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18584645 No.18584645 [Reply] [Original]

Why is philosophy and other forms of intellectuals so absent in today's Conservatism?

>> No.18584655

Is philosophy a form of intellectual?

>> No.18584656


>> No.18584673

Most right wingers do not go to university. The few university students who do lean right wing study economics.

I'll also note this is likely only true in the Anglo West

>> No.18584678

All of the good conservative intellectuals have been kicked out of academia and hardly anyone will publish nor listen to what they have to say.

>> No.18584690
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I don't know. Why do you think that philosophy and other forms of intellectuals are absent in today's Conservatism?

>> No.18584691


>> No.18584695

Intellectually I know that this whore looks like fat bario trash without the pound of makeup and the myspace angles. I can see it even with at this point.

>> No.18584696

Because academia is hostile to right wing beliefs

>> No.18584697

Alasdair Macintyre
Roger scruton

Probably a few others, generally academia skews left due to leftist analysis being more likely to be true.
Communitarian conservatives are fine though, they’re not retards like the shapiros and buckleys

>> No.18584703

And for good reason

I'm shamelessly invoking https://xkcd.com/774/ and I also know self-awareness doesn't absolve anybody of anything but liberal and conservative "intellectuals" are both worthless cretins

>> No.18584707

Prove it

>> No.18584710

Just because an idea is tasteless does not at all speak of its validity.

>> No.18584713

>do work to educate a stranger on the fat content in his taco

>> No.18584717


>> No.18584722
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How are people letting conservatives live down the Trump era? They are permanently discredited imho.

>> No.18584725

look at her chin

>> No.18584736

I honestly think it has more to do with culture than with genuine intelligence. That is to say, even the most gifted among us (save for the truly special) hold their opinions moreso because of who is around them than serious reflection. Maybe we could argue that im attribution causation to a consequence. Idk. I'm right leaning myself so maybe I'm just coping for the fact that I'm dumb and everyone else like me is dumb too.

>> No.18584752

>among us

>> No.18584759

I meant like, mankind.... not this board

>> No.18584763

Because your bubble only reads leftist books amd is not in contact without any other type of thought, otherwise you'd not have asked

>> No.18584777

I think that any period of societal change is going to start with opportunists and grifters. When right wing televangelism and republicans ruled the first sets of hippies were ostracized.
Now that left wing zealots and corporate oligarchists have come to power we see the Trumps and the Lindells and the Krakens getting low traction and replaced, however the ideas of personal rights and free speech they represent will endure.

>> No.18584800

True and checked.

>> No.18584813

>philosophy is a form of intellectual
I think it might be due to illiteracy.

>> No.18584834
File: 152 KB, 1200x675, CD113D2D-FD64-4B33-8A58-7AD96951C4F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conservatism is intellectually devoid.

>> No.18584844

they are in math's departments

>> No.18584850

Something about this camera angle gets me incredibly hard

>> No.18584853

So is every other form of liberalism. Soulless neofeudal garbage to the roots

>> No.18584864

Do you imagine that you are her penis, staring up at her, trying to argue that analytical philosophy is other than vacuous, and you know that she is going to spank you until semen explodes from your forehead like God leaving you and the world?

>> No.18584870

Trump's America. Dark days for democracy, indeed.

>> No.18584880

I do now

>> No.18584894

Submission is the release and comfort of finding someone that knows you are a loser and sexually accepts you anyway. It's a fantasy for men and women but women can actually get it easily as it is generally unacceptable for men to be failures, esp. from women.

>> No.18584902

Based, modern intellectuals are trash anyways. Anything that promotes individualism is already much more valuable.

>> No.18584904

Genuine philosophy is absent in almost all political movements, not just "conservatism." Equally applies to left and right.

>> No.18584917

Hey, Butterfly. Taking a logical stance towards things in moderation is best, this is part of acknowledging there is some truth to conservatism. I would prefer for you not to think in absolutes or sweeping generalizations, thank you :3

>> No.18584927

Is this bait?

>> No.18584928

intellectualism is dead
art is near dead

>> No.18584933
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>Conservatism is intellectually devoid.

>> No.18584935

Devoid of what?

>> No.18584944

Devoid of intellectualism? What the hell does that mean?

>> No.18584966

It means communists and other Jews have ensured through their "long march through the institutions" that left wing beliefs are mandatory for most academic disciplines. Intellectual output is secondary to compliance, and recently other nations are stepping in to take advantage of our crippled academic system.

>> No.18584976



>> No.18584978

The dark enlightenment fellas are undoubtedly much more interesting than any ‘intellectual’ on the left.

>> No.18584981

It means it's devoid of people who like spending large amounts of their time writing garbled messes of meaningless nonsense ad nauseum. Once upon a time intellectualism actually meant possessing clarity and decisiveness, but not any more.

>> No.18584991

This is why it's best to refer to oneself as an anti-intellectual, so to distance yourself from those types.

>> No.18585003

It’s actually not devoid of ivory tower gibberish, what you just described.
But as >>18584853 said, it’s just as rotten as the left liberal ivory tower gibberish

>what does absence of intellect even mean?
>HUUU? ouch! My head hurts.

>> No.18585007

Tits or GTFO

>> No.18585008



>> No.18585013

Please stop. :3

Take this stuff to /b/

>> No.18585019
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>> No.18585021

I btfo someone and you assume I owe you something!?

>> No.18585026

Ever forced another, much younger man, to strap explosives to his body and detonate himself inside a police station? It is unbelievably erotic.