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/lit/ - Literature

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18556346 No.18556346 [Reply] [Original]


I read your shit for you until I get bored or pass out or both.

>> No.18556360
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>> No.18556364

sing for me desu

>Sing, O muse, of the rage of Achilles, son of Peleus, that brought countless ills upon the Achaeans

>> No.18556450


fell asleep a little sry

>> No.18556470

love it thanks anon

>> No.18556474

Tell all the truth but tell it slant —
Success in Circuit lies
Too bright for our infirm Delight
The Truth's superb surprise
As Lightning to the Children eased
With explanation kind
The Truth must dazzle gradually
Or every man be blind —

>> No.18556520

lol you almost scammed me but fuck off back to pol

can't go wrong with Dickinson, do you like Manley-Hopkins?


>> No.18556534

heard of him but never read him, where do you recommend to begin with him?

>> No.18556540

>back to pol
What? How is it /pol/?

>> No.18556559


dude was a legend.

I'm just kidding. Sorry I'm pretty hammered. I read "raza" and thought it was a race meme. Regardless, if I tried to read anything in Spanish it would sound awful. I haven't spoken a lick of Spanish in a decade.

>> No.18556579


>> No.18556636

nice, might have to read his stuff, going to sleep 2 tired, dude you're cool if ever you make another voice thread make it in the morning.

>> No.18556642


>> No.18557584

Can you PLEASE read this:

>The Negroid sperm has some animalistic magical potency inherent in it which cannot be baulked; thus we see the subconscious longing of white virginal European women lusting after the African male. In a same fashion, the Greeks talked of the Minotaur which is a mythological creature which is half bull and half man. The aim of the priests of that cult seems principally to have been the production of a temporary incarnation of this beast by sending selected women of the community every year into the jungle/forest to mingle with all the imaginable bestial creatures thus to produce a miraculous birth upon returning to the community.