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/lit/ - Literature

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18564694 No.18564694 [Reply] [Original]

>lol anon we're finally alone in your room! So what are those books you wanted to show me...?

>> No.18564698

A woman, in my room? Begone at once, vaginal demon!

>> No.18564712
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here's the joke you made this stupid thread for, it can end now, please delete it and fuck off

>> No.18564756
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>Here's my favourite book, "How to be straight" by Milo Yiannopoulos, 1st edition ofc

>> No.18564776

I used to fuck a girl like this in college. Couldn't bring her home to my parents though, turned out she was Jewish. My father is a strict Irish Catholic and he flipped his shit for some bizarre reason when he found out.

>> No.18564779

Lucky anon. Also jewish girls are massive whores

>> No.18564792

It's Propaganda by Edward Bernays. You see, he wrote this book in 1920's but he already gave us a concept for targeted advertising far before internet was invented!

>> No.18564800
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>Btw did you know Freud was Berneys uncle? crazy right?!?

>> No.18564805

Jannies kill platonism general but this is allowed to stay

>> No.18564813

>Not sliding a sleeper thread about platonism instead

>> No.18564824
File: 2.35 MB, 1790x1178, https___bucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com_public_images_21d4d2e1-79d6-4f06-bdef-29c15e4c59c4_1790x1178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh what Bunny? Haha yes i do the same illuminati shit on my work. We marketing guys only plot and scheme how to make you buy that Birkin bag... Do you want soerbet?... Anyway every time when you see an ad for Nike or Adidas or Apple with women in it and slogans like "future is female" and "be yourself" and then words like "buy our new product now and become stronger" don't you feel... tricked?...

>> No.18564890


>> No.18564912


>> No.18564922

This is my diary desu. It's all about not having sucky sex fucking suck your pussy suck in suck your fucking little pussy lips and stiff clitty with my tongue on it.

Anyway yeah also please note my editions of Dostoevsky from the 50s. They have some old notes in there from my grandad, they were his originally...he was a big reader and loved literature. I miss him very much.

>> No.18564938
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>I'm going to need you to leave, interfering with my grindset. Didn't think this would eat into my 3 pm hustle sesh

>> No.18564941

Jewry is passed down maternally anon. He didn't want his grandkids to be Juden

>> No.18564942

Thank you, anon. I just had an epiphany, those people within megacorps are just as based as us. They don't give a fuck about women or minorities. Diversity politics may have overrun their culture, but the real movers within the companies are just using it to get their way and sell shit product to shit people. They're finding a way to get by.

>> No.18564950

based father

>> No.18564966

> Be me
> Gentile who studies Hebrew at a public university with so many Jews, they have a Jewish outpost for them.
> Why can't I fuck Jewish bitches?
> I just want to get laid by a decent broad.

Actually, there is one girl who I thought was a Jew that I was talking to on Tinder from a class a couple years back. She was blind and smelled like maple syrup. She didn't look none too good neither. I think I found out she was Catholic. Her family seemed to have money, though.

>> No.18565018

You are welcome brother. If it was trendy to be a furry Amazon would force their employees to rawr at you every time you meet them. They are wolves in the sheep skin (aka will hide behind any social trend just to get shit done aka gain profits). They will even openly call themselves communists if needed while selling pointless shit to people who didn't even asked for it but were tricked into buying it. It's always funny to me when i see as i said in my example shit like that and then when i read comments people (mostly women) will unironically say stuff like "powerful" "can't wait" etc when the new product line is announced and the ad for it has Powerful (TM) Strong (TM) and Independent (TM) women and POC. Who gets the bank? Old white dudes in suits. Who buys this shit? White women who "fight" those old white dudes and POC. Who are happy? Everyone. Lol.

>> No.18565024

unban me, I am the guy with the Urantia book

>> No.18565052

>The Secret
>there's a dick doodled on every page
>if you flip through it with your thumb, it seems like the dick is going erect

>> No.18565061
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>> No.18565067
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>> No.18565070

Im sorry but this stuff just makes me going. Look at this.
It's all just to sell their shit and people openly applaud them. All at the same time while Nike just abuses the shit out of Bangladesh, Pakistan, Indonesia and whatever the fuck. Hilarious? Yes. Sad? Yes.
I mean. Can women become better at being women without some pink or black sneakers for running? Fuck yes. But not in their world i guess. So yeah revolution against THE SYSTEM will be lead by a white woman in a nike tracksuit and sponsored by Walmart.
I work in this shit and get money off of it but it's fucking hilarious to look at it from a side. Still better than being a commie.

>> No.18565076

Venus in Furs

>> No.18565137
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Man of Culture, I see

>> No.18565192
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>> No.18565262

Anon pls don't do this to yourself.
Everyone who's sane knows it's nuts, we just keep quiet because we have to.

Stop torturing yourself over the insanity's of modernity.

>> No.18565389

>unzips book
Here you go bby

>> No.18565610

no kidding retard that’s just capitalism? of course the company does what’s profitable

>> No.18565798

It's not unique to capitalism, it's marketing.

>> No.18566438
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>those people within megacorps are just as based as us

>> No.18566480

>My father is a strict Irish Catholic and he flipped his shit for some bizarre reason
He knew. My mother is a full-blown ultralib hippie, she made me watch Schindler's List when I was 7 ffs, and yet when I moved to a jewish quarter of town the single one thing she told me was "do NOT bring one of those girls back home".
As if I would have, it was a hassidic jewish community, the women looked like undead.
Worst place I rented too. I don't know any "normal" jews so I can't compare but hassidic jews makes the worst neighbours I have ever seen.

>> No.18567185
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>> No.18567555

>haha i cant read
then we start fucking

>> No.18567579

>Well, I'm waiting anon! Teehee!
>Wait-? Why does it-?

>> No.18567848

Based dad

>> No.18567881


>> No.18567897

I proceed to beat her over the head with a ball point hammer i had on my shelf, she comes in and our of conciousness gurgling through her smashed face. I then dump her body out the window and proceed to read Herman Melville's poetry collection.

>> No.18567900

Alright here's a bunch of books about why life is pointless and absurd. You can see me again if you decide not to kill yourself after reading them. Good luck.

>> No.18567921
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>Over here is my theology collection. As you can see I have extensive works consisting of Augustine, Boethius, Pseudo-Dionysius, Aquinas, Scotus, Eckhart, and Ockham.

>Now if you would please excuse me, I have to pray my novena.

>> No.18567934
File: 641 KB, 750x896, 1AE8B046-71E8-4238-88B1-37ED39F7F378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s read bbygirl

>> No.18567950

your father is a good man.

>> No.18567984

leave me alone Demon

>> No.18567999

are square faces the worst shape of face?

>> No.18568053
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>for some bizarre reason

>> No.18568058

>it's marketing.
>not unique to capitalism

>> No.18568065


>> No.18568108

they would see the bible next to my bed
sometimes I read it to them
always pretend to be interested
wish I wasn't such a whore back then

>> No.18568148
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imagine the opposite and I was the person asking...............alright you ready?

>Actually saw all her books
>no fucking

>> No.18568170

You're not as smart as you think you are, Anon - the joke is that you have a girl in your room who is interested in the books you've been reading, but all of the books you own are completely alienating to normies (especially women).

>> No.18568179
File: 435 KB, 720x960, 116188016_1521910992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Showed pic related to a girl, which led her to she ask me if I would butt fuck her... which I did.
On the other hand, some coffee shop qt who used to chat me up asked about a book I had with me one time. It was William Faulkner's Sanctuary. I gave her the copy I had with me. She was livid, due to the prominent kidnap and rape (which I didn't even consider might be shocking to a person allegedly interested in literature.) So you never know.

>> No.18568180

but that's not true?

>> No.18568184

>Jewish tales fan
>Doesn't like Jews

>> No.18568197

cringe post

>> No.18568204

Then you absolutely need to go the fuck back to reddlt.

>> No.18568219

no thanks

>> No.18568242
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>> No.18568268

I lived in a Hassidic neighbourhood and loved it, some of the chicks were cute in homespun ways. You'd see them renting l box sets of like Entourage once in a while at the local MediaCorp megastore and you get a sense these chicks were dying to break out. Some of the guys would hang out at a shitty coke/dive bar watching basketball; became friends with one such son of David in this way. We would sometimes drive into the city late at night in his late model minivan; he always thought he had a chance with the barmaids at any bar. He actually did end up banging some super alt chick who was well into her sexual walkabout phase; she was cute but fucked up--shaved head and tons of tattoos, properly fulfilled some divine transgression fantasy of the highest order for the Jewish fella. Never had to rent one of their slums, as I rented from some old Albanian lady.

>> No.18568333

Reading the Bible should not make you like the jews.

>> No.18568370

It shouldn't make you like modern Judaism anyway. The correct view is that they are fine as long as they convert.

>> No.18568390

Tu recuerdo sigue aquí
como un aguacero
Rompe fuerte sobre mí
pero a fuego lento
Quema y moja por igual
y ya no sé lo que pensar
Si tu recuerdo me hace bien
o me hace mal

>> No.18568508 [DELETED] 

in normalfag world
>they really care about us!!! the new ad spotlights
women and BIPOC!!! this is so good!!!! muh representation!!!
meanwhile on 4chan
>they don't really care!!!!!!! its all a ruse!!!! they are ebically based and exploiting minorities!!! this is my worldview and therefore frickin bayzed!!!!
kek either way they win with you midwit fucking degenerates. kill yourselves. please.

>> No.18568516

in normalfag world
>they really care about us!!! the new ad spotlights women and BIPOC!!! this is so good!!!! muh representation!!!
meanwhile on 4chan
>they don't really care!!!!!!! its all a ruse!!!! these conglomerates are ebically based and exploiting minorities!!! this is my worldview and therefore frickin bayzed!!!!
kek either way they win with you midwit fucking degenerates. kill yourselves. please.

>> No.18568532

Nice trips but your opinion is ghastly

>> No.18568571

I mean, the bitch in this photo is ugly. So.

>> No.18568771

Not true, I keep a copy of the first harry potter book just in case.

>> No.18568839

>They don't give a fuck about women or minorities.
Or you, or the white race, you fucking retard

>> No.18568853

I disagree, I think she's cute. I'd like to imagine us running a church together in a small-medium size town somewhere in the countryside.
>inb4 NOOO she's a WHORE who sucks BBC
obviously. Don't deny me my dreams though.

>> No.18568977

>So what are those books you wanted to show me.
I lied about the books. There in the living room.
So........ while were here.
>Showed pic related to a girl, which led her to she ask me if I would butt fuck her

>> No.18569103
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>> No.18569262

midwit detected