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18548480 No.18548480 [Reply] [Original]

Assume the human race takes Marie Kondo literally and decides to destroy all books except for 30 carefully selected titles. Which thirty books do you save from the pyre, /lit/?

>> No.18548489

30 copies of “The Holy Bible”

>> No.18548488

Mein Kampf

>> No.18548568

Which translation?

>> No.18548572


>> No.18548663

good advice for ppl that only keep books for appearance and not use. terrible advice for those that wish to gain or use knowledge.

>> No.18548677


>> No.18548686

Holy Based

>> No.18548693

cringe trad larping, I say this as a catholic fucking zoomers

>> No.18548698

The complete Mahabharata
Complete works of Plato
Complete Aristotle
Epic of Gilgamesh
The Golden Legend
Complete plays of Euripedes
Complete plays of Sophocles
Complete plays of Aeschylus
Complete works of Shakespeare
City of God
Summa Theologica
Tao te ching chong or whatever
Complete Milton
Complete Chaucer
Arabian Nights
Aesops Fables
Divine Comedy
The Vedas
Book of the Dead (Egyptian)
Book of the Dead (Tibetan)
Morte D'Arthur
The Enneads
War and Peace

Lmao based.

>> No.18548704

why are you fucking zoomers?

>> No.18548706

Just bind every book in the world together into 30 books. Checkmate.

>> No.18548710

Unironially, Anything but her books.

>> No.18548717

Kindle is the only correct answer. Anything else will burn.

>> No.18548778

>can't save all 80 of my geronimo stilton books
Fuck I guess I'd just go through and pick my favourites then.

>> No.18548786

This is the logical answer
>not already having a massive personally-curated Calibre library with books you scanned and digitized yourself
unironically ngmi

>> No.18549796
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>be digital chad
>have 25,000 books on a physical space smaller than a single playing card

>> No.18549863

It's just not the same. I've had my kindle for a year now and I love how easy and free it is to find and read things, but sometimes I find myself missing the physical presence of a book.

>> No.18549882

I read to read, not to sniff old paper.

>> No.18549886

That's why I still pick up some physicals from the library

>> No.18549901

False and arbitrary division. The physicality of the text is an inherent part of it, because words have to be printed in some way - kindle or paper or whatever else.
Yeah, that's a good idea. Sadly I don't live in a main English-speaking country right now, so the English library sections are very limited, but I very infrequently buy a book I really really want to read physically.

>> No.18549985

>listening to an Asian woman about anything other than how to impress other Asians
Shiggy. My cold dead hands etc.

>> No.18549989

It's a nice little start, anon.

>> No.18550028

All 30 are detailed operational manuals for the 30 robotic Marie Kondo bots I have purchased incrementally with each annual update of the technology. The newer ones are indistinguishable from the real MK. The chapters on emptying the semen recepticle are well thumbed. The scratch off rooting code for activating adult operations is left unperturbed on all cover inserts, as I enjoy the fight.

>> No.18550073


>> No.18550092

MK, seeing books as wallpaper, addresses them as non-countable as she is unaware of their individual content.

>> No.18550111

i would rather keep less than 30 children with her if you know what i mean

>> No.18550116

That’s even worse than a less/fewer fail.

>> No.18550133

She knows. She doesn't care.

>> No.18550220

Book of Job
History of the Peloponnesian War
Oedipus King
Apology by Plato
Gorgias by Plato
Phaedrus by Plato
Republic by Plato
Methaphysics by Aristotle
Ethics by Aristotle
Bhagavad Gita
One Thousand and One Nights
Divine Comedy
King Lear
Don Quixote
Discourse on the Method
Wealth of Nations
Critique of Pure Reason
Phenomenology of Spirit
War and Peace
Thus Spoke Zarathustra
In search of lost time
Being and Time by Heidegger

>> No.18550238

I meant Phaedo*

>> No.18550254

probably just greek shit because no other culture has ever mattered

>> No.18550268

“Complete works” of anything is cheating. Fucking pick one

>> No.18550305

Deltora Quest
The Forests of Silence
The Lake of Tears
City of the Rats
The Shifting Sands
Dread Mountain
The Maze of the Beast
The Valley of the Lost
Return to Del
Deltora Quest 2 / Deltora Shadowlands
Cavern of The Fear
The Isle of Illusion
The Shadowlands
Deltora Quest 3 / Dragons of Deltora
Dragon's Nest
Isle of the Dead
The Sister of the South

Idk what else for the rest, maybe a selection of Goosebumps novels? Definitely the choose your own adventure one with the bat on the sparkly cover. And the Monster Blood saga. And the one with the cursed camera, that actually haunts me to this day.

>> No.18550310

Catalogue abrégé de la Bibliothèque Nationale de France vol. 1-30

>> No.18550316

grow up kid

>> No.18550517
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Underrated post.

>> No.18550637

kys christcuck, christianity is a jewish scam

>> No.18550784


>> No.18550789

>christianity is a jewish scum
Meanwhile Jewies get BTFO from every country by /chad/ Christian rulers.
Also Jewies HATE Jesus with a flaming passion.

>> No.18550941

>being a techcuck

>> No.18550954

I own a library card and a tablet.
I own two physical books. Neither of which I have paid for or read.

>> No.18551066

>I own two physical books
Which ones?

>> No.18551070

Two copies of “The Holy Bible”

>> No.18551140

you will never read 20k books in your lifetime though?

>> No.18551168

An old dictionary, which I don't use and a book about movies, which I got by chance during a secret santa raffle.

>> No.18551199

>The writer Umberto Eco belongs to that small class of scholars who are encyclopedic, insightful, and nondull. He is the owner of a large personal library (containing thirty thousand books), and separates visitors into two categories: those who react with “Wow! Signore professore dottore Eco, what a library you have. How many of these books have you read?” and the others—a very small minority—who get the point is that a private library is not an ego-boosting appendages but a research tool. The library should contain as much of what you do not know as your financial means … allow you to put there. You will accumulate more knowledge and more books as you grow older, and the growing number of unread books on the shelves will look at you menacingly. Indeed, the more you know, the larger the rows of unread books. Let us call this collection of unread books an antilibrary.

>> No.18551445

where the heck do you find 25k books?

>> No.18551602

Apuleius' The Golden Ass
Petronius' Satyricon
Roman de Renart
Roman de Fauvel
One Thousand and One Nights
Boccaccio's Decameron
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Villon's Le Testament
Bracciolini's Facetiae
Lazzarelli's La Cicceide
Rabelais' Gargantua
Rabelais' Pantagruel
Rabelais' Third book
Rabelais' Fourth book
Rabelais' Fifth book
Cervantes' Don Quixote
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Swift's Gulliver's Travels
Sterne's Tristram Shandy
Molière's The Bourgeois Gentleman
Molière's The Miser
La Fontaine's Fables
Voltaire's Candide
Gogol's Dead Souls
Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
de Quincey's On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts
Lautreamont's Maldoror
Jarry's Dr. Faustroll
Daumal's Mount Analogue

>> No.18551669
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29 copies of Don Quixote de la Mancha
1 copy of The little engine that could

>> No.18551722

Modern Judaism is literally a cope against Christianity.

>> No.18552579
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>> No.18554095

burn all books
destroy words
acquire telepathy

>> No.18554142

Just Lovecraft. And maybe a couple Shimmer & Shine books to beat off to.

>> No.18554288

unless you're a collector this advice isn't bad. we have kindles and computers now.

>> No.18554294


>> No.18555327

Yeah, keep the english translation and destroy the original.

>> No.18555959

because he's catholic

>> No.18555992
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>> No.18556131

1. The Old Republic: Revan
2. The Old Republic: Deceived
3. Red Harvest
4. The Old Republic: Fatal Alliance
5. The Old Republic: Annihilation
6. Knight Errant
7. Darth Bane: Path of Destruction
8. Darth Bane: Rule of Two
9. Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil
10. Darth Plagueis
11. Maul: Lockdown
12. Cloak of Deception
13. Darth Maul: Shadow Hunter
14. Episode I: The Phantom Menace novelisation
15. Rogue Planet
16. Outbound Flight
17. The Approaching Storm
18. Episode II: Attack of the Clones novelisation
19. Republic Commando: Hard Contact
20. Shatterpoint
21. Republic Commando: Triple Zero
22. The Cestus Deception
23. Republic Commando: True Colors
24. MedStar I: Battle Surgeons
25. MedStar II: Jedi Healer
26. Jedi Trial
27. Yoda: Dark Rendezvous
28. Labyrinth of Evil
29. Episode III: Revenge of the Sith novelisation
30. Republic Commando: Order 66