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18545511 No.18545511 [Reply] [Original]

Imean have you tried bringing up nietzsche or any western philosopher for that matter around your local lgbtsjwtfnpc cultural marxist cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic. Soon enough they will start with the usual subhuman bleating "wasnt he sexist? Arent you being dangerously eurocentric? Hasnt it been deboonked as fake news russian bot pseudoscience?Why read books by dead white men when you could have been streaming the latest diverse and inclusive workplace comedies at netflix hulu and disneygo? Didnt you know reading antything beyond YA literature is ableist towards people who are too retarded to read? How does this further the short term electoral goals of the democratic party? Are you saying child sex workers arent real sex workers?Have you been taking your SSRIs and HRT? it is very important that you take the medication dr goldstein prescribed otherwise we will report you to corporate for mandatory sensitivity training as per the domestic terrorism act of 2021"

>> No.18545546

I met a woke cattle who said Nietzche was his favorite philosopher. He hadn't read Nietzche and saw nothing wrong with not reading your favorite philosopher. To this day I can't believe someone that based would give money to BLM charities.

>> No.18545550

Unfortunately democracy appeals to the weak, the trend will always lead towards socialism until collapse. The only way they can prolong the system is if they condition society to target the strongest and most innovative and pull them down to the rest of the sub-fauna.

>> No.18545570

>He hadn't read Nietzche and saw nothing wrong with not reading your favorite philosopher.
based /lit/ user
now i now who's making all the nietzsche threads

>> No.18545600

If it's any comfort, all this insanity is living on borrowed time. Once global warming really takes off and living standards here plummet, everyone will be too busy trying to find food+water+shelter to care.

>> No.18545763

>have you tried bringing up nietzsche
ngmi, return to reading Nietzsche. The bugmen have always existed and will continue to exist. Nietzsche talks about this A LOT.

>> No.18545787

Cant we just pogrom them already? I gey hard at the thought of driving a baseball bat through their faggy skulls.

>> No.18545892

Absolute idiot. Nietzsche was the very model of the "postmodernists" you froth over so much and who created today's social norms. Foucault, Deleuze et al were in admiration before him

>> No.18545903

Me in the bottom middle

>> No.18545907

Yeah i bet your vengeance fantasies do get you hard. Chances are you're already right where you're supposed to be.

>> No.18545909

>cultural marxist
Stopped reading

>> No.18546010

I like the term cultural marxist because it pisses all the right people off

>> No.18546065

These people believe sexual orientation and gender expression are innate and based on scientific authority and are constantly bombarded with corporate propaganda telling them to be 'proud' all the time because any dissent from the enforced positivity would get in their way of their mobilization as consumers voters or military assets. Lmao thank god foucault died of AIDS before he could live to see this.

>> No.18546219

Ah yes, What is some science or theory i can read which can help me check my privilege and learn more about the awful plight the diverse and vibrant culture of these warm body politically correct victimhood unit NPCs i mean these most noble and progressive of creatures?

>> No.18546313

If democracy is so weak it should only take a few hundred men to topple it.
But you don't. So who are the truly weak ones when you don't follow your honor and strong man values, but instead act like women on twitter?

>> No.18546328

>global warming
Slave morality

>> No.18546335

I hope my postings will inspire Skinheads drive a bulldozer through an lgbt pride parade and into a synagogue

>> No.18546372

holy cringe... try reading Nietzsche bro, hope you can move on from this type of cringe.

>> No.18546379
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I never said democracy was weak. Try again.

>> No.18546401

you have been ordered by your local globohomo comissar to attend a state sponsored screening of star wars XXVIII: avengers assemble. On the way there you pass by the daily george floyd memorial pride blm mcdonalds parade a fabulous twerking troupe of boy catamites followed by the phallic missiles of the lockheed float.missiles set to launch at midnight mercifully wiping the human race off the. Face of the earth.when you arrive at the theater, mickey mouse and alexandra ocasio cortez strap you into a chair forcing your eyes open clockwork orange style, the screen flickers on instead of space adventures or superheroes the audience is treated to what looks like blurry vhs footage of a pack of bluehaired fat positive queers raping an innocent white child intersped with blipverts for the latest techproduct. The braindead leftists in the audience chant YAS KWEEN SLAY at what they cant help but see as a beautiful and heartwarming display of diversity and progress. The queers start ripping appart the child and feasting on its bloody entrails like rabid hogs at the through. You sit on the front row and think: "gee i shouldve joined the alt right before it was too late"

>> No.18546527
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>> No.18546533
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>> No.18546542
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>> No.18546558

I think you seethe more about gays than gays do about Nietzsche. Why is homo love so triggering you?

>> No.18546583

>democracy appeals only to the weak
>lives by targeting anything above the lowest forms of life
Nice cope faggot.

>> No.18546682

Ugh... All these Marxist megacorporations communistically amassing trillions of dollars of wealth off of the labour of the proletariat... /pol/bros It just makes me sick living in a socialist country like America....

>> No.18546688

If communists are legit why arent they going after gays and trannies seeing all the corporations support them?

>> No.18546698

There is certainly an abject prision gay bdsm element to my neurotic posting really i just want a trans gf with high functioning autism who gets off being degraded as a retarded faggot who got psyopped into it by zog and then takes turns degrading me as the retarded faggot

>> No.18546700
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They were and are. Are Cuba Peru Belarus and China the bastions of gay rights or is it USA, the commonwealth and Europe?

>> No.18546788

No it still targets the weak. Much in the same way a disease attacks the weakest cells in the body.

>> No.18546901
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>global warming
Not real.

>> No.18546924

Is there something like a LGBT ideology? I believe there is, yet people call me idiotic for it without explaining why. I believe it is, because they have their view on sexuality, relationships and gender, which LGBT stands for(not the acronym per se, but the group of people). Am I wrong in my thinking?

>> No.18547009

Only if there’s a heterosexual ideology?

>> No.18547024

global warming is just a demoralization psyop to stop westerners from reproducing. it's real but westerners are better able to deal with it than third worlders anyway but they'll inherit the earth so just let them

>> No.18547056

And yet, there’s so much evidence of it
>but it’s the millions of volcanoes going off. It’s a natural spike in warming and loss of permafrost

>> No.18547070

Imean have you tried bringing up the philosophyposting board rules or any board rules for that matter around your local /tvpolvmux/ shizo cattle? In no time you will see their beady stupid cowlike eyes light up in panic.

>> No.18547078

There is, in a way, a heterosexual ideology, it's just never called that way because the heterosexual views are usually a subset of another ideology. LGBT is more than homosexuality. Their views on gender is an ideology on its own but LGBT-ideology doesn't make that distinction because it is such an important part of it. There's plenty gays who don't agree with transgenderism.
Are you saying there can only be an ideology if there's an opposite to it? I believe ideology to be a set of beliefs on humans and society, that's why I think there is an LGBT ideology, which is perhaps nameless so far, and is just named LGBT ideology for the lack of a better word.

>> No.18547083

There is no lgbt ideology. Lgbt movement is based on self evident principles of science and love and real news. While reactionary movement is based on religion bigotry and fake news.

>> No.18547116

I mean you can list off the tenets of the ideology like gay people and trannies being born that way and being unfairly oppressed by those evil cis white males. Gee for some reason its way easier to find scientific proof for race iq correlation than for homosexuality or transgenderism having a scientific basis. when anyone with half a brain can see he main causes of homosexuality and transgenderism are a) having been horribly raped and molested as a child b) growing up without a father c) falling for globohomo psyops and propaganda d)watching too much pornography e) mental illness

>> No.18547125

I honestly can't tell whether this is bait or not. I am trying to get a understanding of ideology, and I am arguing in good faith.
What scientific principles is LGBT based on? Even if they are valid and truthful, which I don't think they are for there is no scientific consensus on most LGBT statements. Nationalism is based on love for the nation, why is that an ideology but LGBT not? What do you mean with real news? Why mention the reactionary movement? I'm confused about the quality of your post.

>> No.18547129

Reminder when lgbtsjwtfnpc cattle say their identity is based on science this us what they mean by "science"


>> No.18547138

Yes, doesn't that make it an ideology?

>> No.18547151

>self evident principles of
"Thou lonesome one, thou goest the way of the loving one: thou lovest thyself, and on that account despisest thou thyself, as only the loving ones despise.
To create, desireth the loving one, because he despiseth! What knoweth he of love who hath not been obliged to despise just what he loved!"

"But attend also to this word: All great love is above all its pity: for it seeketh—to create what is loved!
“Myself do I offer unto my love, and my neighbour as myself”—such is the language of all creators.
All creators, however, are hard.—"

"With these preachers of equality will I not be mixed up and confounded. For thus speaketh justice UNTO ME: “Men are not equal.”
And neither shall they become so! What would be my love to the Superman, if I spake otherwise?
On a thousand bridges and piers shall they throng to the future, and always shall there be more war and inequality among them: thus doth my great love make me speak!"

>> No.18547160

It has been proved by several scientific studies homosexuality is genetic and brain scans show trans people are born in the wrong body. The existance of unconscious biases and prejudices benefitting straight white males has been also proven by science

>> No.18547177

Have you ever had a real conversation with a gay person. I don’t mean just chit chat but have you ever asked someone who is gay what’s it like to be gay? Have you ever read a book about being gay. Anything that might lead to empathy?

>> No.18547188

But that's not true at all, I think you've been misguided. I recommend you read more studies, perhaps studies that attempt repeating those LGBT-pro studies
Also pick up the Bible and the Cathechism of the Catholic Church, so you can repent, and find the path to God. Good luck.

>> No.18547203

I don’t believe there’s a heterosexual ideology or a lgbt ideology. The lgbt movement centers on civil rights protections and privileges afforded to others. The right takes the most extreme statements and airs them on Fox News and the like so that old conservatives and an ever decreasing number of young fascists go vote.

>> No.18547213

Can you link to one of those studies?

>> No.18547217

My father is gay and married to another man after cheating his wife and his children for years. He never had a good relationship with his father and got whacked by his mother sometimes. He's very arrogant, selfish and narcissistic. His husband is the same, only he can hide it more, and he's less narcissistic and self-centred. He lost his mother at a young age. Both are very perverted. So are their friends.
A friend of mine is bisexual and he got abused by his father to the point of getting knocked out. His perversions are not to be ignored for he makes a ton of perverted jokes implying sexual acts with me or by my doing. I have yet to meet a sane, well-behaving gay.

>> No.18547222

Literally seething

>> No.18547228

>Cant we just pogrom them already? I gey hard
go on, do it

>> No.18547236

Yeah, Im sure being gay must be a real pain in the ass, anon

>> No.18547237

Do you only speak by copypasting older posts? Wow, totally not an NPC

>> No.18547245

And why not do it yourself? Lmao, truly the ubermensch

>> No.18547259
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When they say "Civil rights protections" what they really mean is "we are coming after your children". They are going to call you a fascist for the crime of reading old books having thoughts unapproved by corporate media or not wanting children to be molested so you start thinkimg can fascism be all that bad?

>> No.18547266

>brain scans show trans people are born in the wrong body

>> No.18547271

Why do you and your leaders follow this pattern:

1. Take extreme example that offends the sensibilities of most people.
2. Attribute example to a movement of which many people who are lumped in to movement really aren’t part of movement.
3. Flash quote across leading news sites even though it’s not newsworthy.

>> No.18547274

But aren't those civil rights protections and privileges ideological? Why do people need more protection because they are gay? Assault is assault, doesn't matter the victim is this or that. Why do gays need to marry? I believe the government shouldn't bother with marriage, as it is something between 2 people. Why should a couple have more privileges than a single person, who is disadvantaged compared to couples? Society depends on its children, so couples should be stimulated in making them, that's why marriage got privileged, no? Gays can't create children, so why would they need to marry? They don't need to state to declare that they love each other, they can do it themselves. If they were to adopt, then they should get child support, in favour of the child. See how I have a set of ideas, which are part of my ideology, and they have another set of ideas, which conform to the LGBT world view? Do I misunderstand what ideology is? Can you explain?

>> No.18547283

I wish you guys were right, it would be much better than the reality

>> No.18547287

>Clinical picture: An adult male patient with a borderline learning disability presented with cross-dressing and a strong wish to undergo a sex change.
>Treatment: Supportive psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with pimozide was tried.
>Outcome: There was an excellent response to pimozide 2 mg daily, with a cessation of both cross-dressing and the wish for sex reassignment.

>> No.18547292

But if you meant one well behaved “good gay” would you feel different? Or would that just be an exception?

>> No.18547304

It is the lgbt crowd who are highly disturbed and ideological and follow their activist leaders unquestioningly. When normal people try to stand up to gender ideology they are labelled as bigots and ran out of their jobs. Tell me, if these people are so good then why arent we allowed to criticise them?

>> No.18547306

The singularity is only a few decade away, making climating change trivial over night.

>> No.18547313

Not if he had other mental issues or past experiences that might explain his homosexuality. I believe it is a choice, that is influenced by your past. One can still be a good boy and behave like a homosexual just because he chooses to.

>> No.18547318
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On the contrary it was the "good gays" who paved the way for the actual madness. Sure i used to believe they were just men who wanted to dress up as women or get fucked in the ass by other men, harmless perverts mere objects of pity at worst, but then i realised we were dealing with something far more complex and sinister.

>> No.18547320

>My father is gay and married to another man after cheating his wife
Gheys are like vampires. Once they sting you in your but hole, you become one of them.

>> No.18547321

Are you a bot or something? This is the fourth post I saw identical in another thread

>> No.18547322

I used to genuinely worry about this several years ago. Now I dont worry about anything really but I still think people ar too blase about the possibility of AI, they are so smug and sure of themselves as they dismiss it, but they dont actually know, nobody knows what is going to happen, AI algorithms are already doing fairly spooky things right now. It is at the very least worth being cautious about rather than dismissing out of hand as if your opinion on the industry is 100% correct, which it is stupid to be so sure about for any subject whatsoever but especially for one like this where nobody even really understands the subject itself and the potential consequences are so extreme

>> No.18547325

why change the body if you can change the brain? The body will always be male due to the DNA, therapy just tricks it. Wouldn't it be better to adjust to brain so it is synced with the body?

>> No.18547328

If someone wants to dress up like that I literally don't care
Bringing a kid there is retarded, that's the problem

>> No.18547348

I think you’re overthinking this. It wasn’t long ago you could be fired for being gay and you certainly couldn’t marry or adopt children. You may think the government shouldn’t be involved but it is and it has enormous ramifications to everything from inheritance, tax laws, serving in the military.

The lgbt movement is really centered around equal rights. Go through your life and just imagine for 60 seconds being gay. Imagine going to eat and getting a table for two, asking for one kind instead of two doubles at a hotel, imagine a religious extremist as a boss who may want to fire you, imagine trying to marry, or serve in the military, or have a kid etc.

And you’re wrong - gays do have children. Do you feel they shouldn’t because they can’t have them on their own? Should ivf be illegal then?

If this is an ideology than it’s nothing more than an ideology that all Western citizens have of expecting to be able to live with the same rights and protections of your fellow citizens.

I think your being disingenuous and creating a divide that isn’t there.

>> No.18547357

Bringing these outfits into the public sphere and advertising it is an innocent party and celebration of love, that is the problem.

>> No.18547364

But otherwise there wouldnt be a next frontier for progress and civil rights! Seriously, second obama campaign they had focus groups and think tanks desperate to come up with anything. And see the people who turn into trannies often incels or literal autists otherwise useless retarded slabs of meat, they can at least prostitute themselves or open an only senpaitachi and turn up to vote for the neolib candidate their trooning out gives them a semblance of meaning. As an eugenicist i can approve of them removing themselves from the gene pool but as soon as they start propagandizing to children things get serious

>> No.18547368
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Nobody talks like this outside of Twitter.
You have your own containment board go back.

>> No.18547392

I mean the pictures and stories i have seen about gays just make me think its perfectly reasonable to want to ostracize the hell out of them. Give em an inch and they'll take a mile. One thing is equal rights and the other is indoctrination of children by an ideology. They are fanatics and the wheel of "progress" needs to keep turning so it was first about openly gays then about gay marriage and then trannies and now about child drag queens, things that hwould have been unimaginable and obscene only 10 5 years ago, imagine were we will be in 10 years if radical and uncompromising action is not taken to stop them

>> No.18547396

I may not like it, but it's once a year, I simply don't go there when there's the pride
On the other hand I see revolting fatbergs in leggings everysingle day

>> No.18547422

Its now an entire month makes you think of the ussr or nazi germany blank eyed masses marching and waving flags shouting ideological slogans and persecuting dissenters

>> No.18547432

The narrative is made by the right….they know that shit mobilizes you. It makes you seethe. And you just fall for it. Go to foxnews and you can read about the new nfl commercial that “football is gay”.

>> No.18547445

Those are bad worker laws because you are fired due to something irrelevant to the job. There shouldn't be an extra law for that. What someone does in private life is irrelevant. I do admit this is somewhat what LGBT stands for, yet they want a special clause for gays.

As I said earlier, my father is gay so I have experienced those things, even in religious countries. Yet, nothing happened, all before LGBT stuff was a thing or gay marriage was legal(married recently btw, due to financial benefits. Filthy rich, lmao). On the other hand I have been harassed due to how I look. I have been yelled at and mocked publicly, but you don't see me starting a bald people rights movement. It's just harassment based on a rare difference. I don't want to minimise the struggles of gays though, my point is just that they don't need legal special treatment. Assault is assault, bullying is bullying, fired because of something irrelevant to the job should be illegal, but there shouldn't be special clauses for each type of irrelevant thing. It gives the feeling of wanting special treatment.

Gay couples can't have children without getting genetic information somewhere else. That's what I mean with not being able to have children. This is consistent among all gay couples, while heteros have the potential of doing it themselves, which makes it different. You're taking a leap with asking the IVF question. I don't think gays should not be allowed to have kids.

I am trying to learn and am serious. Yet you have taught me nothing about ideology. I am really being bona fide

>> No.18547454

>Its now an entire month
Not in my country. We are in NATO sadly so that probably will come here too.

>> No.18547459

1. What rights do you feel the lgbt movement is taking from you?

>> No.18547468

Might as well be an entire month with the UEFA Cup and all the LGBT stuff around it.

>> No.18547471

I can't say a man in a dress is a man in a dress without being ostracized.

>> No.18547479

And what are the gays and the tranny set mobilized by? I mean we are not stupid we all know what you freaks are really after. You dont even have to watch fox news, Nothing is more radicalizing than hearing lgbt propaganda straight from the horses mouth. The message is clear they are after our kids and think you should be a second class citizen in your own country for daring to be born white and straight.

>> No.18547492

I don’t feel it’s an ideology. In theory as a society we should get to the point where orientation doesn’t matter and the movement just goes away.

People like to belong to groups and these things take a life of their own. I think the March of dimes originally was a charity revolving around polio and then it was cured so they took up something else. I guess on one hand I do think people attach themselves to a movement.

>> No.18547540

Irony when people who treat others like second class citizens claim they are being treats by second class citizens.

You sound like you came from a religious revival in Nagodoches….”they’re coming for our kids”.

>> No.18547557

But why don't you feel that? Why not tell me that? That's probably the most interesting thing you can tell me yet you don't. Is it just a feeling? Is it not because it is ephemeral in your POV, isn't that the case for other ideologies as well? I have posted why I think it is, and you answered that it just is something the west thinks is good and should be true, which is ideological to me. I hope I interpreted what you said is correct, no intent of straw manning.

Yes, beliefs belonging to a movement or group is what I understand to be ideology.

Please tell me what you think about my view on ideology. Tell me what is different about LGBT ( note I am not talking about gays per se but the ideas of the movement, my dad for example is not LGBT ideologically) that makes it not ideological. Am I to broad in my idea of ideology?

>> No.18547561

Of course it's bait you fucking idiot.

>> No.18547563

recognise 1% of these logos

>> No.18547570

Don't talk to me like that. Plenty of trannies think that way.

>> No.18547577

I'll worry about that when the Great Lakes actually dry up.

>> No.18548010

Filthy trannies that think that way don't read anything more complex than "diverse" YA "literature" and thus do not hang out in /Lit/

>> No.18548072

>My father is gay and married to another man after cheating his wife and his children for years
>cheating on his children
Jealous your dad found a younger piece of ass, faggot?

>> No.18548101

top kek

>> No.18548245

I guess we could be splitting hairs on the definition of ideology. I think of ideologies as guiding a larger set of beliefs. So for example being libertarian or believing in small government influences how you feel about funding of parks or whether prostitution should be legal.

I don’t see lgbt as that systemic of a belief system even though the right might try to portray it as such.

In general the West has been more accommodating because we are liberal democracies and that’s the ideology that influences lgbt rights.

I think your idea of an ideology is somewhat broad. I do think there are examples of individuals in the lgbt community and certainly examples that the right throws out of people who do take it too far but I think the majority are probably not much different than your or I.

>> No.18548300


you people learn one phrase and just start saying shit.

>> No.18548311

So you’re complaining that you’re ostracized because you can’t ostracize someone else

>> No.18548319

you will never be a woman

>> No.18548352

Why do they even learn to read wouldnt it just increase their capacity for self loathing?

>> No.18548415

Yes please.