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File: 121 KB, 720x713, 1E9EF611-E859-4C42-A4F1-63298A792A7D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18563690 No.18563690[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>christcucks have still not been able to refute the fact that god is fake

>> No.18563699

>the universe just made itself out of nothing for no reason, lmao

>> No.18563713

>it was some old Jewish bloke

>> No.18563720

If God is proven to be fake does that mean there is a real God? Did atheists just prove gnosticism?

>> No.18563721

God made the universe because ???, lmao.

>> No.18563722
File: 717 KB, 800x7200, F4ABA078-85FF-4696-90EB-D2905785825F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, this image remains unrefuted.

>> No.18563723


>laws of physics, chemistry, mathematics, the physical working of the bodies of animals and plants being clearly deliberately created for function and efficiency, the existence of teeth that cut the food and a tongue that studies its tastes and is most pleased by the taste of elements one needs to survive (sugar, salt, fat), that detects if there is poison or intoxicating elements (bitterness), muscles made to send the food down a pipe to have its nutrients extracted for the sake of energy that is created through the burn of oxygen cells being carried by blood cells, all of which is powered by electrical impulses sent by a mass of fat and water that is protected by a circular rock to defend it from being damaged.

>> No.18563724
File: 67 KB, 1200x675, 3D11E266-DC34-40E3-8694-0924441F00CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The universe once wasn’t
>the only thing to exist before it was a strongman daddy god with no emotions and fed on pieces of baby penis. He always was, long before all the universe.

Doesn’t need its own thread

>> No.18563727

This argument has been going on as long as the internet has been around, and always results in excessive hurring and general retardation.
Even if an irrefutable piece of evidence surfaces proving the existence of God emerged, you'd still call it fake and gay.
Now take your sup-par Waifu and gtfo off the board, you special little retard.

>> No.18563729

Are you really 45?

>> No.18563731

>God's creation can't be small in the Universe IT HAS TO BE BIGZ
>Why would God want us to not give in to self-destructive behaviors caused by instincts gone haywire? I don't understand!

>> No.18563736
File: 141 KB, 720x707, 4CD20B52-28C8-4949-AD45-3079560A13DF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

proof of god will never emerge because he is not real.
similar to how your sex tape will never emerge!

>> No.18563738

Masturbation is bad for your health anon.
Which is why it is taught against in Christian scripture

>> No.18563740

>The effects of being molested during childhood in the female mind

>> No.18563742

Omnipotence implies that God has the ability to care for every tiny detail of the whole universe. Masturbation is objectively bad for one's wellbeing, thus God cares about us engaging in such behavior

>> No.18563745
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>> No.18563748
File: 378 KB, 891x894, Yes, christ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is only because I respect your mother's privacy.

>> No.18563751

You are. :o

>> No.18563753
File: 121 KB, 520x588, holes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I wouldn't want myself filmed you shallow meat husk.
Now gtfo. You're shitting up the board

>> No.18563756
File: 106 KB, 718x717, B803CCF5-1A57-453F-8ADF-59C112C5C7E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, then, would he give us the capacity to masturbate?

>> No.18563761

<Anno Domini 2021
>Motherfucker never matured past getting a crush on fucking animated characters

The effects of being raised by entertainment media.

>> No.18563773
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 064AB6F2-1013-4385-A1E4-012FFEB60083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am truly proof of the nonexistence of god.

>> No.18563775

Sex is needed for procreation. Procreation is a good thing, so it makes sense for God to make it feel good. Masturbation, and all sexual immorality, is a perversion of how God made us

>> No.18563784


Between the idea that it all just sprang forth from nothing, unbidden, of its own accord, and for no reason, and the idea that some ultimate dude did it, the FORMER is the more reasonable view. Because in the LATTER case, you are adding an extra magical Aha, an extra step, which makes the latter position the less tenable, the sillier of the two. This, despite the fact that both situations are admittedly very strange.

>> No.18563787

But that is ok, you are still the same.

>> No.18563792

>god is fake

no. It is sort of obvious that we live in a constructed universe. That there are multiple dimensions with several types of beings. I personally believe the purpose of our existence is for the universe to experience itself.

>> No.18563794
File: 14 KB, 236x314, 8F0BB41D-85D6-445C-8F6B-F6F6A0A5EB9F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God exists and you all have terrible tastes in waifu.

>> No.18563797

>Omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent being partially external to reality and of greater capacity and power created the Universe
>It just happened

I'm thinking the previous is more credible, at least in theory.

>> No.18563802

The only right choice is Asuka. Everyone who is husbando to anyone else is going to be publicly executed. We will put an end to this nonsense.

>> No.18563803


Not the real Butterfly

>> No.18563808

But she said she is 45 yo, it has to be her.

>> No.18563813


>> No.18563814

Nagataro is fucking shit. Also anyone avataring as an anime girl is probably a tranny and should kill themselves.

>> No.18563816

Is she a dyke?
Because I'm pretty sure she is. Otherwise an extremely annoying woman

>> No.18563822

honestly I can't do anything but laugh at you guys anymore because you are really delusional about God. Have you ever thought about why most people believe in God at some level? It's not because most people are stupid, or because it's bred into them by society because society would still have to come up with God on its own to breed it into new people, it's because the existence of God is simply obvious. It's literally impossible in every way for God not to exist. But it's pointless to try and convince you people because you don't even seem to even have consciousness or any rational faculties. If you had rational faculties you would believe in God for many of the reasons others here have brought up, and you would see that these problems are not solvable by science as we know it. If you had consciousness you would understand that the existence of your own mind is itself proof of God. If you had consciousness and rational faculties you would ask yourself where your consciousness comes from. You can keep deluding yourselves into thinking that all this somehow exists without any mind (even though you yourself have a mind) or you can just accept what's obvious. Of course you don't really think about God at all, you think about religion, which is much easier to disprove convincingly, and when you disprove it it gives you the illusion that you've somehow also disproved God in the process. I really do wonder if you have consciousness at all.

>> No.18563824

Niggatoro is cute and based

>> No.18563826
File: 87 KB, 600x600, this right here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18563838


I can't agree with this.

>> No.18563839
File: 63 KB, 602x666, nice1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best response ITT.
Seriously. good work anon

>> No.18563847

Hilarious and based

>> No.18563849

She's the flavor of the season gimmick girl. Get better waifu taste.

>> No.18563856

I am.

A bit older actually.

>> No.18563857

>you end up being right that god exists
>turn it it was a pajeet god all along and you’re going to hell

>> No.18563862

Consciousness proves YHWH wants your foreskin.

>> No.18563870
File: 934 KB, 960x720, EF8D45E9-744A-4A4C-8DE3-360A37DC27C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mountain...Heavy mountains. Things that change over time.
Sun... A unique object.
Water... Something comforting. Commander Ikari.
Flowers... So many of the same... And so many unneeded.
Sky... Red, red sky. The colour red. I hate the colour red.
Water flowing.
Blood... The smell of blood. A woman who never bleeds.
Man made from red soil.
Man made from man and woman.
City... A human creation.
Eva... A human creation.
What is a human? A creation of God?
Is man a human creation?
The things I possess are a life and soul. I am a vessel for a soul.
Entry plug, the throne for a soul.
Who is this? This is me.
Who am I? What am I? What am I? What am I? What am i?
I am myself. This object is me.
This is the me that can be seen, yet I feel as though I am not myself.
Very strange. I feel as if my body is melting.
I can no longer see myself. My shape is fading.
I feel the presence of someone who is not me.
Is someone there, beyond this?
I know this person. Major Katsuragi.
Doctor Akagi.
Everyone. Classmates.
The pilot of Unit 02.
Commander Ikari?
Who are you?
Who are you?
Who are you?

>> No.18563874

>Masturbation is objectively bad
Citation needed.
And I'm not talking about porn, that's bad of course, but what is bad about masturbating once or twice a month?

>> No.18563879


It's exactly the other way round. The widespread tendency toward theism is not a proof of god, but only a demonstration of the fallibility of man. And on the contrary, no, most people don't adhere to a specific cult because they've really thought deeply-this is the bit where you really undercut yourself. You know it just as well as anyone else. Most people adhere to a given religion, at bottom, for no other reason than that they were born into a culture where that religion was extant.

>> No.18563880

Why can't I fuck animals? Muslims get to fuck goats and aren't punished for that...

>> No.18563881

just proving my point you retards
>Of course you don't really think about God at all, you think about religion
this is the same thing you guys pull every time. WeLl HoW dO yOu KnOw It'S YoUr GoD? Pay attention, I never mentioned Yahweh or anything, The first thing is we're arguing because you don't believe in ANY God, not because you don't believe in a religion. It's like you have some kind of mental illness that prevents you from separating these two entirely different arguments out in your head.

>> No.18563882

I unironically love Evangelion

>> No.18563884


Imagine being a woman near 50 and still such a dullard.

>> No.18563885

Do you like us, anons? Why haven't you left here?

>> No.18563886
File: 106 KB, 960x1012, 3348DA02-21F6-4A7A-98BC-A40399D90EE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your refusal to refute is a concession that I accept.

>> No.18563888

>I'm not religious, I'm spiritual
That's even worse.

>> No.18563890

You wrote a long ass text without saying anything wtf.

>> No.18563891

masturbation is often accompanied by lust and pornographic thoughts, lust in the heart is bad for you and your soul, you'll create a slippery slope, a bad habit. a forest fire can start from a small spark.

masturbation is also a sign that you are not satisfied romantically/sexually and spiritually. it's a bandaid for a problem deeper within yourself.

>> No.18563892

Why is lust bad?

>> No.18563893

>I hate the color red
>Names everyone except for "the pilot of Eva Unit 2

Damn, that's cold.

>> No.18563897

>my refusal to refute an "argument" that has nothing to do with anything I said
Do you see why I have to laugh at you?
You're still doing it dumbass, I didn't say I wasn't religious, I said you need to stop treating them like one argument when they're entirely different.

>> No.18563899

>people have a natural instinctive tendency for natural theology because they're just retarded man
>people believe in these faiths that have formed millennia old civilizations with Billions of people just because they're born in a successful civilization
based retard

>> No.18563900

>What do you mean that 106 billion people have lived on this planet?
>Surely all this is for me, ME
>Me me me me me I I I I I am so fucking important I am so fucking important
Fuck you

>> No.18563901
File: 120 KB, 239x194, 1550344175188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best and worst tripfag on the board posting in the same thread

>> No.18563902

I care too much. (Even though most are dullards) This place is easy entertainment.

>> No.18563903

So God couldn't give humanity the means to have sex without giving us the ability to masturbate? So God failed in his creation?

>> No.18563905


He's a tone-deaf dimwit who likes to hang around in a forum where he is consistently hated.

>> No.18563908

are you being willfully dense?

>> No.18563910
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>> No.18563911
File: 383 KB, 446x559, you order.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18563913

if god is real he’s a retard

>> No.18563914

Catechism says no fucking your dog, Stacey.
Its the worst sin against chastity.

>> No.18563916


>> No.18563917

You're confusing the terms. A religion in the strict sense is just something that gives you an ethical codex, that determines how you behave. So everyone has a religion. (Or at least should have). But a faith is, when religion is based on a God or something supernatural. Something you can't prove and have to have blind faith in.

>> No.18563919


Not him but what is wilfully dense is to excuse whatever deficiencies, whatever imperfections in the creation, because Muh Complexity, or Muh Free Will, or Muh U Don't Know The Full Picture Man Just Believe.

>> No.18563920

It is a valid argument. If God actually did create this planet with massive mountains, deep oceans and filled with life why couldn't he make humans without the ability to masturbate?

>> No.18563923
File: 36 KB, 433x604, SNAP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>places vase in front of retard
>Retard, no matter what, don't break this fucking vase
>retard breaks the vase
I fucking failed again by expecting you to not be a retard.

>> No.18563924
File: 367 KB, 810x810, 5001A699-52E5-4ED4-BF6D-7D3021010158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frater isn’t so bad. Don’t be mean.

>> No.18563925

placing a vase in front of a retard is retarded in itself, god is an idiot by your example

>> No.18563927

What the FUCK are those hair clips even FOR!?

>> No.18563928

So the retard is stronger than God then? If God doesn't want the retard to brake the vase but the retard still manages to beat God and destroy it doesn't that mean that the retard is stronger than God?

>> No.18563931

>masturbation is also a sign that you are not satisfied romantically/sexually and spiritually. it's a bandaid for a problem deeper within yourself.
Citation needed

>> No.18563932

The difference between you and Frater is that Frater wouldn't have made that obvious joke about you, but you made it about him

>> No.18563938


Blessed thread

>> No.18563940

This level of mental retardation doesn't even merit acknowledgement but God gave the retard every opportunity to not break the vase, in a household where everyone else has managed to not break the vase, but retard just had to act like a bonobo. He himself is a failed experiment, mostly due to his own free will, and will stay behind The others get to proceed.

>> No.18563942

If a man kills someone with an ax, is the company that manufactured the ax responsible for the murder?

>> No.18563945
File: 47 KB, 1280x640, 81973D30-511A-4849-AE6D-C699F51C150A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once more, not only is the atheism abhorrent, the unapologetic posting of such ephemeral waifus demonstrates the class of posters arguing against divinity, both a weakness on the formal and the aesthetical contemplation levels.

The usage of the other in order to define the self by contrast has a long philosophical tradition, both by defining our roles and relationships and by our perceptions of those who perceive us in a certain way, which is kinda what the last episode gets into with the perceptions of the characters speaking in the chairs.

I do not see it as selfish, rather I think it shows centering herself both through our own powerful introspection and using the environment around her to locate herself, isolated in a mental void.

Asuka very well captures a young female personality, but rei, who is given much less time and was even forgotten at some point, she captured people originally I think, because of the strong internal personality, the strong introspective voice, the contrast of the externally quiet with the internally vibrant. Yes rei is a fantasy in comparison to the realistic asuka, but her being a fantasy of isolation and subdued ego is precisely what is so good about her.

>> No.18563947

Citation: take a good look into your life. No one who has work to get done and has fulfilling sex feels the random smoker-habit impulse to jerk off ten times a day, out of which two or three are actualized.

>> No.18563948

What I want to know is, when is somebody going to dox butterfly, break into her home, gangrape her and disembowel her whilst wearing her face?

>> No.18563950
File: 384 KB, 2000x3096, 7668EE1D-D53B-4C14-84A7-0AC65F5876EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What failure of a parent sets a vase in front of a retarded young child? You’re making your dumb god look dumb

>> No.18563952

The God exists is so obvious and inherent I don't know what the arguments ultimately about really. Just autism.

>> No.18563953

That doesn't look like Asuka.

>> No.18563954

>has fulfilling sex

For purposes of PROCREATION ONLY scumbag.

>> No.18563955

>due to his free will
Even the name itself implies that he is a victim of circumstance. The retard is retarded - he never had a chance.

>> No.18563957

The kind that actually has mild expectations for that child, some of them can even have jobs you know. I know you are retarded, but it's part of the ontological experiment to see if you can overcome yourself.

>> No.18563958


Jesus said lusting after women is adultery of the heart. And anyone who has lusted knows that it's a petty feeling, that enslaves you, it doesn't free you.

>> No.18563959

No one talked about ten times a day. We talked about masturbation in general and I even said once or twice a month. Either you're projecting or being willfully dishonest.

>> No.18563960

She is just a copy of another person.

>> No.18563962

it's about the fact that you are currently observing a world of pure mind with your own mind which is also a part of that mind and any other proposition is absurd

>> No.18563963

>sees people talking about tripfags
>decides to put on new trip for his epic animu girl
kill yourself autist.

>> No.18563964
File: 45 KB, 400x600, 2d9f4548069985cb2c8ac319c426fc8f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And anyone who has lusted knows that it's a petty feeling
The entire French nation would like to disagree.

>> No.18563966
File: 143 KB, 1122x1376, YES.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you seen them catholics with 25 children? Researches show they have more and better sex than most

>> No.18563967

ITT: Christards being stupid again as always.

>> No.18563970
File: 60 KB, 730x1024, CE3EA351-3F1E-4A69-896E-2ED750C45086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her being artificial, a simulation, that is the best part.

>> No.18563971
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A better argument would be
>baby food company makes baby food
>a baby that eats it gets poisoned and dies
>you can't blame the company because the company is infallible but can't make baby food that doesn't poison and kill the baby
>so you blame the baby instead
This is why people keep disproving your God; you claim that God can do anything but he constantly messes up "his creation" and then you blame the creation for being created in the wrong way

>> No.18563972

I said the desire comes 10 times a day. You're being MASSIVELY dishonest if you think anyone will masturbate once or twice a month, specially men.

>> No.18563974

Right, just autism.

>> No.18563975
File: 192 KB, 1446x964, 4424D02F-F1EB-4B15-8EE8-9A271BE95D58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If god is all seeing, all knowing, then why did he have expectations for a retarded child? if he truly is omniscient, he would have already known that the retarded child would break the vase. therefore, setting the vase in front of the child can only stem from two situations- either god is ignorant, incompetent and not as powerful as you pretend he is, or he is malicious, and intentionally set the retarded child up to fail- a god like that would be a total asshole and unworthy of any praise.

>> No.18563976
File: 113 KB, 736x736, E0ZJiP1XEAEhLpx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am as sure as I live that nothing is so near to me as God. God is nearer to me than I am to myself; my existence depends on the nearness and presence of God.

He is also near things of wood and stone, but they know it not. If a piece of wood became as aware of the nearness of God as an archangel is, the piece of wood would be as happy as an archangel. For this reason man is happier than the inanimate wood, because he knows and understands how God is near him. His happiness increases and diminishes in proportion to the increase and diminution in his knowledge of this. His happiness does not arise from this that God is near him, and in him, and that He possesses God; but from this, that he knows the nearness of God, and loves Him, and is aware that “the Kingdom of God is near.” So, when I think on God’s Kingdom, I am compelled to be silent because of its immensity, because God’s Kingdom is none other than God Himself with all His riches.

>> No.18563981

The human being is flawed but able to overcome its flaws with a modicum of work towards it. You're just employing the defeatist mindset of people who refuse to go to the gym because they are already too fat.

>> No.18563982

Why is that tho? Do you personally feel that you don't "deserve" a real woman and thus have to settle for a copy? Or do you feel that real women and beneath you and only a being that isn't a women is deserving of your love?

>> No.18563985

Asuka wears an eye-patch. She literally can't lose to anyone. Imagine losing to a copy of mommy. Did you had a good relationship with your mom? Maybe it was too good?

>> No.18563990

>God Himself with all His riches.
Why does God care about money?

>> No.18563991
File: 3.80 MB, 4500x3004, calico.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then why did he have expectations for a retarded child?
I have expectations of my cat.
Sometimes she meets them, sometimes she fucking screams at the corner of the wall at 3h30am.
I still love her though.

>> No.18563992

God knows all things and has contingencies plans for man, that's why he didn't just obliterate the world once Adam and Eve sinned but gave them many changes and gave man many chances, and even sent his Son to redeem the world, because he wants to save man from his sin. The very fact that he allows atheists to continue existing is to give them a chance to repent and know him, which is a sign of his mercy.

>> No.18563994

The ax company made the ax with a specific intention in mind. The murderer perverted that intention, and acted not in accordance with the company. Likewise, God gave you a penis for procreation. Perverting that purpose is your own doing, not God's.
Your analogy relies on the false notion that having genitalia is inherently wrong.

>> No.18563995
File: 69 KB, 850x1052, 4d7f452674320b962cdc2f7252576dc3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enlightenment is breaking the dichotomy.

>> No.18563997

Like I thought, you were projecting. You seem like a massive addict and turn to ancient desert advice as a last resort.

>> No.18563998

>If god is all seeing, all knowing, then why did he have expectations for a retarded child?
Cause he knows the child can do better if they apply the smallest measure of self-restraint.
>if he truly is omniscient
He is, he knows everything that you can even possibly or impossibly come up with in a situation. An infinity of possibilities in God's mind. He just wants to see what you will pick.

God not only knows every single thing you could possibly do within your bounds, but he gives you every opportunity to not do something retarded, but you do it just the same.

You think motherfucking GOD needs someone's praise? Specially another 15 year old flouncing that God s a meanie?

>> No.18564000

>bro, just overcome your mental handicap. Just pull yourself up by your own bootstraps.
There's optimism, and then there's delusion.

>> No.18564002


Stupid analogy and you damn well know it, a company composed of fallible men who create something which can be used as a killing weapon has little to do with a theoretically perfect god who is supposed to have done his best but then it all goes wrong anyway and we're not supposed to properly assign blame to the theoretical god because Muh Free Will, or similar. He could, and should, have just made the creation simple. After all, god doesn't get bored. But he didn't. And why not?

Because god is a psychological projection of human impulses.

>> No.18564004

What if we're all fragments of God?

>> No.18564009


If god doesn't insist on being praised, then you have lots of explaining to about the history of religion.

>> No.18564010

Yeah, I fuck my mom on the yoosh. So what?

>> No.18564011

A world where one can only do good is a world where no one can truly do good.

>> No.18564013


This is a dopey idea that the Dilbert cartoonist Scott Adams once detailed in a short book "God's Debris". I suspect that it's an ancient idea (Hinduism?) and he just did a modern iteration of it, but to be fair I don't know details.

>> No.18564014

Are you going to put your cat in an eternal volcano after her death for screaming and because she doesn't believe in your preferable God?

>> No.18564015

Worthless analogy- you are not omniscient and all-knowing, regardless of how mentally superior you are to your cat.

The straws are being GRASPED.
if god knows everything, he knows there are no choices (from his perspective). he knows how the plot line plays out. he knows I shall not repent... Yet I still exist.
>he just wants to see what you will pick
If god is omniscient, he already knows what we will pick. You don’t know what omniscient means.
all of you BOOMED by nagatoro

>> No.18564019

kek the quintessential atheist retort everybody.
We are, Christianity calls it the Holy Spirit and the Church, gnosticism calls it the divine spark, Chris Langan calls it the universal distributed form. I just think of it as the mind of God (which is what the holy spirit is) and our consciousness is the mind of God.

>> No.18564020


Right, that canard, thanks.

>> No.18564021

Said the retard claiming religion's objective flaw comes from forbidding masturbation and promising to only do it sometimes. The very nature of masturbation is that it is addictive and self-destructive. That is like promising to only snort coke once or twice a month. Continue acting autistic and pretending you don't understand the fundamental issues with mastubation, retard.

>> No.18564022
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>God is extremely manipulative of the people he supposedly has absolute power over, as if he were actually one of them and not transcendent at all, as if this were mere pretense, and has to resort to what are effectively social engineering schemes to keep them in line

>> No.18564023
File: 125 KB, 680x337, 17c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18564027


No, of course he won't. He is a good guy. He will simply ALLOW his cat to go there, and never do anything about it, if it chooses.

>> No.18564028

The same principle. God is might makes right. You will worship God because he is greater than anything else. Much like, he doesn't need the most remote praise from anyone, as worship is for the salvation of the worshiper.

>> No.18564029

No, but neither is God. You don't understand what Hell is. It's not a physical location. It is the state of definitive and complete rejection of God. You condemn yourself to Hell, and the possibility of Hell is dependent on the possibility of freely coming to know God.

>> No.18564033

If god is all powerful, why does hell exist? why did he create sin? god is a nigger desu

>> No.18564036

Thread is probably close to getting pruned at this point but it's refreshing to see a vigorous rejection of theism on this board once in a while, even if the OP is cringe. Maybe the tide is turning again...

>> No.18564037

Look it up and convert

>> No.18564038

The final redpill is to realize that Jesus/God was just a human hired by Aliens to keep humanity in check.

>> No.18564040

Mods.. really?

>> No.18564041
File: 1.02 MB, 795x1271, E0013B4B-39F1-4478-84A1-3B28A3B1D1EF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah i see, you don’t understand the decadent love of Artifice. The love of the simulation and artificial is simple once you look at its simplistic elements, the artificial is simply that which has the refinement of man applied to it, that has human craftsmanship at its core, the simulation is a replica of the real but produced by man, because it is produced by man it can be refined by man to any degree, it can be manipulated to any degree, consider for a moment desire and will both in the female, as represented in the female Will to use makeup to modify her appearance, and consider also the male Will to have a woman who is unnaturally perfect, such as in the novel L'Ève future, by adding artificiality, you allow any and every desire and will to reach their maximum, the rei vs asuka question is actually a more foundational question,

It is a preference for Dionysian Art And experience, vs Apollonian art and experience, in the Dionysian you have the visceral, the fleshy, the tears covered in snot, men falling over from drunken joy, the loud mouthed girl even. Compare this to the Apollonian, the beauty of the perfect line, of mathematical precision, the perfect alchemical arrangement of concepts, the beauty of a mannerist painting even. The Apollonian is controlled refinement, it is the forcing of harmony among the chaotic elements, fundamentally people prefer asuka because the narrative and aesthetic of the show is one which backs the Dionysian against the Apollonian fantasy world, but I am against it, I believe more of the core of man is found in the refined illusion, more beauty and more harmony. For what makes man greater than the animal? What makes humanity distinct? It is our intellect, our will to refine, our reason which categorizes, arranges and modifies.

In this regard, Rei is not just some quiet girl, she is an image of the essence of man, the all-ego, the all-reason, the all/refined, the perfect harmony, and for this reason she harmonizes all humanity within herself as one unity, whereas asuka is not just some girl, she is every individual girl, she is every individual chaotic material element alone and as itself without harmonization.

Asuka is the option of normative man, Rei is the most Human option.

>> No.18564044

>why does hell exist
God is actually really petty in the bible. He built hell himself to torture humans who don't worship him.

>> No.18564045

Thomist pseuds can't handle being told that God didn't make them obese

>> No.18564049


The very tyranny of god which denounces the idea of the creature. It sincerely disgusts me how cucked some of you pretend to be. "Welp that's the way it is."

>> No.18564051

>christcuck begging mods to save him now


>> No.18564052
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There is a truth which you both ignore.

>> No.18564053

It's a clearly an evil God then, judging by the fact that pain far outweighs the pleasure in this world.

>> No.18564054

God knows everything you can do and choose, i a way he knows what you will do by knowing all the multiple choices you could make, but through free will, God allows us to pick for ourselves. Much like a cat's owner knows all that a cat is capable of but expects the cat to not destroy the drapes.

>> No.18564057

She isn't canon

>> No.18564059


Right, because he is a projection of human psychologicial impulses, a mythic creation with all those same baggages.

>> No.18564060

>Here's your free will anon
>But you BETTER fucking use it to DO WHAT I FOOKIN' TELL YA!

Huh, the bible is one big, long catch 22.. interesting

>> No.18564063
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>the author’s self insert being with the author’s wife’s self insert isn’t canon.


>> No.18564064

God is all knowing, he clearly knew the fate of every being when he created it. So there is no condemn yourself to Hell. It's a fucking puppet show.

>> No.18564065

Fuck the rebuilds, this is the most non-character I've ever seen.

She makes Rei look deep by comparison.. why did they even add this chick?

>> No.18564067

There is nothing that really makes suffering bad in itself. I mean whenever I suffer or have just suffered I realize that I can't make an absolute statement about how being in a state of suffering is somehow WORSE than pleasure. I'm still just existing the same way. Suffering isn't bad, it has to exist as a principle of the universe, through its existence it allows the universe to exist, or at least people who are conscious of the universe to exist. You can't be conscious without suffering. The only thing that is bad is when you use your free will to go against the will of God.

>> No.18564068

> Catechism of the Catholic Church
> IV. Hell

>1033 We cannot be united with God unless we freely choose to love him. But we cannot love God if we sin gravely against him, against our neighbor or against ourselves: "He who does not love remains in death. Anyone who hates his brother is a murderer, and you know that no murderer has eternal life abiding in him."610 Our Lord warns us that we shall be separated from him if we fail to meet the serious needs of the poor and the little ones who are his brethren.611 To die in mortal sin without repenting and accepting God's merciful love means remaining separated from him for ever by our own free choice. This state of definitive self-exclusion from communion with God and the blessed is called "hell."

> 1034 Jesus often speaks of "Gehenna" of "the unquenchable fire" reserved for those who to the end of their lives refuse to believe and be converted, where both soul and body can be lost.612 Jesus solemnly proclaims that he "will send his angels, and they will gather . . . all evil doers, and throw them into the furnace of fire,"613 and that he will pronounce the condemnation: "Depart from me, you cursed, into the eternal fire!"614

> 1035 The teaching of the Church affirms the existence of hell and its eternity. Immediately after death the souls of those who die in a state of mortal sin descend into hell, where they suffer the punishments of hell, "eternal fire."615 The chief punishment of hell is eternal separation from God, in whom alone man can possess the life and happiness for which he was created and for which he longs.

> 1036 The affirmations of Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Church on the subject of hell are a call to the responsibility incumbent upon man to make use of his freedom in view of his eternal destiny. They are at the same time an urgent call to conversion: "Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many. For the gate is narrow and the way is hard, that leads to life, and those who find it are few."616

> Since we know neither the day nor the hour, we should follow the advice of the Lord and watch constantly so that, when the single course of our earthly life is completed, we may merit to enter with him into the marriage feast and be numbered among the blessed, and not, like the wicked and slothful servants, be ordered to depart into the eternal fire, into the outer darkness where "men will weep and gnash their teeth."617

> 1037 God predestines no one to go to hell;618 for this, a willful turning away from God (a mortal sin) is necessary, and persistence in it until the end. In the Eucharistic liturgy and in the daily prayers of her faithful, the Church implores the mercy of God, who does not want "any to perish, but all to come to repentance":619

>> No.18564069

Where'd god come from?

>> No.18564071

>You can't be conscious without suffering.
why would god create us with the capacity to suffer?

>> No.18564072

God justifies his own existence, his very essence is to exist.

>> No.18564075

It’s literally based on his irl wife, both age gap, look, whole thing. Shinji was always anno’s self insert. Her being hollow and not for us is implied to be on purpose also.

>> No.18564074

>God justifies his own existence

>his very essence is to exist.

>> No.18564076

God created good and evil, created you with the capacity for evil or bad behaviors, and wants you to not do them. Can you deal with that basic responsibility or is that too much for you to handle? Ultimately, it is your own fate that is at stake, you are only degrading your life and this of the people around you.

>> No.18564077

Catholic church is an idol worshipping cult. Fuck cathoids.

>> No.18564078

>oh no baby dies, god must be fake.
this is what atheists actually believe

>> No.18564079

Very intense levels of ressentiment, c.p. Tertullian

>> No.18564081

>Suffering isn't bad
Fucking christcucks man

>> No.18564082

it's proof of God's omnipotent free will
we are made in his image anon, so the retard can break the vase
and thus it is with God
No. The best argument is that of the father and the son.
The father is wise. He knows what his son ought to do to be a good man. He teaches his son the right way.
The son, born of the father, and hearing his father's teachings, ignores them and lives the wrong way.
The father, with his permissive will, continues to tell the son the right way. It is all he can do, for the son is made as he is by God, with a free will.
Who will argue it is right for the father to force the son? It is not the father's responsibility to coerce with violence or money.
>he constantly messes up "his creation"
His creation was made in a way to bring glory to Himself. It is not glorious for his creations to be born ready. It is glorious for his creations to grow in accord with His will from their own love of God.
God made it possible for us to fail for His glory.

>> No.18564083

So it's a sting operation? Is God a narc?

>> No.18564084

Unbaptized infants unironically roast in Hell scumbag.

>> No.18564086

ideal worshipping, not idol worshipping.
Christ is our Ideal.

>> No.18564087
File: 212 KB, 500x840, martin luther.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nah, I don't believe in this church that celebrates people enlightened by God, that'd be idolatry, but I love my Martin Luther

>> No.18564089

>The father is wise. He knows what his son ought to do to be a good man. He teaches his son the right way.
>The son, born of the father, and hearing his father's teachings, ignores them and lives the wrong way.
>The father, with his permissive will, continues to tell the son the right way. It is all he can do, for the son is made as he is by God, with a free will.
>Who will argue it is right for the father to force the son? It is not the father's responsibility to coerce with violence or money.
This actually debunks God because God would have been able to teach his son in such a way that the son would still have listened.

>> No.18564092

>if god knows everything, he knows there are no choices (from his perspective). he knows how the plot line plays out. he knows I shall not repent... Yet I still exist.
He knows what you desire and what you will decide to choose, his knowledge doesn't coerce your choices.
If you don't repent, if you don't seek him then you will get justice instead of mercy, so either way God is doing what is just or what is merciful.
The potter has power over the clay.

You should realize you are under God's power, just like nature and everything else in reality, you didn't self-create and you can't escape his power. Even non-existence, prior to your birth was inable to protect you or hide you from Him.
He is the beholder of all hidden things.
And death will not be able to hide you either.
So seek him and try to repent best you can.

>> No.18564093

I don't know about you, but I'm pretty sure there are tards that are fully capable of following a passive instruction

>> No.18564094


>> No.18564096

baptize them then, thats on you if they go to hell pagan.

>> No.18564099
File: 87 KB, 428x339, 342721C4-2B25-4B96-B59A-8D575886FC12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would god create evil and create us with the capacity for evil if evil is the one thing he did NOT want us to do?
>I made a toaster, one of its built in functions is to electrocute people. I don’t want it to do that though. If it electrocutes someone I’m going to be really mad and burn it, even though, by designing it with the capacity for it, it became part of its nature to electrocute people.

>> No.18564100

Let me just put it this way. The existence of suffering is logically necessary for many other things, and suffering isn't bad, so there is no reason God wouldn't create suffering.
God is like a giant tautology, he exists in such a way that guarantees his existence, which is having omnipotence, omniscience, being a mind that forms itself through self identification outside of time and causality.
I know you probably won't ever be able to see it because you don't love anything, all you care about is avoiding suffering.

>> No.18564101

Some priest retconned that during the medieval ages. Apparently European peasants found the idea of babies being tortured a bad thing while God was okay with it for hundreds of years.

>> No.18564103

What about those who die in birth/stillborn etc.?

How do you niggers account for genetic deformities and shit? That's pretty goddammed cruel if you ask me.

>> No.18564104

>I am entirely helpless, why must I avoid behaviors I've been told and shown are self-destructive by everyone since the dawn of times?

>> No.18564105

>This actually debunks God because God would have been able to teach his son in such a way that the son would still have listened.
only in your imagined sense of what god is, thats the problem most of you athiests have, you attibute god to things that are imagined or apply certain words to god that dont represent god at all.

>> No.18564108

>I can't make an absolute statement about how being in a state of suffering is somehow WORSE than pleasure.
Imagine the neck of a Zebra in the jaws of a Lion. Now compare the pleasure of of that hungry Lion with the pain of Zebra and judge for yourself which one is greater.

>> No.18564110

Be real here for a second.
You are asian, right?

>> No.18564111

>God is like a giant tautology, he exists in such a way that guarantees his existence, which is having omnipotence, omniscience, being a mind that forms itself through self identification outside of time and causality.

>> No.18564112

This is a concession.

>> No.18564113

Yeah they invented limbo for it. You can just straight up invent shit that has no scriptural basis and it's FOOKIN' AYOKAY!

>> No.18564115

Why couldn't God have made the lion vegetarian?

>> No.18564116

That's the human experiment right there, to see if you have something to do other than jerk off to anime, maybe train yourself in piety and spiritual fortitude. Here is a toaster that makes normal toast and toast with crystal meth. Choose your toast, once it destroys your body, it is entirely on you.

>> No.18564117

no it doesnt, god made man in his image, therfore man has the potential of god, if a man rejects gods teaching it is by the power of god that he does so

>> No.18564118


>god created evil

So he's a bad guy. I think we're done here.

>> No.18564120

pathetic “response”. the christcucks WILL be run off this board, I shall lead the charge with my supreme intellect and deductive reasoning.

>> No.18564121

Like I said, there is no absolute outside force that makes the suffering of the zebra better or worse than the pleasure of the lion. It's totally subjective and it simply is. It's not like I'm saying this as someone who doesn't know suffering, we all do. But the only reason you think it's bad is because it feels bad to you, not because it's bad.
because he has to exist that way because it's his nature because his nature is to exist. There is no other why, that's why. If you ask why again please tell me why what. be specific.

>> No.18564124

>why would god create evil and create us with the capacity for evil if evil is the one thing he did NOT want us to do?
Because he didn't make clockwork automata but real persons who are able to relate to him freely, or reject him, made in his image.

God didn't create evil itself, evil is a deprivation of the good, it is us aiming our will away from God. God desires what's best for us, and he is what's best for us.

>> No.18564125

Also all people who died before Jesus came also went to limbo but Jesus apparently didn't know about it since he didn't mention it to anybody. So before Jesus showed up everybody just lived in limbo after death but with Jesus arriving Hell now become a thing and you got tortured if you didn't praise God during your life.

But God can just teach him better. God fails as a teacher since the student doesn't learn, in fact God also fails as a man because he then blames the student he trained poorly.

>> No.18564131

It was my understanding that MAN created/brought evil into the world by eating some kind of magical pome or some shit...


>> No.18564133

Jesus went to the underworld to preach to the spirits in ''prison''...the gospel exists on earth and beyond earth.

Hell comes after the final judgement.

>> No.18564134

Here's a deduction

Theory: You're a teenage retard

Experiment: Engage in basic conversation with you

Conclusion: You masturbate to anime

Therefore you're a teenage retard.

>> No.18564135

why did faggot god feel the need to make himself what was best for us, again? i know you’re a born bootlicker, but you should at least be able to explain this one.

>> No.18564136

God knows everything so he knows that he did Good when he gave us the possibility to masturbate. How do you know there are other ways of making us humans that would be without the ability of masturbation if you are not omniscient? If there were other, better ways, God would have done it.

>> No.18564138

>Like I said, there is no absolute outside force that makes the suffering of the zebra better or worse than the pleasure of the lion.
You're a sick bastard.

>> No.18564142

Tards by and large only know how to follow whims and incentives.

>> No.18564143

Attacking him as a person isn't gonna win you any arguments here.

>> No.18564144

The fall radically changed the whole universe, earth and animals, not just humankind. Eden is protected by an angel with a giant fiery sword, we don't know where it is.

>> No.18564145

Whatever. Love which is purpose overcomes suffering easily. It's nothing. You're just arguing emotionally at this point. If I had said the same thing as a nihilist and not a theist you would have no problem with it.

>> No.18564146

This comment doesn't merit being told it doesn't merit acknowledgement, it is pure inbred retardation

>> No.18564147

>because he has to exist that way because it's his nature because his nature is to exist. There is no other why,
But why?

>> No.18564148

Atheists truly are abhorrent and disingenuous.
Why is this thread still up.

>> No.18564149

you are running as far from the debate as you can at this stage. you are Ill-equipped and desire to talk about anything but the current topic.
I’ve already buck broken you.

>> No.18564150

Nah mate, you're forgetting their FAVORITE addon.. the Harrowing of Hell. Everyone who couldn't have possibly known the "truth" before it was revealed roasted in Hell but Jesus went down there and gave a select few of them a get-out-of-hell free card.

Of course apparently he will only ever do that once.

>> No.18564151

Trash fires are fun to look at

>> No.18564154

>Love which is purpose overcomes suffering easily.
Yes bro love can redeem the billions of years of slaughter in animal kingdom, the planetary disasters and all types of evils which plagues this planet. Kindly fuck off. I would rather burn eternally in hell than bend the knee in front of an evil bitch called nature.