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18576506 No.18576506 [Reply] [Original]

I haven’t been able to enjoy anything ever since I read this book, the collapse seems imminent

>> No.18576543

i've been meaning to read this. SHould i take this as a sign not to?

>> No.18576557

Yeah welcome to the club pal.
Wait until you read up on the JQ

>> No.18576564
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>> No.18576572

Things aren't beyond repair. All it's gonna take is one charismatic reactionary to make use of the Han threat to reestablish values that aren't so suicidal.

It's a shame the two party system is so resilient against those types, but Trump is definitely a precursor.

>> No.18576576

It seems imminent, but it won't be for a while. The system does not go quietly into the night.

>> No.18576577

Read Chris Hedges if you want some uber-blackpill shit

>> No.18576584

The absolute state of twitterfags

>> No.18576590

It will be slow at first, as seen now, but a catalyst, in the form of an event will accelerate it at an extraordinary rate.
My prediction is an economic collapse as that event

>> No.18576595

Care to elaborate faggot?

>> No.18576601

I don’t know where people get the optimism that liberalism will be replaced by better values. The overwhelming majority of the youth are socially progressive and social media is the greatest organ of liberalism. It’s not going anywhere. It’s gonna continue to devour the globe and disintegrate every aspect of life wherever it touches, and no one will suggest an alternative. The fact is that if given the choice, the West would rather choose gay sex over prosperity at this point.

>> No.18576621

The resulting dominate ideology after liberalism would be far more authoritarian.

>> No.18576623

Ride the Tiger

>> No.18576634

That sounds gay as fuck

>> No.18576656

Better values within liberalism, ie the return of the work ethic and civic duty. The ascendance of the notculture of "tolerance" is really nothing more than an indifference that will be easily swayed under ideal circumstances (imminent existential threat), hence Nazism, hence Trump, hence even the left "liberals" endorsement of anti-liberal frameworks like CRT

>> No.18576658

Have you never heard of Evola?

>> No.18576683

Do you mean that the rise of National Socialism, and Trump is a direct response to the degradation of the classic liberalism and it's replacement with the hedonistic indifference and outright self destructive "liberalism" we see today?

>> No.18576708

Lmfao fucking newfaggot just off the assembly line.
Turn 19

>> No.18576717
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The Fascists were the good guys and are rising again. The specters of Nationalism, Socialism and Populism are haunting Europe, they will rise again with a vengeance. And if that doesn’t happen and the West doubles down, China’s state capitalist, authoritarian model will win. They’ll defeat America and Russian will break the EU’s back.
The good guys will win eventually, support them.

>> No.18576728
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lmao, totally

fuck off back to /pol/ and live your fantasy scenario where an extinct ideology saves the world

>> No.18576739
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>> No.18576756

>Better values within liberalism, ie the return of the work ethic and civic duty.
Reform over revolution is very boomerish and ineffective.

>> No.18576762

Trump was Tiberius Gracchus.He set the path, now a Caesar must take it.

>> No.18576792

In terms of Trump yeah, and I'd characterize it more as a reaction than a response. Classic liberalism is not without its major faults (ie propensity to expand the market system where it doesn't belong), but when tempered by the proper civic values as it was in the US until the shock of the industrial revolution it was the jewel of the human race, as seen by Tocqueville and Chevalier. National socialism I'm less familiar with, but the reason I bring it up is because I believe there is a fundamental similarity between the population's spiritual desolation in the United States today and the spiritual desolation that comes from military defeat.

I doubt that reform of that magnitude could be achieved in the United States.

>> No.18576796

It's come back with vengeance in the past 20 years, thanks to the internet and the rise of neo-liberalism mutating into the shambling monstrosity that it is today.
It also doesn't help with the increasing hostility towards whites has made it even more appealing.

>> No.18576817
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I'm getting some serious teenager vides in this thread

>> No.18576822

well its not happening, sorry

>> No.18576825

I partially agree with this, in that Trump was a mix, with the promises of grandeur and reform similar to Gracchus with the Caesarian rise to actual power with a short lived rule with plenty of unrealize potential for change.
The next step is collapse.
National Socialism (Nazism) was the response to the several issues plaguing Weimar Germany. Many issues we see mirrored today in the United States and the broader Western world.

>> No.18576832

Just like how the Soviet Union couldn't collapse?
Or like how the Stock Market wouldn't collapse in the twenties?
Get real faggot. Empires and civilizations all die.

>> No.18576837

>when tempered by the proper civic values as it was in the US until the shock of the industrial revolution it was the jewel of the human race, as seen by Tocqueville and Chevalier.
I'm not a Marxist but you don't have to be one to see that liberalism is the result of industrialisation and simply the justification of the bourgeoisie for its newly minted dominance. Seriously
With chattel slavery and genocide against the natives... yep.

>> No.18576839

t. every empire in history right before they collapsed

>> No.18576865

Francis Fukuyama was wrong and a faggot and so are you.

>> No.18576906

This is why we can't have good literature.

>> No.18576925

I see two possibilities:

1. Liberalism + industrialization is inevitable and cannot be stopped. The problems we see today will continue to get worse, we'll try to solve these problems with new technology, new technology creates new problems, and so on until humans turn into something different altogether.

2. Societal collapse soon

>> No.18576943

Climate change means that liberalism will collapse (as all of society will collapse). I think this will happen in the 2040s-50s.

>> No.18576971

That book didn't really hit it home for me. I recently read Moldbug's open letter and that's what did it. His description of "the international community" totally organised many things in my perceptions.

I don't really think it's useful to think of societal progression in terms of liberalism. It gives an importance to the lives of the masses and powerless that isn't warranted.

>> No.18576978

Read a book. The tradition of liberalism predates the industrialization of the United States by more than a century. The liberal tradition led to political documents like the Declaration of Independence. Chattel slavery and genocide is not a part of the liberal tradition.

>> No.18576996

Midwit spotted

>> No.18576997
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It didn't have to be this way. If we only took the Austrian Economics pill.

>> No.18577010

>we need to "confront China"
first Amerifat "soldiers" need to confront their own morbid obesity, gender dysphoria, and inability to do 1 (one) pullup.

>> No.18577024

>The liberal tradition led to political documents like the Declaration of Independence.
Sounds like a good reason to dislike the liberal tradition if it brought us America.

>> No.18577026

>return of the work ethic and civic duty.
In other words, get to work wagie and be a good citizen. And what is the system going to offer that will make this deal at all appealing?

>> No.18577029

>Austrian economics
It pretty much is in all but name.

>> No.18577056
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The only economist I read is Keynes

>> No.18577070

Liberalism is dressed up nihilism

>> No.18577090

There was no historical determinism that necessitated the United States to end up in the way that it did.

Read a book. The United States did not always have a quasi-permanent class of wage laborers and even today it doesn't necessarily have to. Your question betrays a failure to properly interpret my question.

>> No.18577100

Actual Gigachad behind the monitor

>> No.18577109

>There was no historical determinism that necessitated the United States to end up in the way that it did.
Who cares? It happened the way it did. If you are also >>18576792 and genuinely believe that:
>Classic liberalism is not without its major faults (ie propensity to expand the market system where it doesn't belong), but when tempered by the proper civic values as it was in the US until the shock of the industrial revolution it was the jewel of the human race
You're delusional. Thinking the US has ever been a "jewel" in any sense is ridiculous, the US has almost always been rightly regarded by European observers as a place full of rubes, dissolute in morals, and lacking in worthy culture.

>> No.18577115

>There was no historical determinism that necessitated the United States to end up in the way that it did.

Maybe if you actually read the fucking book in OP then you would see that there is, it’s called liberalism and it’s a shit ideology that doesn’t work anymore

>> No.18577193

Guillotine and rot you disgusting seppo pleb.

>> No.18577203

>You're delusional. Thinking the US has ever been a "jewel" in any sense is ridiculous, the US has almost always been rightly regarded by European observers as a place full of rubes, dissolute in morals, and lacking in worthy culture.
And yet not one of those European observers lived in a polity that exists today in anywhere close to the same form. You're also wrong, which you would know if you read virtually any book by a visiting foreigner on their experiences in the early United States.
Deneen is incorrect in applying that historical determinism. Coincidentally, in his lectures on the book, Deneen paints a very convincing argument amounting to the idea that the Constitution was destined from the start to result in the centralization of power in the hands of the federal government, which alone amounts to a bastardization of liberalism.

If you want to read a book to learn more about what you're talking about, look at Hofstadter's The American Political Tradition for a good look at how the views of the politicians/Americans in general on the role of the government, democracy, and liberalism changed over time. It would be fairly disingenuous to see the logical conclusion of liberalism in the United States.
>Australian reverts to name calling because he doesn't wanna read books

>> No.18577539


>> No.18578672



>> No.18578686


Fascism and NatSoc were antiliberal movements by definition.

>> No.18578729 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18579021

>most successful ideology that mankind ever created
lmao nice one rightoids

>> No.18579024

of course you're unaware
you're an flavored npc retard

>> No.18579028
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>he doesn't know

>> No.18579030

The Jamaican Question (JQ)

>> No.18579035

>enslaved to technology
>everyone is depressed
>young people are so atomized they’re already suicidal by the time they reach high school
>world is literally melting down because of climate change
>civilizational and environmental collapse in the making
>ruling class losing all legitimacy
>every aspect of society being liquidated

that’s quite a successful system

>> No.18579036

famous last words

>> No.18579065


Not to mention the degeneracy of art and culture in general , not only in the moral aspect but in terms of concept, quality and technique.

>> No.18579066

And don't forget poisoning by plastics :)

>> No.18579079

culturally people are very liberal and are getting more and more each day
if anything liberalism will only get stronger and more repressive
big rulers and foreign politics are irrelevant in this

>> No.18579497

I am 19 you fucking tard that's why I'm confused. Also, I was wondering if you had never heard of the book called "Ride the Tiger" by Julius Evola
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself, I guess.

>> No.18579533
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Hello newfen

>> No.18579558


Oh, die Judenfrage.

>> No.18579564
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