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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 58 KB, 500x485, womanhit6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18559255 No.18559255 [Reply] [Original]

Women are the inspiration to all Literature, since the dawn of histroy. Poems were written to please women, novels about love and prosperity with women as the sole energy for all things good and healthy.

Man alone is Savage, Man ruled and domesticated by Women is Civilized. this is the point of all Literature since Gilgamesh to now.

>> No.18559260
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Ankidu was a savage retard monkey, then women seduced him and made him a great Civilized man

>> No.18559267

Heil Pussy!

>> No.18559271
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>> No.18559314
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Male gods are seething manchildren, female Goddesses are based mommy dommes.

>> No.18559477
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Capitalism and the triumph of Onlyfans.

women innovate and thrive in capitalist society, they make onlyfans account and support technological sites and online business through onlyfans and patreon.

while men seethe about it on internet sites, women TAKE THE LEAD and enrich the economy.

>> No.18559485
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>> No.18559492

>2 posters

>> No.18559504
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Women also thrive in Socialist society

they are the best leaders in a caring society becasue of their motherhood and natural caregiving nature, they always keep the system going and they males well fed to work in the gulag.

>> No.18559511
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there are 4 posters you retard male

>> No.18559625


>> No.18559643
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boy are toys and women will put them to submission

>> No.18559689
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incels will seethe about this then larp about being trad nazis, a true NatSoc is a women respecter and a gentleman that make women lead society and home.

>> No.18559818
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with gentle beauty or with iron might, with caring motherhood or with cold blooded brutality, whether you like it or not, WOMEN RULE SUPREME, INCELS MOAN AND SCREAM.

>> No.18560020
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One Mommy Domme to rule them all, One Mommy Domme to find them, One Mommy Domme to bring them all and in the darkness bind them.

>> No.18560070

Even in times and places where women were not taught to read?

>> No.18560115
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yes, the point of the post is that they are the force and energy inspiring men to write great poems and epic art, the women is the driving force that inspire great deeds, they are also the ones that shape great men and transfer wisdom to them.

>> No.18560409
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without a woman, a man will achieve nothing. without being raised by a good woman, a man will end up a mess.

>> No.18561123
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your favorite writer? he did it to get pussy

>> No.18561161

>a true NatSoc is a women respecter and a gentleman

>that make women lead society
Lol wut?

>> No.18561177

prostitution is not new and has always existed. it is not a product of capitalism

>> No.18561255
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a healthy society is raised by a caring mother that is also a smart teacher and a strong healthy athlete too, there is no reason to to hate women like nu-nazi incels, they only regress society and degenerate as a country and collectives.

>> No.18561273

yeah but women always thrive no matter what system, capitalsm/socialism/feudalism/tribalism its all nothing to the power of women and their unrelenting might, their pussy alone is a source of wealth and prosperity

>> No.18561335

women inspire men to make great things, though that does not mean a woman in charge is always better . A woman doesn't have the drive men have since she can get a mate with just a wink, while men have to work and impress for the same thing.

>> No.18561351

Sure, but your obsession with "women as leaders" is not normal and seems to signify some problem with women yourself.

>> No.18561377
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its just a return to a natural order, doing that will be a return to tradition and the healthy ideal environment where men and women can thrive under.

>> No.18561390

No anon, women as leaders is not normal. What is normal is men as leaders, and perhaps morally growing to be more sensitive to the importance and value of women, and being able to appreciate the exceptional woman who works within the masculine sphere. Anything more than this seems pointless.

>> No.18561393

I love woman...

>> No.18561452
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men as leader obviously is not natural, the moment you are born you suck on your mother tit and not you dad. im not saying men don't have a place in society, they have important roles but not being leaders, look at modernity, men suck at being leaders, its natural, a natural place is ruled by women and women only. masculinity is appreciated, femininity is the ruling force of all things, whats the point of a strong man with no house and mate to protect? how will you raise healthy children with no mother? nature only point towards femininity being the leader and mover of all things.

>> No.18561474

>anon who obviously has a dom fetish has a dom fetish
Colour me surprised.

>> No.18561512

im not horny or fetish driven right now, I experienced many environments lead by men and women, women just do it better, they figure shit around and the men are the muscle that carry out their plan, its how society function.

>> No.18561517

absolutely based but this take is too big brained people on this site won't get it

>> No.18561527

Matriarchy is the only way

>> No.18561529

Please stop rationalising your fetish. You will never have 8 ft tall women running society.

>> No.18561531

not with that attitude we won't

>> No.18561541

Man alone is a ridiculous abstraction, stop rehashing Rousseau

>> No.18561548
File: 52 KB, 474x604, womanhit3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bro its not a fetish, last thing I coomed to is jenna haze getting BRUTALLY fucked by two guys, its just common since that nature favors women as the leaders and creators.

>> No.18561693

read the sailor who fell from grace with the sea. maybe that'll help fix your samefag autism

>> No.18561696
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based woman appreciators

>> No.18561707
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I did, I loved it, I sypethize with the sailor, he went on adventuring and found nothing that fills the void a wife will, he went back to women and nature.

>> No.18561728

do you have a wife/gf. also do you like being choked

>> No.18561738

no and no

>> No.18561739

My mind
>Patriarchy is the only way

My penis
>Matriarchy is the only way

>> No.18561773
File: 86 KB, 576x1024, hitlerina1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe because your natural primal urges longs for a strong confident women that is not corrupted by modern insecurities and weakness, just pure strong women to take a dominant role at least in the house, which is natural for a women to be the house person and the care taker.

>> No.18561918

mind can be brainwashed and conditioned, the penis knows nothing but natural urges. matriarchy it is.