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18521144 No.18521144 [Reply] [Original]

Post the book you were most dissapointed by.
pic rel

>> No.18521147

>Boo hoo I read a shitty prose translation of an outstanding poetic work
Nobody cares, Angloid

>> No.18521152


>> No.18521160
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>> No.18521170
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>> No.18521171

>The Niebelungenlied
you could've known

>> No.18521222

Plot, characterization, similes are preserved in translation

>> No.18521277
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>> No.18521445

and what is lost isnt important right?

>> No.18521801
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and that

>> No.18521828
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Egyptian mythology is so vaporous and hard to follow.

>> No.18521860
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got memed to buy this and it reads like a mediocre compilation of dry wikipedia articles

>> No.18521938

get fucked that's an excellent novel. your opinion is wrong

>> No.18521946

Volsungs saga is the superior version of the story.

>> No.18521963
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>he expects medieval literature to conform to his modern expectations

>> No.18522097

This. Gudrun is a much better character than Kriemhild, and the addition of Dietrich von Bern adds nothing to the story.

>> No.18522110
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>> No.18522118

>and what is lost isnt important right?
And what is lost can outweigh the shittiness of what is preserved?

>> No.18522123

t. Gunther, the eternal cuckold

>> No.18522354

Kafka. Not really disappointed, i just didn't enjoy it at all

>> No.18522402

Crying of lot 49. Easily pynchon's worst work i've read (read them all up to mason and dixon) despite the great ideas. Everything here reads as so obviously fake (which is the point) and the set pieces all go on 5 pages too long. In what world was that fucking couriers tragedy a good idea?
It's got a ton of thematic weight but the writing is so tedious i can't do it.
It wasn't all bad - the ending was incredibly well executed, then the sentences occasionally get hilarious or astoundingly beautiful.

>> No.18522419

basically every book
now I just read the plot synopsis on wikipedia

>> No.18522428

My point here is that the thematic concerns make the book read like shit most of the time, and if anybody can tell me "well the characters are all intentionally fake and bad," then it doesnt vindicate this book from having poorly written characters.

>> No.18522429
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Cringe angst and a shameful display to the Japanese nation

>> No.18522433

>read a translation
How about you shut the fuck up and stop reading translations of poetry?

>> No.18522446

Sometimes people will dislike things you like. Learn that people are different

>> No.18522458

Anglos should be killed in mass

>> No.18522466

It's "en masse."

>> No.18522470

Well, both really

>> No.18522496

One hundred years of solitude

>> No.18522497
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The minute the rain hit the he drain.

>> No.18522506
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>> No.18522544


>> No.18523039

I'm gonna bite, but mostly because I am considering buying this translation:
What was so bad about it?

>> No.18523568

You did not read this in Middle High German.

>> No.18523587

city of god. i thought people in late antiquity were supposed to be smarter than that.

>> No.18523830

outstanding? never heard of it, can't be that good.

>> No.18523898

its a book for teenagers, its not particulary bad, but its not great either.
Diario de la guerra del cerdo its better, but it helps ,if you already know about Palermo in Buenos Aires.
i also like, La aventura de un fotógrafo en La Plata, but im a photographer and i lived one year in La Plata, so, pretty biased

>> No.18523902

really? any similar rec for that topic? i just want some light but accurate telling of most myths

>> No.18523908

this, worst rec in most hispanic charts

>> No.18523913
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Not that bad but I had high expectations

>> No.18523918

poetry can't be properly translated in another language
for the same reason anglos will also never get the beauty of goethe's writing

>> No.18523922

Doesnt apply here

>> No.18523946

Borges hyped it way too much

>> No.18523977

That's Bolaño

>> No.18523978

>really? any similar rec for that topic? i just want some light but accurate telling of most myths
hamilton's mythology is technically fine fine for that purpose, but i just really disliked how it was written
maybe try out the book about greek mythology from robert graves
i personally haven't read it myself, but i've seen it being recommended a few times

>> No.18523984

The people that meme it do usually tell you it's dry as shit

>> No.18523995

I didn't think it was disappointing. Sad though. Was Hagen based or not?

>> No.18524034

Same here anon. And on top of that, it is poorly researched by that bitch Hamilton. She claims to be an expert on the subject but I'm a few pages in and she claims that the titan Atlas is wearing the world on it's shoulder (which is a misconception; he carries the sky(/heaven) on his shoulders). Regretting the purchase as well.

>> No.18524050

Heart of Darkness, really let me down.

>> No.18524060

No, he carries the world on his shoulders, which in Antiquity didn't mean "the Earth" but "the celestial sphere".

>> No.18524080
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This book was so morally revolting it convinced me traditionalist conservatives are just evil people who harbour revenge fantasies on the world in general.
It's amazing how Chuds always complain that leftist literature usually portrays ttel as cartoonish villains, and when one of them writes a book he spends half of it fantasizing about murdering people (but only because of the greater good, tee-hee).

>> No.18524118

>fantasizing about murdering people (but only because of the greater good, tee-hee).
just like leftists tee-hee

>> No.18524127

Are you stupid?

>> No.18524136

Sounds fun, thanks for the rec

>> No.18524152


>> No.18524174

Communism is literally founded upon the idea of violent revolution and, in practice, caused an unfathomable amount of suffering. What are you even talking about?

The modern left's catchphrase is 'eat the rich', if that isn't a revenge fantasy I don't know what is.

>> No.18524181

comedy gold

>> No.18524189

>I didn't like the book because I didn't agree with it.
>It is not a leftist book therefore it is a rightist book.
>It tells of a hard reality that's not a utopia, therefore it is morally repugnant.
>The author was a chud although he wasn't convicted of anything at the liberation.
>traditionalist conservatives
You are a major retard that shouldn't read anything.

>> No.18524193

>abloobloo why are leftoids assuming anyone who disagrees with them is a Nazi
>anyone who disagrees with me is a commie

>> No.18524206
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>being this BTFO

>> No.18524218

Yes, the poster should have just said "I find this racist and sexist". We also know it is female, so we should not be too hard on her tender heart, she just needs a strong man to guide her in her life. Maybe she won't admit it, but deep down it is what she wants, hopefully she figures it out before her eggs are all gone.

>> No.18524228
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>evil = not treating everybody the same
You are female, don't deny it sweetie.

>> No.18524230

>I didn't like the book because I didn't agree with it.
It's a roman à thèse, of course I'm gonna judge it on that. It's as delusional as pretending to review Atlas Shrugged purely on literary merit.
>It is not a leftist book therefore it is a rightist book
It's a right wing book that was written for and published in Petainists publications.
>It tells of a hard reality that's not a utopia,
Which is exactly the Petainist theodicy.
>therefore it is morally repugnant.
It's morally repugnant because the whole justification of "I'm doing those terrible things but only out of necessity!" falls apart when you've written an entire book because you like daydreaming about impaling strangers with a stick.

>> No.18524239

It's just a book about what happens if all of our tech stops working, you are so deep in ideologies that you can't see reality anymore.

>> No.18524251

Morality is relative unless you admit the existence of the divine. Why are you trying to psychoanalyse? more likely the guy was just trying to portray brutality and your tender female heart (bless you) was traumatised.

>> No.18524254

>Morality is relative unless you admit the existence of the divine
no lol

>> No.18524318

Explain why.

>> No.18524391

It absolutely wasn't a disinterested portrayal of a brutal man, it was a self-insert. The fact that it ends with "and then he became that awesome philisopher-king and fucked all the girls" makes it evident. As was the context it was published in.
Luddite is an ideology too.

>> No.18524460

kek it's literally the same few paragraphs repeated 100 times with a couple gods names swapped around. hope you read a fully illustrated edition with color

>> No.18524538

Nigga the fucking illiad is just a bunch of dudes prodding eachother with spears. Without the language its nothing.

>> No.18524542

>ever reading the incel core

>> No.18524578

>Post the book you were most dissapointed by.
All of them

>> No.18524622

There aren't that many anglo catholics though,

>> No.18524633

Huge part of its appeal is the poetry, even a translation that keeps the structure(that is quite peculiar and rigid) of it intact, or mostly intact will make you realise that.

>> No.18524642

>he was unironically so brainwashed by /pol/ """tradcaths""" he doesn't even realize even the greeks considered these characteristics the most important (e.g. Aristotle's Poetics).

>> No.18524645

Generally I just prefer everything in the Volsungs to the Nibelungenlied. Every difference in the story feels like a positive, just look at Sigurd's death.

>> No.18524649

Communism was founded on the ideals of compassion and love as spoken by Jesus Christ (pbuh) - our lord and saviour. You can not be a christian and a capi*alist at the same time.

>> No.18524657

From the perspective of whoever listened to Nibelungenlied the presence and role of Dietrich was understood as the context of it was known. You don't live in medieval Germany though, so you either have to read 3 different sources(Nibelungenlied, Icelandic sagas and Thidreksaga) or a good commentary that gives you that context.

>> No.18524662

based #

>> No.18524668

capitalism is founded on the idea of the next mass extinction - climate change, which will only be reversible with revolution or widespread change.

>> No.18524686

Pretty sure you're trolling, but if not, rest assured that you are fucking stupid. Communism comes from Marxism which knows nothing other than materialism. Commies/marxists are stupid/ontologically inferior and just fall further into the trap set by capitalism.

>> No.18524693

You can just go to the source and read the 10 points of the OG Communist Manifesto:

(Scroll to the bottom)

> 1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
> 2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
> 3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
> 4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
> 5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
> 6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
> 7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
> 8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
> 9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
> 10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

None of it is particularly interesting or notable; most of it has already been implemented in the developed world. (Except for stuff that's been obsoleted by technology like p.8)

>> No.18524705

>everything I like isn't communism
Seethe! Marx was not the original anything, he merely dumbed down the communist thought of Jesus Christ (pbuh) for what he knew would be the materialist-nihilist future.

>> No.18524747
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This book was so morally revolting it convinced me the coloureds are just evil people who harbour revenge fantasies on the world in general.
It's amazing how Pinkos always complain that rightist literature usually portrays ttel as cartoonish villains, and when one of them writes a book he spends half of it fantasizing about murdering people (but only because of psychoanalytical trauma, tee-hee).

>> No.18524760

>Jesus Christ (pbuh)

>> No.18524772

Wole Basedinka cured my racism (he didn't but I pretend he did).

>> No.18524778

I'm not a christian, but saying jesus was a communist is obvious trolling. You're too stupid to do it well. Christianity is democratic and egalitarian and has an overall plebian character, but not as plebian as communism.

>> No.18524788

> he didn't even read my post
This is truly some low-grade trolling. Kids these days!

>> No.18524815

im the opposite

>> No.18524861
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trust me on this one

>> No.18525047

I'm going to get heat for that but Proust.
Swann's Way is fantastic, but enjoyment dropped very fast after it.

>> No.18525109
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But at least it has the hieroglyphics if I ever want to learn them...

>> No.18525306
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Are you dumb retards incapable of doing any research at all?

>> No.18525447


>> No.18525592

>he doesn't realize that the Greeks and the Nibelungenlied are 1500 years apart, and also that the Nibelungenlied is part of oral tradition and history and not written poetry and thus not comparable in the slightest

>> No.18525686

Seethe on faggot

>> No.18525697

This, Dazai is the most overrated Japanese writer

>> No.18525770

That's probably the only thing the french were always right about.

>> No.18527304

Was what >>18524060 wrote too difficult for you to understand? Or do you have autism?

>> No.18527954

> He doesn't carry X on his shoulders but Y.
> He does wear X on his shoulders, but it means Y.
Perhaps I have autism

>> No.18527989

multiple states of the being by guenon

>> No.18528086

You're in the right place.

>> No.18528404

you are a retard that can't read beyond surface level. I'm sure you read the Illiad in homeric greek with the right pronunciation (on which not even scholars agree)

>> No.18528471

>The Ebin of Girugamesh
>a Mary Sue being stalked by a Yandere
The oldest surviving literature of humanity bore two of the shittiest clichés in fiction.

>> No.18528482
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Can anyone recommend good women authors?
I think this is the only book written by a woman that is on my shelves.

>> No.18528486

The dialogues are so bad lmao

>> No.18528494

There are none. Woolf is the best one, and she's just above mediocre.