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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 610 KB, 640x505, 1616282681789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18577737 No.18577737 [Reply] [Original]

-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
-wear comfy all black all the time
-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
-no children
-grey hair by 29
-suicide around 55

>> No.18577748

Who is that?

>> No.18577777

You sound like you should be on tumblr

>> No.18577830

Fucking pathetic, not even aesthetically appealing in any way. Hope you're joking.

>> No.18577844

Might as well end it now.

>> No.18577859


>> No.18577866

dunno, some art hoe
this is the ultimate experience of someone who is /lit/, anything else is just a cope

>> No.18577871

I dont say this often but i think it is a male

>> No.18577882

Yep just reverse image searched and came up with tranny shit

>> No.18577888

>negative size breasts
>barely any meat on her arms
>man chin
>nigger "art"
>taking a picture of yourself standing in front of your "art" instead of just taking a picture of the "art"
>granny glasses


>> No.18577977

>-cold and nearly silent marriage, with sex, with pic related
Terrible intimate relationship.
>-alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
Self-destructive substance abuse.
>-wear comfy all black all the time
Pseudointellectual fashion sense. Even "Dark Academia" is less cringe than this.
>-hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions except some extremely expensive furniture and art
Soulless and pretentious living environment.
>-work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
Only a handful of people in the world read your work. You wield no cultural influence, have no legacy.
>-no children
You at least have the sense not to reproduce.
>-grey hair by 29
You are unable to deal with stress, may even relish it.
>-suicide around 55

>this is the ultimate experience of someone who is /lit/, anything else is just a cope
Pathetic literary lifestyle but somehow a /lit/ archetype.

>> No.18577988


>> No.18577999

>alcoholism + small manageable heroin addiction
>hyper minimalist house with almost no possessions
>no children
uhhh chheck
>grey hair by 29
double check
>suicide around 55
optimistic estimate

>> No.18578011

meds. now

>> No.18578021

thanks for this, i clicked reverse image search and i've never been more ashamed of myself after a masturbation session

>> No.18578086

No one think you're cool for fetishizing your shallowness and cowardice. People can still tell you're pathetic no matter how detached you try to appear, so you are better being brave enough to be true to yourself and pursuing your actual dreams, because you aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.18578186

post lifestyle

>> No.18578211

A monk with extensive knowledge in microbiology

>> No.18578257
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reading books
making money
bangin 18 y/o girls(female)

>> No.18578291

I'll approve if you bang 18 y/o femboys instead

>> No.18578337

Teach at a small university in the American west, preferably near a mountain range
Have close circle of literary friends
Publish poetry and critical essays, maybe a novel
Own a large Victorian house and Sphinx cat
Happy marriage with a wife who makes more money than I do

>> No.18578369

Just rape Edith and get it over with.

>> No.18578390

nice quints

>> No.18578486
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>Passive income from various business ventures
>Live on a sailboat and travel the world
>Smuggler in order to fund cool lifestyle
>Own a lot of guns, kill people who piss me off and just sail away into the horizon
>Drug free, alcohol free, pork free lifestyle. Sometimes a little bit of meth
>Several thick and domineering trad wives scattered around the world and a lot of kids, or two thin submissive wives who live on my boat with me and compete for my attention
>Some cool battle stories from mercenary work as a young man, enough to make me a fun feature at dinner parties
>Write and translate a couple of books which earn me the respect and admiration of a small group of intelligent people
>Have a good circle of friends who stick by me, respected patriarch
>Suicide by skying "accident" in the Swiss alps shortly after my 60th birthday, leaving behind a landed estate, a family dynasty, and a posthumous autobiography where I admit to all the fucked up stuff I've done to the shock and general outrage of society at large

>> No.18578504

>continue working nights on mountain
>continue writing for a few hours at work every night and get paid for it
>ideally become published, attract some niche respect for my work
>never give any interviews
>have a live-in girlfriend, who ideally hates my work or at least doesn't care
>we never get married or have kids

>> No.18578508 [DELETED] 

I end up with Butterfly :3

And she helps me get into threesomes+ because she likes women too but puts me in a number one position for her.

God is real, and this is divine.

>> No.18578520

110% unequivocally, unmistakably, and utterly a bepenised, XY chromosome having dude (male).

>> No.18578562
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>write extremely potent horror novels that leave the reader truly traumatized and short-story collections here and there
>books sell dozens of millions of copies, rendering me a multi-millionaire, or even JK Rowling levels of Billionaire
>considered extremely charismatic, eccentric and funny as a public persona in a Jeff Goldblum way
>basically considered a literary Salvador Dali for the modern age
>living in a beautiful mostly wooden mansion installed within the jungle of Rio de Janeiro's own Angra dos Reis, a luxurious area of the state, the architecture being one that allow the house and nature to seamlessly bleed into each other
>sometimes release my short-stories and entire novels for free on the internet just fort he enjoyment of the fans
>House is basically bustling with extremely hot Brazilian women all of which use every inch of their bodies to satisfy me all day long, one of which I'd keep as a personal sex slave with whom I would develop a genuinely romantic relationship
>write some four hours a day right in the morning, spend the rest of the day eating great
food cooked by a personal chef and fucking
>engage in the occasional extremely wacky shenanigan and news-worthy shenanigan for the sake of building a reputation as le wacky madman of literature
>have strategical famous artists, musicians, film directors and actors and other writers in my social circles to witness my wackiness, and further develop my mystique as a crazy genius
>shit is cash

Get on my level, gentlemen

>> No.18578566


>> No.18578572

>she helps me get into threesomes
>implying butters gets laid

>> No.18578596 [DELETED] 

She has and I didn't like it. I'm guessing she lied about her age, and maybe that too, but either way she doesn't try to get laid right now because of me :3

>> No.18578599

Christopher Poole

>> No.18578626

I want to be the guy from The Mouth of Madness. The dude who can drive people insane with his work. He made contact with some Eldritch beings with his novels. It would be nice to make an impact with my work. Don't really care about the life I live.

>> No.18578657

God doesn't lie.

>> No.18578680

>warm and loving marriage with a biological female
>no addictions, but drink on occasion
>wear comfy loungewear everywhere
>big cabin in Wyoming with a healthy amount of posessions
>work is best selling novels and novellas with traditionalist themes
>7 children
>gray hair by 59
>die at peace and surrounded by those I love at 95
If that's your ideal lifestyle, OP, you've got a really shitty imagination.

>> No.18578714

Those digits

>> No.18578788

This exact post wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.18578836
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I spend far too long dreaming about this.
>Large country house in the Italian alps
>Wife runs yoga retreats for yuppies and Buddhists to pay the bills.
>I cook and do the business side during the day.
>In the evening i retreat to the cabin to write pulp fantasy while my wife does more yoga/hosting duties/whatever in the main house
>Late evening wife comes back to the cabin and we chill until she goes to sleep.
>At night i do some rowing on my concept2 and then write for a few hours until i got bed at 3-4am.

>> No.18578847
File: 225 KB, 1280x854, fashwave_vaporwave_glitch_art_snake_biceps_propaganda-1660731.jpg!d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7 children
Bet this is your desktop wallpaper.

>> No.18578855

suicide around 29

>> No.18578922
File: 4 KB, 224x224, cmon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely expensive furniture
>work is publishing marxist/poststructural articles in know academic journals
>no children

>> No.18578924

>suicide around 9

>> No.18578926

Based & flourishing.

>> No.18578941

>live alone on a few dozen hectare property
>backwoods area with a few disjointed small villages centred on a local small town a short drive away
> live off selling overpriced organic produce to hippies
>white painted old fashioned rectangular house
>farm is a mix of work and hobby
>spend my time going around doing what i please

>> No.18578948

Actually realistic, good luck bro.

>> No.18578953

even better

>> No.18578985

Ideal life style?
Wife with short hair and big hoonkers who will jump me everytime I come home from work. At least 5 children that I can read fairy tails to. Two dogs, probably dalmatians. Free days spent hiking, boating and cooking in nature. Taking the children to grandpa and grandma, while going on date nights. House needs to have a nice fire place, and a island kitchen.

>> No.18579020

i actually live in a similar condition so i am 75% there
but thank you, hopefully with depopulation of villages to big cities i might be able to buy out all the surrounding real estate for cheap money

>> No.18579048
File: 13 KB, 400x227, comment_1625181242pfmpiTZ9hKNmCmnlKRZmV5,w400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-be milionaire
-wake up rested because I have no obligations
-lift weights in the morning
-study in early afternoon
-meet with people and discuss fun stuff in late afternoon
-have sex in the evening
-sleep and repeat

>> No.18579163

deja vu but I swear this is pasta

>> No.18579192

>in a loving marriage with two (or three) kids
>no addiction
>exercise regularly
>regular, modest house enough for the family. No luxury.
>writing novels
>no interaction with peers or any other type of people from academia/publishing etc.

>> No.18579255

>post your ideal /lit/ lifestyle
racing competitively in karts by age 5
introduced to mental conditioning, rhetoric and lives of great heroes by age 7
general understanding of urban design and its associated politics by age 11
racing competitively in junior formula/cup series by age 13
written my first published works by 15
on a lucrative career pathway with passive income options by 20
designing and building houses, as well as my own estate in the countryside, by 26
lobbying for improved quality of life in my country by 35
building a small fortune to help teach people the things that i have been taught by 39
doing whatever the hell i want after that

>> No.18579319

>live on farm in yorkshire
>in a loving relationship with a qt3.14 twink
>ride my dirt bike along trails with him on the back
>roll around in mud and make love
>write about it at night
>sleep, repeat the next day

>> No.18579722

It's unironically a tranny, I just masturbated to 'her' pictures in soiddit.

>> No.18579735 [DELETED] 

Ambient Coffee Shop ASMR while reading

>> No.18579739

A man, hopefully

>> No.18579753
File: 32 KB, 500x382, 1557455949627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I just masturbated to 'her' pictures

>> No.18579762
File: 1.30 MB, 2048x1535, (Me).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, I'm a simple man, if it makes my dick hard I will masturbate to it and I will call "them" whatever they want. But I really only respect trannies that "pass".

>> No.18579772

Traveling around the world with an older literary academic mommy gf who takes me to cool exotic places while we read all the canon together

>> No.18579784

Didn't know I wanted this.

>> No.18579804

>in a loving relationship with a qt3.14 twink
That qt twink will be an aging man in a few years' time. Always remember that, anon.

>> No.18579811

Uncanny valley. Huge skull and wide midface. Good try tho

>> No.18579857
File: 1.60 MB, 731x1024, inspiration 6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No marriage, the concept of marriage, and the formality of it dooms any relationship.
>Always wearing a black plain shirt, pants of any color, and flip flops.
> I will either rebuy or build a replica of my childhood home, to get back what was taken from me.
> I will date my childhood crush, and oneitis. I rejected her advances in HS because I promised myself I wouldn't date anyone, not even her, until I had "made it" and I was the man I should be.
>2-3 children, hopefully all of them are men, I couldn't live with having any women. Although I consider myself a "progressive" person, I would rather kill myself than have a whore daughter.
>I've never smoked or drinked, so hopefully I'm able to keep most of my life drug free until it's close to the end. (although I'm interested in psychedelics)
>After I've made enough money selling furry porn and built a bunch of houses to rent, I will spend all day making risky investments, reading, watching movies and painting.
>Suicide at 55+, hopefully I go to thailand or some other "cheap" place, with enough money for a month, fuck a bunch of hookers, get a bunch of stds, drink and smoke a lot, do a bunch of coke, meth, heroin and die of overdose .
>I will leave no money to my children, everything will be donated to charities and all the schools I went to.
This is my dream life.

>> No.18579886

I know. And I think he will too. I will find a replacement. I will be the gay Leonardo DiCaprio.

>> No.18579934
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>make up a story
>tell other monkeys the story in exchange for bananas
>my story is a big success, every monkey wants to hear it
>now I have all the bananas
>I'm king monkey

>> No.18579937


>> No.18580214
File: 62 KB, 676x680, 4F84B9DD-9C3C-45DC-83C3-FDED82EAEF6B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18580232

>small manageable heroin addiction
No such thing
t. used to smoke heroin weekly, stopped cold turkey 3 years ago

>> No.18580366

>nigger "art"
it's buddha

>> No.18580542

>i-it's nigger!

>> No.18580583

> write a bunch of stuff
> die in a war


> go to war
> write a bunch of stuff
> then die

>> No.18580591

> write the perfect isekai
> get isekai’d

>> No.18580675

a very handsome boy
checked and true
get rich by some freak accident and live off of it forever, pretending to be a mildly successful timid stock trader and never working a day

>> No.18580676
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>wake up at 5AM
>wife has breakfast ready for you and your sons
>Lift weights and do cardio for about an hour
>sit down and review yesterday's profits from your self sustaining business
>have a quick phone call with your lawyers and accountants to see where best to put your profits
>do a routine check of your large property to make sure everything is in place and to ensure there are no Mexicans or rogue copies of Infinite Jest anywhere on the premise
>go to your shooting range and teach your sons to shoot
>afterwards tell wife your going to see your mistresses because she won't shut the fuck up
>blow a load into some 21 something year old thot's mouth then head back home
>BBQ some chicken or brisket
>get a glass of scotch and crack open Plato's Complete Works
>after that give your dogs a tasty rawhide treat

>> No.18581359

The monkey jew more like. A monkey king would force the other monkeys to give him their bananas while he writes obscure poetry for other monkey kings to read.

>> No.18581679

>be French
>have a difficult, lonely childhood and adolescence to develop character and individuality
>spend most of the time reading (fiction, philosophy, politics)
>develop resentment and cynical feelings towards the world
>lose virginity with a dirty immigrant prostitute
>get in med school or some shit like that
>write in free times, send to literary magazines, some of the times get published, most of the time not
>begin relationship with an ugly, older art whore, bang her friends behind her back when the opportunity rises
>marry the art whore
>write a masterpiece that capture the decadent state of the modern world
>get international recognition
>mog every other contemporary French writer and get ball sucked by them
>divorce the art whore once gaining status to bang younger, prettier whores
>have controversial political statements(endorsing le pen, saying things like deport all the Muslims, some shit like that)
>being ostracized for that but still recognized as genius for the quality of your work and not by association with lefties intellectuals or political correctness
>die from alcoholism or some shit like that
>being remembered as a genius writer but an horrible human being from the left an intellectuals

>> No.18581699

How are you progressive?

>> No.18581740

Some of that sounds good, but not all of it. My own life:

-luke-warm and companionable marriage, with sex, with a wife who grew fat over several years of marriage.
-functional alcoholism with expensive booze (mainly spirits and wines) + occasional tobacco pipe use
-wear comfy wools and tweeds in the cooler months and comfy linens and cottons in the warmer months
-clean, functional house with understated modernist furnishings, many books, home-brewed/open-sourced technology, and little clutter
-comfy garden that supplements food supplies throughout the year and provides ingredients for making wines and liqueurs
-(very) occasionally have short poetry published in minor literary journals that nobody reads
-no children (yet)
-salt-and-pepper hair in my mid-30s
-no plans for suicide yet but you never know

>> No.18581771

Houllebecq is a very based man.

>> No.18581801

She only has sex with BBCs

>> No.18583008

Nah, it's the 50 blessings logo. Still a bit edgy though.

>> No.18583027

>turns into a dead white male
>starts writing the single work of my death
>publish my magnum opus

>> No.18584740

>nigger calling the only non nigger in human history nigger

>> No.18584743

"she" has a dick and fucks other "women"

>> No.18584760

You want to be the John McAfee of genre fiction. Cool.

>> No.18584773


>> No.18586228



My sides are belaughtered

>> No.18586249


>get /fit/
>quit my incredibly stressful job as I intend to next March
>go to Rhode Island for a couple weeks of prep before I sail across the Atlantic with my friend in his 34' schooner, as I intend to
>complement life experience of years working with the developmentally disabled (tragic) with that achievement (heroic)
>see Europe
>write poetry and read the whole time
>come back and get a job somewhere rural for Fish and Wildlife

Here is to hoping.

>> No.18586288

Based pirate

>> No.18586373

That’s a man

>> No.18586379
File: 1.10 MB, 1284x1474, 74335F97-20EE-4D45-8D69-98EED9772DB1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18586480

I’ve seen it before myself but I don’t think it was in reference to a “literary” lifestyle

>> No.18586532

> Natsuo from Domestic Na Kanojo

>> No.18586547
File: 839 KB, 500x650, 1621461026037.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I want to cum inside her bussy. From a literary standpoint, of course.

>> No.18586559


>> No.18586607

Thoses digits don't lie

>> No.18586610

Absolutely based. Cycle houseboys once they age out.

>> No.18586663

I don't know if anime makes you gay or if homosexual losers are attracted to anime but if you see an animeposter you know it's a faggot behind it.

>> No.18586664

A mnimalist lifestyle with a trad wife, two kids, huge investments in new technologies, a respected career as a biologist and professor and a literary career on the side would be my ideal. No alcohol, no drugs, no pork.
Free days spent fishig, spending time with old intellectual friends and visiting new places every now and then, but mostly keeping my energy to raising my kids and providing them a worthy education as I am an introvert.

>> No.18586962

>gay or homosexual
Traps aren't gay.

>> No.18587051

Quite often they are. Bruce Jenner is just a nutter straight dude though.

>> No.18587157

sounds comfy as fuck sign me up

>> No.18588589

And that's a good thing

>> No.18588632

thanks for the new wallpaper

>> No.18588732

If you have a dick and you're attracted to something with a dick then you're homosexual by definition.

>> No.18589220

>squalid apartment
>mild vicodin addiction
>never leave apartment, have everything delivered
>ebony hooker when horny
>spend 50 years writing Lovecraftian horror
>only publish 2 or 3 books

>> No.18589394

sounds about right

>> No.18589420

>founder of cult centered around pyschedelics help unravel the message of Christ
>live in middle of nowhere
>convert comp sci people by saying that Logos is god and say they must join so we can develop a true language
>have harem
>write garbled poetry and philosophy
>start political movement to rebirth the patriarchy
>write a memoir
>dead at 95 in my sleep

>> No.18589424

sitting in lotus position on top of the himalayas under the snow, trying to become one with everything

>> No.18589431

>> girls not equal to females or wot?

>> No.18589505

>house innawoods or at some beach
>a cat
>a dog
>a vineyard or a stable way to get wine
>a tobacco farm
>live off writing articles or newspaper columns
>auto sustainable farm
>internet provided by Musk
>close to my frens

>> No.18589521


>> No.18589645
File: 84 KB, 490x586, incel2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Although I consider myself a "progressive" person, I would rather kill myself than have a whore daughter.

>> No.18589765

>small heroin addiction
I have never kek'd more in my life. Get help anon.