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/lit/ - Literature

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18572825 No.18572825 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.18572839

Wagner music is nice i put on my headphones while im cooming

>> No.18572848

You need to improve your taste, really.

>> No.18572872

Gods entering Valhalla is my semen entering your mum's pussy

>> No.18572887

Lmao, you even cited the worst thing this redneck has created

>> No.18572952


>> No.18572963

>he doesn't know what the Gesamtkunstwerk is

>> No.18572993

>he just learned the word Gesamtkunstwerk and has to use it everywhere

>> No.18573018

Why the fuck are there negroes in the crowd. Do Wagner a solid and keep his art just as he would want it.

>> No.18573112

Maybe because racial differences have effectively no impact on a person's biology, so a person from any race is just as likely to enjoy music as a person from any other race. Proving Wagner wrong the stupid cunt

>> No.18573127

you have a wrong concept of the meaning of the word race

>> No.18573162

I'm German, I own this word.

>> No.18573176

Du bist ein Deutschgesamtsprachraumeigentumsbesitzer

>> No.18573207

all germans died in ww2 you're a russian rapebaby or worse a turk

>> No.18573209

Yeah, i didnt say anything about any of that you dumbass lib what im talking abt is the fact that Wagner would not want a nigger nigging up his art and excluding that fact, why the fuck would there be a random niggerpeasant in Germany. Go off yourself.

>> No.18573225

Well guess what Wagner doesn't get to make these decisions because he died so who's the real winner the dead cunt or the people enjoying his music. Probably enjoying it more knowing that he wouldn't want them listening to it. In fact I think that as a person of color I'm going to give his stuff a listen just to piss you off

>> No.18573255
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why would that piss me off when the fuck did i say niggers couldnt enjoy his music im just saying they shouldnt be nigging pure german air

>> No.18573261
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>> No.18573277

Thanks for making the apocalypse now music bro

>> No.18573301

and how is this relevant

>> No.18573340

He wrote far more books than some authors who are commonly discussed here. Nietzsche composed music as well so he, too, should obviously be discussed on /mu/.

>> No.18573351

I can't tell if this is a joke. Nietzsche's music was shit, although they do discuss a lot of shit on /mu/, but they shouldn't.

>> No.18573361

His music is absolute garbage and you have to stop being a memboy shaped by the culture in which you had the misfortune to grow up in. >dude les apocalykse lmaooo

His books are a fucking joke. Only Germanoids may have some interest in that nationalistic trash. Anyway, if you want to discuss his books, fine, post them, but stop sticking his gross face on the literature catalog every fucking day, worshiping this pretentious oaf is not /lit/.

>> No.18573375
File: 290 KB, 1024x1024, ETA Wagner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>R. says that Herr Fischer, the chorus master, who had known Hoffmann, maintained that R. resembled Hoffmann in appearance, or, rather, had reminded him of him; R. observes that this does not surprise him.

>> No.18573381

>His music is absolute garbage
Practically every important composer during his lifetime and after would disagree.

>nationalistic trash
You obviously haven't read his books. Relatively few of his books are about Germany or Jews, I would recommend one start with his concise lecture On the Destiny of Opera.

>> No.18573398

>practically every important composer during his lifetime and after would disagree.
>he thinks the opinions of music scholars from one hundred years ago matter

>I would recommend one start with his concise lecture On the Destiny of Opera
No thanks, the letters of Verdi are more funny and edifying.

>> No.18573407
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>> No.18573412

>Towards the end of his long and successful life, Verdi could afford to admit to Felix Philippi: ‘The work which always arouses my greatest admiration is Tristan. This gigantic structure fills me time and time again with astonishment and awe, and I still cannot quite comprehend that it was conceived and written by a human being. I consider the second act, in its wealth of musical invention, its tenderness and sensuality of musical expression and inspired orchestration, to be one of the finest creations that has ever issued from a human mind.’

>> No.18573414

cute trumpey

>> No.18573442

tristan is legitimately the most important musical work of the 19th century, and this is the same century beethoven wrote eroica and the ninth

>> No.18573456

I remember Verdi stating something to the effect that Tristan was divinely inspired and that he could not grasp that it had been written by a human being.

>> No.18573572

Wagner was a god.

>> No.18574012

>Talking again about E. T. A. Hoffmann, R. says he is always intrigued by the dilettantism in Germany, for to a certain extent all our greatest poets have been dilettantes, who produce sketches, in contrast to the Greeks, whose work always seems complete and assured.

>> No.18574131

I'm Polish and I own the word Meinschlongindeinmutterstiefarschloch

>> No.18574312

Wagner without negroes:
