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1852737 No.1852737 [Reply] [Original]

Hi. I have a question.

My friend is reading ayn rand and I laughed at him. That was very immature of me. And then I realised I never read her book nor know of anything about her. Why does lit hate her so?

>> No.1852741

Because you're an impressionable fool.

>> No.1852745

because her philosophy is simplistic and narcissistic. Basically, what she did was take Nietzsche's Ubermensch-ethic and gave it a suit and tie and take Aristotle's metaphysics and gave it an anti-religion spin to it. And then she claimed she made all of this up herself and pissed on anyone who made her aware of these facts. Plus, her awareness of emotions seems to be that of an autistic 5-year old, but this could be blamed on Nietzsche

>> No.1852747

>Plus, her awareness of emotions seems to be that of an autistic 5-year old, but this could be blamed on Nietzsche

Terrible post, but that line made me laugh.

>> No.1852805

She's a irresponsible bitch who preached that greed is good and that anything to succeed should be done. (Sociopathy.) She loathed Libertarians, and hated being compared to them. (At least they can be called deluded fools who try to do good things.) She outright adored sociopathy and made it fashionable.

Her views are killing the US middle class and the lower classes. It's becoming a dystopia in the US.

>> No.1852809

Because her view of humanity is extremely shallow and basic. She believes humans to be solely self-seeking and they should be: kindness, altruism and love have little place in her philosophy of life.

>> No.1852810

>collectivist faggot detected

im not even a rayntard

>> No.1852813

anyone see the recent adam curtis doc 'all watched over by machines'?

>> No.1852815


yeah, was pretty good. Haven't seen the final part yet though.

>> No.1852819

only the first part, but I only had the title to go about on terms of content and was surprised when it ended up being lolaynrand

>> No.1852820


>sad little bourgeois worm detected

>> No.1852821

I havent had internet access for the past few weeks so wasn't sure if it caused a minor shit-storm on /lit/ or not.

>> No.1852823


pick one poorfag

>> No.1852825

i didn't see one post about it

>> No.1852832

GAWDAMN! you people really don't watch TV

>> No.1852856

I think that 90% of the people who hate Ayn Rand have never read one of her books, and the 10% that do hate her didn't even understand the philosophy, or claim to have understood it just because they can't accept that they were outsmarted by a woman.

>> No.1852861

>i think all people who don't agree with me are wrong, deluded, misinformed or jelly

sure bro

>> No.1852866


>> No.1852887


I've read through Atlas Shrugged and The Virtue of Selfishness.

Interesting ideas, but in implementation she fails to account for humans fundamentally nasty nature.

Her philosophy would work if everyone agreed to not want anything that they hadn't earned fully, and were content to survive on what they could fairly labour for.

Obviously this runs into problems the moment it steps outside.

>> No.1852909

>I think that 90% of the people who hate Ayn Rand have never read one of her books, and the 10% that do hate her didn't even understand the philosophy, or claim to have understood it just because they can't accept that they were outsmarted by a woman.

soooo typical of randites to say you don't like it because you don't understand it. another anon was talking about a persecution complex in regards to people who enjoy rand that made me laugh.

>> No.1852938

How could her philosophy ever be 2deep4u if she explains it as if she were talking to a 3rd grader in her reading. Every fucking character of hers is a mouthpiece for her philosophy. If you don't get it after reading "The Fountainhead" and "Atlas Shrugged," you may in fact be a monkey.

>> No.1853017


> Killing the lower class.

How can you kill the lowest class of a dysotopian society?

If we were to follow you're logic, her views are fostering and permeating the lower class of 'merica.

>> No.1853025

ayn rand is a plutocratic catspaw.

>> No.1853028


Please explain how you came to a perfect understanding of human nature. I think philosophers would be interested in this.

>> No.1853035

Not that guy, but I dont think he made any kind of ridiculous claim to have a perfect understanding of human nature.

It seems readily apparent, to me, at least that people are generally self serving. Society, family, and other social constructs do a lot to keep people from behaving in a completely base manner, mostly out of fear of retribution and repercussion, but also because we're tribal animals that need to cooperate in order to survive.

Look at our closest relative in the animal kingdom, the bonobo chimp, if you want more insight.

>> No.1853040


>It seems readily apparent

That doesn't make it true. It was once 'readily apparent' that the world was flat. It was once 'readily apparent' that the Sun was a glowing entity traveling across the sky.

>> No.1853046

>>1853040 Hmm, a randian using a strawman? How odd.

>> No.1853047



I'm not a Randian. And that isn't a strawman. What the hell are you doing?

>> No.1853134
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>No place in her philosophy

MFW when it becomes obvious you haven't read any of her novels.

Her view of love and kindness is different than the sheep mentality.

She believes you offer love to those who deserve it, not indiscriminately to everyone.

Dagny and Hank Rearden's love story was very romantic in Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.1853140
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>> No.1853152


And now explain the relationship between Dominique Francon and Howard Roark.

>> No.1853159


>> No.1853172

>>1853134 this.

The trouble with objectivism is that it is misunderstood, mostly by people who claim to be against it, and sometimes people who are purportedly objectivists themselves. It isn't about screwing people over, it was about being competitive within a moral framework with the long term goal of making the world a better place.
I'm from a working class background, put myself through college, and work hard everyday. If I were not taxed so much money, a good chunk of which is given to the jobless and poor, I would have saved up the capital to start a business by now, and offer long term employment to people. Any one who has actually read Rand will appreciate the incongruity of this situation.

>> No.1853187

>If I were not taxed so much money

go ahead and blame taxes instead of your own shortcomings, faggot.

>> No.1853191

Benefits are a short term solution to an immediate problem. Increasing employment is a long term solution to a problem that can wait.

>> No.1853247

nobody cares take your whining elsewhere.

>> No.1853380

7/10. I raged