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/lit/ - Literature

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18519634 No.18519634[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright Chuds and Chudettes you have seen this list probably before that FEMCELS are making of wrongthink books that, if you read them, put you on the "list" to be a CHUD.
You may only post in this thread if you have read at least 5 of these books.

My question to the Chuds and Chudettes:
These femcel lunatics spend a lot of time thinking about how to govern our lives, how to make us weak, keep us out of the gym, from eating good diets, from socializing normally, from engaging in outdoor activities etc and now from even opening our minds to literature.

Here at the Chud/lit/Hotel I ask others who are engaged ina bloody war to the death against the femcels what other literature you reccomend? There are a few books I was unaware of that the FEMCELS posted that I have now looked into (so thank you for that). My follow up question is: what literature are these W*M*N and femcels reading to get to this point that they're creating such massive lists? They define relationships in this manner, by the way (just read the REDDIT link yourself):
tldr: if a man does anything on the FEMCEL list he is CANCELLED.
How is that healthy socialization? They don't confront their metaphysical values at all but engage in paltry censorship and screaming for security apparatuses to shut. it. down.
What influences are they taking in? What BOOKS are the W*M*N reading to become such lunatics???

>> No.18519636

Have sex

>> No.18519640

Don’t care

>> No.18519643
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>> No.18519651

>Marcus Aurelius
Great list of writers championed by pseuds. If I saw someone's bookshelf and it were full of books like this I'd definitely bail.

>> No.18519656
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Women are at it again

>> No.18519655
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>femcel has to create massive dogmatic guidelines to not fall in love with a Chud
>still posts in a Chud thread anyway
why do W*M*N do this???

>> No.18519657

Go outside please

>> No.18519668

What the fuck sort of sad piece of shit uses the word chud?

>> No.18519670

what about any of those authors is PSEUD?
femcels just cannot stop coming to this thread

>> No.18519673

Why the fuck is Apuleius on there lol?

>> No.18519674

It began as a manufactured insult by discord trannies against people aren't trannies. They invented "chud" after calling people "nazi" burnt itself out.

>> No.18519679
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>> No.18519685

I know femcels have been brigading trying to get the classics banned in high schools and education in general. many femcels become public school librarians and immedatiely destroy classical literature in their inventories. its true story look into it.

>> No.18519693
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if a women is going to meta game their dating strategy by dropping you for literary wrong think, you should probably just appreciate the huge red flag and move on.

>> No.18519696

I didn't say the writers themselves are pseuds, I said they're championed by pseuds. That does not mean one should avoid those authors on principle, but rather that very often (but not always) those who list those works among their favorites should be avoided.

>> No.18519698
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I ask you lurker to simply consider PIC RELATED. What kind of person creates this database as "reference point to vet men" ? When did this begin? What are these femcels reading to become this fanatical and dogmatic? What are the major influences?

>> No.18519703

The majority of people interested in philosophy read Nietzsche. Aurelius usually comes up too. As for Mishima my aunt read his novels decades agoand Mishima is a well liked author even if you aren't into his views. Evola can be AUTISTIC at times OK... but that doesn't mean auto pseud and BAP is pretty funny.

>> No.18519705

Thanks for the list, some of these I didn't know of yet, going to get them now

>> No.18519714

I agree with you but I am very interested to know what these W*M*N are reading to reach conclusions like this, to create entire databases of abstractions. This is pure FEMCEL energy... its something "the supreme gentleman" would do.

>> No.18519717

>Becoming a Supple Leopard
>The New Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding
Why are these included? These are unironically decent reads that helped me with weightlifting when I was a beginner. What the fuck?

>> No.18519727

To preface:
Femcels and their lackeys view all forms of bodybuilding as fascism. There was a famous essay written by Susan Sontag about it.

>> No.18519740

Hey if you're gonna lose a girl over having a book she's clearly filtered herself out as the femcel.
She's inadvertently doing you a favour.
Don't worry about it

>> No.18519747

BAP is a dumb eceleb. Evola's work is valuable to understand the ideological underpinnings of 20th century reactionary politics, but those who actually adhere to his idea's are midwits at best. Marcus Aurelius is one of babby's first philosophers, which doesn't make him bad or unimportant, but many of his devotees clearly haven't read much beyond him. Nietzsche is indeed the most important of those writers, and any serious student of philosophy will read him, but juvenile edgelords also read him, making his fanbase something of a mixed bag. Mishima's literature itself isn't objectionable, but the details of his personal life seem to attract many people who value being "based and redpilled" over understanding literature. Again, reading the authors (except BAP) isn't itself objectionable, but I can't deny that many of their fans are intellectually immature.

>> No.18519748
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I recommend OP that you go to the /lit/ wiki to get an excellent assortment of books that might help in your research.
As we, I'll provide some mega.nz folders I have saved.
Good luck OP.

>> No.18519754

I worry about it only because I don't know where these ideas came from. Who are the people influencing this line of thought? Obviously the W*M*N who wrote this "VETTING LIST" got fanatical from some sources, and I want to know them. I want to read them, I need to fix the puzzle.

>> No.18519765

You could make the same argument for almost anything though. I've read all of those authors you've listed including BAP who I thought was pretty funny. But it's short sighted to suggest this means PSEUD. Anyone can be a pseud.

>> No.18519773
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>> No.18519794
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>> No.18519799

This is FEMCEL 101 my god

>> No.18519802
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>> No.18519811
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Lmao. Based thot, I would read all of them

>> No.18519817

Now it all make sense. Femcels and incels both failed at life, and now they're blaming everyone but themselves.

>> No.18519838

They all classically appeal to socially insecure males, either gays, or late juveniles
You and the femcels are two sides of a coin, you can't get laid and you blame each other

There is a reason boys were sent to the brothel and girls had marriages arranged for them to sort this shit out

>> No.18519843

Kiddo, this place isn't for you. Go to tiktok and make some lady friends

>> No.18519855
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Welp, time to read Mussolini and Gentile

>> No.18519865
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>> No.18519868

>You and the femcels are two sides of a coin, you can't get laid and you blame each other
I am in a committed relationship and will be married next year sorry femcel.

>> No.18519870

>Kiddo, this place isn't for you.
You're using 4chan right now you stupid nigger

>> No.18519878

>Mishima's literature itself isn't objectionable
I don’t know about that. I mean, I don’t find it objectionable. I find it fantastic. But I suspect these people who find Sun and Steel objectionable might also find his other work objectionable. His books are pretty universally violent, erotic, traditionally minded. I think they would argue that even his less controversial books contain depictions of misogyny or masculinity or whatever.

>> No.18519882

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood. Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.
We all believe you

>> No.18519894

hey cool someone compiled a list of his books. wanted to read em but couldnt figure them all out. its weird how many of them are self help books.

>> No.18519903

Apuleius is the strangest one on the list. The second strangest is Kelly Starrett.

>> No.18519907

Cheers for my new reading list OP. Already got a few in there but there's some I didn't know about

>> No.18519911
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>> No.18519913

I guess all of those are books her ex's have read and she has no idea about any of their contents.

>> No.18519918

Top kek

>> No.18519991

Kinda based desu

>> No.18519999

Here's a (You) for how retarded you are

>> No.18520007

>We all believe you
cope maybe go write another REDDIT "CAUTION: HE READS BOOKS" thread FEMCEL lol

>> No.18520010

fuck you for making /lit/ shittier by the day faggot

>> No.18520015
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Wasted digits on a colossal faggot

>> No.18520017

This reminds me of the quizzes I used to take as a kid online to find out what kind of dragon I was, or whatever.

They would be like "what is your perfect day"
1. Spending time in the sun with friends
2. Exploring nature
3. Going on an underwater adventure

The correspondences were so simplistic and obvious that you could easily game it to get the result you wanted.
This is about the same level of mindset these people are on, assuming that the tone or content of the book must necessarily reflect the character of a person. Book has sad ending = you must be a sad person.

Fucking retarded.

>> No.18520035

Look on my digits, ye Faggot, and seethe!

>> No.18520042

don't care

>> No.18520071
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>he puts self help and other cringe lit on his shelf
please don't do this. Content aside these books are all terrible for your social capital

>> No.18520073


>> No.18520077

>"he" only reads social conforming literature

>> No.18520102

I'm not saying there isnt value in reading these books, just please consider not decorating your room with what society considers cringe

>> No.18520127
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>> No.18520143

Look, I'm pretty lefty, but the fact is I still post here. Women don't read. These lists of books are made by discord trannies that post on reddit to inform the masses of ugly and sad real women of what they should "avoid" in order to have those ugly women leave the house of the one incel man that's desperate enough to invite her over. They do this because they are upset that ugly real women get more dates than fake women. These lists perpetuate the sowing of chaos and stop the sowing of oats. It's there the continue the oppression of the poor and uninformed useless husks of human shells that only know how to act within the neoliberal machine. Woke politics were a mistake.

>> No.18520152

>Women don't read.
Men don't read

>> No.18520158

Nobody reads really. Unless you count social media posts.

>> No.18520159

>incel loser doing another namecalling thread
Go read some Mishima dicklet

>> No.18520166

>buying books to read is "decorating"
the books I have on my shelf are books that I read. I dont collect books.

>> No.18520173

Grim if true

>> No.18520174

just because you read them doesn't mean they cease to be on display on your shelf

>> No.18520175

>flaming one of the most well known and accomplished japanese authors
>calls other people dicklet
lel femcel reading ANIMORPHS wont change that

>> No.18520178

>These lists of books are made by discord trannies that post on reddit

It isn't even that. I lot of this is just really generic 2nd hand opinion that has made its way through popular culture for a while. Some of them a newer, likely owning to lit-twitter memes from a few years ago (that is where the whole redflag male books thing started), but stuff like shitting on Ayn Rand is ancient received wisdom by this point. I have never read her, no one I know has ever read her, yet somehow we know all the popular opinions regarding just via cultural osmosis.

I don't think anything seen in these screen shots is particularly new, excepting eceleb authors. It is just getting packaged for a certain way for a certain crowd.

>> No.18520182

If you have books on a shelf in 2021, you are the just the pseud version of a weeb waifu doll collector

>> No.18520184

OK and I have many other authors on my shelf too. why should any self respecitng man with dignity who appreciates literature remotely care about some cancel culture femcels REEEing because they read books? the answer is none.

>> No.18520189

>reading books is pseud
the absolute state of W*M*N

>> No.18520212

>one of the most well known and accomplished japanese authors
Mishima is laughed at in Japan, and killed himself because he would never compare to Dazai
And yet, you're not Mishima, dicklet
You will never be as tall, and you will never be the man a gook manlet was
Protip - It was you I was laughing at
Go on reee at me some more little loser

>> No.18520219

>Reading is hard
Displaying books is pseud

>> No.18520220
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>> No.18520227

No wonder you have issues

>> No.18520230
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you are completely retarded.

>> No.18520237

>makes up complete nonsense about Mishima
Mishima is read across the world and his works are appreciated. The fact this makes you seethe so much is proof of the FEMCEL curse you bear. or maybe you are just angry tranny lashing out at the world, its hard to tell these days.

>> No.18520238

Dude, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that
I mean, christ, you even have to wear a wig

>> No.18520242

derail FAGGOT.

>> No.18520245

>Mishima is read across the world and his works are appreciated
>This is what polfags in drag actually think

>> No.18520247
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Yeah no shit.
They don't like it when you're critical of them

>> No.18520249

>Mishima is /pol/
the absolute STATE HAHAHAHA

>> No.18520250

Sorry, I'm not into guys in wigs
You will find love too one day