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[ERROR] No.18595808 [Reply] [Original]

tfw leftists are now claiming Tolkien as one of their own

>> No.18595819

tolkien didnt have a favorable view on nazis lmao its pretty clear he was a breadpilled antifa

>> No.18595822

I'm not seeing "trans rights" being said or, furthermore, endorsed.

>> No.18595823

Reminder: Trannies aren’t human

>> No.18595860

Guaranteed the twitter-brained degen who posted that cannot even comprehend what Tolkien said and is just using the meme for context clues. f they could read they'd know that's not what he's saying. Trannies are filth.

>> No.18595870

>the left

>> No.18595877

Who cares man

>> No.18595878

Facts have a left wing bias chud. Hence the reason you’ll find most intelligent people on the left.

>> No.18595888

>only nazis hate trannies
why anglos like this?

>> No.18595893

>mistaking old Hebrew metaphysics for trans rights

>> No.18595894

Correct, all lefties are trannies and spiritual trannies

>> No.18595898

like it or not, this is the case in [current year]

>> No.18595944

God was trans. The Holy Spirit has female pronouns

>> No.18595961

Tolkien literally wrote books for children. It's telling that midwit contrarians on 4channel now mistake him for some kind of philosopher.

>> No.18595987


>> No.18596034

he was an anarchist

>> No.18596061
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this shit is literally a psyop being rolled out in real-time. all of a sudden people have been making dozens of seminars, articles and viral posts calling tolkien woke or "intersectional"

>> No.18596215

This is work for them. They don't have real jobs.

>> No.18596260
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>> No.18596276

The quote says that the difference between a man and a woman lies in the difference that they possessed from the beginning and is not determined by their own choice. So the body you possess is an immutable aspect of who you are. It's completely anti-transgender.

>> No.18596664

Can anyone name ONE right that trans people do not have.

>> No.18596691

He literally does not. The Holy Spirit NEVER has feminine articles, only masculine.

>> No.18596708

>Pardoning Saruman?: The Queer in Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings

>> No.18596846

>the difference between a man and a woman
the difference between a vala and valië

>> No.18596853

Seconded - What 'rights' are trans people disallowed or denied? Can someone knowledgeable give a real answer?

>> No.18596918

I may not really understand, English is not my native language, I somehow learned it myself.
But this (pic rel) is not a kind of trans-friendly statement.
The Ainur (here we are only talking about the Valar) did not have a biological sex before (and outside) Arda, but their initial potential predispositions clearly determined them in the choice of male or female incarnations.
Let's say Manwe, when he appears in the guise of the Children of Ilúvatar, appears in a male guise, since such is his mental disposition. Can he appear as a woman if he wishes? Probably yes. Will he become? Not. The undistorted Ayyanur follow their pure nature, so a manlike appearance is natural for Manwe.
I didn’t pay attention to this phrase before and thought that Ainur appeared in male or female guises at will. But here we are talking about an internal predisposition.
It's easier with elves: they have male and female souls.
I don't remember that about mankind ...

>> No.18596920

They have objectively more rights than the average citizen. However, the psyop that's been played on the left for decades upon decades is that they are the underdog and so they have to make a conscious effort not to notice they've won and continue to push for more and more stuff that their governmental and corporate masters want them to.

>> No.18596944

Understood, but what are they pointing to when they claim to have no rights which is "killing them?" They must be pointing to something, how could they force legislation otherwise?

>> No.18596977
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The things "killing" trannies is that it's not physically impossible for, say, an irate black woman to complain that a man who says he's a woman has his dick out near her in the changing room at a spa. It's perfectly legal right now for him to be there, but she'll face repercussions for complaining about him, but that doesn't change the fact that she called him a man. They want the "right" to micromanage thoughts and speech.

>> No.18597001

>leftoids coping because the most popular fantasy writer was decently right wing

Can they just take the L and move on?

>> No.18597032

>just take the L and move on?
Not in their vocabulary. They epitomize sour grapes.

>> No.18597112
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>> No.18597130

I was kinda suspecting this, but seeing the responses ITT and it being spammed before all but confirms this.
I guess Bluebeam got turfed because of all the publicity. Or maybe it's because the economy in the States is getting fucky.

>> No.18597136

You’re retards and you’re projecting, actual leftists don’t read Harry Potter baby fantasy books

>> No.18597141

This. Very well said.
Fuck those niggers

>> No.18597146
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You're right.
They don't read at all

>> No.18597147

We already had this exact thread.
Valar are not human. They take a form of gender based on their characteristics, temperament etc, all of which are genetically hardwired in men and women.
A Valar who constantly gets upset about things will take the form of a woman. A Valar with courage and strength takes the form of a man.
Tolkein is saying there are irreconcilable differences in behaviour between men and women.

>> No.18597148

Famously leftists don’t read and are too pre-occupied with material action

You can’t even meme right. Faggot

>> No.18597158

No. Tolkien was not right wing, or left wing. He was an artist. Shut the fuck up and stop polluting everything with your idpol filth, fucking brainlet. You are just as bad as the trannies at the Tolkien society.

>> No.18597162
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>are too pre-occupied with material action
Sucking globohomo cock don't count anon.

>> No.18597165

Don't be a bigot. He's saying that the immutability of characteristics is queer-coded and represents a false salience. You're just a transphobic ass. (This is the sort of response you should expect)

>> No.18597213

This fag is doing some capital H heresy right now

>> No.18597234

You'll eat the bugs. You'll live in a pod. You'll become a surgically sterilized drone. You'll own nothing. And you'll be happy.

>> No.18597255

The word for spirit in Hebrew is feminine, that is any reference to any spirit is gonna be feminine. In Greek pneuma is neutral and masculine pronouns are used in reference to it, don't make God something He is not you sick debased tranny

>> No.18597322
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No. I think that I'll pass on that.

>> No.18597343
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They're going after Tolkien because he was Catholic, and our would-be overlords HATE the Catholic Church, because it's never gone along with their schemes and all their attempts to coopt it or subvert it have failed. The Church is currently in the process of ridding itself of their attempts to control it in the 20th Century, and they now realize it's impervious to true subversion and domination, so they're going to try and destroy it, instead.

>> No.18597355
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>globohomo vs theohomo showdown over who owns tolkien
Feeling pretty thankful for my physical media right now. I own Tolkien.

>> No.18597356

Destroying the Catholic Church would be a terrible thing for them to do, especially in places like Latin America, where they get a lot of their economic chattel from in the form of immigrants.
Have they gone mad?

>> No.18597360

>Valar choose to manifest as one or the other sex depending on their temperament, their temperament is not determined by a choice of which sex to manifest as
>this is the same as how a human dresses as a male or female not because they are choosing to act as this or that role but because it complies with their preexisting nature.
If anything this is anti-tranny. Delusional ppl are so gross.

>> No.18597416

Here's how this goes. If you control the conversation you may dictate the interpretation. Amazon is in charge now. The debate isn't whether or not Tolkien believed x, but how can one assemble their own viewpoint retroactively using the target's body of work.

>> No.18597441
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>> No.18597450

He's saying that our souls are housed in bodies which are a projection of their essence. So male souls create male bodies.

>> No.18597453

>it's never gone along with their schemes
Google "Franklin Credit Scandal".

I find this sort of ad-hoc outsourcing of ideological justification fascinating. Jews don't even need to come up with reasons why they hate Goyim, they just let the goyim come up with it on their own.

>> No.18597454
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The Church is a critic of both capitalism and communism. It opposes materialism, opposes lending money at interest, opposes abortion, and supports the traditional family. Take a wild guess why it would be despised.

>> No.18597456

Yeah, you've got it right, good job.

>> No.18597479

This board is filled with wannabe philosophers and psychologists. I came here expecting a discussion of books and writing but instead got a bunch of info-graphicss

>> No.18597484
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>opposing capitalism and materialism

>> No.18597485

You act like the church isn't just an enormous NGO/charity/social services administrator and actually takes a stand against various governments and uses its resources to oppose them. The Cold War was decades ago. It joined the winning team. It's going to get buck broken in the next few decades. Nonbinary priests and marriage equality just to keep the lights on.

>> No.18597490

I know why it is despised.
I also know that any attempt to destroy it will cripple the globohomo's power base. Notably in South America and in North Africa.
Not only that, the other denominations of Christianity would see that and go apeshit.
It really does feel like we're reaching the climax of the globohomo

>> No.18597543

That's correct

>> No.18597576


Why would an omniscient, omnipotent god limit itself to the confines of gender at all

>> No.18597936


>> No.18598083

Embarrassing. No reading comprehension. How did you get to this board in the first place. Also Globohomo is a shitty leftist meme

>> No.18598090
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>> No.18598103

leftists can’t do anything material, you reiterated what I originally said because you’re retarded and can’t pick up sarcasm