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18524836 No.18524836 [Reply] [Original]

I don't really understand what the point is. Is it all a big.. meme?

>> No.18524845

>Is it all a big.. meme?
it's a small meme, no one in the real world knows what the fuck that book is and if they did they'd be like 'oh, that's written really badly', before giving a shit about it's faux-edginess

>> No.18524850

It's good.

>> No.18524857
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Nice thread.

>> No.18524867

You're so handsome bro!

>> No.18524871

Makes trannies seethe because it was written by a person who is guilty via association.

That's it, that's the entire situation.

>> No.18524875

not true, I read Harassment Architecture without knowing who he was or being biased about extreme politics. still thought it was terrible

>> No.18524890

That's not the point I was making. It's popular because of it's aesthetic appeal of being part of an anti establishment dissident subculture that makes trannies seethe who end up promoting the book through their seething.

Take threads on this book as an example, most of the posts are people seething and then people replying telling them to dilate. If there was no seething it wouldn't be nearly as note worthy.

Gothic Violence is a dark comedy fiction novella, in reality.

>> No.18524902

Wow what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.18524908
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No, this creep saved my picture from another thread and modified it, this is the original.

>> No.18524910

In the circles I'm in everyone liked the author to be honest, and they're not right wing

>> No.18524911

genuinely can't tell gender

>> No.18524914

are you in all in your early twenties or younger?

>> No.18524955
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>> No.18524980 [DELETED] 

Am I overthinking things or op pic is a joke?: gothic violence in contrast with domestic violence

>> No.18525089

Harassment Architecture read like a discount American Psycho, so I was able to enjoy it. This, however, was incredibly dull, and so infantile too. No, Mike Ma, repeating Jordan Peterson talking points is not counter culture and anti-establishment, it just makes you sound like a dork. Overall, Gothic Violence is just your standard YA schlock, teen angst included.

>> No.18525134


>> No.18525165

Do some wrist curls anon

>> No.18525260

Jordan Peterson is, by definition, counter-culture and to a unintentionally anti-establishment in current year.

>> No.18525738

why did you punch a wall and scrape your knuckle anon? you really need to stop drinking so much, it makes you angry.

>> No.18525753

loved it. favourite book ive read so far this year

>> No.18525762

>peterson isnt counter culture
lol get a load of this absolute dimwit

>> No.18525773
File: 86 KB, 800x677, 1619967980383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the creep
>wahh wahh someone on the internet did something with the image I posted of myself on the internet
>that must mean they're a creep!
Fuck off back to whatever hugbox you came from you dumb bitch

>> No.18525787

Ok Mike

>> No.18525797

I admit it's a very sad state of affairs that JP is counter-culture, I don't feel good about it either.

>> No.18525846
File: 15 KB, 512x512, 02FEC5A0-5E5F-4D9F-9F0D-69742A402093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a retard. That's all.

>> No.18526318

Why did you spend money on it if you knew next-to-nothing about it?

>> No.18526638

ahha right lmao you should totally explain to that midwit loser how Peterson is totally counter culture lol
just as a joke lol

>> No.18526660

Look at that soft and lymphatic hand. Maybe you should go lift some weights. What a disgusting little hand and shrimp-wrist.

>> No.18526667

My question is why did this become a meme

>> No.18526674

>one off.
Also because of "guerrilla marketing" tactics.

>> No.18526682

Like an F Gardner shill campaign?

>> No.18526694

I still do not really know, nor do I care to know, anything about this Gardner dude.
But I suppose so. I only heard of the first book because of some fed I know who heard of it on /pol/

>> No.18526701

Holy fucking shit gigabased

>> No.18526782

It was made in that thread. I saved it because it looks like guenon

>> No.18526783

do want to be mai waifu???0w0

>> No.18526906 [DELETED] 

He’s the anon who made Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18526910
File: 388 KB, 1310x2047, 0D752371-C4FB-4B8F-A289-0A87EB2D1010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that onions hand cant be real

>> No.18526949

First it was the retard in the red beanie and now mr. gay black metal ova here...

>> No.18526961

Go to bed Mike

>> No.18527738

Establishment media hates JP. JP is literally countering establishment culture despite him representing establishment culture circa 1990. That's just how things are.

>> No.18527757

im trying to imagine to imagine what you look like based off your hand and its not looking good bro... but thats ok, you're probably a nice guy

>> No.18527783

That would be depressing if I hadn't already been disillusioned 10+ years ago.

>> No.18527828

I will never read this book and certainly won't spend money on it either, but I must admit that the cover art looks kick-ass. I'd be willing to bet the cover contributes more to its minor infamy than the actual content does.

>> No.18528200
File: 42 KB, 250x324, TheItalianWarAsSeenByAJapaneseSamuriCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reading right-wing neckbeard fantasies when you could read about a literal Japanese samurai proto-fascist fighting in the trenches of the first world war
Of all the books you could have shilled you could have shilled a good one.

>> No.18528204

epic freaking bacon

>> No.18528206

This was the most based thing someone ever posted on this shithole of a forum. Is there any live link?

>> No.18528234

>without being biased about extreme politics
was it even a book about politics?
it's like the book version of "loud = funny" and I feel like forming an opinion of it is meant to make you feel stupid

I actually did find it funny though
definitely didn't learn anything about politics

>> No.18528249

Similar as you but I thought HA was alright. Reminded me of something Chuck Palahniuk would write if he was a young man in our times.

>> No.18528285

I enjoyed it, but as a disclaimer I carry many of the same tastes and characteristics of Mike. It is spoken in a semi-autobiographical tone, like HA, but with an added back story setting the goth tone. Some of the darker prose sections were meaningless, but I might go back through and re-read it to see if I missed something.

I liked it because it's different, and I can pick apart meaningful things in the message. Kind of like this place. It reads like Less than Zero meets Uncle Ted, but not as edgy as you might expect.

>> No.18528302

>meaningful things in the message
such as

>> No.18528325

>Is there any live link?

>> No.18528343


Actually responding to myself, I fucking hate Bret Ellis so I take that back. It might be considered insulting.

It would be different for everyone. But just the general trajectory of the future of America. The religious undertones and darker symbolism and how they tie in to that future. It's obviously fictional, but worth thinking about.

>> No.18528351

No e-book format? I don't buy anything online.

>> No.18528359

I mean to say, I don't buy anything on line which would expose my shipping address. The only time I use my shipping address is when it's inevitable (government shit). Otherwise I prefer to avoid using it.

>> No.18528596

Not yet. You can read parts of it online in the archive. Just look up "Shimoi"

>> No.18528599

Dead white male.

>> No.18528613

That said, Lulu.com is a secure site and not really connected to 4chan in any way. You buy directly from them and there aren't any intermediaries. I've sold several books through them and I can see the country somebody bought it from but thats it.

>> No.18528625

I decided to stop buying meme books after Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18528629

Did daddy diddle you

>> No.18528631 [DELETED] 

Eh I'd consider it a compliment. Gardner's well known here. If you're being compared to him then it means your books must be good.

>> No.18528639

>Is it all a big.. meme?

>> No.18528649

why the hell did it take you so long?

>> No.18528658 [DELETED] 

That's your own fault. There are daily threads about those books and everyone knows Cal of the Arcade is the best one. You picked the meme book.

>> No.18528711

What the fuck is wrong with your arm

>> No.18528718

Is Call of the Arcade actually better?

>> No.18528727

>new York times best seller
>one of youtubes favourite intellectuals(lol)
>is given a platform on mainstream media
>counter culture and anti establishment
he is counter-initiation

>> No.18528756

another thread with no sample pics. One of them did but it was just tjhe first pages and the prose and material was bad. But I'm still biased towards wanting to enjoy it so post some pics from different chapters OP
Maybe I wont sage on my second reply if there is one

>> No.18529147

Odd looking hand

>> No.18529514

I want to fuck you.

>> No.18529537 [DELETED] 

Much better.

>> No.18529547
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Jesus Christ

>> No.18529856

I think I agree with you

>> No.18529880

Call of the Crocodile seems like absolute trash

>> No.18529913
File: 52 KB, 610x612, 1617410238298.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. Read my stuff instead.

>> No.18529997
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>> No.18530132

Uhhhhh based alert. Have you read Gothic Violence yet? Post tits.

>> No.18530151
File: 561 KB, 2500x2023, A5FFFC08-548D-415A-9945-3B3F2D5651EB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ur cute be my gf pls

>> No.18530154


>> No.18530161

Based Pine Tree Flag patch. I have a flag. I dont know what to do with it

>> No.18530199

It's one of the best contemporary fiction releases in recent memory. The absolute majority of contemporary literature is bluepilled politically charged "fuck donald plumf and white people" pandering trash. You shills won't make an objectively fresh and entertaining novel "bad" just by trying to discredit it on social media lol. Try harder it just makes people want to read it more.

>> No.18530208

Absolute cope. Are you really this brainwashed? Coca Cola and Nike shill trannies, race mixing and defunding police. You think you are anti-establishment by posting shitlib takes on twatter? hahaha

>> No.18530209

Do Americans really think this is hot? Looks like the meth head who works the graveyard shift at my local 7/11

>> No.18530214

yuck. another femcel dumbass with piercing who fetishizes military gear. you look 40 you ugly cunt

>> No.18530261

harassment architecture was good until 50 pages in where the author constantly repeated himself about "muh ancient civilisation"

>> No.18530382

Just like my mom

>> No.18530403

>that wrist
>that forearm
Lmao I bet this is the average physique of people who buy imageboard extremist meme books. Go to the gym faggot.

>> No.18530424

>pine tree party
Based I suppose but please stop attention whoring on a literature forum please

>> No.18530496
File: 3.00 MB, 1600x1600, 1610659328417.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does anyone have a link to her original thread please

>> No.18530531

Wash your dick bro

>> No.18530553

Go back to /pol/ retard. You've been betrayed by the owners of this country. Your only chance now is to dilate and become a woman.

>> No.18530571


>> No.18530635

I'd fuck it anyway

>> No.18530929

Huh? I was not against it, I just don't understand the purpose of it.

>> No.18531011

i'm sure you read a lot of contemporary fiction

>> No.18531024


>> No.18531040

Cute hands, post feet

>> No.18531296

You're not my mom, I do what I want.

>> No.18531618


>> No.18532254

What the fuck does this even mean? Go back to plebbit.

>> No.18532258


>> No.18532263

>definitely didn't learn anything about politics
Because it's a dark comedy...

>> No.18532279

>repeating Jordan Peterson talking points
What the fuck have you been reading? Because it wasn't Mike Ma. Dilate.

>> No.18532283
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>> No.18532286

On pol

>> No.18532305

You're a retard.

>> No.18532311

well memed my aryan friend
20 rubles have been deposited to your account

>> No.18532330

>t. bugman

>> No.18532340
File: 117 KB, 823x631, 1490776810326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>20 rubles have been deposited to your account
Thanks ya bloody poofta, cheers from down under.

>> No.18532351

>You've been betrayed by the owners of this country.
I dunno anon, that sounds pretty anti-semitic to me.

>> No.18532357


>> No.18532379

>You've been betrayed by the owners of this country.

>> No.18532655

what the FUCK?

>> No.18532923

amazon crushing any chances of their workers unionizing is super far left. straight up communism shit.

>> No.18534638

Reminder that Amazon said promoting diversity was an anti-union tactic.

>> No.18535567

ok, new pt book when

>> No.18536153

literally anything but a bugman, but enjoy the scantily written shitty book that communicates itself as nothing but an aestheticians hollow ode to the ancients

>> No.18536598


>> No.18536944

PDF when?