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18526435 No.18526435 [Reply] [Original]

I want to start reading up on the American revolution. The wiki didn't have any recommendations on the subject for some reason. (In fact, the history section on the /lit/ wiki is virtually blank, and I don't feel like asking /his/).
Are the super popular meme books like McCullough's 1776 and Fischer's Washington Crossing that are seen everywhere a good place to start? Or, are there some better recommendations?

>> No.18526477

I mostly have just read biographies
McCullough’s biography of John Adams
Chernow’s biography of Alexander Hamilton
Some of the writings of the time are worth a read as well
Common Sense
Declaration of Independence
The Federalist Papers
The Anti-Federalist Papers
I’ve seen American Scripture by Pauline Maier praised but haven’t read it myself. It’s a study on the influences on Jefferson’s Declaration of Independence

>> No.18527148

Bump. Currently reading American Gospel and am thinking something about the revolution should be next. Shame there's no equivalent of Shelby Foote for the subject.

>> No.18527165

Chernow's biography of Washington gives a great scope of it. Pair it with Franklin's biography or autobiography.

>> No.18527280

Get the basics with meme books like McCullough and Chernow that will just give you the facts of what happened

Read the primary source documents like the Declaration and the more interesting Federalist Papers (10, 51). Only a masochist would read them all

Then graduate to academics like Gordon Wood and Bernard Bailyn. Wood in particular is excellent and probably the most renowned scholar of his time in this area (I recommend radicalism of the american revolution)

>> No.18527671

Go to titles
Type in American revolution

>> No.18527745
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Start with the liberty kids.

>> No.18527981

haha, used to watch

>> No.18528941


>> No.18528966


>> No.18528995
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The True History of the American Revolution by Sydney George Fisher

>> No.18529182

McCullough isn’t a meme author

>> No.18529193

Shelby Foote was an okay stylist and a bad historian

>> No.18529349

Good post, seconding Bailyin and Wood. I think Wood is hated by everyone in the profession now too because he is mildly mildly conservative or something, so bonus points for pissing off trannies. Also The Machiavellian Moment by Pocock and Novus Ordo Seclorum by Forrest McDonald.

>> No.18530444

Truly a prophetic piece of americana

>> No.18530463
File: 82 KB, 798x611, BFA3BCBE-4996-4B7B-8352-69BF22302FE3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s right. He’s a boomer author