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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 701 KB, 1540x2560, 91q1is9Pr3L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18513394 No.18513394 [Reply] [Original]

Why doesn't /lit/ read romance? This shit is pretty good. A bitch gets raped at knife point in the very first chapter.

>> No.18513415

Unironically reading this shit will give you a lot of insight into women

>> No.18513424

Sounds hot

>> No.18513446

Have you read many? Is this the best one?
I recently read a cheap mystery novel The Golden Deed because some anon on here claimed to have read hundreds of the things and said that was a particularly good one.
And it was fun. Obviously nothing super extraordinary and I saw the twist coming but it was tough to put down, quite the page turner which really is an achievement. Read it in just a couple days.
Would totally do the same to get a sampling of the romance genre, but I don't wanna read the dregs I wanna read the stand outs.

>> No.18513451
File: 58 KB, 294x495, 0451118537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is pretty good too, the heroine literally gets brutally gang raped and her pussy literally gets torn by their donkey dicks. Old school bodice rippers are wild man

>> No.18513455

I don't like cheating or cuckoldry or brainwashing

>> No.18513468

>bitch gets kidnapped and gangraped
>reviews from femoids on Goodreads are mostly positive

>> No.18513471

Why do they want to get raped so much?

>> No.18513473

why don't you?

>> No.18513477

Women like 'dangerous' men

>> No.18513498

how come women don't like pajeets then?

>> No.18513504

because you're stupid and think porn and erotic fantasy has any bearing on real life

>> No.18513515
File: 30 KB, 225x400, 774060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read a fair bit. You can't go wrong with anything by Johanna Lyndsey, honestly. She's dead now but she was kind of like the main bodice ripper author. If you want to get a sampling of romance you should definitely read her. Her books are pulpy but very readable imo. Here's another one of hers where the heroine rapes the hero because she needs an heir. (Later her breaks free and naturally rapes the fuck out of the heroine)

If you want something more contemporary, you could try Untouchable by Sam Mariano. It's a high school bully romance, which is a popular genre. And there's rape :)

>> No.18513517

it was a rhetorical question. The men in these rape fantasies are all attractive. Women don't give a fuck about whether you're aggressive or a shy cuck as long as you're good looking

>> No.18513519

Pajeets are forthright but they're not dangerous

>> No.18513521

no shit?

>> No.18513525

They want to get raped by hot 6'5'' vikings

>> No.18513533

Most romance doesn't involve cheating or cuckoldry

>> No.18513550

A girl I was talking to said that the ''enemies to lovers trope'' or whatever bullshit fantasy is something that appeals to them, should I just go around pissing women off in the chances that I might get laid?

>> No.18513584

it's literally the I can fix Him/Her trope

>> No.18513590

I don't know
nobody seems to want to talk about it
and I don't know how to find what I want to find
Care to recommend me some books with a Male MC?

>> No.18513681

Pretty weird how dysfunctional people are often seen as more attractive than people that don't need to be fixed

>> No.18513693

True, unless you have the misfortune of being extorted by Indian idea of law enforcement.

>> No.18513707

It's like the Wife of Bath. They want sovereignty.

>> No.18513711

>should I just go around pissing women off in the chances that I might get laid?
Depends entirely on how attractive you are

>> No.18513712

Do you mean a book entirely from a male POV? I don't know any like that. Most of them I've read are alternating POV between the man and the woman.

I dunno, maybe you would like the Gor books by John Norman?

All of the tension in a romance revolves around whatever is keeping the two characters apart. They both find each other attractive, but something is keeping them from getting together. Enemies to lovers just amps that up.

>> No.18513963

Excuse me?

>> No.18513984

It plays into their massive egos.
They believe themselves to the gentle saviors to these outwardly strong, yet internally feeble and broken men.
I understand why romance is frowned upon here, since 90% of it literally just an ego trip for woman.

>> No.18514016

I want to fix her too
What are some books that let me fix villainess

>> No.18514029

Why is everything i was taught about women the opposite of the truth? Women did the teaching, is that it?

>> No.18515284

sounds hot

>> No.18515289

I do read romance
I read fanfiction, erotica and romance novels (as well as romance manga)

>> No.18515321

and if it wasn't obvious, that was me concurring with anon for a recommendation

>> No.18515334

Enemies to lovers is my favourite trope, I think it'd be cringe if you tried to do it irl on purpose though

>> No.18515886

lmao, I downloaded one and it's hilarious to read the rationalisations in the female characters head as these two aliens take her to fuck, it's like some weird slippery slope and sunk cost fallacy in action.

>> No.18515930
File: 237 KB, 1080x829, Screenshot_20210623-211145_ReadEra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like reading romance but I skip all the sex scenes as I'm horribly repressed. I commission writing online so I can get exactly what I'm looking for
Same. I get into shows if I like a ship.

>> No.18515986

What's the fanfic the screenshot's from?

>> No.18516053

I pay someone on Fiverr to write romance fiction for me. I've spent thousands of dollars on them.

>> No.18516090

What do you usually ask for?
Do you pay them to write sex scenes but never read them?

>> No.18516091

so... literary masturbation, or is it prostitution in this case

>> No.18516118
File: 456 KB, 1080x1354, Screenshot_20210623-214753_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pretty much only go for handjobs where the woman is fully clothed. I specifically tell the writer no penetrqtion or references to vaginas. Other than that it's essentially cutesy, cheesy romantic crap
I'm a loveless virgin so I spend money that would otherwise be spent on a real woman elsewhere

>> No.18516164

What sites are good for erotica. Excluding nifty and literotica.

>> No.18516513

Because it's not literature

>> No.18516529


>> No.18516544


>> No.18516565

is there really no books that does this?

>> No.18516625


>> No.18516630
File: 42 KB, 286x475, 784045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book is kind of hard to come by these days, but if you find a copy in a used book store or something, snatch it up
it's full of rape, beatings, and torture. The hero rapes the heroine and sends her cum/blood-stained undies to her father, who is his enemy. Later, hero gets captured and the father literally cuts one of his nuts off.

>> No.18516631

spend money on what makes you happy anon
but I hope you also spend some of that money into investing in yourself, not just satisfying that never ending crave

>> No.18516637

but... why?

>> No.18516678

any novels with a good romance (not necessarily built around it) which don't have femcel rape fantasies?

>> No.18516685

That's not literature.

>> No.18516686
File: 818 KB, 894x1048, oh god.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18516714

Spring snow

>> No.18516719

Pride and Prejudice

>> No.18516829
File: 24 KB, 710x375, 1624418241611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are they bating or those books are really filled with rape?

>> No.18517493

The real tragedy of being men is that we will never be overpowered and ridden by strong fit women. Probably why in Hentai there is so much Shota pov shit so dude can pretend to be little boys getting raped by adult women.

>> No.18517648

Aren't these mutually exclusive?

>> No.18517672

nice. Got any set in a sci-fi universe?

>> No.18518034

romance novels are mindless coomer tier type of shit

>> No.18518380

Maybe 'The bad girl' by Mario Vargas Llosa

>> No.18518821

No, usually the trope is that the hero rapes the heroine early on in the story and later they gradually develop genuine feelings for each other.

>> No.18518842

that's how you know if it's written for women, whether or not the heroine is raped by the hero early on

>> No.18518848

I don't know man, I at least expected male authority figures to give me a hint before disaster first struck, though from my 'redpilled' perspective now all males are competition I suppose, and to be fair I just laugh and take advantage of the clueless beta behaviour I see in others now (that I used to exhibit).

>> No.18519951

I must not understand women then. I always thought rape was bad and it was impossible for women to develop feelings for their raptist.

>> No.18519982

because you're seeing things from the wrong perspective

>> No.18520572

You're looking at it in terms of real life. Romance stories are fantasy. A big thing that women deal with is slut shaming. Inb4. They feel dual competing pressures to be both a sexual object and to be a virgin. The way they resolve this is through fantasies in which they can explore their sexual appetites while retaining some degree of plausible deniability toward their being a slut. So most romance involves some element where the heroine is forced or coerced into a sexual relationship. It's not always straight up rape, that's just the extreme form of it. She gets raped by a hot dude, so she gets the best of both worlds. She has an amazing sexual experience, but she's not a slut because she didn't consent to it. Of course, just having a story where the woman gets raped and that's the end of it wouldn't be a very good story because there's no dramatic tension and no character development, so there's the romance aspect with a happily ever after to make the story feel satisfying and complete.

It's also a way of upping the stakes. The reader is like "how can these characters ever possibly fall in love, the guy is terrible, he's a villain, he's a rapist, etc. How the fuck is the author going to pull this off?" Kind of like the enemies to lovers trope someone mentioned above

>> No.18520614

They like shit like this but if you speak to one when she doesn't want you to you're committing sexual assault

>> No.18520627
File: 245 KB, 769x437, heresy1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I... see why /lit/ doesn't like romance now

>> No.18520634

Women do it all the time. 62% of them have rape fantasies at least 4 times a year.

>> No.18520646

based post

>> No.18520654
File: 249 KB, 818x900, tired.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>62% of them have rape fantasies at least 4 times a year.
Woman, not even once

>> No.18520655

Interesting. And what is the source of your insight?

>> No.18520656
File: 44 KB, 600x795, 760ba38a9bc98d88de09de65aef555f1aee69bb3dfc338246324ff9371f74317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol just watch a good anime with cute anime girls for that.

>> No.18520660

I do- it's just fanfic.
You don't get the kind of niche shit I'm into just anywhere.

Right now I'm re-reading my favorite Outlast Fanfic. Lots of terror-fucking.

>> No.18520670

Fuckin poof

>> No.18520679


Other than this i don't see why i'd read romance
>this shit is pretty good, a bitch gets raped at knife point in the very first chapter
I'd say most romance isn't like this and goes something like:
"teehee Chad you are so hot with your luscious hair and your perfect face and square jaw and your 6'6 muscular tanned body"
"Woah Sally you are the perfect woman with your 6 inche waist and your 4'10 slim figure and your long straight hair and youthful face"
then they fuck.

Romance readers, feel free to correct me as i've never read any romance novel.

>> No.18520689

it was once revealed to me in a dream

>> No.18520694
File: 14 KB, 310x232, Sigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing that I have taken from this thread is that giving woman right to vote was a mistake and that romance novels are proof in concept to this blunder.

>> No.18520729

>giving woman right to vote was a mistake

>romance novels are proof in concept to this blunder

>> No.18520778

so intuition you got from within the sealed bottle, it sounds like. safe to disregard your effortpost, then.

>> No.18520786
File: 22 KB, 265x400, 18371031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like a cheesy romance with fantasy elements.
Is pic related what that horrible, horrible movie tried to be?

>> No.18520856

yes anon
we're all men here
why are you even surprised that there are females on /lit/ when more females read on average than males.

>> No.18520870

Never seen the movie, but it must be trash, because the book is pretty great. The romance starts a little way in. It's much more some weird surrealist fantasy. Very fun.

>> No.18520897


>> No.18520903
File: 71 KB, 720x900, 305F08C8-911A-48AF-8A9D-CDF52E833BAF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to understand woman’s erotic fantasy?

Here it is.

They want to submit to a powerful man that isn’t going to abuse them.

That’s basically the whole thing.

>> No.18520911

I don't care about what you think anon
I'm simply offering you an insight for your incel ass

>> No.18520913

>why are you even surprised that there are females on /lit/ when more females read on average than males.
Stopped reading there. What did my "sealed bottle" refer to? I left it vague on purpose to have flexible meanings, one of which was solely introspection. Generalizing 4 billion people by asking yourself how you think. What I was getting at is whether that thought is general, and that remains my main question.

>> No.18520917

good for you then

>> No.18520923

trying too hard

>> No.18520927

unless you're a nihilist or a libertarian, it behooves you to describe your side's experience to insular idiots who "have women all figured out". do you disagree?

>> No.18520929
File: 52 KB, 1024x210, TitsorGTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no woman on the internet.

>> No.18520933

you don't get to use that pic after literally specifically asking why woman enjoy rape fantasies

>> No.18520942

When did I ask that?
I'm not the same anon that you were talking to.

>> No.18520959
File: 417 KB, 1249x2074, 81KxshNXWwL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first few times I was with a woman I just copied this book and its sequels, especially the Mammoth Hunters

>> No.18520960

so it wasn't sustainable.

>> No.18521081

Where are all the mega shares?

>> No.18521087

you type like a roast

>> No.18521094

I still am expecting titties

>> No.18521095

Simple question. Should the site have a erotica board?

>> No.18521096

dream on

>> No.18521101
File: 10 KB, 238x212, Lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're a tranny.
I see, I see

>> No.18521102


>> No.18521109
File: 247 KB, 570x668, Aahaha Faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18521111

>I'd say most romance isn't like this and goes something like: "teehee Chad you are so hot with your luscious hair and your perfect face and square jaw and your 6'6 muscular tanned body"
>feel free to correct me as i've never read any romance novel
Well that's pretty clear, because you're making the classic male mistake of assuming that a woman's sexuality is a mirror image of a man's sexuality, i.e. what they're attracted to in a man is his physical characteristics. Good looks are obviously great to have, but what women tend to be more concerned with is a man's social capital rather than his looks.

>> No.18521248

I'm not the same anon you were talking to either, but the whole thread is about it, nigger. Images are to be used in context and have to be pertinent. >>18520929 It's *"women" btw, ESL retard.

>> No.18521264

Checked but not exactly true, so quads wasted. Women date low-class men as well. You should have said personality is what matters.

>> No.18521331

Go suck on a prolapsed anus faggot.
The abomination was directly referring to me in that previous post, something which I never did throughout my time ITT.
And sorry for posting an off topic image and making a minor grammatical error. If you care so much how about you give a jannie a rim job, huff up his glorious semen encrusted shit, and have him come in and delete the post in question?

>> No.18521349

You can be low economic class and have high social capital. I was using "social capital" as an extremely broad term for likability, dominance, a general "gets shit done" aura in addition to more traditional markers of social capital like a stable career and well-placed social connections. There isn't a great catch-all term that encompasses everything.

>> No.18521359

I have an inkling suspicion that you're actually a woman

>> No.18521381

I'm not

>> No.18521397

I was just making a joke by referencing a well known meme. The real answer is I've read a lot of romance, both old school paperbacks and contemporary ebooks, and I extrapolated that idea from what I've read. But yeat it's just my theory

>> No.18521400

Fantasies are the purest expressions of the soul's true desires.

>> No.18521414

Just read Murakami desu

>> No.18521417

>A big thing that women deal with is slut shaming. Inb4.
Meh. Feels like you’re trying to put the “blame” (there’s nothing blameworthy here) for women’s rape fantasies on the big bad patriarchy. A lot of gay male bottoms want to be raped and dominated too. Is that just because of gay-shaming? Seems a bit too convenient. A more parsimonious theory to me is that attraction to men just naturally tends to go with being sexually submissive as well, for evolutionary reasons.

>> No.18521451

>You're looking at it in terms of real life. Romance stories are fantasy.

Gay porn is also fantasy, but a man consuming it is almost certainly either bisexual or a homosexual. The "It's just fantasy" - sentiment is a pathetic copout.

>> No.18521476

Bitches really do be crazy then.
The first half would make sense pre sexual revolution. However, we've been on a downward slope to Sodom and Gommorah especially from the 90s to now. You have a "woman" who's biggest hit that was all over the radio, is about her wet ass pussy. Are modern day really that concerned with slut shaming?
I mean that's only 14.6% of the year, but it's crazy how many there are.

>> No.18521569

As a bi male. I’ve never thought rape fantasies were very mysterious. I’ve thought about men raping me too. It’s hot when a strong dominant guy takes what he wants and uses you as a fucktoy. There’s not much more to say about it than that.

>> No.18521586

>The "It's just fantasy" - sentiment is a pathetic copout.
literally the exact argument used by feminazis

>> No.18521589

Well good for them, they are right.

>> No.18521601

But rape fantasies and irl rape have nothing in common. The way the rapes play out in romance novels is nothing like the way rape actually goes down.

>> No.18521646

>But rape fantasies and irl rape have nothing in common.

Porn doesn't have anything in common with actual sexual intercourse either, sex between romantic partners is usually a lot more emotionally complex than simply jackhammering people's assholes.

>> No.18521653

I agree. What is your point?

>> No.18521710

My point is that just like it is socially expected that women should be chaste virgins who don't talk about sex, it's also socially expected by everyone to continue the facile narrative that rape fantasies are *only* fantasies and not something women actually want.

I don't agree, I think women actually do want it, but they have settled on simply indulging the fantasy because that's the most morally acceptable thing in our society, and I don't see how this is a problem to point out. There's plenty of things people can desire, but that they recognize are wrong and should be avoided.

>> No.18522068

yes and the other anon was probably using personality as an extremely broad term for likability, dominance, a general "gets shit done" aura in addition to more traditional markers of social capital like a stable career and well-placed social connections too.

>> No.18522086
File: 42 KB, 396x595, 9780425280652_p0_v2_s600x595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any erotic novels that have any actual literary merit? My gf reads stuff like pic related, and I'd like it if she read things that weren't so sexual.

>> No.18522152

where do you commission these? i have been writting erotica like that, more cerebral less gratuitous, as a form deprogramming but i never thought about selling them.

>> No.18522164

Does anyone have a chart of romance novels to read?
I like ones with a lot of character development, fun moments, awkward misunderstandings, etc
Preferably from the point of view of the female protagonist

>> No.18522165

I love reading erotic lit

>> No.18522170

Also tear jerker's are good too

>> No.18522585

>are there any erotic novels that have any actual literary merit?
Some faggots who haven't actually read Anais Nin are going to say Anais Nin. But why are you faggots so obsessed with muh literary merit? It's fucking cringey af honestly. Why do you want your gf to be "literary?" Why don't you just read one of her dirty fantasy books, take notes, and then do that shit to her in bed? If you don't sooner or later Chad will.

>> No.18522593

are you fucking retards capable of doing anything without a chart?

>> No.18522600

Sorry, replace chart with unordered list then

>> No.18522614


>> No.18522625
File: 1.50 MB, 1224x5437, Romance Writers of America.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's probably changed since I made this, but here is the Romance Writers of America organizational chart.

>> No.18522630
File: 18 KB, 411x411, based department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18522785

Ah, you're autistically arguing about semantics, got it.

>> No.18522827

Recommend me some books where the male MC gets into a romance with the villainess