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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 9 KB, 289x174, crem.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18575460 No.18575460 [Reply] [Original]

reading a lot made me a communist

>> No.18575486

watching sissy hypno a lot made me gay

>> No.18575595

Working a lot and trying to stop working a lot makes you a communist. You’re a bourgeous liberal.

>> No.18575617

Thank God I can't read

>> No.18575620

Someone make this a /lit/ banner

>> No.18575631

Reading about the revolutions of 1989, the power struggles within the Soviet Union and Maoist China made anti-communist and a liberal

>> No.18576942

This deserves to be dubs and done.

>> No.18577271

me too and great movie

>> No.18577288

Communist as in a democrat voter who hates "neoliberalism"? Yeah most reading will do that to you

>> No.18577325
File: 33 KB, 713x430, bye.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that great commie lit..........

>> No.18577380


>> No.18578492

Holy shit. I'm a fucking communist.

>> No.18579268

That’s weird, reading a lot made me a fascist

>> No.18579273

reading a lot turned me into a cynic who sees ideology as nothing more than a symbol to maintain.
not trying to be too edgy but ideology isnt real

>> No.18579275

these two got exactly what was coming for them for fucking up the socialist project as hard as they did. i say that as a communist and a romanian

>> No.18579276

Keep reading

>> No.18579727

Is this also true for office cuckery? I'd probably be considered part of the petite bourgeoisie, but white-collar work really makes me hope for a revolution.

>> No.18579948
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>When the anarchist, as the mouthpiece of the declining levels of society, insists on 'right,' 'justice,' 'equal rights' with such beautiful indignation, he is just acting under the pressure of his lack of culture, which cannot grasp why he really suffers, what he is poor in– in life.
>A drive to find causes is powerful in him: it must be somebody's fault that he's feeling bad . . . Even his 'beautiful indignation' does him good; all poor devils like to whine--it gives them a little thrill of power. Even complaints, the act of complaining, can give life the charm on account of which one can stand to live it: there is a subtle dose of revenge in every complaint; one blames those who are different for one's own feeling bad, and in certain circumstances even being bad, as if they were guilty of an injustice, a prohibited privilege. 'If I'm a lowlife, you should be one too': on this logic, revolutions are built.–
>Complaining is never good for anything; it comes from weakness. Whether one ascribes one's feeling bad to others or to oneself–the socialist does the former, the Christian, for example, the latter–makes no real difference. What is common to both and, let us add, what is unworthy, is that it should be someone's fault that one is suffering–in short, that the sufferer prescribes the honey of revenge as a cure for his own suffering.

>> No.18579987

Reading a lot made me a Sorelian

>> No.18579993

>reading about bourgeois politics made me anti-communist and liberal

>> No.18580088

read more and you'll grow out of it.

>> No.18581119
File: 142 KB, 800x1283, 15867562567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the book for you.

>> No.18581127

mean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18581159

Books have had no impact whatsoever on muh political views (racism, antisemitism)

>> No.18581181
File: 8 KB, 235x215, 64800E0D-2DD6-45F3-88B7-616AD4E05AE2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Cremator (Czech: Spalovač mrtvol) is a 1969 Czechoslovak dark comedy film directed by Juraj Herz, based on a novel by Ladislav Fuks. The screenplay was written by Herz and Fuks. The film was selected as the Czechoslovakian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 42nd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee. In 1972, it won the Festival de Cine de Sitges Best Film award, where it also received awards for its star Rudolf Hrušínský and cinematographer Stanislav Milota.
>The story is set in 1930s Prague, where the cremator Karel Kopfrkingl lives and works. Kopfrkingl slowly devolves from an odd but relatively well-meaning cremator of the dead into a murderer of his family and mass murderer who runs the ovens at extermination camps due to the influence of the Nazi party and Tibetan Buddhism, as he believes his murders are "liberating" the souls of the diseased into a better life. The film is mostly made up of monologues from Kopfrkingl that follow his descent into madness. Influenced by German Expressionist film, it is often cited as an example of the Czechoslovak New Wave. The film was withdrawn from circulation in 1973 and not seen again until 1990, after the collapse of the communist system in Czechoslovakia in 1989.
>With a 90.2% score on the Czech and Slovak Movie Database as well as praise from movie critics, The Cremator is often considered to be one of the best movies ever made in Czechoslovakia. It has also gathered a prominent cult following.
Sounds like commie kino. Will add to my list.

>> No.18581185
File: 36 KB, 429x511, Friedrich_Engels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Justice", "humanity", "freedom", "equality", "fraternity", "independence" - so far we have found nothing in the pan-Slavist manifesto but these more or less ethical categories, which sound very fine, it is true, but prove absolutely nothing in historical and political questions. "Justice", "humanity", "freedom", etc., may demand this or that a thousand times over; but if the thing is impossible it does not take place and in spite of everything remains an "empty figment of a dream". The pan-Slavists' illusions ought to have understood that all pious wishes and beautiful dreams are of no avail against the iron reality

>Herr Heinzen appears to be alluding here to the fact that Communists have made fun of his sternly moral demeanour and mocked all those sacred and sublime ideas, virtue, justice, morality, etc., which Herr Heinzen imagines for the basis of all society. We accept this reproach. The Communists will not allow the moral indignation of that, honourable man Herr Heinzen to prevent them from mocking these eternal verities. The Communists moreover, maintain that these eternal verities are by no means the basis, but on the contrary the product, of the society in which they feature.

>We describe — and despite Mülberger every real description is at the same time an explanation — economic relationships as they are and as they are developing, and we provide the proof, strictly economically, that their development is at the same time the development of the elements of a social revolution.... Proudhon, on the contrary, demands from present-day society that it shall transform itself not according to the laws of its own economic development, but according to the prescriptions of justice (the “conception of justice” does not belong to him, but to Mülberger). Where we prove, Proudhon, and with him Mülberger, preaches and laments.

>> No.18581250

torrenting it right now

>> No.18581257

Reading a lot made me a deranged nazi. Also made me come to terms with, and stop repressing, my sodomic desires.

>> No.18581913

Imagine unironically being a liberoid lmao

>> No.18581918


>> No.18581929

I'd like to say "based" in Romanian, but only words I know are bere, frumoasa fata, curva and such pula

>> No.18581936

Holy shit, what kind of retard prints such an eviction notice?

>> No.18581952
File: 91 KB, 851x900, 1612964484664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what happens when you keep reading the same shit again and again.

>> No.18581974

World needs a big Communist state and even a fascist state to balance out the fucking bullshit of lib capitalism and break the gloomy stasis.

>> No.18582018

a "communist state" is a dictatorship of the proletariat which is economically still only transitioning out of capitalism and a fascist state is fully capitalist

>> No.18582019
File: 2.65 MB, 4160x3120, 20210703_222855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This single pic destroys your argument, sorry.

>> No.18582022

Someone who's extremely based

>> No.18582034

This is just word games when you broaden the definition of capitalism to include everything that is not explicitly Marxist

>> No.18582058

21st century fascists are moving more and more towards left economically.

>> No.18582088

well there's China's Communist Party doing illiberal communist capitalism the best in the world right now and it's likely we'll be seeing more of that elsewhere too in the future.

>> No.18582390

If a thief enters my house with a gun, I have the right to kill him, it's self defense.
The same principle applies to communists. People who want to take control of the State to make the State steal the private property of all its citizens are just like that thief and should be killed.
They should be hunted down like foxes and live in terror.

>> No.18582395

reading a little bit made me a communist. reading a lot made me an anti-communist.

>> No.18582415

There arent that many great communist literature writers. A lot of philosophers and theorists, absolutely, but not that many lit authors compared to liberals or reactionaries.
Why is that?

>> No.18582442

Brecht? Neruda? Calvino?

>> No.18582476
File: 174 KB, 1200x1175, EoEFbPyWMAIg96k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The report, An Economy for the 99 Percent (48 pages, PDF), found that eight billionaires — all men — have accumulated as much wealth as the poorest 3.6 billion people on the planet. Based on new data on the global distribution of wealth, particularly in India and China, Oxfam significantly revised down the number of billionaires owning as much as the poorest half of humanity as of a year ago, from sixty-two to nine. Since 2015, the richest 1 percent of the world's population has accumulated more wealth than the rest of the global population combined.

>> No.18582533

>Surplus value
doesnt exist, anon

>> No.18582553

True, black magic is what made Bill Gates rich.

>> No.18582573

Dont care if its commies or fashies whoever actually doew something to disrupt this world im on their side

>> No.18582574

Show me some surplus labour, anon. Got any laying around?

>> No.18582593

Based Sorelian

>> No.18582715

Show me your thoughts or feelings. Show me your friendship. Your faith.

Do you people not make grammatical analysis in middle school?

>> No.18582725

Ah so surplus labour is purely a product of the mind, good to know. We can safely disregard it then

>> No.18582746

k then target billionaires, don't liquidate the kulaks ffs

>> No.18582749

what books are you reading?

>> No.18582762

>product of the mind, good to know. We can safely disregard it then
Why are you on /lit/ then?

>> No.18582767

>hoarding grain during a famine isn't murderous and criminal

>> No.18582788

>k then target billionaires
So this is your understanding of the matter? "Target billionaires"? If I personally killed all the billionaires in the world (...wait for it...) there would be MORE billionaires, because their child would inherit the dead fuckers' wealth.
Not sure how kulaks are relevant in the discourse desu. There were no billionaires in 30s USSR, and kulaks were causing problems (famines, in fact)

>> No.18582822

Do imbeciles really think they will work less under communism?
Only difference is that instead of working for your boss - of whom you can free yourself someday - you'll work for the government - of whom you cannot free yourself.

>> No.18582897

>Do imbeciles really think they will work less under communism?
>what are trade unions


>> No.18582924

The chart you posted has no mention of trade unions, one; two, worker's/trade unions in the US, at its peak, were still a minority of the total work force and even less so today.

>> No.18582949

I don't though. everything where production is ruled by capital accumulation is included, but all the rest is excluded, like feudal production ruled by the subsistence of the producer and their lord, production by a community ruled by its own subsistence, and so on.

yes, left of capital, i.e. state as the owner of capital and the entrepreneur, the suppression of competition within the state with the exacerbation of competition between the states, and so on. this isn't new though, those were the conditions under which capitalism operated in the 20s and 30s already. and it was also the policy of the post-war leftist post-colonial states that wanted to accelerate their capitalist development through state-directed centralization of capitals and to assert some independence against the US and USSR imperialist camps through international competition

you're a basement-dwelling loser though, so stop larping

if you want the clearest way to perceive surplus labour then just consider a feudal lord and serfs that are his subjects. the surplus labour is very clearly delineated in the labour performed to produce the food they transfer are forced to transfer to feed his idle ass. the only difference in capitalism is that all the food would get sold together and then only split between the workers and the financial capitalist in the money form

of course people will work less.
first, a capitalist barrier to technological improvement will be lifted: new technology will no longer be introduced only when it becomes more profitable for the capitalist than employing more labour with the older technology (the capitalist state combats this a bit already with subsidies, tax breaks, etc., but it can only do so much)
second, a shitload of labour is currently being wasted under anarchic capitalist production: all sorts of marketing work, arms manufacturing, duplicated work on proprietary software and all other kinds of common tasks that would get deduplicated if you merged various fragmented productive units worldwide, all the labour time wasted by bankruptcies due to industrial crises, work in banking and finance, police and lawyers (they all mostly deal with cases related to private property), political campaigns, the provision of ridiculous luxury consumption for the high bourgeoisie, production of anti-social garbage of all kinds like pay2win mobile games directed at children. you could go on all day with this shit.

>> No.18582951

They can reduce hours when there's not a cold war arms race going on.

>> No.18582953

you're just murderous assholes, you think people can't see it

>> No.18582963

This. Real Trump voters are more likely to be real communists than wealthy liberals who LARP as one. They were close to a proletarian revolution back in january. If they had read Lenin, they would have seized control of the state.

>> No.18582964

Why are pro capitalists such pearl clutching moralizing bitches when it's evident under their system 9 million, many of them children, starve to death a year.

>> No.18582968

>The chart you posted has no mention of trade unions
Yeah, the bosses just collectively went "You know what? I'll reduce my workers' time while keeping their wages the same, just because I feel like it. I have enough money for ten lives, after all. 3500h/year is just too much for a single kid."
>two, worker's/trade unions in the US, at its peak, were still a minority of the total work force and even less so today.
Irrelevant, you don't need to be in a trade union to strike

>> No.18582969

stop fantasizing about killing people and taking their stuff

>> No.18582975

>you're just murderous assholes, you think people can't see it
I literally said murdering billionaires is pointless and counterproductive
>y-you're murderous!
Fucking schizo

>> No.18582982

>Real Trump voters are more likely to be real communists
Yeah, what communist wouldn't vote a billionaire who earned his wealth with financial scams

>> No.18582983

Stop being a vampire that thrives off the misery of billions.

>> No.18582985

There's no point... I'm not even political... I don't even care... but anyway...

>under their system
Seriously? you believe this? It's the world, man. The world isn't only a product of capitalism. We don't say that the maggots eating the lambs eyes is because of capitalism. On the other hand, basically everything that you have would not be possible without capitalism, your tech, your books, your school, your food, 4chin.

>> No.18582988

I am not a vampire and you can fuck yourself for accusing me of being one

>> No.18582999

Only a millionaire who earned his wealth with political scams huh?

>> No.18583003

>the world isn't just capitalism
How many mental hoops do you have to jump through to not see the distribution of food as an economic problem? You think you're not an ideologue, but you are, you can just afford to be mostly disinterested because you have it easy, while other suffer tremendously for no good reason. I didn't even mention deaths due to EASILY PREVENTABLE diseases.

>> No.18583007

That's exactly what a vampire would say...

>> No.18583019

starvation is due to the food not being distributed to those who are hungry. the distribution of goods is determined by the prevailing mode of production and exchange, the behavior of maggots isn't.

>> No.18583023

I'm not american + fuck Bernie
Somehow I was sensing this would be your comeback.

>> No.18583033

Marxism Leninism isn't an ideology that supposes peoples motives are altruistic or done on principle; it is strictly material. It assumes self interest and voting for trump was in the self interest of most of the individuals who voted for him. I own the collected works of ME and Lenin, actually read most of them, and still voted for trump myself simply because my taxes would be lower. Marx also refuted your appeal to hypocrisy moral spook nonsense.

>> No.18583053

We are talking about Americans, who are not "class conscious", much like the majority of the working class in all parts of the world

>> No.18583062

>Marxism Leninism isn't an ideology that supposes peoples motives are altruistic or done on principle
>It assumes self interest and voting for trump was in the self interest of most of the individuals who voted for him.
Was it? What did Trump do during his presidency aside from schizo rambling? Genuine question here, not american
>I own the collected works of ME and Lenin, actually read most of them
Cool, but that does not make you a communist
>and still voted for trump myself simply because my taxes would be lower
And, which tax brackets are you in?
>Marx also refuted your appeal to hypocrisy moral spook nonsense.
I didn't make any appeal to hypocrisy moral spook nonsense, so ... :)

>> No.18583068

>We are talking about Americans
Are you some "they/them" person? Not everything is about muricanz, ffs

>> No.18583093

>what communist wouldn't vote a billionaire who earned his wealth with financial scams

>> No.18583101
File: 315 KB, 1080x318, Class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh democracy

>> No.18583103

The post you originally responded to is about American politics, are you intentionally being dense?

>> No.18583114

It's not about morality, it's about class.
Is it so hard to understand? You even claimed to have read most of MEL complete works, which I didn't, btw.

>> No.18583125

Do you provide alienated labour power for a wage in commodity capital?

>> No.18583141

>The post you originally responded to is about American politics
Yes, and this post>>18582999 stated that I would vote for Bernie. Which I both can't and would not.
"We are talking about americans" - YOU are. I'm talking about politics. And, no, communists here do not vote for our local Trump, ffs.

>> No.18583144

This is why dividing the third estate was a bad idea

>> No.18583147

Yeah, nah, the deficiency was working a lot which is a negative deficiency: an absent absence. You should know this regarding alienation and the reason why the proletariat can abolish property but no other class can? Read more Hegel.

>> No.18583155

Do you think arms races are a feature of capitalism? Lol.

>> No.18583158

You can free yourself from a government mate. You can’t free yourself from yourself unless you abolish yourself.

>> No.18583161

I never stated anywhere that you would vote for anybody.Take your meds

>> No.18583166

If they’d read Lenin they’d be petit bourgeois liberals. The only text to read for action is praxis.

>> No.18583169

>not voting for Trump to have him discredit the entire liberal Overton Window from left (orange man bad!!!) to right (Qtards)
Small minded, no viable praxis.

>> No.18583194
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It's okay anon. I am also retarded and illiterate.

>> No.18583201

Just torrented this movie and Malborosi from the other thread.

>> No.18583252

>I never stated anywhere that you would vote for anybody.Take your meds

>Yeah, what communist wouldn't vote a billionaire who earned his wealth with financial scams
>Only a millionaire who earned his wealth with political scams huh?

>Nooo I totally wasn't suggesting that a communist would be voting Bernie
Do you even have short term memory?

>> No.18583264

>he thinks there's a "left" in murica

>> No.18583265


I'm not American and I'm not a basement larper.
I live in Latin American and the risk of communism is real here, and so are the choices of eventually having to emmigrate to escape from it, or to stay and fight it.

It's impossible to install a communist regime without a civil war with huge numbers of dead people. The land owning farmers rooted to their land who have inherited it from their parents don't give up their land willingly, the same applies to anyone that owns property. And the educated class needed to keep the country working, stuff like electricy or water, will emmigrate, because they are qualified and can get a nice job anywhere on earth, something they would prefer to living under a totalitarian dictatorship.
When that happens, you have to either choose betweel North Korea/Berlin Wall style don't let anyone escape, or massive human capital flight. The communist Czechs expulsed all the Germans, but kept some 70.000 that were needed to keep the country working.

Communists want a totalitarian dictatorship, and you can't get that without going first through a civil war and huge numbers of refugees. And all for what amounts in the end to a religious idea, the society at the end of History with no state, classes, property, or family relations.
Communists should be persecuted because they belong to a dangerous apocalyptic cult.


Marxism may not make any statement about people and morality, but their communist society with no state, no cops, no prisons, no crime, presuposes humans are good, and capitalism is to blame for all crimes, which also makes criminals innocent victims of capitalism. Once capitalism is gone, there will be no reason for cops because there will be no theft (since private property doesn't exist anymore).
Psycopathy isn't a factor to take into consideration for communists.
Theft and rape are caused by envy of goods you don't have access to caused by capitalism. Rape as something evil willingly done to feel power over someone else is completely ignored as a possibility.

>> No.18583271

All this flip flopping between "a communist" and "me". Do you think you're the only communist in the world? Am I speaking to Enver Hoxha?

>> No.18583291

>he thinks he can distance himself from the ethnomasochistic gender bending freakshow the left has become by playing no true scotsman

>> No.18583383

>I live in Latin American
>the risk of communism is real here,
>and so are the choices of eventually having to emmigrate to escape from it,
Kek, what did the other millions of sudakas have escaped, immigrating to US and EU? Maldido pendejo

>> No.18583403

>ethnomasochistic gender bending freakshow
>the left
>true scotsman
I have already explained this. It's honestly sad that I even have to "explain" this.

>13 “‘These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle,[a] the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven, 16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.

Bats are NOT birds. If I say that bats are NOT birds, that's not a fallacy, that's a simple fact. If something is not leftist (wait for it) it is not leftist.
Is identity (in mathematical sense) so hard to understand for you?

>> No.18583442

Left initially meant liberals, if you want to be a grammatical prescriptivist. It's only later leftism was commandeered by "true" Marxists (who nevertheless, according to you, failed to install true Marxism). Now you're trying to claim the more embarrassing people who claim to be communists are in fact LARPers, while you're an OG, via some esoteric criteria that's impenetrable from outside the closed logic of your sectarian mind.

>> No.18583453
File: 497 KB, 1900x1643, theleft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren't answering his point, you are answering a subset of it. He is not saying they are really leftists or not. He is saying whether they are or aren't is irrelevant to the fact that they are the massive majority of people identifying with, and identified by others as, "the left." You therefore can't escape them.

Moreover most people like you don't even seem like they want to. They are happy to work with these destructive nihilist hedonist freaks when it adds numbers to their ranks.

>> No.18583465

good movie

>> No.18583476

>Left initially meant liberals
And "bear" initially meant "the brown one".
>It's only later leftism was commandeered by "true" Marxists (who nevertheless, according to you, failed to install true Marxism)
Marxism is a tool, not a goal, you fucking ignoramus.
>Now you're trying to claim the more embarrassing people who claim to be communists are in fact LARPers, via some esoteric criteria that's impenetrable from outside the closed logic of your sectarian mind.
Your claim is literally "Everything I don't like is socialism". And somehow this means I am "sectarian" (sic).

Tired of this, leaving. Have a nice weekend

>> No.18583519

Kill yourself and don't come back. Calling Marxism a "tool" and not a goal is extremely disingenuous. Second International Marxists certainly saw scientific socialism of the Kautskian variety as a goal, to the extent that Lukacs had to demonstrate that its vulgar conception of science was essentially bourgeois. Engels was brimming with concrete goals. Lenin's crypto-blanquism was nothing if not goal-oriented, ditto for Lukacs' and Gramsci's own revolutionary social engineering projects on a priori moral bases. Even the Adorno had at least a negative "goal," in formulating his negative dialectics, namely to use the Hegelian apparatus as perfected by Marxism to prevent the stagnation of bourgeois ideology.

If by Marxism you mean the vague "critical theory perspective" practiced by every neoliberal hack in post-WW2 academia then sure, it's a method. A method currently learned in business schools to carry out essentially the Bernaysian manufacture of consent.

>> No.18583534

My usage is fine even if it's bad for your PR, you're just being tedious. Many of the woke are at least anti-capitalist like even the very corporate seeming Robin DiAngelo (though she keeps it mostly on the down low), if not outright communists. It's been explained many times there's social and economic dimensions of leftism and the support bases of each significantly overlap at least in the West.

>> No.18583587
File: 106 KB, 720x676, nztoe44mj4921.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no tolerance for people who believe in broken corrupt systems that have been so thoroughly debunked, not only by scholars but by the world itself, that to say you believe it you must be either lying or unforgivably stupid. Fucking kill yourself, OP.

>> No.18583595

okay nigger wheres your commune of cooperating workers engaged in not for profit production where you're a well standing member of

oh you just post memes on the innernet? u sure you're a communist?

>> No.18583602
File: 46 KB, 557x551, angery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, but regarding capitalism.

>> No.18583623

>The film was withdrawn from circulation in 1973 and not seen again until 1990, after the collapse of the communist system in Czechoslovakia in 1989.
Ironic how the best cold war Eastern European movies were all sealed because the commies saw them as too thought provoking.

>> No.18583669

only brazillian could have typed this

>> No.18583675

lmfao I legit thought he was talking about capitalism

>> No.18583688

Hey, did you watch this movie last week?

>> No.18584285

Funny you should say that because capitalism laughably outlasted socialism.

>> No.18584650

you've never read a book on either of them

>> No.18584774 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 522x597, e70dc65f57cc08daab6c3e14f3926a95-imagejpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grad student
>also thrown into teaching
>have never experienced the university leftist boogeyman professor that boomers and /pol/tards seethe about
>decide to become the leftist boogeyman instructor
>drop subtle and some not so subtle bombs about the plights and contradictions of neoliberalism
>the regular attending liberal students begin asking questions about marxist ideas
>conservative migatard students see what I'm doing
>try to argue with me but get either BTFO'd every time, or I simply dismiss them by smirking and sniggering as if to show that what they are saying is so stupid it's funny
>I grade the migatards harshly
>one failed
>several students have kept in contact with me to discuss left wing ideas further
i probably wont do it again, but i found it both fun and hilarious

>> No.18584818

Accuses other anon of moralizing proceeds to moralize...

>> No.18584860

Recently? Shakespeare, Thomas Hardy, the Brontes, Henry Fielding, Johnson & Boswell, Thackeray, the Powys Brothers, etc.

>> No.18584884

It might be an economic problem but just cause food scarcity exists in a system does not mean the economic system is the sole cause. Could just as well be any number of other factors--like a lack of accountability among political actors or problems sending food to the places needed. How specifically does capitalism cause food scarcity? And while you're at it show us the stats showing how food scarcity is any better in communist socities.

>> No.18584905

You didn't read a lot, then. You read what you're told to read, too

>> No.18584939

Did you pull that number out of your ass? A brief search yielded no results about people starving to death in the USA. They talk about "food insecurity", but basically the number of people who starve to death in the US annually is close to 0, and attributed to freak circumstances rather than a systematic problem. You're full of shit, just like everyone who clings to your bullshit, broken down retard ideology. Find a better religion and stop making up fake statistics, you unbelievable faggot.

>> No.18585115

The figure is from the UN. http://www.fao.org/english/newsroom/news/2002/9703-en.html

>> No.18585131

I, too, have been 19-23

>> No.18585133

I think you can attribute safely failures to adequately distribute resources to the resource allocation system. Ideally, no expense should be spared in getting people food if necessary, and a corrupt politician murdering his constituents by hoarding aid should just be shot. USSR had an estimated inequality ratio of 1:5 between workers and party bosses. Now there were problems with famines but under global capitalism there's been a holodomor every year.

>> No.18585151

>there was a holodomor
Jesus fuck don't believe their bourgeois lies. The Pb attempted to ameliorate famine but had destroyed the rural trading network required as petits bourgeois and hadn't substituted a state capitalist network capable.

There was no holodomor. "Holodomor" is a term invented by Ukraine fascists. There was a generalised 1932-1933 soviet famine, but it wasn't intentional, aimed at eliminating ethnic ukrainians, or deliberate.

It was far worse.

It was a failure to provide adequate core economic systems for proletarian self-liberation.

>> No.18585195

Your link talks about developing countries.

You said "people starve under capitalism", which implies starvation occurs in fully developed capitalist countries. That isn't true, especially considering you were trying to counter to the claim "people starve under communism", a statement which is true because starvation occurred in fully developed countries as a direct result of recently adopted communist policy. Are you a dishonest little faggot, or a stupid one?

>> No.18585219

Putting words in my mouth. Why would development status matter? It's all capitalism. Underdevelopment could be seen as capitalism's fault to begin with, though this is much harder to prove. Also, I wasn't responding to the claim of starvation under communism, so you're hallucinating posts that weren't even made now. Lmao at a stooge for porky calling me dishonest. Whatever helps you sleep at night, pig.

>> No.18585222

The USSR was an unfully developed capitalist Core-Periphery System. Much like US-LatinX. Or EU-Africa. Or China-Africa.

Like to like cunt like to like.

>> No.18585346

>Underdevelopment could be seen as capitalism's fault to begin with
I'm being trolled. Fuck.

>> No.18585354
File: 105 KB, 1024x576, d55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello? Koch Brothers... what's that... a transsexual on 4chan's literature board is besmirching the good name of Capitalism... I'll take care of it

>> No.18585357

Kill yourself.
And no, you're wrong. Russia was roughly on par with other European countries at the time.

>> No.18585359

You're conducting a national analysis of capital not a systems analysis.

You need to get more anal.

>> No.18585382

Unfair debate desu. Unbridled capitalism could kill far more poor people than communism ever did if only it were given a chance.

>> No.18585383

Shut the fuck up you absolute nigger. Your system is a failure.

>> No.18585389

>Russia was roughly on par with other European countries at the time.

Go kill yourself.

>> No.18585398

>reading a lot of shit acritically made me a retard
Good job

>> No.18585400
File: 525 KB, 643x466, 1624324103486.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's true, Russia was not some nigger infested retard shit hole where nothing was built until the 18th century like Africa and South America. You're either a troll or a retard, or probably both.

>> No.18585444

>F R E N C H L O A N S

>> No.18585452
File: 313 KB, 597x798, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>huge amounts of idle time without labor that produces nothing made me worship the idea of stealing from others
what a coincidence

>> No.18585455

>posts fake quote concocted by David Duke
>calls others names

>> No.18585460
File: 57 KB, 850x400, quote-socialism-in-general-has-a-record-of-failure-so-blatant-that-only-an-intellectual-could-thomas-sowell-27-84-63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading a lot made me a communist
It's genuinely hilarious how hard Sowell preempts and discomfits would be socialists.

>> No.18585462
File: 48 KB, 517x594, genes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18585463

keep reading bucko

>> No.18585465

>durr French loans
>somehow equivalent to developing from a stone age society like central America
I'll loan my dick to your anus you intellectually dishonest weasel

>> No.18585471

i'm not American, which should be obvious since only dumbasses without real experiences with communism can support it

>> No.18585477

I guarantee you all of the people in that image collect as many social service packages as they can from the government. They are the primary demographic for a potential government revolution in many ways. You have actually read Marx, right?

>> No.18585481

> fake quote
Wrong, try again

>> No.18585482

>lumpenproletariat are the true revolutionary subject

>> No.18585487

Show source

>> No.18585497

>a bunch of blue collar people at a political rally
Sorry you haven't impressed anyone with the word, maybe try looking up what it means first.

>> No.18585500

just dropping in to say fuck the third world

>> No.18585501


>> No.18585505

wtf I love niggers now

>> No.18585506

nice praxis, feel good about selling newspapers

>> No.18585510

Another word you should Google before trying to use, anon.

>> No.18585516

He's using it right, if you think about it dialectically.

>> No.18585522

The source is the honorable David Duke.

>> No.18585525

What's your trot paper called cunce? GREEN LEFT WEAKLY?

>> No.18585526

>we provide the proof, strictly economically, that their development is at the same time the development of the elements of a social revolution...
This statement is a great example of how Marxism claims for itself an empirical standard up to which it cannot stand. That is, Marxism claims to be scientific and able to generate scientific-like laws which should allow for predictions of revolution (in the way a scientist could observe the temperature at which water boils and from there predict that water will boil at that temperature).

But, whenever Marx's predictions failed, there was always some excuse - Marxism cannot deliver the rational system it promises.

>> No.18585729

>The land owning farmers rooted to their land who have inherited it from their parents don't give up their land willingly
they do give it up though and because of capitalism. small-scale farms get destroyed by competition with large ones and with imports (because of machinery and the economy of scale). example from Brazil:
>Roughly 1% of landowners control almost 50% of the land in rural Brazil. Half of all rural landowners have holdings that are less than 10ha, but these holdings account for barely 2% of the total land. In other words, most holdings are enormous and are held by a small minority – the landowning elite.

>And the educated class needed to keep the country working, stuff like electricy or water, will emmigrate
where? do you think the communist revolution will be limited to your irrelevant third world shithole? it will come there last, if anything
>The communist Czechs expulsed all the Germans, but kept some 70.000 that were needed to keep the country working.
communist Czechs were never in power to expel anyone. they were defeated in the mid 1920s
>Communists want a totalitarian dictatorship, and you can't get that without going first through a civil war and huge numbers of refugees.
few workers will fight to defend the dying system that doesn't serve them. and the upper middle classes are rotten opportunists so they will join the winning side immediately. the bourgeois themselves along with their most faithful minions won't have to die if they surrender

>Psycopathy isn't a factor to take into consideration for communists.
communists don't deny that some people will be born unrepairably fucked and try to harm the community. you set up a retarded strawman where according to communists there will not be a single rape in the entire remaining history of the world once communist society begins. and then you bravely knocked that strawman down. way to go!

no scientific prediction of Marx has failed

>> No.18586245


>> No.18586255

You are not immune to propaganda.

>> No.18586266
File: 121 KB, 1050x745, A73950A7-320B-4856-AE67-65AC2C875783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I had the exact opposite experience.
Watching lots of films has made me a c inephile

>> No.18586275
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>> No.18586296
File: 99 KB, 620x743, CcL_TWeVAAA7bb5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soon, brother

>> No.18586404

>the risk of communism is real here

>> No.18586450

hot post pics

>> No.18586455

reading a lot has made me a maoist

>> No.18586460

>reading a lot made me a communist
Read moar newfag

>> No.18586465


>> No.18586507

to btfo commies like you, faggot

>> No.18586521

he's got a point anon...

>> No.18586534

>t. vampire

>> No.18586658

>all men
>the number of billionaires owning as much as the poorest half of humanity as of a year ago, from sixty-two to nine.
very based