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/lit/ - Literature

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18549455 No.18549455 [Reply] [Original]

What would you say are the 30 most important works of universal literature?
Jesús G Maestro has been making a series of videos about this, but it is still unfinished.
It includes so far
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey
>The Old Testament
>Oedipus Rex
>The Divine Comedy
>The Decameron
>La Celestina
>Canterbury Tales
>Gargantua and Pantagruel
>Lazarillo de Tormes
>Spiritual Canticle

>> No.18549469


Such a proposed list, if it has any pretensions to completeness, must necessarily include works of non-fiction, which are also literature. If one wishes to confine oneself to fictional narratives, one is obliged to qualify with the noun "fiction" as opposed to "literature".

>> No.18549473

>What would you say are the 30 most important works of universal literature?
The epics.

>> No.18549478

Non-fiction is not literature, because literature is a human and rational construction, which makes its way towards freedom through struggle and dialectical confrontation, which uses signs of the linguistic system, to which it confers an aesthetic value and gives a fictional status, and which is developed through a communicative process of historical, geographical and political dimensions, whose fundamental figures are the author, the work, the reader and the interpreter or transducer.

>> No.18549516


My dictionary trumps your bloviating. Plumbers' manuals and microwave instructions are literature.

>> No.18550114


>> No.18550122

Literature is not just written things. If not this forum would be literature.

>> No.18550224

>excludes New Testament
>includes anticlerical literature

>> No.18550301

It also includes the spirital canticle by St John of the Cross, what's your point?

>> No.18550322


Yes, it is. This forum is itself literature. Literature properly encompasses all symbolic signs.

You are effectively making the same mistake as the above poster. >>18549478 , trying to make a distinction which is similar to certain senses of "natural" and "unnatural". In each case there is a more limited, specific sense of "natural"/"literature" (and each have their places, when one wants to discuss a more efficient and thus more "natural" process), but the strict senses of each term are what really control, in the final analysis. Literature is simply the totality of all symbolism, written signs etc, just as nature is simply the totality of the concatenation of atoms and other stuff floating in space. If it weren't so, then we wouldn't speak of "the medical literature", "the scientific literature" and other non-fictional corpuses of literature, and we also wouldn't speak of the other floaty bits as being in nature, but we do.

>> No.18550389

The New Testament of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is certainly a more important work of literature for this world or any other than is the Spiritual Canticle of Saint John of the Cross. Don't you agree?

>> No.18550707

>>Spiritual Canticle

cope...didn't this guy just rip off Ibn Arabi and other Sufi Muslims?

>> No.18550979

Shut the hell up nerd

>> No.18551467

You are mistaking the term "Literature" in the proper sense with "Literature" lato sensu.
Just as we are not talking about the same thing when say "the music of the wind" as Bach, or when things like "the art of war" doesn't imply that war is one of the Fine Arts, we are not talking about the same thing when talking about Scientific Literature as when talking about, let's say, Don Quixote.

>> No.18551518

You're both faggots who need to learn how to write without coming off like boomers.

>> No.18551939

The list is not actually not that bad, but seeing three Spanish works so early gives me some Bloom vibes but for Spanish instead of English, obviously.

>> No.18551959

Apuleius' The Golden Ass
Petronius' Satyricon
Roman de Renart
Roman de Fauvel
One Thousand and One Nights
Boccaccio's Decameron
Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales
Villon's Le Testament
Bracciolini's Facetiae
Lazzarelli's La Cicceide
Rabelais' Gargantua
Rabelais' Pantagruel
Rabelais' Third book
Rabelais' Fourth book
Rabelais' Fifth book
Cervantes' Don Quixote
Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream
Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
Swift's Gulliver's Travels
Sterne's Tristram Shandy
Molière's The Bourgeois Gentleman
Molière's The Miser
La Fontaine's Fables
Voltaire's Candide
Gogol's Dead Souls
Poe's Tales of the Grotesque and Arabesque
de Quincey's On Murder Considered as one of the Fine Arts
Lautreamont's Maldoror
Jarry's Dr. Faustroll
Daumal's Mount Analogue

>> No.18551981

He is going to miss the Indian, Chinese and Japanese masterpieces, I guarantee it.

>> No.18551984
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>> No.18551994

>Gargantua and Pantagruel
never heard of this one before, what's it about? is it good?

>> No.18552002

Will he swallow his pride and include shakes?

>> No.18552012

yeah it's a very famous satire

>> No.18552042

Does "universal" actually mean universal, or does it mean world?

>> No.18552081

based and yisusmasterpilled

>> No.18552111

Earth is the universe.

>> No.18552133

it means the epic space aliens will like it too obviously

>> No.18552165


>> No.18552270
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>> No.18552287


>> No.18552700

Just read the dictionary bro. Every other work is just some sort of combination.

>> No.18552707

the dictionary is just alphabet fanfic

>> No.18552991

it's about pee pee and poo poo, I kid you not

>> No.18554112


>> No.18554409

According to him, there is no canon outside the "Western canon" due to politics and historical contingencies and what have you. He's also not gonna include Montaigne, which should be more surprising. Obviously that is super retarded. Maestro is such a fucking tool and a laughingstock