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18570671 No.18570671[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some stories about heroism being defined by victimhood?

>> No.18570676

It is actually beyond parody that they're making statues of this guy. I mean seriously think about who he was

>> No.18570678


We're dealing with a really perverse and infantile version of this masochism today, but making a false virtue of masochism originally traces back to the Gospels. Nietzsche criticizes this development in his work.

>> No.18570680

Whoever commissioned that statue would have not sat on that bench if they had seen that in real life.

>> No.18570685

Now everyone can feel unsafe next to him

>> No.18570687

Your acting like robbing pregnant women at gun point isn't the behavior of the model citizen in 2021

>> No.18570688

>who he was
a literal who?

>> No.18570689

I mean its unfortunate he died like that but why make statues of this genuine scumbag?

>> No.18570693

>Nietzsche criticizes this development in his work.
where? I must read

>> No.18570710

>why make statues of this genuine scumbag?
he had BBC

>> No.18570715

But really though, I’m not trying to race bait. I’m curious if there are stories that explore this idea of someone being lauded as a hero despite doing literally nothing to earn that excel for maybe having a tragic death (no, Jesus doesn’t count because he at least preached and did charity work beforehand.)

>> No.18570720

Imagine being the sculptor behind that piece. Years if not decades of training, and what is your most widely known statue? A negro in a wife beater who is famous only for killed by a cop, and even worse it's a cynically commercial piecw. Floyd is seated on a bench so white women can take photos with him to post on social media.

>> No.18570736


I live in central Minneapolis and I really want to drive around with a sign which simply says "George Floyd was a bad person" but I'm attached to being alive/having a car that runs.

There is a certain valid principle underneath it, it pains me to say: no one is perfect, and in principle, it shouldn't matter if the person who was killed was a criminal or not. But yes, it ought to be much more difficult to sympathize with-or care about-a stupid violent criminal than it proved to be. The killing, and the ensuing riots, were the actualization of explicitly anti-police and "innocence is irrelevant" attitudes expressed in one instance by the very stupid Jackie Wang in her stupid little book, Carceral Capitalism.

The thing that has to be remembered is the event took place during peak covid lockdown misery. It was the lit match. Oversocialized leftist extroverts were losing their minds from staying in.

>> No.18570742

>Jesus doesn't count
Any story with this theme in the western canon is just a knockoff of Jesus. For Christians his earthly deeds barely register. Jesus' most important role is as the scapegoat, and the sacrificed king. Read the Golden Bough (uncucked edition).

>> No.18570761

>Read the Golden Bough (uncucked edition).
Do you mean unabridged?

>> No.18570773


He is very obviously referring either to some complete edition, same thing as unabriged, or else to an edition which includes some naughty/non-PC ideas. You didn't have to ask that question.

>> No.18570781

It's not remotely worth it to get up in arms about this stuff, honestly people have always been kind of retards, it's best to just ignore the normies and their hysterias. As for sympathizing with Floyd, they're not, they are incapable of looking clearly at who he was so they can't sympathize with him, sympathizing with a person means seeing honestly what they were and why they were like that. These guys are not tolerant people, they think they are because they just shut out criticism of their sacred cows, but they react to actual flaws that they succeed in perceiving very harshly. They're just creating a ludicrous idealized version of him that has no flaws he's responsible for himself so it's easy to not attack him.

>> No.18570784

I was listening to Screwed Up Click years ago and probably heard him rap.

>> No.18570807


>> No.18570855

No. Grow a pair and act like a man you dickless cunt.

>> No.18570863

You realize what you're fighting? Growing a pair means becoming a criminal targeted by the entire intelligence community of the most powerful empire in history. Are your balls that big?

>> No.18570870

chauvin lost

>> No.18570873

Both irrelevant to my post and also universal knowledge

>> No.18570884

keep coping

>> No.18570897

Do you think I like cops lol? I take it you're just an npc who is misfiring because your code couldn't parse my post but it seemed vaguely like wrongthink to you

>> No.18570904

On The Genealogy of Morals, Essay 3

>> No.18570910

>the rioters stand and fight for their beliefs and wants and get away with it, bringing on change, despite being unjustified and in the wrong everyway you look at it
>dickless psued with no spine can't because hes afraid, despite being justified and in the right
You and people like you are the reason we're in the mess we are. Fuckwits will never learn because theyre incapable of it. Taking a moral highground stance on the issue only allows them to proliferate and spread their moronic views. Like i said, grow a pair and act like a man.

>> No.18570912

See >>18570884

>> No.18570919

>>the rioters stand and fight for their beliefs and wants and get away with it, bringing on change,
If you think this you are very clueless, they are little pawns in a parade

>> No.18570945

The pawns are going to do what they do regardless of who gives the orders. If you allow them to do what they do, theyre achieving the goals they desire. Either become the one who gives the orders or destroy the thing that gives the pawns cohesion, the fuckwits.

>> No.18570958

>Either become the one who gives the orders
Yeah that's the 'become a criminal targeted by 10 different alphabet agencies' part I was referring to. I'm not sure you really understand what actual dissent entails, you will almost assuredly be killed or spend your life in prison. There is of course a tiny chance you succeed, well depending on who you are, most people have absolutely no chance.

>> No.18570960

The bible

>> No.18570963

I'm referring to the first edition where he makes the obvious connections to Christianity. The abridged edition is still a good read, and you could easily supplement it with the cut sections.

>> No.18570979

George Floyd will actually be remembered long after you've perished, leaving nothing behind including anyone who cares you existed.

>> No.18570980

If you honestly wanted change for the better, the worst thing that could happen is you dying for what is right. If you have a pack of fuckwits following you, your nartyrdom will bring about that change and you'll have won. Part of being a man and having balls is using them to do good, despite what can happen to them.

>> No.18570998

I take it you're that same npc based on the fact that you have once again made a complete nonsequitur that appears like it was coded by some crude program
No I don't want change for the better, and having read a small amount of history I find the entire concept laughable. If you want to revolt against the state be my guest, I'm sure it would feel very good, but it won't usher in some new era of truth and morality.

>> No.18571004

>read 12 volumes of outdated scholarship
Skip James George Frazier and read Rene Girard instead. He has far better insights on the scapegoat mechanism.

>> No.18571006

And on the pedestal, these words appear:
My name is George Floyd, King of Kings;
Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.18571010

At this stage of things, frankly, if you're not super-rich it's just not worth it for you to take a stand. You aren't going to win.

>> No.18571019

Burgers never cease from making me KEK

>> No.18571036

Do not listen to this person. He's a glownigger fed trying to get you to commit domestic terrorism.

>> No.18571045

Has anyone noticed how unsubtly homoreotic this statue is?

>> No.18571050

Have you been to Paisley Park?

>> No.18571059

Sometimes I think we’re living in hell.

>> No.18571063

he could be but he could also just be someone in the process of making up that hasn't yet discarded the democratic myth of 'making a différence in the world, yes you little citizen, you have power' and whatever. Lot of altright types pride themselves on dissenting politically yet completely adhere to this meme concept of like democratic political activism that is a complete front for actual power.

I do find the idea that glowies post here fucking hilarious though, I mean that is just demeaming to them

>> No.18571064
File: 20 KB, 360x360, yaranaika.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, just imagine George Floyd on the bench and Tariq Nasheed on the right in this picture. It fits perfectly.

>> No.18571164

Most european sports teams kneel now. Specifically in rememberance of floyd. I recall watching the F1 championship in barcelona and they had a moment of silence for him. The top mercedes driver wore a tshirt that said "george -say his name- floyd"

You are under the thumb of american culture.

>> No.18571187

I'm just baffled that anyone would find anything American worthy of emulation. Our "culture" should be treated with contempt by Europeans.

>> No.18571207

the confederate south

>> No.18571214

America has always idolized career criminals though. Look at the wild west, the mob, hip hop nigger music, the military..

This is nothing new.

>> No.18571215

Europeans have been aping America since at least their revolution. The current Euro hatred of America is, amusingly enough, Europeans emulating the contempt that New England élites feel for the heartland Walmart-Americans. Their very disdain for the country is a symbol of their being ruled by the country's upper crust, who are fond of hiding in the shadows and not appearing like they actually rule, indeed their whole mythos is based on 'fighting power' while they have been the power for a long, long time. It's good PR to drop on the eternally deluded proles.

>> No.18571221

Oh come on he's no fucking Jesse James. He's not even a Tupac. He's not even Gucci Mane.

Lionizing a guy whose entire merit is being kneeled on by a dickhead cop is just blatantly retarded

>> No.18571230

Why don't you do these things and stop posting here? Talk about moral grandstanding.

The thing that strikes me about the George Floyd protests, Covid-19, and really everything that seems to be going on since 2010, is that it all feels like a LARP.

Every generation before this one has had some incident in their prime to galvanize them into action and interacting with the world, some incident that puts the population to test against an issue that requires actual strength of will to contend against. Since World War 2, these issues have grown less and less cataclysmic until now.

And now? People are making up their own issues, so they can LARP like a generation that actual has a crisis to tackle. They play pretend at being adults, and the delusion and arrogance goes unpunished (especially in the USA) because almost all meaningful consequence is shut out by our robust economic and technological systems.

I don't know how to fix that, but it's kind of sad, and probably the destiny of all humanity. All our success will reduce us to impotent shades interacting senselessly in the bowels of an autonomous system.

>> No.18571232

>Europeans have been aping America since at least their revolution.
No wonder things have been going downhill.

>The current Euro hatred of America is, amusingly enough, Europeans emulating the contempt that New England élites feel for the heartland Walmart-Americans.
It would be preferable for them to hate America for having produced such contemptible people as the New England "upper crust" (to the extent that they even exist any more and haven't just ceded power to the Jews).

>> No.18571234
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Anyone has this they can share?

>> No.18571237


>> No.18571238

None of the scumbags you named should be idolized either, BBC sucker.

>> No.18571254

I don't even know how this whole thing started. Nobody had even heard of this guy before but now suddenly there's a massive movement for this literal who.

I guess it's because I'm not American?

>> No.18571264

Then stop using an American website, foreign trash.

>> No.18571268

You know Jesse James was not black right lol? Do you seriously not know who he is? As for Tupac and Gucci Mane, they at least did what they wanted, you can call them niggers but they lived a more outlaw life then most of the larpers who think they're dissenting. My point though was to imply that they are all still basically media clowns and not something to emulate. Hence the 'not even' qualifier.
Yeah maybe, but who has the balls to really hate power? Again you're still in this mindset of le scrappy underdog who wins against the tyrants, you realize this is literally a myth spun to you by the very People you say you hate?

Who do you think is in power exactly, do they have names, can you touch them?

>> No.18571269

No, but I regularly interact with White boomers wearing Prince t-shirts. Blacks too but mostly whites.

In the same neighborhood, there's a cult: "Eckankar". they all get together in their cult building and chant Ooooo for an extended period.

>> No.18571273

Higurashi vaguely and very loosely touches on this, so I'm sure there must be some niche stories that do. Surely there would be too, with how much people on this board like to proclaim "everything's been doing before"

>> No.18571278

Jesse James was pretty cool.

>> No.18571309

Somehow I knew you would be dumb enough to assume that I meant that Jesse James was black. Of course I knew he was white. Stupid twat.

Stop idolizing murderers.

>> No.18571320

I don't idolize Jesse James I just sympathize with him. I don't even idolize Jesus. If you ask me there is no idole possible in this world, but that doesn't mean I think it's evil, it's just good and bad mixed.

>> No.18571789

kek it's literally a Ronald McDonald bench

>> No.18571832

It's not a statue to him it's a monument to White humiliation.

>> No.18571849

take a breather my nigga

>> No.18571870

>so white women can take photos with him

It’s Newark
No white women in Newark

>> No.18571876

americans call you ahmed and then proceed to sing a two hour long litany to st george floyd

>> No.18571884

>heroism being defined by victimhood
"Master and slave, also, are united by a reciprocal need, in this case economic, which does not liberate the slave. In the relation of master to slave the master does not make a point of the need that he has for the other; he has in his grasp the power of satisfying this need through his own action; whereas the slave, in his dependent condition, his hope and fear, is quite conscious of the need he has for his master. Even if the need is at bottom equally urgent for both, it always works in favour of the oppressor and against the oppressed. That is why the liberation of the working class, for example, has been slow." (c) Simone de Beauvoir

Or in other words: if you are a victim, you're not a hero, you suck.

>> No.18572197

Such rich subtext

>> No.18572690

Go read about what Nelson Mandela really was like.

>> No.18572736

>if you are a victim, you're not a hero, you suck
the statue begs to differ

>> No.18572761

Floyd's drug dealer tried to pass of a fake $20 bill and was denied. So he got Floyd who was out of his mind of drugs that he had sold him to take that same fake $20 and try and pass it off. You can see Floyd on video camera out of his mind on Drugs dancing like Snoopy from Peanuts, it is pretty sad to watch. The black community in the United States tends to protect their own when they can and decided to blame the white officer who called an ambulance and waited for it while Floyd overdosed.

The drug dealer is still free to get more black people hooked on fentanyl and exploit them the way he did Floyd. That is find though because he is black so it is okay for him to hurt other black people.

>> No.18572801

The whole story actually has a lot of parallels with the book "To Kill a Mockingbird". In it a young man is accused of committing a crime that it is physically impossible for him to do. Yet so many racist people want to believe he is guilty just because of the color of his skin. I believe he is accused of assaulting and choking a white woman, but he only has one working hand so it is impossible for him to choke someone.

In this case Chauvin was accused of committing a murder that it is physically impossible to do (choking someone and killing them with a knee to the back of their neck, something that has never been done before and is likely not even possible). And yet again many people ignore the facts and focus only on his skin color to make their judgements. It's quite interesting how similar the stories are, except for the ending of course.

>> No.18572814

This is the perfect metaphor of why the black community is broke and dumb.
> Junkie gets high
> His dealer tells him to do something illegal
> Cops arrests him and kills him
If black community wanted to prosper, they shouldn't try to get (((fair))) treatment from cops, since the organization itself is fundamentally bad. Instead, don't let themselves get in these situations. Stop drug dealers, stop gangbanging, increase education rates among blacks and you'll see improvement.
Instead, we focus on the cops. Even if cops are angels, the black community is stilled broke and dumb, meaning they'll keep having single mom households, junkie/drug dealing sons who get abusive and leave their baby momma.

>> No.18572833

Negro worship is really something weird. I'm unsure where it stems from. Lack of self-worth? I don't know.

>> No.18572845

I am Hispanic and if I had a brother that died in the same way Floyd did I would blame the dealer who sold him all the drugs and probably do everything I could to make he never got anyone else hooked and ruin their lives in the same way.

>> No.18572853

The New Testament

>> No.18572874


Spot on my dude. We are in a generational identity crisis, the void of which is filled with consuming and fidelity to the system.

>> No.18572882

The cop apologetics are pathetic. The fact that dealers are evil doesn't exonerate cops, who are literally the dumbest kids from your high school class who thought about what job they wanted and decided they would enjoy carrying a gun and telling people what to do.


>> No.18572916

these ideas are a threat to grifters like Al Sharpton and Jess Jackson

>> No.18572923

To kill a mockingbird was just as much propaganda though. it instilled this idea that so much of black criminality was just because of whites. a more subversive book than people might imagine.

>> No.18572974
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Statues and protests have nothing to do with justice and racial equality. They're victory celebrations and monuments to the Elite who manufacture culture and control for the masses. What the majority people think and feel is ordained by types of mind control via news, parasocial media, and pop culture.

>> No.18572983

>In this case Chauvin was accused of committing a murder that it is physically impossible to do
Both autopsies, including the one performed by the local government and cited by the police, determined the death was a homicide.

>> No.18573001

The Bible

>> No.18573009

>What the majority people think and feel is ordained by types of mind control via news, parasocial media, and pop culture.
These media forms also control the massive opposition to statues and protest. The biggest news network controlled by the richest media mogul literally tells its viewers every night that protestors are burning down the country.

>> No.18573014

Kek true

>> No.18573071

>What are some stories about heroism being defined by victimhood?
all of them otherwise is not really heroism but bullying

>> No.18573095

Sort of. It is more to do with having concrete symbols of theirs over specific conjunctions of lay lines to focus the energy unleashed by their mass rituals so they don't dissipate but remain effectual.

>> No.18573098
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Anyone who is at all sensitive to how they're manipulated by mass media outrage knows this too. There's a second layer to 'loyal opposition' and the layer is that when people realize they're being manipulated the message simple because "oh you realize we're trying to outrage you - what are you gonna do about it? :^)" People who won't be brainwashed or outraged will be demoralized.

>> No.18573118

People literally make statues of fucking Trump; who fucking cares bro

>> No.18573119

Imagine having a victory celebration over anything pertaining to America, a country that has produced essentially no high culture or anything or value whatsoever.

>> No.18573139

>Implying I have a problem with being "worthless" and a nihilistic consumer
Take that pseud shit somewhere else bro

>> No.18573155

>I am soulless but at least the CIA can't psyop me because I don't care about anything... heh... you've never met someone like me before.

>> No.18573168
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Gentlemen, this is a /pol/ thread that needs to be contained at once.

Last i checked Georgio Floydus wasn't /lit/ material.

the absolute state

>> No.18573172

Relax it's just there for the new sopranos movie

>> No.18573177
File: 22 KB, 480x600, 5eb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm an enlightened ubermensch of higher status and culture - heh, you lowly creature, you can not simply imagine by greatness...
Go back to twitter, you retarded tankie

>> No.18573193

>Worrying about CIA and psyops
What is up with you schizos? You're not important enough for the CIA to waste their time on you - you fucking loser.

>> No.18573194

>heroism defined by victimhood
It's not though, at least not exclusively. The heroic ideal has deteriorated to a point where also athletes are called heroes for handling a ball, and Obana wins the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.18573197

>I'm an enlightened ubermensch of higher status and culture - heh, you lowly creature, you can not simply imagine by greatness...
This is unironically the relationship between you and I.

>> No.18573210

what do you mean by this?

>> No.18573211
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>This is unironically the relationship between you and I.

>> No.18573231
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Breathe in slowly and exhale

>> No.18573302

He would have survived without the drugs and shitty body desu, it's his fault.

>> No.18573382

you sayin' fenta floyd wasnt the hero niggers need but the one they deserved?

>> No.18573479
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Fixed it.

>> No.18573482

So what you're saying is that americans are mentally ill?

>> No.18573484
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>> No.18573647

>It's not though, at least not exclusively. The heroic ideal has deteriorated to a point where also athletes are called heroes for handling a ball,
I suppose, compared to lazy asses, their dedication to excelling at ball handling is at least admirable. True, it does nothing to benefit anyone other than themself (and their bosses, but that’s only to make them even more money) but it’s better than losing literally nothing, I suppose.
>and Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize for doing absolutely nothing
I thought it was being the first black president, which is really more an achievement of everyone who voted for him.

>> No.18573685

>I want to be edgy, but I'm a sissy little bitch
