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File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, anarcho_capitalism_wallpaper_by_appriweb-d5xfm41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18575511 No.18575511 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not an AnCap though I'm interested in reading their arguments and their beliefs.

>> No.18575556

gay niggers from outer space 2: the novelization

>> No.18575567


>> No.18575723


>> No.18575925

The Mises Institute has all the audiobooks and pdfs you need friend. :)

>> No.18576065


Capital as power by Nitzan and Bichler.

>> No.18576092

Ayn Rand is an obvious choice, not an anarchist but definitely is an capitalist extremist

>> No.18576098
File: 87 KB, 600x754, ancap2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... for sale, right?

>> No.18577151


>> No.18577205

no dude they're fucking retarded

>> No.18577314

Chaos Theory by Robert P. Murphy: https://mises.org/library/chaos-theory-two-essays-market-anarchy-0
Short and addresses some of the biggest points. If you want more, Rothbard is probably where you want to go next. His Power and Market is more economy-focused, while his The Ethics of Liberty and For a New Liberty are supposed to be more political (I haven't read those last 2). Depending on how deep you want to go, you may want to check out Hoppe for more theory and Block for more practical application. You can pretty much find all of these at mises.org for free.

>> No.18577324

i too watch jreg and am 13

>> No.18577336

>believe in NAP
>believe in natural rights
>I'm now an ancap

>> No.18577520
File: 1.29 MB, 2426x2676, ancap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Highly recommend The Ethics of Liberty. You'll never look at any form of political authority the same way.

>> No.18577984

That’s okay. Ancaps aren’t anarchists either.

>> No.18578402
File: 37 KB, 640x480, 1621345359628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unqualified Reservations, it will simultaneously redpill you on and refute libertarianism.

>> No.18578423

Dude! Muh roads!

>> No.18578430
File: 54 KB, 753x426, 9Q2T2UR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Authority coming through:

- The Machinery of Freedom
- The Libertarian Manifesto
- Against the State
- The Anatomy of the State
- The Market for Liberty
- The Enterprise of Law
- The Ethics of Freedom
- Democracy: The God That Failed
- The Structure of Liberty
- The Most Dangerous Surpestition
- Defending the Undefendable
- The Economics and Ethics of Private Property
- The Myth of the Rational Voter
- Egalitarism as a Revolt Against Nature
- New Libertarian Manifesto
- The Problem of Political Authority
- Against Intellectual Property
- The Production of Security
- The Myth of National Defense
- The New Libertarianism: Anarcho-Capitalism
- The Voluntary City
- The Anti-Capitalistic Mentality
- The Invisible Hook
- Our Enemy the State
- Principles of Anarcho-Capitalism and Demarchy
- Ethics of Money Production
- Anarchism: Arguments for and Against
- In Defense of Anarchism
- Civil Disobedience
- Man, Economy and State
- Rights of Man
- Self-Reliance
- Human Action
- The Theory of Money and Credit
- Omnipotent Government: The Rise of the Total State and Total War
- Nation, State, and Economy: Contributions to the Politics and History of Our Time
- Epistemological Problems of Economics
- A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline
- Economic Science and the Austrian Method
- The Private Production of Defense
- Getting Libertarianism Right
- From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy
- What Must be Done
- The Case Against the Fed
- Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth
- Anarchy State and Utopia
- Planned Chaos
- Conceived in Liberty
- Power & Market
- The Road to Serfdom
- Harmonies Economique
- Essays on Political Economy
- Sophisms of the Protectionists
- Economic Sophisms
- Understanding Capital
- The Law
- Things Seen and Things Not Seen
- The Economical Science and the Austrian Method
- The Theory of Money and Credit
- A History of Money and Banking in the United States
- An Austrian Perspective on the History of Economic Thought
- A Grande Depressão Americana
- The Mystery of Banking
- The Journal of Libertarian Studies
- Monopoly and Competence
- The Logic of Action Two
- Educação: Livre e Obrigatória
- Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure
- The Case for 100% Gold Dollar
- Economic Controversies
- Wall Street, Banks and American Foreign Policy
- The Essential Von Mises
- Science, Technology and Government
- The Irrepressible Rothbard
- Esquerda e Direita: Perspectivas
- Origins of the Federal Reserve
- Competition & Entrepreneurship
- Princípios da Economia Política
- Economies for Real People
- Individualism and Economic Order
- Austrian Theory of the Trade Cycle and other Essays
- Advances in Austrian Economics
- The Economics of Time and Ignorance
- The Failure of New Economics
- Calculation and Coordination
- Microfundations and Macroeconomics

>> No.18578431

In what way? What are you even talking about?

>> No.18578443

And nowhere can it reasonably explain how capitalism can exist without a state

>> No.18578451

>how can people come to an agreement in working voluntary hierarchies and maintain civilized order through sovereign private property and private defense, I just don't get it man

>> No.18578537

Has anyone unironically been an ancap in the past 10 years?

I've literally never understood it's appeal as an ideology.

>> No.18578552

I'm back butterfly :3

>> No.18578568


That list owns because nothing in the listed refutations of Kapital actually refute anything in it.

>> No.18578575


>Even though capitalism has spent the past 400 years of its existence attempting to actively dismantle different modes of production and reprogramming people into capitalist monads we can actually just get rid of the state mediating market interactions because my fee fee's tell me so.

Left and right anarchists are both so insanely unhinged if they think they can completely paradigm shift the scope of human interaction.

>> No.18578581

its for teens and people that have to pay taxes for the first time. The appeal in theory is that you can do whatever with what you own and dont need no guberment with those pesky things like regulations, but any support for this ideology usualy collapses when people realize that this also applies to everyone else, including the fuckers the already abuse the system.
Thats why even most Ancaps have a problem with copyright protections

>> No.18578598

>Maybe if I just throw random words together they'll end up meaning something

Nothing that you said makes any sense. "Capitalism is trying to dismantle different modes of production" is an utterly retarded and nonsensical statement, and one that means nothing at all. The very point of the removal of the estate in market relations is so that the forced interactions between Estate and private companies doesn't allow mega corporations to lobby the government for more market regulations, taxation and the growing increase of inflation that strangle the small and medium entrepreneur out of the market allowing mega corporations to dominate, and which stunt economical growth. You out yourself as completely ignorant of the topic you try to so absolutely make statements about.

>> No.18578608
File: 415 KB, 704x396, 5FD0950E-BC6A-473C-A616-E78CCB7BA568.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“Left” anarchism happens all the time

>> No.18578615

Yes, I need help cumming, women have done this for me before :3

Just tell me something sweet right now

*nestles between breasts* these are all mine right?