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/lit/ - Literature

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18579872 No.18579872 [Reply] [Original]

I watch anime, read manga, VNs, and nip LNs when I get tired or bored with reading. I already read almost all the classics so there's not much to read anyway. How about you, anon? How often do you switch to other form of media?

>> No.18579908

I enjoy films and music.
>I already read almost all the classics so there's not much to read anyway.

>> No.18579912

didnt ask

>> No.18579913

Passively consuming media is not a hobby

>> No.18579916

I used to like hiking and lifting weights but I stopped doing those.

>> No.18580060

>You read almost all the classics
You must be ancient, old man

>> No.18580069

Scale model ships, miniature wargaming, plant collecting the list goes on

>> No.18580076


>> No.18580084

I do art shit and spoken word.

>> No.18580090

Spoken word is pseudo poetry
What a midwit

>> No.18580091

which is why videogames are the only real hobby

>> No.18580109

Beekeeping, cooking, programming, playing the guitar, gardening and some other stuff.

>> No.18580116

Painting, watching films and listening to music

>> No.18580125

The classics are less than a thousamd, man.
How is reading passive? i use.mybrain to read nigga
Not really. Just.a.neet

>> No.18580156

I haven't been doing much lately besides shitposting and inputing japanese by watching anime.
How long did it take you to read lns in jp (assuming you didn't just mean to specify what kind of lns you're talking about)?

>> No.18580286

I ski, fish, hunt, and bowl in a local league.

>> No.18580320

Nope. Gradually lost all of my interests in the past few months and just read all day

>> No.18580323

Yeah, I do those but also draw, practice a few instruments & do a bit of home-exercise with dumbbells & calisthenics

>> No.18580341

I lift and box

>> No.18580357

>I watch anime, read manga, VNs, and nip LNs
all mind poison
>I already read almost all the classics
there are more classics than you can read in a lifetime, pleb

>> No.18580358

I play bideo games and hang out with my dog.

>> No.18580376

Fucking weebs

>> No.18580393

I run

>> No.18580395

Based. You fags need to pick up gardening or something

>> No.18580401

About 2 or 3 yrs. LNs are easy to read
Im maybe.twice.older.than u, kid
Fuck u, stupid

>> No.18580409

Try to "passively" read Critique of Pure Reason or Phenomenology of the Spirit

>> No.18580521

I don’t know. I just lost interest in them and they weren’t fun anymore. I started to dislike the people I saw on the trails and in the gym.

>> No.18580628

Vidya and knitting

>> No.18580759

>making music
>making/upcycling clothes

>> No.18580784

Weightlifting, hiking, and I should get back into photography

>> No.18580802

Running, playing piano and occasionally programming

>> No.18580840

Sleeping, eating, showering, brushing teeth, combing hair, pooping, peeing, bowling

>> No.18580989

Since you're a weeb you have to read stuff by people like Patrick Galbraith and Hiroki Azuma. It makes the anime watching even better

>> No.18581007

Just reading, but I like going for walks and naked eye bird watching and going to museums of any kind.

>> No.18581098

Based knitter. Used to do it but I was never very good. Made a hat and a couple scarves.

>> No.18581107

Post one of your paintings

>> No.18581124

None of those are hobbies, hobbies are productive

>Irish folk music
>Ancient coin / other antiquities collecting
>Fossil collecting
>Zine making

There are others I can't think of rn

>> No.18581128

hobbies aren't consooming or produucing. they're things that make you happy.

>> No.18581129


>> No.18581196

Cooking and baking are the main 'productive' ones I have. Also volunteering at museums and for historical music groups when everything's open. Waging really takes the energy out of me (and literally makes me feel sick at times), but I'm trying to force myself to do more active things like language learning. I would garden and learn to sew if I had the land and space; alas, I live in a mediocre apartment in a prohibitively expensive city. I'd move but even small towns hours away are charging crazy amounts to rent/buy.

>> No.18581249
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>gym stuff
>coding projects
>anime low key
I want to get into digital art, guerilla gardening, writing a short book on finance.

>> No.18581389

i like shounen manga for comfy reasons. i maintain a garden. i play fighting games with a group of degenerate friends a couple nights a week. my gf and i like to going to the mountains every couple weeks or so. i need to get back into weightlifting but i am happy with my hobbies

>> No.18581637

Working out, bideo games and pondering my existential angst

>> No.18581889


>> No.18581928

Yeah. I don't know since a lot of my hobbies have a relation to reading (e.g. linguistics is a large interest of mine), but animu, mangoes, and retro vidya gaems are more or less what I do outside reading.

I listen to and play metal as well.

>> No.18582254

No probs. Highly suggest Otaku Database Animals from Azuma. It's such an interesting perspective on Otaku shit.

>> No.18582340

The concept of a hobbie is dumb and stupid. I do whatever the fuck I want. I hate to see people saying music, sports, books or games as if it were some definition of yourself or your identity.

It feels like woman gossip or a social media meme. This word should be banned from the vocabulary. It makes everyone seem vain and purposeless, like a robot who works and then comes home to do his hobbies like a good boy.

>> No.18582371

You deserve to have your brains bashed in.

>> No.18582391

Unironically clarence thomas refutes hobbies. There is an interview of him and he said he never had any interest other than what he was studying and doing with his life. I agree with him and am caught off gaurd by questions like hobbies and interests, and would prefer to say I have none like the justice. I really dislike people with strong interest or passion for anything and just mock them with a soijack meme.

>> No.18582409

Are they reliable authors, or are they Fred Patten clones? If you don't know why I'm asking:

>> No.18582423

Dream stuff, seething, thinking of violence (against others). That's about it.

>> No.18582426

You need to be institutionalized.

>> No.18582453
File: 30 KB, 401x600, 05-Brazil-Jericoacora-windsurf-centre-ride-sunset-2_401_600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I read and windsurf.

That's about it.

>> No.18582634

Not super familiar with Patten apart from that he wrote about furry stuff. I can tell you that Patrick Galbraith is a really good anthropologist and is your go to source if you want to investigate Lolicon, Moe and Otaku sexuality. Azuma is a philosopher, Saito Tamaki did psychoanalysis and there's a bunch of stuff relating to media studies (LaMarre) and anime related nihonjiron writings. I've had a decent time reading this stuff in all honesty

>> No.18582656

I travel when I can. Is that a hobby?
And no, I don’t travel like a woman. I travel incognito and only take pictures of things I find interesting, never of myself

>> No.18582671

How do you feel about the shoujo/lolicon connection - over or understated?

>> No.18582722

Make clothes, pictures, cakes. Swimming and dancing. Listening to music, looking at birds, listening to and looking at rain.

>> No.18582768

It's productive because I'm an archaeology student and I sell and catalog antiquities online.

>> No.18582785

I think people who like either should be killed.

>> No.18582825

I think it makes total sense considering the history. In fact I might say it's a bit more understated considering that people talk about Tezuka, Toei, Tastunoko productions and the mecha boom but not really the shoujo that was being published in mags and being consumed by men. People bring up Castle of Cagliostro more than the shoujo mags now that I think about it when we're talking about the history of Lolicon. When it does get brought up nowadays the connection between Miyazaki (the killer) and his Lolicon consumption is used to imply stuff about people who create and consume the content so the stigma hasn't really gone away. The fact that it's something being investigated is pretty cool though

>> No.18582834

Post a picture of your clothes.

>> No.18582918

I like to shoot, work on my car, cook and untill recently electronics. I'm really looking to get into sailing as I've just moved to new england.

>> No.18582922

How is liking something not real, bad? But Hollywood pedos are good XD? ;P

>> No.18582947

i don't think i've opened a book in five years

>> No.18583012

I don't want anons to recognise me.

>> No.18583035

What's your advice for learning how to sail?

>> No.18583047

Why are you scared of anons? Have you ever seen one?

>> No.18583074

based beekeeper

>> No.18583089

Why do you think people want anon's recognition?

>> No.18583133

Like an idiot on /biz/ I didn't do a good enough job redacting details on my resume, and posted it for advice. I end up getting requests on linkedin because of it from people in the thread (supposedly).

>> No.18583248

Came here to say this

>> No.18583276

this isn't a hobby if you're doing it right

>> No.18583292

So what? Are you scared of what?

>> No.18583302

Tbh I guess your right, it's the not knowing that gets me. Have you met people from 4chins before irl?

>> No.18583309

No, but I've met people from other chans. They are weird but ok.

>> No.18583315

Start again

>> No.18583331

i program ai and make animations of vidya girls stripping that i keep to myself. i also like to go /out/

>> No.18583334

I'm into reenacting, particularly French and Indian War and AWI.
I also build and hunt with flintlock firearms.

>> No.18584101


Depends what you're sailing on. The best advice I can give is you have to cooperate with and trust the wind and the water. They're the ones doing the work.

>> No.18584153

I like cooking, and collecting valuables.
I used to play video games, but I got totally burnt out of them last year.
I would like to take up working out, reading and study into new hobbies of mine

>> No.18584175

Do running at 5 am

>> No.18584182

Wine is my second hobby. Think I’ll might study to become a sommelier.

>> No.18584197


>> No.18584241

I don’t really want to.

>> No.18584415

I'm surprised by how many people in this thread don't lift. Go to the gym, lift heavy objects. Don't be a pencil necked geed

>> No.18584857
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>> No.18584877


>> No.18584987

Absolutely based and ted pilled

>> No.18584992

I collect money

>> No.18584997 [DELETED] 

That gif is me with heavy mathematics :3

>> No.18584998

>pussy destroyer
>guitar shredder
>kitty petter
>book reader

>> No.18585035

Stop being antisocial rejects. Hating things and judging people isn't a personality

>> No.18585057


>> No.18585269

So eating is a hobby then? What about taking a shit?

>> No.18585281

>I watch anime, read manga, VNs, and nip LNs

i whittle & draw smut for money

>> No.18585287

i do lift but i haven't mentioned it. i don't do it as a hobby but as necessity, healthy body healthy mind healthy spirit

>> No.18585366

why should I bother lifting instead of simply doing some cardio and calisthenics?

>> No.18585368

>Implying they read

>> No.18585377

I occasionally watch anime (maybe 3 or 4 episodes a week) and I also occasionally watch pretentious European films, but both of those things are less rewarding than reading so I don't feel the need to give them much of my time. Reading is an everyday habit for me in a way that no other hobby or entertainment is.

>> No.18585386

Chess, acoustic guitar, distance running, writing, programming (also my job).


>> No.18585456

you shouldn't
stick to pushing the floor pal

>> No.18585654

>I watch anime, read manga, VNs, and nip LNs when I get tired or bored with reading.

Consuming is not a hobby. Making things is hobby, or doing things. e.g. playing baseball, painting, etc.

>> No.18585676

I wish I had hobbies, I mainly play video games, read, sometimes I draw (but I'm not that good at it), I like going for walks and throwing rocks in the nearby river

>> No.18585763

Videogames and music. But I don't think listening to music and going to shows count as a hobby.

>> No.18585785

I like to program, making games mostly. I've been meaning to actually sit down and learn how to draw so when I'm designing games and stuff I can better represent the pictures I have in my head when I take note of them. Also I'd like to learn the piano and music theory so, again, I can better archive things I think of.
But other than that I wouldn't consider reading to be a hobby nor, if it was, a hobby if mine.

>> No.18585787

No but my contempt for anime and the people that watch it is a small but notable part of my personality as it extends to other things aswell.

>> No.18585873


>> No.18585886

hobbies are fucking gay