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18576844 No.18576844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

They're going to corrupt Tolkien's works tomorrow, press F for middle earth finally crumbling down for American globohomo

>> No.18576848


>> No.18576871

Why? Why not create their own works of fantasy?

>> No.18576879

Satan doesn't create, he inverts.

>> No.18576883

"Evil can not create, it can only take over and corrupt"

>> No.18576899
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The Daily Gondor memes are becoming reality.

>> No.18576902
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Amazon has the rights to it. They wouldn't want to waste them.

>> No.18576941
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Because it's not about creating their own culture, it's about destroying the entire foundation of your culture. Any myths your culture has must be destroyed. All your values must be mocked and thrown away. Anything glorifying your people must be erased.
Does anyone still think white genocide is just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.18576963

white genocide is a conspiracy theory because there is no "white culture"

>> No.18576973

>white culture exists and the lord of the rings is a foundation myth of white culture

>> No.18576986


>> No.18576987

Name a nigger myth

>> No.18577003

They do, it is called "contemporary YA".

>> No.18577028

Did that say Lord of the Rings was a foundational myth?
Or did it say there are people who want to destroy ALL of white culture?
>whites don't exist when you defend them, whites only exist when I attack them

>> No.18577033

They turn entire surgical departments into works of fantasy.

>> No.18577034

I'm kind of excited desu if only to see what they're going to say since going by titles alone it's very confusing
Well I'm a tranny and I've loved Tolkien since I was a child and I know many trannies who were the same so I guess it's just exploring the books because we love them?

>> No.18577039

Writing original content is hard, fanfic is easier. Trust me, I've written enough fanfic to know

>> No.18577074


I'm trying to make a CYOA game out of this travesty in the OP. You have to go to one of these panels. Which one? For me, I guess the least painful would be "Projecting Indian Myths, Culture and History onto Tolkien's Worlds."

You could always opt for "Stars Less Strange: An Analysis of Fanfiction and Representation within the Tolkien Fan Community."

>> No.18577096

>"Stars Less Strange: An Analysis of Fanfiction and Representation within the Tolkien Fan Community."
In my experience, LOTR fanfic is:
>50% Aragorn/Legolas smut
>25% Frodo/Sam smut
>10% Other Gay smut
>10% Heterosexual sut
>5% plot-focused stories
There's going to be lots of smut discussion I feel

>> No.18577098

Brer Rabbit
Anansi the Spider Man
The signifying monkey

>> No.18577154

>Oh no! A bunch of literal whos are going to talk about their own interpretation of this overrated genreshit that ultimately won't affect the works or how I view them whatsoever! Literally WHITE GENOCIDE!
Grow up
>inb4 dilate, ynbaw, kys tranny, etc.

>> No.18577160

So which mad lad is going to call in a bomb threat?

>> No.18577171


>> No.18577201

Would it be an impossibile forecast that predicts one day original Tolkien wouldn't be allowed, and all official copies would be rife with gay/non-white interpolation? I think this is path that these people thirst for and too many don't have the right stuff (zeal) to prevent it, a faggot like you being an exemplar.

>> No.18577278

>im ugly af and cant get any pussy
>woah i can just become a lesbian
*5 years after hrt*
>ah shit women still dont want to fuck me :(

>> No.18577639

Bomb threat to an online event?

>> No.18577690
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>white culture
Shut the fuck up you germanic mutt. Long live the Roman Empire! Death to the germanic barbarians!

>> No.18578045

White culture represents a solid 60% of the worthwhile culture, the rest being from the middle East and asia

>> No.18578052

The thing where Egyptians and Shakespeare's are black, also the myth where they invented things besides peanut butter

>> No.18578132

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow...To the last syllable of recorded time you will be a man

>> No.18578149

umm sweaty, reading books and *gasp* having opinions and articulating them in texts present to a tiny audience is actually the herald that brings forth the collapse of Western Civilization

>> No.18578152

>genre fiction

>> No.18578159

That would expose them as inferiors. Easier to tear down the white man's culture instead.

>> No.18578178

What a sad people, what impractical delusions, such a missed opportunity to appreciate a true masterwork

>> No.18578207
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I love the serendipitous alignment of what the fandom wants with Amazon corporate initiatives

>> No.18578408

Kill yourself anti white nigger

>> No.18578478
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They are reaching so fucking hard to make him gay... it's disgusting.

>> No.18578499
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These people should be shot

>> No.18578510
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>> No.18578525

Impatient with the emptiness of the Void outside the Timeless Halls, and desiring to create things of his own, he often entered the Void seeking the Flame Imperishable. But the Flame was of Ilúvatar and resided with him, and Melkor never discovered it. He continued to search, however, and as such was often alone and apart from his fellow Ainur. It was during these lonesome periods that he began to have ideas and thoughts of his own that were not in accordance with his fellow Ainur.

>> No.18578530

Why is that person wearing a Priests collar

>> No.18579191

yes, it is
when replacement level migration coincides with a state all but outlawing ethnic solidarity in only one racial group, the state and massive corporations both pushing an agenda to attack the culture of one racial group, and when you even have the stock market now looking to delist companies whose executives have too many of the same racial group
then it is all part of an attack

>> No.18579203


>> No.18579214

Gay and not canon. Not a penny spent or a second wasted watching the garbage they'll be putting out.

>> No.18579223

it's literal who's now who will be teaching this sort of stuff in 5 years. mainstream stuff we're seeing now was dismissed as moronic twittertards 5-10 years ago

>> No.18579224

she doesn't look like a validly ordained priest
maybe you should snatch it off her and teach her some manners

>> No.18579230

People were saying that about trannies 10 years ago now look at where we are. This shit filters down from academia into the culture. It's like saying why should you care if poison is released into the local water reservoir, it eventually finds its way into your cup.

>> No.18579238

>the stock market now looking to delist companies whose executives have too many of the same racial group
what the fuck

>> No.18579240

always the most retarded "whites" harping on about white "culture"

>> No.18579244

did that post deserve any other response?
it's literally just
"white culture exists when I want to criticize it, white culture doesn't exist when you want to defend the country and people you grew up with"

>> No.18579252

You're like a kid naively asking why there's a rich, nasty, hooknosed kid who almost never buys his own toys but always wants to steal and smash yours.

>> No.18579253

It's not enough to be dismissive you must instead fight back the more this is normalised the more it spreads
you must stride forth with your own culture instead of allowing them to shape views based on their own projections.

>> No.18579254

Are you being intentionally dense or are you just retarded?

>> No.18579260

Remember that people do not label themselves, outsiders and enemies label them. our enemies label us as white
as such we know our enemy by their language

>> No.18579262


>> No.18579274

You're not a tranny because any tranny knows that they don't prefer the term tranny as an identifier because it's a SLUR. You're like a dude pretending to be black going all,

>Well I'm a nigger and I've loved Tolkien since I was a child and I know many niggers who were the same so I guess it's just exploring books because we love them?

Very poor bait.
People are saying it's because they're politically charged homunculi being used to undermine a part of western society, and that's for the most part right. I'll tack on that in order to create mythology one needs a history, and the current people who make up the leftist amalgam plaguing shit today is enraged precisely because they lack a history.

>> No.18579295

Well I typed the word trans woman first but then I thought people would say 'YWNBAW' or something along those lines and so I wrote MtF and then I thought that was awkward and so I ended up choosing tranny because I'm using a term I don't like so people won't be as likely to hate on me
I use the word tranny everywhere outside of /lgbt/ and with my friends because it's easier that way

>> No.18579299

are you from Finland

>> No.18579300

Also nobody knows what tranner means
No I'm from Australia

>> No.18579302

tolkien society has had whackjob papers read at it for decades before any of it was truly monetised

>> No.18579372

So is there a stream of this going? For educational purposes.

>> No.18579452

I think on their youtube

>> No.18579521
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You don't like it when people make factual statements such as "You will never be a woman? "

>> No.18579530

It depends
I made myself cry for like 30 minutes one time cause I responded to someone who was like 'lol YWNBAW' and calling me a fetishist with a rant for 1600 characters about how disgusting I was and I don't want to repeat that

>> No.18579534

I dont pretend that Legolas is some Australian guy in the 21st century.. Why do you have to self-insert?

>> No.18579551

They didn't even invent peanut butter, that's the common myth revolving around George Carver.

>> No.18579565

It's okay, her "priests" are all eunuchs.

>> No.18579570

It's not about self inserting
Discussing trans themes is about common feelings and experiences that trans people have
For example discussing transness in The Ugly Duckling or The Little Mermaid, no I'm not saying that the duck is trans or the mermaid is trans I'm saying that the story depicted within the texts can be interpret as reflecting some aspect of transness
Now idk what the contributors are going to be talking about in their lecture, I can't see any aspect of transness in LOTR or Tolkien but I'm curious to know

>> No.18579576
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The truth can be painful, but reality is a harsh mistress.

>> No.18579584

The truth goes far beyond YWNBAW, you don't know the depths of my depravity and sickness

>> No.18579585

if you are in the whole "girly" phase, you are pretty much a fetishist

>> No.18579588
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>> No.18579591

>not about self inserting
>this children's story about a little duck has a theme about men with chopped off dicks

>> No.18579598

Wdym by the 'girly' phase?
As far as Blanchard goes, yeah I know
I've read most of his major studies also the book Men Trapped in Men's Bodies by Anne Lawrence and spent probably 200 hours discussing Blanchardian theory on the internet
It also has themes of homosexuality

>> No.18579603

>It also has themes of homosexuality
only in your rotten mind

>> No.18579605


>> No.18579619
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Yes, I do. You're a twisted man who's been addicted to the internet and pornography your entire life and it's warped your view of what is real and what isn't and modern society has decided to play along with your delusions, functionally telling a schizophrenic that it's okay to listen to the voices in their head instead of getting them the help they desperately need. I won't pretend that I don't have a disdain for the modernity that allows your kind to prosper, but it certainly isn't irrational hatred.

>> No.18579623

>Wdym by the 'girly' phase?
the /lgbt/ fags that all go "ooooo I have to shower cause I'm stinkyyyyyyyy", basically roleplaying as a young girl. Probably wearing high thigh socks and a skirt, meanwhile actual woman long have outgrown that phase because they simply grew up.
It's basically a fetish

>> No.18579629
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>> No.18579630

Not at all, look at whats happened with works like the Odyssey where "translations" have completely corrupted the original work under the guise of "interpretation". Ultimately the same will happen with Tolkein, first it will be his unfinished works as theyll use its status are being based on "notes" as license to change it. Then it will spread until the entire core works are so changed they dont at all reflect the originals. The original works will exist in an academic sense but likely as a study of "past views" and other such bs notions.

>> No.18579631


>> No.18579642

Hmm, that's not entirely accurate but that's ok, best for you to be ignorant of just how bad it can get
Oh ok
Well the only time I've ever worn women's clothing was when I was 8 years old and my parents screamed at me and despite having been on hormones for 3 years now I've never touched women's clothing once, nor makeup, I act like a man because of my malebrain
One of the better changes from the book desu
I like the film version of arise, arise, riders of theoden slightly better too although that might be arguable

>> No.18579646
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>tfw so manly and malebrained that the charge of the rohirrim makes me cry every time

>> No.18579657

Negros call themselves nigger (in their corrupted english, of course) all the time. Why would it be impossible for a tranny to say tranny?

>> No.18579660

>I've never touched women's clothing once, nor makeup, I act like a man because of my malebrain
reread what you just said anon

>> No.18579665

Yeah sorry, it should have been 'once since'

>> No.18579669
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>> No.18579671

Never heard of it

>> No.18579672

>I act like a man because of my malebrain

>> No.18579678

I don't see the problem anon, sorry

>> No.18579694

so you are ftm?

>> No.18579696

No I'm an MtF

>> No.18579718

so you actively go against your own male brain?
you literally admit you have a male brain

>> No.18579726

>Not at all, look at whats happened with works like the Odyssey where "translations" have completely corrupted the original work under the guise of "interpretation
Quick rundown?

>> No.18579729

>Mr Foreigner

>> No.18579741

Well malebrain means that my mind works as in the empathising-systemising theory where a malebrain is one that is more focused on systemising
So for example, I like fantasy books, books about ww2 military history and general naval history books, I like researching and collecting rare orchids, when I cook I always enjoy researching and making the most complicated and authentic dish possible, I like researching, categorising and listening to traditional folk music, etc

So basically it's being interested in people vs things, in my case I'm interested in people especially after 3 years of hormones but it's not a real interest
Outside of that there is no real 'male' brain or 'female' brain
Idk but I've seen people whine about Emily Wilson's recent translation

>> No.18579769

>>Mr Foreigner
> Not only is this the first English verse translation of the poem by a woman, it is a fluid and immensely readable versification.
>n practice, Wilson’s quiet ambition provides an immediacy and clarity, blowing away the cobwebs of pseudo-archaisms or epic pomposity, the brilliant clear sky after one of the many storms Odysseus endures.
I already have my concerns

>> No.18579817

Wiilson translated the odyssey in a way that takes the original meanings and applies them through a modern lens. A 'Servant' is translated to a 'slave' because they're war captives turned slave, not servants that pull a salary. She also fucks up the translation of a Greek word that doesn't translate well but means, roughly, 'manly heroic-ness' and she interpreted it as dudebroism and sexism against women
And the problem is not her interpretation . She's very clear about what she was doing. The problem was the rush by academia to peddle it to students without context of the translation changes. It's like how for a while Shakespeare wss taught using those 90s 'hip.hop Shakespeare's or whatever

>> No.18579834

Ask how I can tell you’re American.

>> No.18579847

>Christopher dies
>Immediately everything goes to shit
These people are like buzzards.

>> No.18579865

do you mean vultures?

>> No.18579879


>> No.18579990

> larps as the germanoids that ruined said culture
Gorms and Anglos have been infinitely more detrimental to "white culture" than brownies have ever been, you fucking retard.

>> No.18580001
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Who else is watching this to see how bad it is?

So far...
>Tolkien drew different meanings from his text - nobody can say what the text is
>denying the transgender reality of the text imperils others
>eucatastrophe - being trans
>gondor is trans because they lost land over time and gained it back
> finduilas being mentioned once is just like being trans
> Aragorn's speech has a parallels to Eowyn's - gender is so unimportant in lotr

>> No.18580009

Where are you watching? I can't find a stream and they won't email me back with a zoom link

>> No.18580019

link plox

>> No.18580020
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I got the zoom call emailed to me, not sure how to help you fren.

>> No.18580027

Can't you post the link or call ID?

>> No.18580028

Sure I can do that - you need an account for this meeting. No chat and they will ban people out.

863 3917 1359

>> No.18580056

anon, can you please record the whole thing

>> No.18580061

Damn I missed the trannyshit

>> No.18580074

I'll see, I expected someone else to. They are recording this as a zoom meeting - it might go up on their site.

>> No.18580078

Stop gaslighting

>> No.18580083

Oy Vey

>> No.18580104
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Ok I'm set up, I will start recording from the next speaker

>> No.18580113

How is Frodo disabled?

>> No.18580123

hmm maybe because he got stabbed and it still hurts once in while.

>> No.18580135
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>> No.18580174

Share a few shots anon

>> No.18580190
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>> No.18580198

Ignoring the destructive trends rampant in academia does not make you smart

>> No.18580199

You should have. Brer Rabbit is where the "supposedly" racist term "tarbaby" originates from. It's quite funny how that meaning was changed desu

>> No.18580219

I unironically lol'd! These people are hiliarious, and they are not a storm, rather they are a smal, bad smelling phart. JRRT's work will easily weather the pathetic pharts of Mordor.

>> No.18580220

Perhaps your just a man? And these constructs you make referring to your biological impulses are really just your natural self that you ought to embrace?

>> No.18580239

>I have privately diagnosed Tolkien with autism (especially after I got my own diagnosis recently!)

>> No.18580251

Is there a stream for this?

>> No.18580253
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Current talk isn't so bad, here's one from the first talk.

>> No.18580259

Stay mad chud

>> No.18580262

Joined this shit just to see how many people were there but I guess you can't see it.

This thread shows why Tolkien came to hate his fandom

>> No.18580268

They really made disability an identity just like gender

>> No.18580274

How is Morgoth disabled? Because he burnt his hand trying to hold the Silmarills?

>> No.18580291

Yes, because you are a man. You know it too. Rather than ruining your life trying to deny it, maybe just embrace who you are?

>> No.18580297
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I'd give an upper estimate of a couple hundred

The real reason is the speaker is 'impaired' but wants to claim to be disabled so she is arguing impairments = disability

>> No.18580342

Dilate, YWNBAW, kys tranny etc.

>> No.18580353
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Gene Wolfe (pbuh) saw this attack by Mordor coming, but also he ultimately had confidence in the intrinsic truth and strength of JRRT's vision.


>> No.18580388

I'm not eloquent but i'm convinced this promotion of disability and self-identification of it is a way of abdicating responsibility and diffusing blame for failure onto society.
>I'm not a failure I'm xyz disabled. Society needs to support xzy disabled people! Don't be anti-xyz disabled!
And of course the establishment runs with it because its a way for them to abdicate responsibility as well.

>> No.18580407

lost a finger

>> No.18580428
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Can somebody restream this? They literally took down the part of the announcement where they said it would be streamed over YT just before the event started

>> No.18580437
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Lol, I don't see much point, just join with the id I posted?

The seminar recording should get uploaded here.

>> No.18580442

Between the twenty or so speakers they must have enough combined brain cells to realise they don't want actual questions which can challenge their bullshit during the live broadcast.

>> No.18580445
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> Citing Kristeva, ever

>> No.18580456
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>> No.18580457

> one is not born a woman
did they just invalidate half of all transgender people?

>> No.18580479

A 5 line reply. Could of used those lines to answer the question.

>> No.18580484
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>muh women

>> No.18580539

>muh pornography
Where does this retarded meme come from that all trannies are just porn addicts?
>t. AGPer that never got into porn and was only into anime for a year or so as a teen

>> No.18580579

Anons in the seminar what have they reported so far?

>> No.18580651

Since when was cherry picking lines and reading them through the lens of retards considered scholarly work?

>> No.18580671
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Illuvatar = अवतार

>> No.18580720

Shits boring as fuck

>> No.18580726

Agreed they really blew their load with the first speaker.

>> No.18580773

Bioleninism is reducto ad absurdium

>> No.18580781

>could of
youre on lit for fucks sake

>> No.18580795

can any of them speak elvish? if not why not?

>> No.18580818

Didn't know that should have been a have. Teach me the difference between their and there next anon. They put me in the special class during primary school I missed all this shit.

>> No.18580874

if Amazon themselves couldnt pozz LOTR why are you guys afraid of a subreddit?

>> No.18580891

>he believes in Satan

>> No.18580897

>Does anyone still think white genocide is just a conspiracy theory?

>> No.18580929
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>Can't get laid

>> No.18580969
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Why would john oliver say that?

>> No.18580970

They believe in it and worship it and do their deeds in its name.
we need to take it seriously these people want to kill us and/or enslave us

>> No.18580996

they made white an identity too lmao

>> No.18581000

Buck Breaking

>> No.18581001

20 spics

>> No.18581239

when is the last time these idiots actually read tolkien without cherry picking for tidbits that support their oppressive worldview?

>> No.18581273
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>> No.18581304

I'm not so much upset at what they'll do to Tolkien as I am sad to see the state of academia. The books are so well established that all anyone can do is project their bullshit onto them, not change them fundamentally. Fuck, there was that videogame a few years back that made Shelob a sexy goth chick for some reason and the fundamental work hasn't suffered for it. But this kind of nonsense tends to just be poor scholarship, chosen for the topics it's covering rather than any quality in the research. Academia was and could be more.

>> No.18581367
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To be fair the Shelob thing had backing in qoutes from letters between Tolkien and Christopher.

>> No.18581381

top kek

>> No.18581462

Well, women are spiritually spiders, web-weaving and egg-laying demons, so it's not that far from reality imho
Mention one male spider in works of art, i'll wait

>> No.18581712

ngl some of these seem interesting to read

>> No.18581718
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they want to convince you it’s like a fanfic convention and talking about queer readings and trans reinterpretations is just a fun hypothetical. But the careerists and academics who organize and speak at shit like this need to keep the narrative evolving and they need to make it look as legit as possible. So they will forever be pushing conversation in the direction of making Tolkien himself more inclusive and because they publish their findings out of accredited universities they can say you are a narrow-minded, toxic bigot if you disagree with their “finding” that Tolkien was trans-positive and deliberately included dog whistles about it in his fiction

>> No.18581795
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mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18581804

The queers and trannies are purpose engineered biopolitical clientele for the PMC and multinational corporations a subhuman race of mindless HR compliant consumer cattle who dont breed think or question authority.

>> No.18581818
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They are social parasites obsessed with dragging us all down to their level any sane society would have put them out of their misery a long time ago.

>> No.18581828

How so?

>> No.18581862

I mean at least the old cathic clergy was discreet about the child raping and tried to keep it at a respectable level, the new marxist clergy wants to brainwash us all into thinking its progressive and normal

I mean at least the church had dante and the bible and the whole western tradition while the new church of POZ has only gay fanfic and corporate propaganda.

I mean what have the leftists and their corporate masters done beyond replacing christ on the cross with a pink haired faggot on a wheelchair? Except the queer wont grant me eternal life or even forgive me for the sins of my bigotted white ancestors. What have these people ever done other than get fucked in the ass? If they are so good then why arent we allowed to criticise them?Im just saying it would ne pretty funny if we could get together two planks of wood and a bucketful of nails and actually crucify the fucker for real.

>> No.18581873

>Well I'm a tranny and I've loved Tolkien since I was a child
List of things that correlate with autism

>> No.18581891

>child raping at a respectable level

>> No.18581898
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Ah yes, What is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures?Any lgbt/queer theory/ transgender/ cultural marxism books you would recommend to a white male who is trying to overcome his deepseated heteronormative prejudices? I am aware that these wise and noble creatures have lots of things to teach us, but I can't get over this feeling of dread whenever they come marching in with their rainbows and dildos and 7 year old drag queens. Which makes me feel horribly guilty, knowing the institutional hatred and discrimination the poor dears face every day.

>> No.18581908

I simply asked a question. You're literally unable to defend your own point, and instead resort to copypasting the same post over and over?

>> No.18581925

Don't engage with schizos anon

>> No.18581949

Ableism against our schizophrenic comrades will not be tolerated. 'Schizo' is a slur which is not for you to use unless you are a diagnosed schizophrenic yourself

>> No.18581959

Its like they are NPCs from a videogamehollow husks that used to be human but are not any more.

>> No.18581967

I really wish redditors and bunker fags would fuck off. White genocide is real, and "white culture" is an umbrella term for the cultures of Europeans, Boers, and European Americans/Canadians/Australians. Go be triggered somewhere else you retarded cunts.

>> No.18581971

These people dont have sex, they virtue signal and engage in shrill politically correct activities at the behest of george soros and their marxist proffesors whatever it is they do is purely sanctimonious and ideological and utterly devoid of anything ressembling eroticism

>> No.18581985

Lmao fat retard

>> No.18581986

I mean LOTR is pretty famous for having a hippy filled fandom that Tolkien himself hated
this is just the usual tempest in a teapot nonsense over the latest bullshit people get triggered about

>> No.18582007

Its the left and their corporate masters who want to ground down all of humanity into a single indistinct pink haired mass of queer sludge. If they win there will be no place for white patriots but neither for pious muslims or devout latin catholics. Its really the PC corporate cultural marxist monoculture v those who dare to dissent even on the slightest.

>> No.18582017

yeah, nah, the declaration of independence of the united states of america was literally the point where everything started to go wrong. the united states, since their inception, have done everything to corrupt, undermine and destroy everything that you have come to associate to "western civilization".

>> No.18582030

>Bernie Bros, male feminists and ‘good guy’ liberals all support sex work, but for some reason they aren’t paying girls like me for sex

>Four months before Violet, a 25-year-old transsexual with dollish cheekbones and a primary color wardrobe, moved to Brooklyn, she toyed with the idea of holding “a farewell tour” in her lifelong home of Portland, Oregon. Her approach to putting a bow on her 20-plus years in a city mocked for its liberal leanings was to collide her two disparate worlds: her friend circle of Juul-puffing mulleted Bernie Bros with her recent professional foray into sucking cock for cash.

>“What if I put it out there that I’m available as a sex worker for people I know for highly discounted rates?”

>I feel like the process of institutionalizing harm reduction really took the faggotry and sluttiness out of it, which makes me so sad,” they said, “especially because we know that so much of harm reduction practices and theories came out of sex working communities, people who are chemically dependent, sick and disabled people, and communities of care made up of gay men of color and trans women of color.”
To Any members of the trans community here on 4chan. As a privileged white male i am way too disgusted by your subhuman degeneracy to even consider you using you as a disposable sexual object. But i am asking you to consider the offer, ill give you five bucks for the chance to call you a mentally ill faggot and spit on your face . after all cash is cash and the smack aint gonna pay for itself

>> No.18582064

I've yet to hear a convincing argument from your side.mean the ideology doesnt make any sense gays and trannies are "born that way" and unfairly oppressed by those evil cis white males. And also gender is a social construct and masculinity is toxic i tell you these people are brainwashed. Gee for some reason its way easier to find scientific proof for race iq correlation than for homosexuality or transgenderism having a scientific basis. when anyone with half a brain can see he main causes of homosexuality and transgenderism are a) having been horribly raped and molested as a child b) growing up without a father c) falling for globohomo psyops and propaganda d)watching too much pornography e) mental illness.

Reminder: When lgbt talk about their identity being based of science this is what they mean by "science"


>> No.18582080

Fuck off, retard. Europeans who talk shit about America are so pathetic. In Britain you'll go to court if you make a joke about Nazis, and get arrested for carrying a knife. Germany has illegal baby names. You're all becoming just as "diverse" as the US, so you don't even have the right to call us mutts anymore. You're worse off than we are.

>> No.18582115

>leftists are just envious of rich, successful people and want to kill them!
>leftists in fact support rich, successful people!
Which is it? I forgot
>I mean LOTR is pretty famous for having a hippy filled fandom that Tolkien himself hated
Is it? In my country literal fascists use Tolkien imagery.

>> No.18582124

>I've yet to hear a convincing argument from your side
You don't even know what my side is. I simply asked a question.

>> No.18582133

>Germany has illegal baby names.
Such as?

>> No.18582141

If leftists were legit theyd be going after gays and trannies given all the corporations promote them . i mean they might say they hate the rich but really they are just the subhuman waste produced by the system they dont want to create anything they want to drag the rest of us down to their level as such they are natural allies of corporate capitalism at its most decadent and degraded. The peoples movement for renewal must begin with the purging of diseased elements.

>> No.18582146

This is high satire

>> No.18582152

Adolf, Osama bin Laden, etc

>> No.18582155

I know well what your side is your side is all universities and corporations and most of the mainstream media my side is the honest working people who've just had enough of your shit

>> No.18582161

>If leftists were legit theyd be going after gays and trannies given all the corporations promote them
This honestly does not make much sense. What political gain would come from killing, say, George Clooney specifically because he appeared in a Nestlè ad?

>> No.18582163

This is low satire

>> No.18582170

>trust me bro, I just know

>> No.18582171

I just read Crisis of the Modern World

>> No.18582188

He said "go after" them, not murder them. The way they go after Christcucks and gun owners.

>> No.18582194

>Is it? In my country literal fascists use Tolkien imagery.
back in the 60s and 70s when Tolkien first became huge LOTR and the Hobbit's fandom was filled with hippies, and Tolkien was uncomfortable as hell about them.
it's why I find these discussions so silly honestly
I should also add that whoever was bitching about academic translations is dumb because when it comes to academic translations professors don't automatically choose the newest one. Like the Genji Monogatari has 4-5 English translations but with the exception of Waley's old one (poetic but Waley meddles with the story and cuts shit he doesn't like, like Genji fucking the one girls brother when he couldn't fuck her) the differences between them are minor

>> No.18582207

You don't think universities and media corporations are run by leftists? Do you live under a rock?

>> No.18582221

Do you literally not remember what you write?
>I know well what your side is

>> No.18582226

Yeah, I'm sure the department of gender studies at Harvard is the one that determines what goes on in their comparatively smaller departments of Economics or Political Science.

>> No.18582228

When people here complain about globohomo why don't they acknowledge that 4chan is a huge example of global homogeny. You could say that "there are some aspects that aren't as bad as others" but its still globohomo

>> No.18582246

I'm not him, but rereading the convo, it's true that you didn't claim a side, you just asked 'how so'. My mistake.

>> No.18582258

the only department at my uni where I ever ran into political nonsense where it didn't belong was the English department funny enough.

>> No.18582266

All departments in all universities are affected by leftist bullshit. When federal law in the US is affected by it. Derek Chauvin is going to prison for following his training as a cop.

>> No.18582277

>the declaration of independence of the united states
What the fuck are you even talking about

>> No.18582296

I mean arent you tired of the ceaseless screeching and snivelling of their shrill, evil, 'marginalized voices'? Wouldnt it be great if we could just make them go away somehow, you know load them all up into trucks drive them out to the countryside, make them dig a nice big trench? Wouldnt the very air we breathe feel much cleaner?

>> No.18582297

>it's why I find these discussions so silly honestly
Nobody really fucking cares if you don’t like the dissent
We’re here to make fun of your bullshit projections onto a literary work and to let others who also think your retarded know this is a perfectly normal viewpoint

>> No.18582308

Yes? They and their students complain to the administration about anyone who doesn’t express solidarity with leftist sentiments.
Troll better bro (because yes, you are a man) literally everybody knows there is no such thing as free speech in higher education, you need a new angle

>> No.18582322

>We’re here to make fun of your bullshit projections
he cries projection as he himself projects the notion that I'm somehow one of the retards from OPs pic lmao
should I call these discussions deranged instead of silly if this is the level of argument I can expect? why you would care about some dumb seminar for a bunch of meme "academics" is beyond me.

>> No.18582324

Tolkien is dead.

Why do you people care? His canon is complete. Nothing can change that.

>> No.18582350
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>nothing can change that
False, in fact they’ve already lost

>> No.18582354

>How is Frodo disabled?

Severe PTSD. Frodo couldn't bear to keep living even in the cozy Shire. The narration makes it sound like he only got ill a couple of times a year, but I think he was in near-constant torment and hid it from Sam who wrote the last chapter.

>> No.18582360

>getting triggered by fan fiction.
Also, Who is “they”?

>> No.18582372

Adolf is not illegal, you idiot.

>> No.18582375

>Help! I have been found out!

Never forget, these people want you broke, dead your children raped and brainwashed and they think its pretty funny. They are deranged, violence is the only language they understand

>> No.18582382

bros, we lost. someone made a reddit post, therefore it's official.

>> No.18582392

where is Stalin when you need him

>> No.18582396

>Help! I have been found out!
kek what?
I feel like I'm talking to a schizo judging by the level of not listening going on here.

>> No.18582412

>If leftists were legit theyd be going after gays and trannies given all the corporations promote them .

that's actually started to happen. the economic far left and the social far left (the super-woke) do not get along.

>> No.18582418

>Genji fucking the one girls brother when he couldn't fuck her

The first novelist was also the first fujoshi? Damn.

>> No.18582435

Its a good thing insofar as it allows us to see the enemy clearly.

>> No.18582440

>When people here complain about globohomo why don't they acknowledge that 4chan is a huge example of global homogeny. You could say that "there are some aspects that aren't as bad as others" but its still globohomo

it's not hypocrisy when we do it

>> No.18582465

We all know why this is being promoted as a means of buckbreaking the working class to make them docile and compliant

>> No.18582478
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>> No.18582522
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>> No.18582529


Don't forget to take your finasteride, Hasan.

>> No.18582534

The goal of the lgbt movement is to buckbreak the working class

>> No.18582535

Kinda, yeah. A popular post propagating Tolkien's "queer coding" on Reddit demonstrates interest and solidifies demand for this sort of interpretive framework. If Tolkien's works arent removed from circulation in the next 10 years, it'll only be because LGBTQ+ communities declare him a proto-ally.

>> No.18582552

I mean it's a small scene of a few sentences that isn't relevant again. It's just a good example of Waley cutting stuff out of his translation.

>> No.18582555


Go watch an interview with Yeonmi Park, North Korean defector who ended up at Columbia University.

>> No.18582572

Last time I saw that on /tv/ someone posted the rest of it where it was sitting at zero karma and people were calling them an idiot. Reddit is a worse cesspool than this place but using that as an example is just stupid.

>> No.18582639

Spandrell's analysis might be helpful

>> No.18582647

>just ignore them and they will go away
anyone remembers this cope?

>> No.18582721

Is there any actual evidence of this whole buck breaking nonsense that didn't just come from some poof's fantasies?

>> No.18582729

It would work if they weren't backed by corporate interests

>> No.18582737

I'm starting to lose my patience

>> No.18582750

There isn't any proof. That's why it's so frustrating.The average person is so fucking stupid they believe shit with no evidence whatsoever. Ancient diversity is another bullshit fantasy that's being pushed by retards onto other retards who slurp it right out of their ass. Becoming an adult is realizing that most people are incapable of being rational.

>> No.18582784

Because they want to corrupt everything good

>> No.18582878
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> Rich people, or people with the inborn traits which lead to being rich, will always have status in any natural society.
Stopped reading there

>> No.18582917


>> No.18583149

When did you first realise that democracy is just evil fucks manipulating these retards?

>> No.18583574

March 15th 44BC