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/lit/ - Literature

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18517040 No.18517040 [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading /lit/?

>> No.18517176
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>> No.18517243
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Story of an Eye

>> No.18517247

I am revisiting Fear & Trembling, after having finished The Concept of Anxiety.
I will then revisit The Concept of Anxiety,
and then revisit Either/Or.

>> No.18517250


>> No.18517260

At the same time?

>> No.18517266

a secondary on heidegger,
Currently Reading
Rate this book
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The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Volume III, and Walden's Pond

>> No.18517273

a copy and paste whoopsie

>> No.18517274

theyre all relatively short, ive been reading those over the past two months

>> No.18517287
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just picked this book up, i don't know the author
but since it's 210 pages i'll give it a try
>will report back in 20 years lol

>> No.18517307

The Tin Drum.

>> No.18517323


>> No.18517399

The Kinky Friedman Crime Club and The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, this last one is crawling with inconsistencies.

>> No.18517425

Rereading Daodejing

>> No.18517427
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share the folder mofo.

also, currently reading:

>> No.18517430

How the h does someone become politically literate

>> No.18517434
File: 14 KB, 220x340, 220px-LoveForLydia[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I liked it

I shall read 'I capture the castle' next

>> No.18517533
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>> No.18517675
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personally i started reading a lot of history and then got into geopolitics. Eventually i started reading a bunch of journal articles or listening to podcasts about stuff thats happening right now. I use to think twitter was useless but theres lots of useful information there. Al Jazeera English is another good resource. Try to get perspectives about whats going on in the world by relying on sources from those countries not just MSM where you live. Heres who im following on twitter if you have no idea where to begin https://twitter.com/William73884921/following

protip: find out if the twitter accounts have podcasts on spotify by searching for their think tank (e.g. Center for Strategic and International Studies)

good luck have fun!

>> No.18517756
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you the man, anon.

>> No.18517767


Harassment Architecture a book by Mike Ma

>> No.18517849

I just ordered that last night, finally, after having it put off for about a year.
How do you like it?

About to get into a Make book about Arduino programming this weekend.

>> No.18517884
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Pic related. 600 pages in, I am now definitely hooked. I hope it gets translated into English because its memetic potential is unparalleled. When it does, it will be talked in this board for years to come.

>> No.18517886

Anabasis but these books just make me depressed. The greatest purpose I have in life in going to work and coming home. Jobs are all boring, I want to fight and even maybe die against Persians or something. We don't even build anything beautiful. I live in a shitty flat mass produced with glass everywhere, there's a McDonalds nearby. I would sacrifice a man to have my whole city rebuilt in marble, with great Doric columns and plazas with fountains or some parks.

>> No.18517899
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In case any of you were interested in this, here's a link discussing the book. I really hope Moresco gets some acknowledgement outside of Italy soon, I want to see /lit/izens sperging about him.

>> No.18517954

anon, if you feel like that, is plenty of nice rural places you can go live in, especially on the mediterranean - you just have to be ready to be poorer and deal with very badly administered institutions

>> No.18518626

IS this any good?

>> No.18519738

but is there employment or are they merely nice places to retire to once you're rich?

>> No.18519752

do you have a pdf of this?

>> No.18519766

This looks gay and retarded

>> No.18519779

Romance novel
the femMC keeps stringing on this dude that she wants to fuck while dating this other dude that she also likes
typical bad guy good guy dynamic and she's just string them both along

>> No.18519976

would you sacrifice yourself?

>> No.18520070


>> No.18520109


thank you, my good dude

>> No.18520168

ty anon

>> No.18520186


>> No.18520738 [DELETED] 


>> No.18520750

>Poorly positioned to unseat China or easily reverse its own flagging fortunes, the United States could face dwindling economic prospects, international marginalization, and a diminishing ability to shape global affairs.

>and a diminishing ability to shape global affairs.


>> No.18522011


>> No.18523062

What's it about?

>> No.18523167

am starting if on a winter's night a traveler by calvino, but i'll use this opportunity to ask, what's the optimal amount of reading time per day in your opinion ? i want to build a healthy habit but i also don't want to be overwhelmed

>> No.18523204
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Finishing up this great book

>> No.18523210

me no read good since me start freak exercise routine. now me think savage thoughts and hate book good.

>> No.18523230
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Post-structuralist analysis of your mom's face.
Also picrel

>> No.18523240

wow, it's fucking nothing. the definition of newspeak. if you don't know what's in this article already then you have loaf brain.

>> No.18523242


>> No.18523410

why are you so upset...? because someone else might want to read it? calm down retard

>> No.18523502

you have to go back

>> No.18525182


>> No.18526415

Why do you even browse this board? To rage endlessly at people discussing literature because you're insecure about reading yourself? Grow up dimwit

>> No.18526509

The Silmarillion at the moment though honestly I keep taking breaks. I liked the Hobbit, LOTR better so far. This one has the heroes (House of Feanor) get shit on over and over just for trying to get the gems they made back. The Dog part was really stupid too with this mutt just coming in out of nowhere and jobbing Sauron because apparently this random dog is unbeatable unless you are a wolf. It's well written but at times it comes off lopsided and a bit annoying.

>> No.18527616

I like the cover art

>> No.18527646
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>allow American capitalists to send trillions of dollars to China to increase their profit margins
>surprised that this will increase China's geopolitical power down the line

Wow, so this is the power of... poli sci!

>> No.18527719

Wow, so this the power of... clearly having no idea what you're talking about

>> No.18527795

So what's the conclusion, is 21st century belongs to china or what?

>> No.18527830

How about having actual arguments loser

>> No.18528271

IR is the retarded step-brother of polisci. Please don't think it reflects on all of us.

>> No.18528282

depends on whether or not they will solve their demographic issues. if they will then 21 and even 22nd centuries are theirs

>> No.18528321

No I wouldn't say that the 21st century neccesarily belongs to China but they've surpassed America's economy. Their military is technologically advanced. They have the largest navy in the world. They have numerous infrastructure projects in Africa, Europe, and the Middle East. They are allies with Russia. The two countries have enjoyed close relations militarily, economically, and politically, while supporting each other on various global issues.

That said America is still more powerful than China. Our military dominates China's and we have military bases all over the world. Our democracy has influence around the world. BTW I don't think China and the USA are going to war anytime soon. It's in our best interest to work with China not fight them. At the same time we should stand our ground on certain issues.

It's important how the US responds to China's rise in power. We will either continue to be a global power or China will take over and we will end up only having power in the Americas.

>> No.18529267

How about not being a hypocrite

>> No.18529299
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Moby Dick