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18539464 No.18539464 [Reply] [Original]

> From the amorous point of view, Véronique belonged, as we all do, to a sacrificed generation. She had certainly been capable of love; she would have wished to still be capable of it, I’ll say that for her; but it was no longer possible. A scarce, artificial and belated phenomenon, love can only blossom under certain mental conditions, rarely conjoined, and totally opposed to the freedom of morals that characterizes the modern era. Véronique had known too many discothèques, too many lovers; such a way of life impoverishes a human being, inflicting sometimes serious and always irreversible damage. Love as a kind of innocence and as a capacity for illusion, as an aptitude for epitomizing the whole of the other sex in a single loved being rarely resists a year of sexual immorality, and never two. In reality, the successive sexual experiences accumulated during adolescence undermine and rapidly destroy all possibility of projection of an emotional and romantic sort

A real motherfucking blackpiller

>> No.18539537

Houellebecq is a seething incel. We all knew that. For this exact reason, his writing is great.

>> No.18539569

I can't stress how much that's been true for me.
I used to fall in love frequently when I was a teenager. And I really mean love. I could have kill myself for those women. Seriously. I couldn't do anything, only think about them throughout the whole day. I lived for them.

Now I have had sex with a few women, learned a lot about them, and simply can't bring myself to love a woman anymore. I can find them very attractive, and even *like them a lot*, but never love them, not in that way. It's impossible for me now, which is why I have rejected proposals from girls to become my girlfriend. I'd rather fuck around. It's better, since I am now incapable of love.

>> No.18539595

Very depressing but 100% accurate insight. By the time most girls just start college, any pair-bonding capability has already been fucked out of their brains.

>> No.18539600

He literally spends his time fucking women left and right

>> No.18539605

>28 khv
s-should i feel good about myself ? i already do

>> No.18539621

At this point I think I just would feel sad after losing my virginity

>> No.18539624

Anon I....

> >Youth was the time for happiness, its only season; young people, leading a lazy, carefree life, partially occupied by scarcely absorbing studies, were able to devote themselves unlimitedly to the liberated exultation of their bodies. They could play, dance, love, and multiply their pleasures. They could leave a party, in the early hours of the morning, in the company of sexual partners they had chosen, and contemplate the dreary line of employees going to work. They were the salt of the earth, and everything was given to them, everything was permitted for them, everything was possible. Later on, having started a family, having entered the adult world, they would be introduced to worry, work, responsibility, and the difficulties of existence; they would have to pay taxes, submit themselves to administrative formalities while ceaselessly bearing witness--powerless and shame-filled--to the irreversible degradation of their own bodies, which would be slow at first, then increasingly rapid; above all, they would have to look after children, mortal enemies, in their own homes, they would have to pamper them, feed them, worry about their illnesses, provide the means for their education and their pleasure, and unlike in the world of animals, this would last not just for a season, they would remain slaves of their offspring always, the time of joy was well and truly over for them, they would have to continue to suffer until the end, in pain and with increasing health problems, until they were no longer good for anything and were definitively thrown into the rubbish heap, cumbersome and useless. In return, their children would not be at all grateful, on the contrary their efforts, however strenuous, would never be considered enough, they would, until the bitter end, be considered guilty because of the simple fact of being parents. From this sad life, marked by shame, all joy would be pitilessly banished. When they wanted to draw near to young people's bodies, they would be chased away, rejected, ridiculed, insulted, and, more and more often nowadays, imprisoned. The physical bodies of young people, the only desirable possession the world has ever produced, were reserved for the exclusive use of the young, and the fate of the old was to work and to suffer. This was the true meaning of solidarity between generations; it was a pure and simple holocaust of each generation in favor of the one that replaced it, a cruel, prolonged holocaust that brought with it no consolation, no comfort, nor any material or emotional compensation

>> No.18539640
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>> No.18539652

That's a good paragraph. I ought to read this guy, maybe.

>> No.18539671

what do I need to do so my soul acquires such a patina?

>> No.18539687

Interact with women. They’re soulless whores.

>> No.18539710

You are fairly normal honestly

>> No.18539712

Keep living like this.

>> No.18539718

doesn't read like that at all

>> No.18539737
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Women can feel true passion, but not for anyone, for then it would not be special, only for Chad. It a secret part of them that most men never know, a more sensual side, which can only be described as unbridled femininity.

>> No.18539756

There’s no sensitivity in their attraction to Chad, it’s just animalistic breeding instinct driving them to get impregnated by alpha cum, then look for a gullible beta male to provide. Women only feel unconditional love towards their children, and even then it’s not guaranteed.

>> No.18539780

Are all emotions not just blind animal instincts. Every man is subject to the throes of the will. Unless you are a literal ascetic and starve yourself to death.

>> No.18539783

You guys talk about women like they are transcendental beings lmao

They are men with fluffy chests and strange penises, treat them as such

>> No.18539801

I’m not blaming women for their natural mating tendencies. The problem lies with the social engineering of past 5 decades giving them free reign in the dating market.

>> No.18539858
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Why is he so pessimistic for? Is there really no hope for the world?

>> No.18539896

Is this a quote from Houellebecq ?

Either an incel who never left his basement or a trannie. Good women exist, and just like good people in general they are rare.

Normality today is fapping and fucking left and right. Thank God i'm not normal.

>> No.18539899

The disappearance of the family unit has long-term implications that are potentially extremely horrific.

>> No.18539924

Nuclear family is a social construct

We need to return to monke

>> No.18539936

>is a social construct
So? And we're not going to return to anything. We're just going to get to a point where corporations and governments are printing new humans eventually.

>> No.18539940

Yeah good luck looking for your unicorn woman when their biological whorishness is not only allowed, but outright encouraged via every single media outlet. It’s not impossible of course, but chances are overwhelmingly in favor of getting used up meat (and getting cucked two months into the relationship as well).

>> No.18539947

Honestly, the only way to beat Houellebecq is to live a hedonistic life style for a few consecutive years.
When you read his books it's hard to come up with arguments but then I came to the realization, for someone who values love, he sure puts a lot of emphasis on hookups and superficial relationships.

>> No.18539982

If I think about it, it's hard to be a virgin in your mid and late 20s and read Houellebecq. The way he describes certain feelings and situations, it's hard to relate if you're still a virgin. In a way, he's just saying, hey man if you didn't have sex starting by the age of 15 and sneaking in the night to drink wine with your friends, you pretty much missed out on life. Like that copypasta about how you missed out on teenage love and will never take the virginity of your crush under the night sky.

>> No.18539987

It happens to very few people, male or female.

>> No.18539990

ok retard

already met one and dismissed her because i'm not worthy
not saying most of them are like this, but they do exist

>> No.18540007

He’s right though, wasted youth will haunt you until death.

>> No.18540054

I dunno man

I had that experience when I was 17, I had an insane house party at my grandparents beach house when they were away, it was the best part ever, like Project X legit and I got drunk and hooked with my oneitis of 3 years.

It was the most perfect and beautiful and sublime moment I could have ever imagined. And then in the morning we woke up together and she said she was sorry and regretted it and she just was trying to get laid to get a bad breakup and doesn’t want anything to do with me because I was known as a weirdo loser at school.

Imagine that, all my teenage desires fulfilled for a single perfect moment only to be brutally snatched away. I would have preferred to remain a KHHV.

>> No.18540060

Read Zerzan

>> No.18540119

His whining about the sexual isolation of modern life is annoying because I seriously think he overestimates how many people are sexually inactive today. Go on TikTok and half of it is teenagers talking about their relationships. They’re clearly having sex. Even girls with hijabs are making videos about their sex lives. Maybe the situation in France is different, but most people are having relationships.

>> No.18540136

Teenage girls are having sex, and with many partners too, but I seriously doubt there has ever been a more celibate male generation than the young men nowadays.

>> No.18540144

yeah what a shock people broadcast the best part of their lives

>> No.18540166
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>> No.18540281

Chin dimples on women make me want to puke.

>> No.18541506

For pussies right. I wasted my youth, i don't give a fuck.
>get a bad breakup and doesn’t want anything to do with me because I was known as a weirdo loser at school.
Had a oneitis. Wasn't my first thought. We had a night together. Then she left with a girl, and when i confronted her about it, she took the girl's side.

>> No.18542744
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>From the amogus point of view

>> No.18543705

le sus

>> No.18543753

I know /lit/ is incelrealm, but guys,please make an effort: Houellebecq is not talking about women at all in this paragraph. He's talking about an entire generation (namely, the X generation, to which most of Houellebecq's characters belong). The narrator is a male. Learn to fucking read.

>> No.18543793

>t.mistakes teenage infatuation and raging hormones for love
>t.chases his high school heyday like an ageing jock that once scored three touchdowns in one game but is now a frustrated shoe salesman
>t.closes himself up to grown up relationships because of this, robbing himself of the chance to experience the true depth and terrifying beauty of adult love
Change your life or kys. Unironically.

>> No.18543813

This. The inability to differentiate between an author's opinion and the opinion an author puts in a character's mouth is annoying in the general public. Among users of a literature forum it's downright embarrassing.

>> No.18543832

Are you dumb? He's talking about how over-sexualized modernity is in the OP quote

>> No.18543845 [DELETED] 

A lot of male zoomies aren't having sex in my country, it's obvious for everyone.

>> No.18543868

> The problem lies with the social engineering of past 5 decades
You don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes anon, lol. This cancer has its origins in courtly love culture, all the way back to the middle ages. Simping imbues western civilisation, and it has imbued it since the days of Dante Alighieri.

>> No.18543876

He's right and wrong at the same time. He's right in that you can't put the cat back in the bag. Trying to turn back the clock will not fix anything. He is wrong in that this is actually a self-fixing problem. Degenerates tend not to reproduce. Give it a couple centuries.

>> No.18543878
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>he doesn't know how to use the word "imbue"

>> No.18543896

Shut up nigger https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/imbue#English

>> No.18543916

Degenerates are the only ones reproducing. Falling IQ and increase in genetic health problems is well documented right now

>> No.18543925

At least read OPs quote faggot

>> No.18543929

>Degenerates are the only ones reproducing.
You are uninformed.

> Falling IQ and increase in genetic health problems
This is true, but also a self-correcting problem. You're not very good at long term critical thinking.

>> No.18543931

touch grass, mentally ill incel

>> No.18544007

>You are uninformed.
The smartest and most capable men and women in our society spend most of their youth in education and later waging to eventually have 1 kid, if that. Your average junkie or a criminal has higher genetic fitness. See also cities as IQ shredders. Its remarkable that some people still think this problem can fix itself though
>self-correcting problem.
There is no way to correct this outside of some kacyznski like complete collapse. Sick and stupid will just get their existence subsidied forever.
Welfare and healthcare were a disaster for a human race

>> No.18544199

Characters in Houellebecq's novels do find real love sometimes, but in the end it's all for nothing because we're still going to die from declining health or Islamic terrorism.

>> No.18545341

>Welfare and healthcare were a disaster for a human race
Then how come the average IQ now is higher than it has ever been?

>> No.18545372

Not him but this argument is worthless considering the gathering of such data has always been unreliable and questionnable

>> No.18545389

Is he a good read for a kv? He seems like le jaded black pilled gigachad-core.

>> No.18545434

1. IQ scores are irrelevant to the observable world.
2. There have been multiple publications about the decline of IQ of recent.

>> No.18545467

Check the study about victorian era iq. Genetic component has already superseded flynn effect

>> No.18545633

That was done by Gatton on an entry basis: I.E. those who were willing and able to: A. Pay an entry-fee to complete a test, and B. were the sort to attend such a convention as would host such an event. Both of these are selectors for higher IQ people: middle-class and the like, rather than the actual median Victorian person.

The main difference was that back then blank-slatism wasn't institutionalised but one of the various competing theories; the willingness to accept such an in-egalitarian doctrine as hereditary intelligence was higher in the more stratified and hierarchical Victorian society.

>> No.18545636

I'm not sure if you're trolling but surely you can see that those statements are contradictory. Either the IQ scores are irrelevant and in that case they should all be ignored. Or they are right and in that case it can't be denied that the average IQ has massively increased in the past century.

Then how can the poster I was responding to claim that city's are "IQ shredders"?

>> No.18545644

I find it very hard to understand blank slate fags. How could intelligence even evolve if it has no hereditary component

>> No.18545686

Its mostly an anachronistic belief from old-school enlightenment values, with perhaps a smidgen of Marxism.

It's not so much that there is a complete blank-slate (though that is mostly the pre-Darwin Liberal perspective), but that intelligence is such a favourable trait that selection should always aim for a greater intelligence, and that, within a certain population, if there IS a higher intelligence subset, that it will be spread out through genetic intermingling—or perhaps simply that the differences in intelligence aren't
great enough to be particularly important.

>> No.18545725

> intelligence is such a favourable trait that selection should always aim for a greater intelligence
I question whether anyone who could say this has even taken a high school biology class. There are no purely good traits, there are always tradeoffs, eg. Energy requirements, not focusing on some other ability.

As for it spreading out in the population, no other trait is like this, eg. Height is clearly not spread out equally

>> No.18545762

But parents love their kids and feel joy when their kids feel joy. Houllebecq just projects his own complete narcissism into everyone else and pretends his nonsense are universal insights that people are too scared to admit to

>> No.18545789

I'd never admit this to anyone in real life, but honestly I deeply regret having a kid. Of course I love the little shit but it's also a terminal lifetrap - no more dreaming about literary career lmao.

>> No.18545837
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I dont put all that much salt in that study either, seems hard to assume this stuff for so far back, but there are recent ones that show that environmental factors (the ones driving the increase) pretty much plateaud while genetic ones are causing the decline now

>> No.18545853

I like him and I dont think he pretends that he makes some fundamental insight that cant be refuted. Its mostly anons here that claim that. But this has to be taken in account more
>Houellebecq was born in 1956 on the French island of Réunion, the son of Lucie Ceccaldi, a French physician born in Algeria of Corsican descent,[7] and René Thomas, a ski instructor and mountain guide.[8] He lived in Algeria from the age of five months until 1961, with his maternal grandmother.[9] In a lengthy autobiographical article published on his website (now defunct), he states that his parents "lost interest in [his] existence pretty quickly",[citation needed] and at the age of six, he was sent to France to live with his paternal grandmother, a communist, while his mother left to live a hippie lifestyle in Brazil with her recent boyfriend.[9] His grandmother's maiden name was Houellebecq, which he took as his pen name.

>> No.18545953

I was intensely romantic in high school, to the point where I would turn girls down if I wasn’t in love with them. Years later, during a rough patch, I lost my virginity to a hooker and some casual sex. I got worried that I had fucked myself over in some profound way, that I would be incapable of fully loving one person. Then I fell hard for someone again and it was an enormous relief.

I still completely regret my former hedonism and wish I hadn’t done it, since I will never not be the guy who lost it to an escort, but if you were ever a romantic then it’s possible to return to that mode of being.

>> No.18545986

Fuck, this hits me hard. I’ve felt this exact impulse so many times. Sometimes I dream about making some herculean effort to gather all my old friends together, to revive all my relationships and friendships and force them to persist for as long as possible. I’m even desperately nostalgic for the ones that caused me terrible pain in the moment

>> No.18546016
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>Sometimes I dream about making some herculean effort to gather all my old friends together
>even desperately nostalgic for the ones that caused me terrible pain in the moment
Same here. It's impossible to form genuine interpersonal bonds after certain point in life, your mind will forever return to adolescent relationships. No matter how many girls I've been with in the decade since, the teenage sweetheart I lost virginity to (and ended up cucking me terribly) returns in memories almost daily.

>> No.18547253
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>Worrying about 3DPD

>> No.18547270

>i don't love them hoes
are niggers the most efficient writers?

>> No.18547281

redpill me on the double hyphen

>> No.18547308

cope virgin animefag

>> No.18547327

After I lost my virginity, 2D porn became much more enticing.
Now I know what everything feels and smells and tastes like and it GREATLY enhances imagination. And before you bring up that "UH REAL WOMAN ARE STINKY NOT LIKE MUH ANIMES" I can tell you that unless you're fucking someone who doesn't shower, that is not the case at all. Every single inch of a woman's body is succulent. Nothing in 2D can replicate the feeling of skin touching skin. No VN will ever let you feel what it feels like to cuddle after sex.
Sorry 2Dbros, you are on the losing side.

>> No.18547435

Reddit opinion

>> No.18547622

That's why I don't have any. The change in lifestyle would just be too catastrophic, no more easy travelling, adventures, fun.

>> No.18547731

I was FWB with a girl named Véronique, and she had had quite a few lovers before me (as compared to my slender sexual history, anyway). She was very sweet and we parted on good terms. This coincidence might explain why I felt deepening dislike for Houellebecq as I read this passage. Assuming that this is his real view, it’s pretty idiotic.

For one thing, love is not particularly scarce. I will grant that love of a certain magnitude (call it true love if you like) is somewhat rare, but romantic love is common enough. It also does not require “innocence” or “projection of the whole sex” onto the beloved. A beloved is not the archetypal embodiment of the other sex, they’re a soul that you feel a kinship and desire for. Love is not rooted in an illusion, it’s rooted in the reality of the other person. And it’s an emotion you fall into autonomically. The ability to view someone with a lover’s eyes does not mystically disappear when you’ve stuck your stick in too many cunts or vice versa.

I regret my former promiscuity and I don’t recommend it, because it’s desperately lonely and casual fun is paltry compared to the profound ecstasies of love. But making the same adolescent mistakes that just about everyone makes does not preclude you from morons happiness.

Eat shit Michel

>> No.18547841

He had us in the first half not gonna lie.

>> No.18547880

So is reddit the site for sex havers?