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/lit/ - Literature

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18537487 No.18537487 [Reply] [Original]

Me: Just got my first cup of Iced Americano and ready to dig into the new book by my favorite author, Mike Ma.

>> No.18537495

Stop reading memes, anon.

>> No.18537505
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Truman Capote - Music for Chameleons;
Stella Artois.

>> No.18537514


>> No.18537529

Based glass

>> No.18537532
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Morning, anon. I'm not drinking anything yet but I'll probably have my chocolate milk breakfast as usual.

>> No.18537538

The photo is random on the internet, but i have 8 of these glasses and they are the best beer glasses ever!

>> No.18537539

Comfy as, lads.

>> No.18537580

The shill operation is strong. I guess this is what it's like to self-publish

>> No.18537604

You might be right, because i coudn't find link for the book to download for free, and it seem like this book is promoted here.

>> No.18537653

I'm reading The Gathering Storm by Winston Churchill and I'm about to go and make myself a coffee

>> No.18537732

Go Down Moses but I'm about to read a bit more Twighlight of the Idols and water

>> No.18537734


>> No.18537735

Fuckin assholes

>> No.18537807
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>> No.18537887

coffee, blood meridian (as usual)

>> No.18537897
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Anna Karenina and some generic brand coffee. Got some ribs on the smoker right now too. Gonna be good eating in a few hours.

>> No.18537904

Damn have a nice evening or whatever part of the day it is. Here it is 17:43. Going out with my bicycle to drink few more beers.

Tomorrow is Monday, gotta work, but may tomorrow never come i say! Live for today.

>> No.18537905

Hot green tea and Aristotle. The Revised Oxford trans by Jon Barnes kicks butt!

>> No.18537907

You mean pushing.
Why are obvious shill threads left up?

>> No.18537913

That cover is one of the dumbest I've ever seen.

>> No.18538034

There is only one twitter book that I've read: ha ha ha delightful by William Guppy, Esq.

>> No.18538051

Monster Ultra Blue and Rings of Saturn by W.G. Sebald

>> No.18538062

I'd throw my money into the trash before buying any of this shit. Same deal with Tao Lin, 4chan memes are terrible in book form.

>> No.18538076

Tao Lion and Michael Ma are good though.

>> No.18538088

>reading a twitter meme book in public

>> No.18538091
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I can't believe I share a board with these people.

>> No.18538259
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Having a monster rehab. Just finished this awesome book. Cool so many other people are supporting Mike and making literature fun again.

Hey buddy no one is stopping you from reading your Penguin Classics.

>> No.18538266

Harrassment Architecture wasn't bad, probably like four months' work away from being a great book, but hey better to be published than to be ''perfecting'' shit that'll never come out. At times a bit trivial or too openly 4chanesque, but not a bad book. Some subtle shit in there. Perfectly fine for a 24 year-old to write. Looking forward to pirating this one too. Some people compare it to Fight Club and it wasn't damn near as gay. That dude Palahniuk is a real unironic homo. In sheer volume, there is less politico-social commentary than descriptions of Tyler Durden's penis in that book. Not a book any 34-year-old should be writing. Ridiculous shit.

>> No.18538276
File: 1.86 MB, 4032x3024, 594DE83D-CD5D-4FD9-A74A-2D476248467F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i’ll be honest i’m watching babylon 5 right now but i’ll get back to reading soon

>> No.18538336

this photo just screams white privilege to me

>> No.18538344

Nothing in that photo looks expensive at all, what privilege

>> No.18538377

umm Dunel, the Great Gatsby, the iMac keyboard. You couldn't be more white if you tried. And you use that racial identity to project and weaponise it against the rest of us peaceful nice people. It's really toxic.

>> No.18538395

Shit bait.

>> No.18538398

>tao lion

>> No.18538418


can confirm i'm white privileged and proud

>> No.18538457

>favorite drink
Shilled americano

>what are you reading
Shill posting

>> No.18538490

do you just take this book out any time you have a drink? or did you have coffee and monster today to make this thread? (I can tell it's the same by the water damage on the book)

>> No.18538493

Coffee and my phone at work. As usual

>> No.18538506
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>> No.18539986

Didn't know there were trip fags on lit. Yes I had another drink after I finished the book. Great detective work hon

>> No.18539994

>Didn't know there were trip fags on lit
How new can you be?

>> No.18540044
File: 2.32 MB, 4032x3024, 51506EE0-7716-4E33-AD40-454E6FE7D46D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was reading the same with some cold brew at a cafe to get away from the 100 degree weather.

This book rules

Couldn’t stand being a fucking faggot at a cafe so now I’m going swimming naked

>> No.18540049

I've only ever seen a name fag that looked like a butterfly. Never a tripfag. What kind of threads does this tranny hang out in?

>> No.18540064
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>> No.18540091

Incredibly based

>> No.18540493

Damn tell me more about the book of the dead.

>> No.18540539
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Where is the pdf of this book?
I sucks to live in a shithole country where U$12 is half an average monthly wage

>> No.18540550

What country do you live in? I’m moving rn

>> No.18540713

Where did you get that mug? I have the same one

>> No.18541256
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Those are very common mugs.

>> No.18541262

Infinate Jest and tea.

>> No.18541281
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>> No.18541293

what kind?

>> No.18541294
File: 23 KB, 316x306, fake-reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like authors who use Amazon, even to self-publish, because the rating system is soooo gamed.

>> No.18541383


>> No.18541427


>> No.18541661


>> No.18541672

Crabs in a bucket mentality. They are competing against massive publishing houses and their marketing budgets and networks. You think there isn't a slew of nepotism within those systems either? You don't live in a meritocracy and supporting the little guy is the smarter choice.

>> No.18541953
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>> No.18541971

Easy there big fella.

>> No.18541978

So do you shills get Bannon money or something? seems like some op he would do. No anon would take such a gay photo like op’s. The whole ‘dissident right’ memosphere is so artificial

>> No.18541979

You get in a scrap recently?

>> No.18542002

Whoa, sorry, I'm not attacking the guy... I'm just stating that the Amazon system is 100% rigged in favour of people who buy reviews and have huuuugeee resources to source reviews and publicity. Same with GoodReads as GoodReads bans authors if they are in any way, shape, or form, outside the general accepted narrative.
>Amazon banned Roosh for fuck's sake.
Participating in Amazon means you are participating and endorsing a rigged system.

>> No.18542003

cut your nails and stop punching walls, retard

>> No.18542009

cringe meme book

>> No.18542011

Everyone on the "right" online is a shill or a fed.

>> No.18542025

This is an ad

>> No.18542064
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>> No.18542154


>> No.18542168

This post is satire, correct?

>> No.18542300
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>> No.18542304

>Same with GoodReads as GoodReads bans authors if they are in any way, shape, or form, outside the general accepted narrative.

Who did GoodReads ever ban? You mean banned author from replying to reviews about his books?

>> No.18542305

is that the same chick smoking the infinte jest bong

>> No.18542740

I assure we are real

>> No.18542746

>awful bangs
>nose ring

>> No.18543198
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No, infinite jest is for incels

>> No.18543609

Based white anon

>> No.18543949

Excusing the faggish-instagram posts, how is the book? Why should I buy it?

>> No.18543963

As far as /lit/ personalities go this bitch is significantly more tolerable than butterfly by virtue of the fact she (he) doesnt tripfag

>> No.18544353

Because it's new, it's fresh, it's funny.

>> No.18544961

HA AND BAM were better

>> No.18546377

GV is better than HA

>> No.18546414

Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus.
Plain black coffee.

>> No.18546490

8/10 would let work on my car

>> No.18546576

Wristlet faggot

>> No.18547069
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>> No.18547093

There's literally nothing wrong with marketing your work

>> No.18547101

drinking: tap water
reading: nothing

>> No.18547105

oh yeah? why wont you mike ma nuts retard

>> No.18547126

PG Tips of course.

>> No.18547530

read it too but it's not that good imho. Yeah some parts are pretty based and well written but is filled with shitty memes and ridiculous rhetoric
>hurr durr raw milk and le egg

>> No.18547818
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>> No.18547887

for me, it’s kratom and raymond carver

>> No.18547928

That book is fucking gay
I stopped and returned it at the chapter where he just name drops celebrities and faggot indie bands
Fuck you niggers for wasting my time with that

>> No.18547953

You should start reading memes.

>> No.18548104
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picrel and pedialyte, cheers

>> No.18548186

Except the board is filling up with these fake "Look at this book I just bought! I love it" spam posts that are made by the author himself

>> No.18548192

how is it?

>> No.18548207

Just post your beverage and your read and engage other anons about their choices to take the discussion away from the shill. It is not difficult, but sadly most can only complain. The board can effortlessly derail on topic effort posts but just throws a fit when it comes to shills, just derail their posts into something worthwhile.

>> No.18548237

Plutarch's Life of Pelopidas and Doubleshot Mocha

>> No.18548255

post tits whore

>> No.18548290

Reading Savage Detectives and making a pot of Gevalia. Little herb too. Fun evening

Also Savage Detectives has this quality of tedium, yet I got lost in those little interviews at the same time. Interesting book. thank you for memeing Bolano, /lit/

>> No.18548329

That’s the very beginning. I take it you didn’t get to the end of that story where the 8-foot tall executioner gives him a monologue and then the narrator runs into a freeway

>> No.18548336


>> No.18548435

>not reading fun books to cleanse the palate

Found the pseud

>> No.18548672

Based department? I'd like to report a new member

>> No.18548678

"Ridiculous rhetoric" isn't a valid critique. You're not even a pseud desu. Post examples and then we will talk.

>> No.18548688

Pathetic astroturfing samefag whore
>inb4 response
prove to me that these are 5 different copies of the book at 5 unique and distant geographical locations

>> No.18548751

I tried to read differemt bits of philosophy but it was boring me, so I just stuck to A Scanner Darkly. I am really enjoying Dick. Might just read all his shit.
Gonna drink some cider and watch Single White Female tonight

>> No.18549044

If you want me to look at your advertisements, you have to pay me to do it. If not, get ready for me to complain

>> No.18549060

Your complaints only feed into the marketing campaign

>> No.18549213

The book is bad outside the last 40ish pages, Harassment architecture is better. The last section that is post RETVRN though is kino. Fuck that book just read HA again.

>> No.18549532

I don't care. My original post upset the shills, so that attention has paid me back enough that it was worth feeding the marketing campaign. With this, I have become the paid shill.

>> No.18549590

Goodreads banned me in 2013 because I said 50 Shades of Grey was going to fuel a self-destructive culture among women and men.
I'm pretty sure many of these "cultural icons" have really degraded how people treat each other.

>> No.18549887

antony and cleopatra
i had some taiwanese oolong before now im gonna have some raw puer

>> No.18550723
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louise gluck and lung ching green tea