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18523869 No.18523869 [Reply] [Original]

This book is hilarious

>Guardians must be gentle to the citizens, but angry with our enemies
>Dogs are gentle to their owners, and angry with those who they do not know
>Therefore, guardians must be like dogs
>Since dogs love those who they know, they are lovers of wisdom, that is, they have a philosophic quality
>Thus, guardians who must be like dogs should be philosophers and lovers of learning!

>> No.18523883

Dogs are pretty based ngl

>> No.18523910

>Since dogs love those who they know, they are lovers of wisdom
> Thus, guardians who must be like dogs should be philosophers and lovers of

>> No.18523924

It might make more sense if you go the entire way from "loves what they know" to "lover of knowledge" to "lover of wisdom" which forms the word "philosophy" in Greek. Socrates slowly distorts the meaning of stuff until it matches what he wants

>> No.18523927

I promise you Plato was smarter than you or anyone you have ever known.

>> No.18523937

Why? It looks like he can’t even think logically.

>> No.18523941

i haven't even read this yet but it seems obvious just from reading the OP the implication is that dogs are more comfortable with familiar with people, familiar environment etc for obvious reasons, the more they know, the better able they are to do their job autonomously (bark and attack the right people, be friendly with the right people, know how to deal with certain threats and situations) therefore people who are guardians should seek wisdom regarding people, their environment, their existence etc in order to be more comfortable and to do their job better

christ you are retarded

>> No.18523945

I won't dispute that, he definetly knew what he was doing. It's just funny how he uses dozens of fallacies to make some absurd claim sound true

>> No.18523966

Suffice to say, you've failed to understand.

>> No.18523972

The original dogpill

>> No.18523974

Looks like you learned your method of argument from Plato.

>> No.18523975

>guardians should seek wisdom regarding people
Not exacly, guardians should not seek wisdom regarding those who are not citizens. They should be spirited killers, and at the same time gentle to the citizens, which seemed contradictory. That's what motivated this argument in the first place, and Socrates finds dogs to disprove the contradiction, that get angry with people they don't know but are gentle to their owners

>> No.18523991

So it’s all just a pun.

> guardians should seek wisdom regarding people,
I don’t see this in the OP at all. I suppose it’s possibly lost in translation, but it’s also possible that you’re a prig just trying to make me feel bad.

>> No.18524027
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Here's the text boys

>> No.18524063

a dog has to recognize its owners, their family, their habits and body language, their scent etc, become familiar with those they are meant to protect, and the contrast between that which is familiar and that which is not serves as an immediate red flag that instantly puts them on their guard

yes, you should feel bad butters

>> No.18524073

This is a fine enough point and all, but it has nothing to do with the quote. I am not feeling bad for your embarrassing attempt to “win” this

>> No.18524092

Didn't Socrates get BTFO by Diotima for trying to assert that you can love what you already have?

>> No.18524098

Diogenes just got BTFO by Plato.

>> No.18524131

good lord...
> dogs love those who are familiar and hate those who arent
>guardians must be philosophers and love learning so that the stark contrast between that which they know and shitty outsiders and their own backwards cultures and beliefs and "ways" immediately sets off alarms, and their charges, aka their civilization, can have an immediate reactionary response to people who might be a threat to it
>be a wise philosopher guardian
>see bullshit
>immediately recognize it as bullshit that doesn't belong that should be disregarded/attacked due to what you know is right

>> No.18524162

>he's a cat loving pansy
No wonder Plato goes over your head...

>> No.18524167

so this is the power of idealism

>> No.18524182

Nowhere does this say guardians should be like dogs.

>> No.18524211

Outsiders. Who will know things too. But “lovers of knowledge” must resist and bark at them like the fools they clearly are. It’s a stretch and doesn’t work once you’re there

>> No.18524215

shut the fuck up

>> No.18524235

>be white guy with family, nice white community, classical education and wisdom from life experiences etc, totally immersed your whole life in "whiteness"
>ghetto nog shows up at your door wanting to smoke crack with your family, drink some 40s, blast groidnoise etc
>i dont anything about this foreign creatures culture or ways but im an intelligent man and everything i know tells me this is clearly a repulsive specimen that should not be allowed to interact with my community
>good job you've reacted and protected your community

now the alternative
>be retard
>in your own ignorance and your curiosity about him and his ways, you show sympathy to this foreigner and let him into your house, let him interact with your family and community
>everything your family/community was is altered via his influence, all poisoned with the creatures brand of degeneracy
>bad job

>> No.18524238


>> No.18524243
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Exactly. It’s terrible. Indefensible writing
Glad I never got into Plato

>> No.18524245

This. Although it's pretty hilarious seeing brainlets struggle to keep up with him in what appears to them as simple allegories.

>> No.18524262

Aristotle hadn't invented logic yet when the republic was written

>> No.18524264

Oh, I’m sure he was smart in some ways. The problem is he’s wrong in his assumptions and makes idiotic metaphors.
If this one is being translated right, it’s a horrible point of view. I assure you. Just because it was said a long time ago doesn’t mean it’s eternal gold

>> No.18524274

>spouting retarded shit with supreme confidence
checks out

>> No.18524291

Yeah there's a lot of humor in Plato, even past the usual Socratic irony.

>> No.18524292

>spouting retarded shit with supreme confidence

>> No.18524294

You probably think he was arguing that dogs are wise because they love that which they are familiar with. Let's see if you can figure out what he was actually implying. In fact it may have already been posted in this thread, I'm not sure. Either way, it's not even overly hard to figure out.

>> No.18524321

look at her first post in the thread, she literally doesn't even know

>> No.18524328

If you are an intelligent person you will recognize intelligence in others. those who are completely foreign who defy all knowledge and wisdom are obviously not worth your time

>> No.18524336

KEK this damage control.

>> No.18524354

Right. Then I proceeded to speak about this interpretation anon just gave.

Makes sense. Really weird antiquated line. Not an easy thing to translate I guess.

>> No.18524395

The OP's rendition of it was pretty retarded itself, I guess I can't blame you if you haven't read the actual text.

>> No.18525710

Living in accord with the geometry of the cosmos (ie not being a tranny) is the pinnacle of wisdom.

>> No.18526266

Are you guys trying to imply that Plato was pro xenophobia?

>> No.18526274


>> No.18526755

Excellent ad for Plato.

>> No.18526762

A nice analogy that cements how Guenon was right and Evola was wrong wrt caste.

>> No.18526946

Plato was truly a bumbling retard

>> No.18526960

What were you expecting

>> No.18526969

Damn what an annoying asshole, they were right to kill him and I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner

>> No.18526970

I prefer Sextus Empricius making out dogs to be better than humans by dogmatists' own criteria of what makes a human.

>> No.18527040

That's not really how it goes. The whole argument is predicated on the unity of the virtues in the preceeding chapters, which you clearly didn't read you tard.

The short answer is this, somehow dogs know their people. Be it a sense of smell, mannerisms, etc. everyone who's interacted with a dog knows it has a remarkable discriminatory ability for friend and foe. That is the dog's wisdom. To the dog, it is innate. To a human, that is learned through philosophy. There are now hard and fast rules for distinguishing friend from foe for humans. Jews can be citizens of your country, but they are your enemies for example. A non-philosopher guardian fails to make that distinction and will be friendly to enemies masked as citizens.

Guardians need to have exquisite philosophical acumen to sniff out the enemies of the republic. Compare Patton to Truman if you're an American. Hitler to Churchill. Nasser to Saddat. Dong to Xi Ping.

>> No.18527077
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>> No.18527126

It's not really their fault, Kant hadn't come around to invent thinking yet.