the hint, you're not welcomed in most countries you reside due to AN OBVIOUS PATTERN IN YOUR BEHAVIOR. From Egypt to Europe and Persia, many many people have problems with you.
>I'm just asking for you to back up your claims.
I'm just asking you to stop using mental gymnastics, stop dismissing what doesn't fit into your preconceived notions, and stop dismissing obvious evidence like that fucking Talmud quote I gave. That site I gave has a decent translation, and people can compare the quotes I gave to the better one on that site.

>> No.18601018

Reminder Alfred Rosenberg literally stole Atomic Bomb secrets to give to the Russians, and Jews cried anti-semitism. These biobots for Yahweh are irredeemable.

>> No.18601024

I looked up the first one and it doesn't say that. So I'm assuming the rest are fakes too.
Alright that one is pretty bad. I don't have a good answer except the talmud is like 70+ volumes and entirely irrelevant to most Jews today. They clearly don't try enforce that one. Why are you getting so snippy with me, simply because I disagree?
>shit that happened 2000 years ago
Anything recent?

>> No.18601041

>Anything recent?
The entire nation-state of Israel was founded on similar principles of the Kitos War. Backstabbing, deception, false flag, and openly murdering people. Several key assassinations of innocent British civilians such as the King David Hotel Bombing where Israeli agents disguised themselves as Arabs and bombed a Hotel killing dozens of civilians in an attempt to false flag the Arabs and cause British reaction.

There's also the infamous murder of the British diplomat in Israel named Walter Guinness. Him and his driver were shot dead by Israeli terrorists.

The Lavon Affair comes to mind, that is an episode that is quite dense and requires reading.

>> No.18601051
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>I looked up the first one and it doesn't say that.

>> No.18601064

>Alright that one is pretty bad.
Okay, okay, at least you admit it's bad.
>entirely irrelevant to most Jews today.
Not true.
If it were irrelevant, you would stop identifying as Jews.
Sheldon Adelson and many other Jews have this mentality.
I'm not saying every single Jew needs to be ethnically cleansed.
I'm saying there is a problem and white washing Jewish sense of supremacy is not the way to go, faggot.

>> No.18601083

I mean come on just like Yitzhak Shamir who was actively involved in murdering British civilians and diplomats and later became a PM in Israel. Lehi was famous for producing these candidates. There was some British diplomat who was ambushed by Lehi members and was massacred along with his driver and most of those Lehi members later went on to become Israeli politicians. Just look at how ruthless Mossad is for example, getting 9/11 to happen in the US so America would decimate the Arab League.

>> No.18601116

Historical Variability in Heritable General Intelligence;:Its Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Cultural Consequences

>> No.18601156

>A reanalysis of Kong et al.’s (2017) data by Woodley of Menie, Figueredo, et al. (2017), in which Kong et al.’s “conservative” estimate of the additive heritability of educational attainment (0.30) was replaced with a biometric structural equation model behavior-genetic estimate of the adult narrow-sense heritability of g (0.86), yielded an estimate of 0.87 points of g lost per decade.

>> No.18601161

If so you haven't really established it. You've just screamed about how obvious it is. I've looked at a lot of the info antisemites have gathered and that which isn't fake like many of the claims ITT doesn't really add up to the outlandish accusations they make.
>Some of the first mafia in USA were Jewish.
Okay, but this doesn't prove statistically that they're any worse than Italians.
>Jews are more to blame for the perpetuation of these problems.
It's Jews' fault they were burned alive after being accused of poisoning wells to spread the black plague?
>Get the hint, you're not welcomed in most countries you reside due to AN OBVIOUS PATTERN IN YOUR BEHAVIOR. From Egypt to Europe and Persia, many many people have problems with you
Arabs and Jews often lived together for centuries. It's mainly after Israel created problems in the ME that Arab antisemitism really took off. A lot of people have no real problem with Jews, Asians for example.
>I'm just asking you to stop using mental gymnastics, stop dismissing what doesn't fit into your preconceived notions
Could say the same about you.
>and stop dismissing obvious evidence like that fucking Talmud quote I gave.
The fake quote? Lol. The real Sanhendein 59a is pretty bad still, granted. But you're still falsifying evidence as antisemites so frequently do.

>> No.18601175

I took a brief look into the guy, seems like a piece of shit.

>> No.18601178

One of many. There were several ex-Mossad/Lehi/Irgun PM's in Israel.

>> No.18601198

>mossad did 9/11
I suppose the House of Saud are crypto Jews too. Yeah okay, those actual established incidents of Israeli terror are bad, but let's look at what colonial powers and the USA have done as well, some of it just pure evil. I never claimed Jews were innocent little angels just trying to give some perspective.

>> No.18601209

>muh science
Very cringe

>> No.18601211

Look up the Israeli Art Student phenomenon that occurred around the time of 9/11 also the number of arrests made of Mossad agents in and around locations where the 9/11 attackers lived.
>let's look at what colonial powers and the USA have done as well
Why stop there? Why not look at what the Mongolians did or the ancient Romans or the Spartans or the Persians or the Japanese or the Bantu or the Hutsi and Tutsi tribes?
What is your point? You asked for examples that show contemporary actions that are relevant to Jewish people and now you're trying to completely derail this point by using "whataboutism". You sound like an American BLM activist or something.

>> No.18601217

Salo is just /pol/ retards plus 100% avatarfagging

>> No.18601226

Whataboutism is a term invented for liberals like 2 years ago to deflect their ridiculous levels of hypocrisy being rightfully pointed out by claiming it's a logical fallacy to do so. It's cringe brah. Maybe you think defending yids for hours on a Mongolian yak milking forum is cringe too but whatever

>> No.18601228

>crypto Jews
This is a pol thread

>> No.18601231

Bringing up more additional and unwanted conversation topics that are not relevant to the discussion. You asked a question and got answers, then you tried to derail those answers for some reason with "whataboutism" about European colonialism. a classic case of pilpul but I won't make any assumptions.

>> No.18601238

actually jews are white

>> No.18601245

It's not though, the claim is Jews are moral immoral than their host societies and by some kind of Rube Goldberg contraption they're undermining their pure innocent White hosts. I'm showing that they're not more immoral than their host societies by establishing an equivalence. It's really quite simple, and I don't think it's fallacious.

>> No.18601252
File: 994 KB, 500x380, ABB81B32-4AFC-41D8-A698-2603B88C7811.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually Judaism is a religion, not a race.

>> No.18601260

More immoral*

>> No.18601267

Jews have always operated on the periphery and acted totally independent of their host society, hence why I brought up the Kitos War to provide you with historical depth. You then try to backtrack on this by pointing out European colonialism which is about as relevant to this discussion as Han Chinese colonization, etc. This is why it's important to understand Mossad and how they operate, more ruthless than even the KGB.

>> No.18601300

Jews don't operate on the periphery, they're doctors, mathematicians, entertainers, accountants, all kinds of things. They were dhimmi in Arab societies, and excluded from many trade guilds in Europe as well which pushed them into certain jobs as well as allowing them to practice usury but they've diversified now and are mainstream citizens.

>> No.18601310

And I more meant nation state terror in general, you talk like it's the sole province of the Jews when it's clearly not. You're trying to paint them as the big bad you're going to have to do better than "oh they did what we do but it's fine when we do it".

>> No.18601373

It's not trying to paint them as anything it's just a fact. Look at the entire foreign policy of the US since Mossad took over the CIA.

>> No.18601381

Yeah, I agreed with that. But my point is that if genetic general intelligence is decreasing, but actual g is increasing (due to better environmental conditions), then practical g increases, no matter the reason. Therefore, lying, murder, etc. should decrease if g is the reason for their rise.
Now, I can understand that the general genetic decline is a gigantic problem: if it continues, we as a people are liable to many negative results in the long run. However, that will only be in the long run, so it's not really a good way of understanding the observable decline around us. The excess of murder, lackluster political activity (although I'm not sure this one is a bad thing), etc. today requires a different explanation, in my opinion.
This seems like a book about the largest problems that we will be facing in ~2050, rather than today.

>> No.18601382

>lower general intelligence
Cause by immigrants. If course it correlates with violence, this people are all violent shitskins
>less amount of geniuses are born
This is patently wrong. The same amount are born, but their talent isn't nurtured through the system of universal education. Before, when success in academia was more meritocratic, their existence was more obvious.

>> No.18601391


>> No.18601416

All of that shit is fucking obvious. I doubt there is a single mildly educated person who is not aware of this. It's called dysgenesis.

>> No.18601421

Iraq, Libya, Syria. Heavy Mossad activity in all 3 localities. Why assassinate Gaddafi again?

>> No.18601425

>caused by immigrants
This isn't about America, dipshit. This is about worldwide g.
>this is patently wrong
No, this is "opinionated wrong." If there is, in general, lower g, then there are fewer cases of extremely high g.
As for your "meritocratic education" point, this book isn't about the last 50 years but the last 500. Is 1600 really your example of a meritocratic system?
Your analysis seems to almost satirically myopic. We aren't talking about country-wide or couple-generation wide problems. We're talking about general societal decline, something that occurs over time and globally.

>> No.18601459

>Cause by immigrants
race intermixing causes decrease in general intelligence, the authors agree with this and there is a separate chapter about it in "At the end of out wits"
>This is patently wrong.
I can only refer to this text:
"Historical Variability in Heritable General Intelligence;:Its Evolutionary Origins and Socio-Cultural Consequences". Both geniuses and innovations are decreasing and it is a documented fact
just for clarity: they separate between general intelligence (g), which is hereditary for around 80 percent and specific intelligence (s), which depends on the environment (probably better living conditions) and accounts for about 20-30 percent of total IQ (which is the sum of both s and g). S is oriented towards narrow, specialized tasks. The authors claim that we have lost around 15 g~ in the West since 1850, but it was compensated "on the paper" by S. And the authors do claim that decrease in g can explain certain problems of today, because we are better suited to narrow, specialized tasks than general problems. But yes, the main idea is that the future will be shit if no one will do anything about it, because both s and g no longer increases over time.

>> No.18601491

>g is hereditary around 80 percent
God, I haven't seen those statistics at all. The biggest meta-analysis (by TJC Polderman et al) has shown about 60% rather than 80, which is pretty different. 80 is something which some studies have shown (just as 40 is something which some studies have shown), but about 60 is the main number.
>authors claim we have lost about 15 g while s has been increasing
I'm very suspicious of claims that look like this. I understand how this could affect the Wechsler test (normal iq test), but what about Raven's? Testing on Raven's has been very good, increasing at about the same rate as Wechsler, and that doesn't have much to do with s (unless there's something about Raven's which I don't know).
Anyway, it seems like my qualms are very minor, but I don't agree with his time frame (I think the time frame during which g has declined has been much more recent than he does, the past 20-30 years rather than the past 150).

>> No.18601495

Meta-analysis, btw: https://www.nature.com/articles/ng.3285

>> No.18601501
File: 595 KB, 2048x1536, 1608670391631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be OP
>Claim you want to genuinely discuss the state of modernity without the whole left/right americanism atmosphere
>Proceeds to abandon this notion in the very first line of the OP
>Is probably participating in the ensuing shit-flinging about jews or some shit

lol great thread retard

>> No.18601502

The translation I gave actually seems to be more sanitized compared to others. I did find many abhorrent passages, but I think this video does a better job:

>> No.18601507
File: 706 KB, 971x987, example_of_jews.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is form a Jewish Encyclopedia published from Jews themselves.
The video I gave is good and scholarly.
Judaism is largely a legalistic tradition and when many Rabbis in Israel called gentiles subhuman, they are based it on their verses.

>> No.18601521
File: 147 KB, 361x326, another one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was intentional

>> No.18601532
File: 19 KB, 413x395, FF7856D4-C070-4E64-8B45-137EBC86B349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In tears laughing. Good shit

>> No.18601551

Sorry, I'm not that well versed in iq studies to discuss different findings, I just represent arguments from the author. I surely will check out your study though.

>> No.18601558

Holy BASED and FPBPilled

>> No.18601601

Actually, I am reading sefaria's translation more. There are some parts that are very sketchy (e.g., Bava Batra 10b). For example, in one part is argues non-Jews who donate to Israel are fulfilling their role, but they are serve only as a scapegoat for the sins of Jews. It seems Gentiles only exist as a form of scapegoat to Jews, much like the festival Jews have of killing chicken and smashing their heads, which is said to transfer Jewish sin to the chicken.
I think even with this translation, Jews are sick, but I admit Jews have a high IQ because you have to read this shit deeply to get it. It is really revolting stuff though.

>> No.18601608

>high IQ
high verbal IQ*
Ignore typos, I am researching a bit.
I think antisemitism does have valid basis in reality, but I think the reasons for it are more complex than most people take into account.
Tbh, it makes me dislike all of the Abrahamic faiths and believe they need to be annihilated, starting with Judaism.
I think this is a bigger deal than white genocide atm.

>> No.18601697

All these retards missing the point, pointing toward "shitholes" like south africa. LOL. Almost everyone in south africa can still breed and live full, normal lives. If you can breed and be fine, you're not in the harsh situation OP is talking about. You're so comfortable and privileged, the most harsh life you can imagine is still more luxurious than what OP is talking about.

>> No.18601726
File: 137 KB, 1280x904, godemperor_president_donald_trump_by_theocrata_da16vcu-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Trump won, fuck your feeling libs.

Reddit spacing beta soi.

>> No.18601746

It's both, though the former is downstream from the latter.

>> No.18601792

False consciousness is a powerful thing.

>> No.18602329
File: 15 KB, 230x219, da antisemites!!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18602343
File: 61 KB, 960x668, xph9odwz89b21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise kek fellow MAGApede! You have really shown the Jew who's boss.

>> No.18602355

>admitting you're a crypto leftist running on pure assblasted ressentiment at a group performing economically better than you

>> No.18602390

only good post itt

>> No.18602415

Lol youre the same retard who posts in all these threads only retarded shit. Literally never made an intelligent point in your life

>> No.18602457

I read Bava Metzia 108b and it says nothing of the sort, it's about rules for selling fields. It mentions gentiles once but only saying they aren't bound by the same laws as Jews. I read Bava Batra 10b and didn't see anything about gentiles being scapegoats either, please provide the actual quote. Why do you refuse to take responsibility for the fact you posting fake quotes? I checked a few more and they were bullshit too. Libbre David isn't even a real book. How do you justify that? Don't you care about the truth?

>> No.18602494

I run circles around you deranged clowns. One guy started screaming in all caps about how mad I made him and unloaded his collection of fake Talmud quotes, proving he just parrots lies he reads here and doesn't spend 30 seconds to confirm it himself. (He'll forget the next day any of this happened and post the quotes again no doubt while kvetching about how the shabbos goyim are just so intellectually dishonest.) Your side utterly embarrassed themselves in this thread, posting one false claim after the next.

>> No.18602498

dont waste your energy on polretards lol, this is number 1 rule in 4chan. They do not operate on good faith.

>> No.18602501

I'm not american, Nosestein

>> No.18602504
File: 143 KB, 557x558, verse-in-question.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That whole verse in question is saying all acts of charity from gentiles constitutes a sin because it can be reduced to haughtiness whereas Jews are uniquely special as chosen people; therefore, gentiles are marked by sin as a kind of scapegoat of Jews, even if they were to offer everything to Israel. It is uses very confusing language to argue so. I think it's due to the sanitized translation, but I can read between the lines and see that's what it is pretty much arguing. I think nothing more than learning Aramaic and reading the Talmud myself can convince you.
As I've said, even though the translation is sanitized, there are other certain verses that add to this vile worldview such as:
"anyone who preserves a single life in Israel is regarded as if he has preserved an entire world"
It's why rabbis in Israel say controversial shit like "goy exist to serve Jews". It has basis in Talmud and Zohar.