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18529502 No.18529502[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Will you be tuning in for THE literary conversation of the year?

>> No.18529524

KEK no.

>> No.18529528

what the fuck is white fragility

>> No.18529532

LMAO this is retarded

>> No.18529553

it's a rhetorical strategy whereby you write a book claiming white people are fragile, and then when someone disagrees you point to it as evidence of their fragility

>> No.18529560

good thing taleb isnt white

>> No.18529572

Taleb is proud Greco-Phoenician Rum, he descends from Melqart and the Royal Hiramic Line of Tyre

>> No.18529579
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>white countries and immigrants

>> No.18529587

Lebanon and Syria are the only two White countries left on Earth

>> No.18529590

Nassim "the phoenician arab" Taleb is going going destroy her

>> No.18529602

KEK this will be meme gold.

>> No.18529608

Taleb please unblock me

>> No.18529633

this cant be real

>> No.18529668

oh boy this is gonna be a screechfest

>> No.18529685

Please be true
Omg I love 2021 now

>> No.18529698

fake sadly

>> No.18529703

Well, since Taleb is not white...

>> No.18529893

The wh*Toid grifter fears the Phoenician BVLL

>> No.18529917
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>> No.18529947

The event wasn't advertised as a debate. The wyppipo hating woman and the fat greasy arab are plotting to further destroy the white race.

>> No.18529954

Had a shit day but this made me laugh. Thanks OP.

>> No.18529963

What the fuck is up with that price? 40 bucks, lmao

>> No.18529982

Back to your shithole

>> No.18529987

This, if I'm going to a 4-hour wyppipo bad conference, then it should come with paid airfare, paid hotel reservation, and a $10,000 attendance fee to make it worth it to subject myself to that kind of psychological torture.

>> No.18530048
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Two tickets please.

>> No.18530057

>Ron Unz
What a fucking legend

>> No.18530073

I mean, unironically yes. She will probably spend most of the debate trying to incriminate him as complicit with a white regime because he’s white passing, and he’ll tell her to fuck off with her disgusting American dykery bullshit. If god exists someone will arrive with an automatic weapon and the end will be a bloodbath.

>> No.18530081

He'll probably deadlift her and then break her over his knee like Bane.

>> No.18530124
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>> No.18530172

>Two white people arguing that they in fact are not like “regular” white people
Absolute state of white “people”

>> No.18530197

How mentally diseased does a person need to be to actually pay money to watch this?

>> No.18530223

reminder that the peterson/zizek debate went so badly for peterson he got addicted to pain pills and his wife caught cancer. god have mercy on ms.diangelo

>> No.18530244
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Taleb doesn't remotely look like Zizek, and his name is clearly in the image.

>> No.18530296

what the fuck does that have to do with this

>> No.18530304

>t. imbecile

>> No.18530343


>> No.18530397
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>$40 to listen to two hacks sperging

>> No.18530400

based retards

>> No.18530407

please answer the simple question I asked you

>> No.18530409

Are they going to fuck on stage? Imagine the stinky sex sex sex between a Jew and an Arab.

>> No.18530418


>> No.18530590

Backstage, most likely

>> No.18530713
File: 1.27 MB, 1626x3761, 1624690984502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had anyone actually read White Fragility? Can her points be refuted.

>> No.18530728
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This post is evidence of your white fragility.