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/lit/ - Literature

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18518537 No.18518537 [Reply] [Original]

Post your actual unpopular opinions

>> No.18518545

Sex is overrated and not worth putting up with female bullshit

>> No.18518557

Remember to sort by controversial to get the truly unpopular ones!

>> No.18518558

everyone should read Mein Kampf. If you're really as intelligent as you think you are, you should be able to refute his arguments on your own.

>> No.18518563

I don’t like raw tomatoes

>> No.18518568

this board is retarded. but not like "ahaha yeah this board is retarded except we actually know it's smart". no. it's ACTUALLY retarded. this whole website is and it's not a substitute for friends (or frens) and it's damaging your minds almost as much as if you were some doped-up libshit scowering reddit and twitter for some injustice or "problematic" content. we all need to leeave this damned site, it's like an asylum, each board representing a different ward of the nuthouse. If 4channel gets banned tomorrow it will be a great thing indeed; we might have a chance to actually live.

>> No.18518579

not sure how unpopular this is but true

>> No.18518580

You should exclusively read books written in your native language.

>> No.18518582

Single mothers are irresponsible scum.

>> No.18518590

I fundamentally believe in euthanizing homeless people. I say this as someone who has spent a good amount of time sitting with them on the streets and taking some of them into my home to help them

>> No.18518605

There's nothing wrong with Atheism. If you define it as rejection of religious gods. We'll likely never find how and why we came into existence, because whatever created us would be way beyond human comprehension. Therefore defining "the Supreme Being" on human terms makes no sense. Humans can and do live without the need to understand "God".

>> No.18518613

>taking some of them into my home to help them
A guy at my old church did that, the police eventually came round to his house and took the homeless guy away because he was wanted for attempted murder.
I don't disagree with you, I'm a big supporter of eugenics myself.

>> No.18518616

life is actually pretty good

>> No.18518634

the problem is, its masked under 14 layers of protective irony. there are so many levels of "I like it here because the world is so fucked up this place is my only free channel of expression" and "actually sitting glued to my screen arguing with "Anonymous" for a few hours with multiple tabs open keeping track of (You)s. Time you could have used doing literally anything else, anything productive or life-affirming. If there's a concession that "yes, actually I'm not enjoying my time here", the subsequent layer remains that there's nowhere else to go and nothing else worth doing.

>> No.18518647

>I fundamentally believe in euthanizing homeless people.
Homeless people won't disappear, that's not how Economics works.

>> No.18518658

maybe not, but the new booming euthanasia industry will create jobs and become a profitable mechanism in and of itself. don't you see? the money go into economy numbers go up good when go up

>> No.18518663

Not him, but in the UK the government will house you somewhere if you're homeless, they even send support workers round to people on the streets begging and sleeping rough to let them know about the help available to them. They want to be on the streets because they are mentally ill crackheads. They don't need understanding, they need moral judgement.

>> No.18518665

this, but replace female with people and sex with basically all social interactions [including sex]

>> No.18518697

Journey to the End of the Night is boring as shit. There are a couple of interesting passages, mostly in the war and in Africa. The rest is incredibly tedious and by the time we're past Africa we understand the themes of the book. The prose is boring and makes it even harder to read. I have enjoyed all the other /lit/ classics but this one was a total slog.

>> No.18518701

I don't like reading fiction. Other mediums provide better storytelling. I only read non fiction

>> No.18518706

Anyone who uses the word "incel" is not deserving of any consideration.

>> No.18518711

this image board is a perverse form of social interaction though; it's more purely 'discussion' if you could use that word

>> No.18518714

Strikes a nerve, huh? I wonder why...

>> No.18518719
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>glued to my screen arguing with "Anonymous" for a few hours with multiple tabs open keeping track of (You)s.

>> No.18518723

I’m the homeless euthanization guy. I’m a literal fascist but I also believe in barring incels from every facet of civilized life and they’re right behind bums on my silly euthanasia fantasy

>> No.18518725

How is this an unpopular opinion? /lit/ larps as a religious board because of cultural and political reasons. Most of them are atheists or people who believe in a higher being that is not from the holy books. A poll was done on this a months ago.

>> No.18518726
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>> No.18518730

this months ago*

>> No.18518732

As a self descriptor or as an insult or both? I think it's pretty adequate term to describe a certain subset of the male population suffering from recent transformations in the social landscape. I think it's an imperfect term because I believe you can have incels who do have sex etc.

While the term itself is too loaded to be really useful, I think it describes a real phenomenon that is worth discussing. In that respect, its a flawed but useful short cut.

>> No.18518737
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>I’m a literal fascist

>> No.18518741

>everyone should read Mein Kampf.
I hate tomatoes so fucking much that when my mother was pregnant she couldn't eat them.

>> No.18518747
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>> No.18518748

I pretty much stopped reading entirely when I got my gaming computer last year.
I never thought I'd end up like this.

>> No.18518751


>> No.18518752

The prevalence of the support of abortion in the west is the greatest argument for the existence of the devil.

>> No.18518759
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post specs

>> No.18518761
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>> No.18518765

I can’t believe that they’re a majority or even a sizable portion of males.

And don’t send me some “study” where they asked a few thousand young people. Everyone I know gets pussy occasionally at worst, often at normal. Even the nerdy cringe retards I know. Incels are the result of internet addiction/childhood TV consumption, single mothers/boomer fathers, and public education. There are so many nice girls who REALLY want kids and ignore men’s advances constantly to keep themselves worthwhile. It’s not a myth, they just don’t walk into your carpeted bedroom unannounced while you’re on steam or tinder, because they don’t go near those things.

Fuck incels, fuck leftists, fuck myself, I’m gay, fuck my ass

>> No.18518768

This is true but I think unless everyone simultaenously ditches parasocial media talking to real life people isn't much better, talking to friends is often just as much a waste of time. People are getting more and more homogenous in character and personality, and people are much better at acting interesting online than off. It's rare to meet someone that is worth talking to further than a quick chat at the pub, I'm sick of talking to the depressed masses. Of course that's a reflection me that I find friends dull, but I feel it's true, I prefer talking to birds

>> No.18518769
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>> No.18518770

Would you still believe that if you became homeless

>> No.18518774

This, my dad used to volunteer at a homeless charity. They had vouchers which you gave out to homeless an they got a bed, meal, shower and all their clothes washed for free. After work hed hand then out and maybe 1 in 10 would accept. Most are just crackhead beggers or scammers.

>> No.18518775


>> No.18518777

I hope you find this enjoyment worth the time you'll spend in Hell.

>> No.18518779

It's a crude insult like calling someone a "loser". It has no place in any enlightened person's vocabulary. This aside from the fact that it is a contradiction in terms that can only exist in the imagination, like a "square circle".

>> No.18518783


>> No.18518788

I was homeless. And it didn’t last very long because I refused to sit on the side of the road so I collected a day of recyclables and paid for a month of storage, pawned my iPod for a tiny rug and fruit crate at goodwill, and made a small apartment out of the unit. Slept there during the day, hiked into the woods during the evenings, and worked night shift until I had enough to get an apartment.

The bag ladies and crackheads screaming their heads off and attacking my gf on her way back from work should be dragged into a hole

>> No.18518790

Every society throughout all of history has had some form of tacitly accepted infanticide. It is pretty much a necessity in any society. Perhaps the transition from infanticide as taboo into state policy is a worry however.

>> No.18518791

So, 100 years ago there was no good argument for the existence of the devil?

>> No.18518795

>Fuck incels, fuck leftists
? How are the two things even remotely related?

>> No.18518800

I don't know how to do that, nor am I a "gamer" by nature so I just play one game ad nauseam and half the time I'm playing I'm really just on 4chan with my monitor on so my wife doesn't yell at me.
It's been a bad year.

>> No.18518803

what about cherry tomatoes?

>> No.18518804

You didn’t answer the question. If you were homeless now would you deserve to be euthanised? How do you draw the line between crackheads and people like you.

>> No.18518805

That is not an implication of that statement. Learn how to think please.

>> No.18518809

Different anon here. You should have a profound understanding of your own culture and your own countries literary tradition before even thinking about reading something written by someone outside your own culture. Without being grounded in your own culture you can't properly appreciate other cultures and become a soulless, rootless, cosmopolitan husk.

>> No.18518810

Because anytime you tell incels they’re faggots, people here call you a leftist. Just getting that out of the way

>> No.18518811

Thing is /lit/ was genuinely valuable when i just started getting into literature. as dumb as many of the takes are, if you know nothing about it /lit/ is one of the better ways to learn about literature: see the memes, read the discussions, maybe read the one or two good longposts and you slowly start learning new authors, what theyre known for, why theyre good, etc.

I suspect this is what people really mean when they say '/lit/ used to be better', its not that the quality of the board has gone down that significantly, it was always bad. its just that once you get past that initial honeymoon you realise most of the people here dont really know what theyre talking about either, just repeating the same 4 or 5 worn out shitposts and bad takes. but at that point its become one of the only places where you can even discuss literature anymore. Im afraid the only way out is to either burn out on discussing literature entirely, or find like some friends or a reading group to discuss it with outside of /lit/.

>> No.18518820

good post. are you a fellow bong, judging by your post? I think the homogeneity of peoples is almost unbearable in this hrim shithole, probably because it's synthesized with a cynical, can't-do attitude moving towards an acceptance of mediocrity or even failure outright. not unique to Britain, of course

>> No.18518825

I don’t and have never read books for enjoyment. Books aren’t enjoyable. They’re boring. Sure they’re might be some that are funny or I can tell they’re well written or whatever the fuck but they’re still fucking boring trying to imagine instead of just watching a film. I read to improve my intelligence but it’s such a larp when people claim to enjoy books. The people who do are just attention seekers hoping to look intelligent but not wanting to admit it. I would know, I used to the the same kek.

>> No.18518829

Because I don’t eat out of the trash, attack people, smoke meth, break into people’s cars, steal catalytic converters, or go to the Seattle Central Library and watch hardcore porn on the public computers in front of children, surrounded by 10 other bums doing the same thing

Fuck bums, but I love when people go innawoods or “On The Road” style vagabond. THAT is respectable to some degree.

>> No.18518833

I don't disagree with any of that, I think you're correct. I'm not an incel btw, I've had girlfriends through high school and college, so I get what you're saying.

>Incels are the result of internet addiction/childhood TV consumption, single mothers/boomer fathers, and public education.

But isn't this what we're both saying? It's a real thing, even if it's largely self inflicted. Something I've noticed about lots of incels is that many of them are still very young, they didn't have sex in high school and now they think they'll never have sex. The existence of the term incel allows them to self identify as a loser who will never have sex, turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. If the internet didn't exist, the vast majority would end up to be shy late bloomers who end up having sex in their own time. But many of them condemn themselves to a fate before they've even had a chance to experience the world. I do a fair bit of teaching so I see lots of young people and I agree, there are lots of young women who are no where near as promiscuous as incels paint them and are just waiting for a nice safe guy they feel comfortable with to come along and date. I would even say that these types are the majority in certain demographics (I'm thinking second gen migrant communities from personal experience, but elsewhere also I'm sure). But incels tend to have a very small world and so they don't meet these people.

None of this means they don't exist though.

>> No.18518836

This board and all of 4chan is just stupid and I hate a lot of people here. It's about as any other urban gathering of people though, but here I can at least call someone a faggot or shitpost when I get annoyed with people.

I dislike everyone who's political here, I dislike having to write here in English but I also enjoy it, I dislike people asking the same stupid questions, especially those questions I wouldn't myself have asked as a newfag, I dislike people who shitpost threads, I dislike people not replying to effort posts, I dislike people not understanding effort posts, I dislike people set in their opinions, I dislike people who are not open--in the right way; these are most people on this site: I dislike most people on this site. Lit is the only place where there at least some reasonable people.
You can't go to /adv/ or /qa/ or to some other board if you want an opinion, you can't go to /pol/ for politics, /g/ for technology. Boards are all communities foremost and secondly communities bound by a certain way of thought, thirdly a theme; most of those ways of thought are just retarded and most of the themes just repetitive and boring. This place here specifically is 80% shit but I stay here for those 20% which are not. I would like for this to be 50/50 rather.

I would want a non anonymous place and frens to talk with, but I'd probably just mess it up because I'm a cringe person. This is the only place where I can normally talk to people--who can be talked with.
Not really unpopular.

>> No.18518838

>The existence of the term incel allows them to self identify as a loser who will never have sex, turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy.
Do people still call themselves incel now? It went from an identity to an insult

The Sun’s coming up and I’m still drinking wine and smoking, so I’ll just say you hit it on the head despite wanting to add more

Someone kill me

>> No.18518839

I suppose what he's asking is, where is the line? Is it like a first-offence-and-you're-done type policy? If I were homeless suddenly I'm sure I'd pursue something in the same way you did, and if I were picked up instantly and put to death for no good reason I would be enraged

>> No.18518862

yes. /lit/ becomes /shit/ when you actually read. the people on here who champion it as "good" don't read.

>> No.18518864
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Not the ONIONS wojak. Please anything but the ONIONS wojak.

>> No.18518865

>Do people still call themselves incel now?

I think so. As far as I'm aware lookism communities are still alive as ever and the people there use incel, ricecel, curry el etc as self descriptors - albeit, always in a self deprecating way.

>> No.18518869

good. don't do it, don't become /gamer/core. I built this bloody PC and I don't even play games, most recent thing I play is Stalker. it's sheer vanity.

hope things get better for you mate

>> No.18518873

I would say that if the person has a loooong list of crimes and is literally out of their mind, refuses treatment or housing (they don’t deserve it anyways), and are screaming and covered in filth and rags, just put a fucking bullet in them and say they charged you

>> No.18518880

That’s really pathetic

>> No.18518884

That is not what I said. You have implied this and then accused me of it. Saying I like lemons douse not mean I hate all other fruit.

No there are other arguments but this is the one that is most compelling to me personalty.

>> No.18518888


>> No.18518901

This is probably true. Lit helped kindle my love of reading, but years later, it doesn’t off much anymore. Just the rare recommendation here and there

>> No.18518902

Sex CAN be overrated, and it should be a means to an end, but once I stopped fucking 18 year old college freshmen girls, and started fucking milfs, I can’t stop wanting these older women to wack me off while smiling and telling me I’m doing a great job.

God I love life

>> No.18518908

do people actually think like this

>> No.18518917

He’s kind of right. But life is suffering, and you should find a stoic respect for suffering that borders on enjoyment

>> No.18518922

the main problem with this place in particular is its childish and incessant urge to be contrarian. there's as little nuance here as in the majority it ostensibly opposes. it is frankly retarded for an anonymous literature board to have a 'profile' of any kind, but i'm afraid that the diet-/pol/ rot has set in so deep by now that it's never getting flushed out

>> No.18518924
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posting this I saved a while ago. might be worth considering

>> No.18518925

>I suspect this is what people really mean when they say '/lit/ used to be better', its not that the quality of the board has gone down that significantly, it was always bad

But people used to actually discuss fiction on this board. It was always the same 4 books (IJ, Grav Rainbow, Ulysses, and Taipei) but it was actual fiction discussion. It was the majority of posts too. Now the majority of posts are fascist shit, religion shit, or philosophy shit. I don't mind the philosophy stuff because it's at least lit related, but the real bit shift has been from /lit/ being a fiction dominated board to a non-fiction dominated board. This is incontrovertible true and if you don't know this then it's because you are too new. If you are like me and you prefer the fiction discussion, then yes, /lit/ HAS got worse.

>> No.18518927
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there is no possible refutation of the problem of evil, and no-one who responds to this post will be able to give one

>> No.18518929

Makes sense. But you'll have to admit that getting "a profound understanding of your own culture" could take decades, your whole life even. I don't find it very clever to not read a single book outside your culture in your whole life. You might as well never leave your 2k people hometown like my great-grandparents did.

>> No.18518931

How do you know? Where is the evidence? What is "the problem of evil"?

>> No.18518936

I think all knowledge is gobbledygook. No one has the slightest idea what the fuck they are talking about yes I am not separating myself. Why can't we all just shut the fuck and pass away in silence?

>> No.18518946

I believe that homosexuality should be outlawed, and that homosexuals should be chemically castrated as part of their punishment. Homosexuals are empty degenerate predators who are a disease to the body politic.
I'm a liberal btw.

>> No.18518950

Sounds like you need a good dicking

>> No.18518951

Replace we with I and you're correct.

>> No.18518958

Predatory comment.

>> No.18518962

>Why can't we all just shut the fuck and pass away in silence?
you're a small, spiteful worm

>> No.18518970
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>if god is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful, then why is there evil (or, more broadly, why do any bad things happen)?
if you have a way to puzzle this out that allows a god of those qualities to coexist with evil, i'd love to hear it

>> No.18518973

>But isn't this what we're both saying? It's a real thing, even if it's largely self inflicted. Something I've noticed about lots of incels is that many of them are still very young, they didn't have sex in high school and now they think they'll never have sex. The existence of the term incel allows them to self identify as a loser who will never have sex, turning it into a self fulfilling prophecy. If the internet didn't exist, the vast majority would end up to be shy late bloomers who end up having sex in their own time. But many of them condemn themselves to a fate before they've even had a chance to experience the world.
This is an interesting take.
To add something on that, I did not have sex in high school, I had some experience in my early 20s (not much desu). My personal opinion is that, aside from the "self fulfilling prophecy" part (which is a very on point critique), I simply did not develop the necessary skills other people my age have: they have like 15 years of experience more than me. As a teenager, you're making some experiences and you learn stuff about dating, it's not acceptable, not possible to do the same at 30 - people already have experience, they made it with someone else who didn't have it either, at the time. Now I would be just an ignorant man needing a teacher, nobody wants to be that. At my age people want to settle. Hope I made my point clear.

>> No.18518975
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read this

>> No.18518986

if you can recommend it, surely you can summarize it

>> No.18518991

>>if god is all-knowing, all-loving, and all-powerful, then why is there evil (or, more broadly, why do any bad things happen)?
"Bad things" are what happens when people don't follow God's will.

>> No.18518999

The reading groups around me only read whatever is popular now and is dominated by women (and their tastes in literature). The level of discorse is quite mundane... no heavy hitting ideas are discussed but rather "did you like x character, do you agree with x...". I've thought about starting a book club myself, where the itinerary would be to spend a couple minutes talking about what you're reading (or what you've just finished) and have short discussions on any interesting ideas. Problem is, I'm lazy and shitposting on 4chan is easier. Also, to find people who are comfortable handling a wide spectrum of ideas would be very difficult. As an example, imagine if someone read or was reading Mein Kampf and wanted to discuss its ideas...how many people irl would be open to that? At least on /lit/, you could generate some (mostly low) level of discussion.

>> No.18519005

>t. onions

>> No.18519012


the problem is, I'd be afraid to meet anyone from 4chan IRL

>> No.18519017

Reading has never been as enjoyable as when I was reading YA books in my teens

>> No.18519018

Your mistake is thinking that people who have had sex or dated hold knowledge or experience. They don’t. They’re retarded like every human; like you and me. You are 30 and have no luck with women because of your personality, how you carry yourself, how you dress, etc.

Don’t worry about changing any of that; just focus on which caliber you’ll use to suicide in the coming decade

>> No.18519031

A sizeable portion of /lit/ are just college aged males with a slight asocial streak who happen to be into the humanities. This is clear in any of the write what's on your mind threads. I would never meet anyone from 4chan either, but at least on this board, we're not all psychos.

>> No.18519034

Pride and prejudice is good.

>> No.18519039

I’d say the same. /lit/ seems to be the least schizo board I frequent

>> No.18519053

>Could God have created a universe with free will but without evil?
No, for the same reason he can't create a square circle. It violates its own criteria. He can't give you free will and also make it impossible for you to make certain choices.

>> No.18519055

>I simply did not develop the necessary skills other people my age have: they have like 15 years of experience more than me.

This anon >>18519018 is being a dick but they have a point. Other people may have more experience, but your mistake is thinking that it takes 15 years to develop those skills. It really doesn't, it just requires a bit of persistence in stepping outside of your comfort zone. If you tell yourself it's impossible then yeah, it'll be impossible - but it's really not. But I understand where you're coming from and I appreciate you sharing your perspective.

>> No.18519058

It’s because most people who have are genuinely into literature and writing tend to be more lucid and at least able to talk about there ideas. Also for what it’s worth I only really use 4chan for /lit/ because it’s a good writing board and there aren’t enough out there, maybe some people are here for the same reasons.

>> No.18519061

Oh ya? Well I DONT appreciate him sharing his perspective AND I’m gay

>> No.18519065

What if reality is inherently chaotic and unfair and exists out of simply existing.

Holy shit the afterlife is going to suck

>> No.18519079

Catcher in The Rye is an actual masterpiece

>> No.18519083


Now that’s an unpopular opinion. I respect it.

>> No.18519086

>Don’t worry about changing any of that; just focus on which caliber you’ll use to suicide in the coming decade
Sorry, I live in a first world country with a low homicide rate, we don't have access to guns
>Other people may have more experience, but your mistake is thinking that it takes 15 years to develop those skills. It really doesn't, it just requires a bit of persistence in stepping outside of your comfort zone.
I didn't say it takes 15 years, I said I'm behind of 15 years.
My mother learned how to use a computer at 50, I learned at 6 or something. We will never be on the same level, this is undebatable.
I am trying to better my social skills btw

>> No.18519091

Women have been killing babies long before abortion. It was even legal in Rome for a women to post natally abort which is just murdering the baby.

>> No.18519107

I think that people are too harsh on eastern writers.

>> No.18519111

what? if anything they're too soft

>> No.18519113

Please, DO NOT subject women to your bad emotional and social skills.

The one thing incels don’t consider is that if they do end up getting a gf and making babies, we now have to deal with people raised by retard incel loser dads

FUCK please kill yourself!!!!! AAAAAGGHH

>> No.18519121

Christianity should be as hated as communism and fascism. All these ideologies did is to manipulate weak men into committing genocide and wars. They are barbaric and uncivilized

>> No.18519122

? Why all the aggressiveness? Is everything ok, anon?

>> No.18519130


>> No.18519133

I was talking to a girl who recommended it, I'm not from US so I'd never heard of it and I enjoyed it. Then I got drunk one day and called her a dumb cunt in like a friendly Australian way but she obviously didn't like that and we never spoke again.

>> No.18519141

>My mother learned how to use a computer at 50, I learned at 6 or something. We will never be on the same level, this is undebatable.

That's such a false equivalency.

But I'm glad to hear it. If you want some unsolicited advice, when travel reopens and it is within your means I would sincerely recommend something like backpacking. You are placed into an environment with people who are also travelling by themselves and are open to any sort of conversation with anybody they meet. You already have something in common because you are travelling in the same place, so it is the easiest thing in the world
to sidle up to them and ask "hey, I just got here - do you recommend any good places to visit". People also love to talk about where they are from and discuss cultural differences etc. so it's really easy to make conversation. There is absolutely no pressure to leave a good impression because you will likely never see them again also. If the interaction is awkward, then its no issue - the next day the common room will be filled with an entirely new set of strangers.

If you're new to it I would avoid anything like a 'party hostel' which are filled with assholes - although those can be good in a baptism of fire sort of way. But generally, you can easily find much more 'chill' hostels, where the crowd is a bit older and mature and down to socialise in a very low key way. I know that's not going to be possible for a long time though and it must be tough with the current conditions. Feel free to completely ignore this, but I figured even if you don't find this advice helpful, somebody else here might. Backpacking is really what brought me out of my shell and changed my life for the better.

>> No.18519145

I believe it will be judged the same way a century or two from now on. Christianity is pretty much disappearing from the first world anyway, the church is now focused on suspectible illiterates from Africa, South-east Asia and such.

>> No.18519148

Here’s why:

Salinger exclusively conveys his themes and the story through character voice alone. In other first person novels, characters normally still feel like what they say is usually at the whims of the author. Even though Holden is famously based on Salinger himself, by the way he’s written along with the other characters strong voices, the themes and narratives come across almost naturally as Holden never has a revelation that we know would be out of character for him like “Man..I really am scared of children losing their innocence.”

Instead Holden’s questioning isn’t posed as profound or completely naive, it’s left open to interpret which is why some love and hate him. Some people who used to relate to him now that they’ve matured can see his flaws more clearly.

The way Salinger instead shows how Holden is in fact wrong is his differences with other characters. In other first person novels, it’s common that the interactions had with others will bend to the main character. What I mean by that is they’ll typically be there to either agree or disagree with them. Two opposing points of view to make a point. In Catcher every character exists as their own entity and through their differences what characters are perceived of by other people makes it clear what Salinger is trying to convey instead of having to explicitly say it. It’s the magnum opus of showing instead of telling with dialogue.

>> No.18519154

Dont do this, travel alone and avoid backpackers and hostels. Only meet locals.

>> No.18519156

>It’s the magnum opus of showing instead of telling with dialogue.

Have you read any other unreliable narrator stories? Your description makes it sound like you might like One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.

>> No.18519166

>Instead Holden’s questioning isn’t posed as profound or completely naive, it’s left open to interpret which is why some love and hate him.
>It’s the magnum opus of showing instead of telling with dialogue.
Spot on. People always get high and mighty about how Holden is a spoiled brat, but that’s sort of the point. He’s not extraordinarily profound, because what fucking teenager is? They think of things superfluously for the most part and have to deal with being completely unaware of how and why they feel how they do and how their actions are secretly effected by those emotions.

>> No.18519173

>Dont do this, travel alone and avoid backpackers and hostels. Only meet locals.

If you are socially awkward then you are NOT going to be able to ingratiate yourself with locals very easily, especially if you are in a country that speaks a different language to your own. If you struggle to do it at home then it's going to be impossible in a completely different country in a different language. What the hell would you even talk about? I've made friends with English speaking locals in foreign countries, but I'm a pretty experienced traveller and it always came down to luck anyhow. Anyway, hostels are actually good ways to meet locals in my experience, either through the staff or through other backpackers who have been there long enough to build local connections.

>> No.18519178

>experienced traveller
This is such a joke, it's like someone saying 'I'm experienced at spending money', or 'experienced milk and egg buyer'.

>> No.18519185

lmao, made me laugh

>> No.18519194

I guess you're baiting - but somebody who has been through the process of organising a trip overseas to a foreign country by themselves and done so more than once is more experienced that somebody who has never left their hometown. So much of travelling is logistics, and having experience makes a world of difference. That's not to say that an 'experienced traveller' enjoys their trip any more or less than somebody with less experience.

>> No.18519208

You're wrong, being completely liberated from home and your country you can be anyone you want. You have no obligation to anyone or anything and nothing you say or do matter. Your only goal is what you set. Throwing yourself into a new world with a clean slate is so refreshing and therapeutic. I travel every year just to do this, I've gone with a return ticket and met so many people that take me in and show me around. Sure at first it's hard and daunting but you figure it out. Your a toe dipper, backpackers get the toe dipping experience. It's about throwing yourself into the abyss, take every opportunity, sure you can have some rough nights but the absence of a safety net means an absence of a ceiling to soar.

>> No.18519210

could god have made it so that people can not follow his will without bad things happening?

then he's not all-powerful

>> No.18519216

I subject them to my high intellectual level

>> No.18519223

>Your a toe dipper, backpackers get the toe dipping experience.

I have done both anon and I have experienced what you are describing. I spent a few months in Western China, barely spoke English or saw a white face the entire time and I was blown away by how friendly and hospitable everybody was, despite the language barrier. It was by far the most difficult but also the most rewarding and memorable time of my life. But you're stupid to think that it's an either/or scenario - it depends on the trip you want and my advice to somebody travelling to a completely foreign culture for the first time would be to spend some time backpacking first so they can get their bearings, then to wander out of their own.

>> No.18519230

I have but haven’t checked the book out yet, love the movie though. In what way is it similar? I get the same vibes from certain scenes in the film

>> No.18519233

All that effort for sour grapes!

>> No.18519239

You sound like a huge irritating faggot, easing people, helping people, giving people safety nets, giving training wheels, give the man a fish, it's all designed to hinder people. Your stupid egalitarian intentions of help only hurt people. You need to accept people learn by failure and adversity and there's nothing you can arrogantly self insert to take credit for. Most rewarding experience is the one you wish to shield people from, fuck you're dumb. Stop trying to help people you're fucking shit at it.

>> No.18519244

The film is incredibly but the book is very different in that it is narrated from the perspective of Chief and is much more about being native American, which is an aspect entirely absent from the film. Still shares the same overall themes though, of course. Check it out.

>> No.18519247

I'm not baiting, and the logistics is trivial. I've done it multiple times and even started businesses shortly after being dropped into a country where I don't speak the language.
Fuck you and your 'travel experience'.

>> No.18519249

>You sound like a huge irritating faggot

Read your own posts retard

>> No.18519260

>t. Experienced traveller

>> No.18519280


>> No.18519285
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Philosophy is for midwits.

Not the "I work in middle management in some corporation and think I am hot shit" kind
But the kind that has too much autistic fire in their heads without actual wisdom

>> No.18519288

>I'm not baiting, and the logistics is trivial. I've done it multiple times and even started businesses shortly after being dropped into a country where I don't speak the language.

I bet you've only travelled to 'safe' countries

>> No.18519292

I did way too much coke the other weekend and then I visited this website and gave myself a week long panic attack realising how insane it is to spend time here. But I'm still here, I guess it's a habitual addiction at this stage.

>> No.18519309

At that point, then what's worth living for?

>> No.18519327

Objectively, there's no purpose other than the one you set up for yourself. Based on my experience, I'd suggest something not dependant on other people because otherwise it's only a matter of time before you get burnt and cucked.

>> No.18519337
File: 35 KB, 351x351, elaine-cigar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Other than big band music? No.

>> No.18519342

No it isn't.

>> No.18519346

stfu kek

>> No.18519347
File: 69 KB, 606x428, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cherry Coke?

>> No.18519365

That is agnosticism, not atheism.

>> No.18519372

There's nothing wrong with fascism.

>> No.18519427
File: 64 KB, 614x768, k2aje1d3ct471.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ultimate goal of humanity should be to unlock the power of genetic modifications. Human history has been a moving locomotive, operating in full power with only one ultimate goal; unlock the power of our genes. Our technological advancements must lead to genetically modified humans, otherwise it will all be for nothing.
I want you to think of the perfect human. What does your perfect human look like? Is he intelligent? Is he kind? Is it patient? Is he creative? Is he healthy? Is he fast? Is he strong? Is he beautiful? Is he mentally stable? Is he adventurous? Is he courageous?
All of these qualities will belong to all humans once we unlock the power of genetic modifications. The best human of today will merely be the worst human of tomorrow...
If we need to use capitalism in order to get there, so be it. If we need to use communism, so be it. We MUST get there. We MUST seize control of our future.

>> No.18519433

>What does your perfect human look like
Big tits, symmetric face and wet pussy

>> No.18519440
File: 41 KB, 614x767, 0gsr8snklc271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for demonstrating why we need to genetically modify humans. If we cannot eliminate retards with eugenics, we MUST eliminate them by genetically enhancing their good qualities.

>> No.18519457

you are supposed to achieve that yourself through enlightenment

>> No.18519459

> I live in a first world country with a low homicide rate, we don't have access to guns

*we have a low to non-existent nigger population, ftfy

>> No.18519463

This is probably bait but it’s tragic if it isn’t.

>> No.18519468

Have sex incel

>> No.18519469

Fuck you

>> No.18519480

>each board representing a different ward of the nuthouse.
I get transferred around wards a lot. I must be extra psycho

>> No.18519481


>> No.18519487

The seculars are not reproducing. I don't think it's going to play out like that in the longer term.

>> No.18519523

Irish legally, but basically a bong culturally. The trend towards dull homogeneity is very clear in British politics, here's a fine culture with a great history, yet everyone has become immersed in American politics and culture. People with genuine character and ideas are sidelined in favour of beauraucrat dips, and through it all there's a constant bloody moaning by the general populace, surprised that things tend towards mediocrity when you oust those that aren't mediocre. It doesn't even matter that people have different opinions on the world, when everyone is discussing the same surface level issues that are most easily presented to them, what does it matter that they pick different sides? Same most places in the West, sometimes I feel as if people are too embarassed to talk about anything they're genuinely interested in, preferring to stick to well-worn paths. Whatever the case, grim always ends up being the right word for it

>> No.18519527

>/lit/ - Literature

>> No.18519553

You don’t have to put up with female bullshit, just be bi. My roommate and I ride each other’s faces on a weekly basis

>> No.18519569


>> No.18519578

You're confusing catharsis and/ or sense pleasure with enjoyment as a whole. Basically you have a cumbrain's understanding of what satisfaction means.
The same kind of faggot that considers "goosebumps" a sign of artistic success

>> No.18519580

I'd unironically choose to be a faggot if I could, but I'm just not attracted to cocks or assholes unfortunately. Volcel life for me.

>> No.18519586
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>> No.18519588

>if god is all-knowing, all-loving
"it" / God / Kali / Shiva .... is all loving and knowing, since it is all
and when I say all I mean all, babies with cancer and deformaties, perfect healthy and happy babies, etcetc
the so called Christian god isn't the actual thing but a mask made for it by man's naivete
it is ALL loving, it IS, everything bad, good, whatever

>> No.18519596
File: 245 KB, 1024x1006, woman-fishingpole-trans=pretend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18519602
File: 85 KB, 703x1024, 1613382578748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking that the only reason to have a woman in your life is sex
Be a man, get a job, find the best woman you can, love her, let her love you, have sex once per week because it feels good, have babies, live your life to its fullest.
if sex is underrated, why would you prefer sex with men over sex with women?

>> No.18519617

Yeah man marry that slut once she's ready to settle down, Jesus already forgave her so why should you care ;)

Also good luck finding a woman that doesn't turn into nagging nightmare a decade into marriage, regardless of her sexual past that you'll never truly know,.

>> No.18519645

You must be 18 or older to post on this website

>> No.18519661
File: 190 KB, 1166x1500, 1624014096684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if the only woman you know of is a slut, then i feel bad for you. i guess you're american, huh? too bad.

being in a marriage will inevitably lead to friction. that's why it's important to love the person you marry. Loving a person means admiring their values and their virtues. If you love someone, it's easy to remember why you married them and get through tough times. Communicate with your wife, spend time with her, enjoy life. Otherwise you'll end up 50yo, thinking that you're 25, no kids, no future. I've seen it happen and it's never pretty.

>> No.18519664

Never happened. Post proof?

>> No.18519672

I was cfonfused about what a "trans-woman" or "trans-man" was until I realized that the prefix "trans-" has been redefined, and now means "pseudo-" or "pretend-".
Thus, "trans-woman"="pretend-woman". Simplicity and lucîdity!
It's mazing how language changes...

>> No.18519688

Seen far too many churchgirls ride the cock carousel in their teens and then turn ultratrad once they trick some unsuspecting virgin into marriage. Not claiming it's inevatibly your fate, but it's very common. Social experience (which you seem to lack) is incompatible with genuine trust in women.

>> No.18519695

scrote check

>> No.18519709
File: 221 KB, 2000x678, 1620987954512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>church girls

>> No.18519715

Kek, yeah that's it.

>> No.18519720
File: 21 KB, 330x201, 1612909844587.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't seem unsuspecting. so get over yourself, seize control of your life and future. since you're probably american, try finding a good wife from europe (particularly eastern europe) because american society is fucked beyond repair. good luck.

>> No.18519726

What can I do instead?
Where do I get my internet fix?

>> No.18519733
File: 52 KB, 576x475, friendship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune is actually not good. There are good aspects, but it would work infinitely better as a standard fantasy - there's no need to place it in space.
nah, it is just a half intelligent person's /pol/ rant from the 30s. Readers fall into 3 categories.

A - I don't get it

B - This is based

C - This is retarded

Either you wasted your time, you're becoming an even more dangerous retard, or you wasted your time (respectively). None of these are worthwhile.
I think it depends on the person. This is great for me as it lets me focus on one thing and have a social interaction (of sorts) where I don't want to kill myself. I have a gf tho so I'm not completely alone.
Eugenics unironically need to make a comeback - it just can't be over some retarded racist shit (which it almost inevitably will be). Most people should not breed. We've created a society that actively works against evolution and natural selection. Our best and brightest have 1 or 2 kids if any, our very worst have 10+. We're fucked if we don't get on it. I'll be first, sterilize me please. I am mentally ill and don't want to pull out any more. My gf and I agree not to reproduce because the kid will just be in hell.
how? If anything it is the West's slide into degeneracy with all of their self hate and rampant consumerism.
this is all correct and based.
you're awesome and good job
you're a retarded faggot
true - same for many boards here like /mu/.
lmao what are you even doing here?
you don't have to write in english, most of us are bilingual and the rest can figure it out with translators.
Fuck off. I mostly agree, but take that shit to /pol/
pic unrelated

>> No.18519749
File: 645 KB, 1724x1325, 1604249125349.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you know pics like this used to make me very racist. i even have some saved. but what's the point? white couples break up too, and i'd bet it's more related to socioeconomics than race. but all these pics on the internet make us hyperaware of single mothers with black exes. the whole thing is sad.

>> No.18519759

Appreciating your optimism, but I am from a very catholic Eastern Europe country myself lmao.

Good luck to you as well, but women are whores. Don't get tricked by one.

>> No.18519775
File: 515 KB, 1800x1215, 1612825398164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since 1970, out-of-wedlock birth rates have soared. In 1965, 24 percent of black infants and 3.1 percent of white infants were born to single mothers. By 1990 the rates had risen to 64 percent for black infants, 18 percent for whites. Every year about one million more children are born into fatherless families.
>it's not about race
Well, maybe it isn't, but should you risk it?
You're in luck. I don't understand why you're so cucked if you live in the best part of Europe. It's extremely easy to find good women in eastern Europe. Prefer Orthodox countries. Anyway, I want to have kids, educate them, watch them grow etc, so I will marry a good woman. I hope you end up happy with your choices.

>> No.18519804

i've already wasted too large a proportion of my waking life arguing on /pol/ /new/ and related boards about this shit, from both sides. i have no intention to waste any more.

my point is about information and bias. spend all day on /pol/ and you see the same messages and stats - it's going to affect how you think about other people.

this is coming from a 35 year old who is now married btw so it really doesn't affect me.

>> No.18519816
File: 389 KB, 1349x946, 62 previous convictions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got dozens of them saved from when I used to browse /pol/, I'd even make my own when I saw a new case in the news. But I don't go on there anymore, nor do I follow the news. I don't know that there is a *point*. Burn the coal, pay the toll.

>> No.18519842

i have so many black crime/relationships infographics and other images i am actually ashamed but i cant delete htem
>62 previous arrests
you see, that's the mistake. not race.

>> No.18519844
File: 166 KB, 777x1000, 1624010823786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my stats came from a quick google search. I searched for "children born out of wedlock by race". I don't use google, nor do I have a google account. Therefore, my results were probably not affected by previous searches. So are you saying google is biased against blacks? don't think so. It's just stats pointing to something that could or couldn't be true. I'm not a woman, so I don't really care about my husband leaving me. I know I'll never leave the mother of my children for reasons that should be obvious.
I get what you're saying, and you're right. /pol/ is an echo chamber where particular narratives are amplified and promoted while others are squished. but declaring all statistics to be false and useless is not solving the problem IMO.
anyway, dont wanna waste more of your time.

>> No.18519880

Convictions, not just arrests, and he got those because he's a nigger. Anyway, like you I don't want to argue /pol/ stuff either. I didn't just stop being racist because I stopped going on /pol/ though, if anything I've peaked. They're not all bad people, but I wouldn't relax around them.

>> No.18519886

>particular narratives are amplified and promoted while others are squished
this is the issue. statistics aren't biased, clearly, but choosing which statistics are worthy of dissemination and which are not is what creates bias. you already know all this.

i have similar pragmatic views with no underlying racism.

>> No.18519893

you have to delete system 32. unironically.

I can't do it, though. If you can I salute you.

>> No.18519933

Women who divorce a responsible man despite having children because "no love no more" are worse

>> No.18519954

they're both wretched

>> No.18520383
File: 1.38 MB, 498x498, 1623554560316.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad left my mom and did her best to raise me alone and i love her for trying so hard

my dad however can go fuck himself

>> No.18520401

stop trying to argue and try to actually have a discussion and some lighthearted fun. Afterwards go read a book or something i guess

>> No.18520409

People have gotten too knowledgeable and it has made them petty, conceited and judgemental.

>> No.18520418


Do you, sometimes, leave your house?

>> No.18520445

she should have tried not spreading her legs on the first date

>> No.18520447


>> No.18520450

Someone is mad at his mom :)

>> No.18520454

Depends whether we're talking unpopular here or with the general populace.

>> No.18520455
File: 380 KB, 1680x1476, 1622085307368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's pretty much why I'm here. I started out only browsing /g/ and went to /3/ and /fa/ shortly after for a bit but it seems like there is just too many schizo and self validation to deal with. I went to /lit/ a couple of times and actually found things I genuinely enjoy and could talk about with people here and my IRL friends

>image related

>> No.18520465

You don't have to finish a book to "get it".

>> No.18520480

4chan is the only place you can truly criticize Society. If you can't handle it, leave.

>> No.18520508

real person and very based reply keep it up anon

i don't really totally agree with the eugenics but I appreciate openly sharing a stance that is still somewhat controversial.

Hope you stay on /lit/ and make some good posts

>> No.18520544

Look, I haven't been to Church in more than a decade, but even when a professor knew I was going to fail he still gave me the test. Then I proved him.

>> No.18520583

Giving birth isn't that painfull at all. Sure labour contractions aren't comfortable but not horrible either. The worst thing is pushing the head out which feels exactly like shitting your guts out as the head pushes everything in your collon out and leads to massive hemorhides or even an anal prolapse if it's your lucky day.

Fuck anti-natal scare mongering which makes women not get kids.

PS: Use an EPI-NO, girls.

>> No.18520586

What's your experience with giving childbirth?

>> No.18520588

Pushing out a megaturd after binging on pizza in mom's basement. Trust me, ladies.

>> No.18520620

I used to think this but it's not actually true, I see ppl saying things just as edgy on other sites, even big ones like twitter, youtube. The anonymity of 4ch doesn't produce a uniquely edgy ecosystem, rather a strangely schizoid honesty of sorts which includes much edginess of course but is not reducible merely to flouting of taboo. The one thing it really does is eliminate or reduce the incentives of personal image, even a pseudonym is an image to maintain, though it's clear that even here people have a hard time letting go of this.

>> No.18520698

>"society" capitalized
>if you can't handle it, leave
top kek how do you people manage to take yourselves so seriously

>> No.18520716

/lit/ has one of the strongest “specific” cultures on 4chan

>> No.18520723

it's just watered down /pol/ for people who think they're too smart for actual /pol/ (and it's insufferable)

>> No.18520728

>"ahaha yeah this board is retarded except we actually know it's smart"
this is (You) btw

>> No.18520732

your "criticisms" amount to peddling pseudoscience and reinventing a dumber version of marxism

>> No.18520733

you live a completely different world than incels.

>> No.18520755

*hide post*

>> No.18520756


>> No.18520768

It's at least half people like you making this exact statement over and over. You perceive the mere presence of pol content as a preponderance

>> No.18520791

Alright here’s a rare /lit/ related one not just a rant about fascism

I think it’s funny and a little admirable how much F Gardner shills his shit here. Maybe it’s just because I saw it right as he started posting it and was intrigued by the amateur-ish homemade quality. Even if they’re shit he’s making money off five real books he wrote and put up on Amazon.

>> No.18520850

I feel strong contempt for everyone and see practically all people as failures feeling the ramifications of poor parenting. The laziness and self-satisfaction has given way to a general implicit philosophy which sees self-acceptance as a virtue because of the equality of all as the result of the unique perfection of each person in terms of beauty, intelligence, and strength, a barely coherent logically bunk cope that could only convince a group of the most absent-minded of people. I am convinced pretty much everyone is mentally ill from horrible parenting and childhood trauma of various types. How can someone who needs to communicate with others find satisfaction in such a disgusting world of people? The exceptions are so few and hard to find.

>> No.18520874

its ease of use makes what anon said true. You don't need an account or a linked email or a text message authentication to be able to speak your mind on this site.

>> No.18520895

You're wrong big guy, we are all food for worms.

>> No.18520905

Everyone should be a National Socialist. If you're actually high IQ you'll understand this is the logical conclusion of human civilization.

>> No.18520915

that shit logically concluded on itself in 1945 lol get rekt son

>> No.18520919

The best living and still writing novelist is a woman.

>> No.18520986

if you say ferrante i'll kick your ass

>> No.18521072

>everyone, including Brazilians, Indonesians and Moroccans should follow a German ideology
how about no

>> No.18521088


>> No.18521089
File: 36 KB, 480x437, 135058532_2995571147336869_2116514235944977353_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of human beings should be culled and the survivors should go back to hunting and gathering

>> No.18521106

The Great Reset where nobody owns anything and unsustainable capitalism becomes abolished is a good idea.

>> No.18521179

You really think nobody will own anything lel? Of course they will still have their insane wealth, only the kulaks will lose their property

>> No.18521209

haha Seattle, yeah the homeless population has been insane recently (not that it wasnt always)

>> No.18521221

>t. lifer

>> No.18521226

It wouldn't really work if some people still owned stuff because then people would become resentful and revolt thus destabilizing the system

>> No.18521232

How would you even know if they did? If you question the state propaganda you're a counterrevolutionary fascist remember

>> No.18521233

Lmao, you will lose everything not (((them)))

>> No.18521236
File: 161 KB, 840x535, assad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man... where do I find milfs? I'm tired of stupid egirls feminists crap.

>> No.18521241

It is, most people are just too caught up in themselves to take notice.

>> No.18521249

They wouldn't be able to keep it under wraps as long as there is free speech, and if free speech is limited than that will slow technological progress which the elite also don't want. So basically they are forced to keep free speech and wouldn't be able to hide the fact that they own stuff if they did.

>> No.18521258


>> No.18521266

Is that why the entire Western world resolves around suppressing it as an ideology a century after it's been "defeated"?

yet Brazilians, Indonesians and Moroccans wear clothes and use silverware. Don't be dense

>> No.18521285

A lot of people here would like to actually talk about literature but that has become nearly impossible because the first dozen responses to most any thread is either /pol/ or christcuck bait, they can not stick to their own thinly veiled threads and leave everyone else alone.

>> No.18521288

Lmao do you do this shit on purpose or you just can't help yourself

>> No.18521299

This is simply not true, there are many threads about books and they tend to just not have many posts at all

>> No.18521315

My unpopular opinion... I think things are going to be fine.
Wouldn't you want to sort it by the most "downvoted" instead? "controversial" seems like people would be about 50-50 about it.
It took the entire capitalist world to do this. While they were also wasting resources on gassing Jews (and I guess some goyim, but this wasn't that important apparently.)
I think ad homimems should be a bannable offensive. If your argument can't stand on its own without personal attacks, well, then your ideas are shit.
I've yet to see an argument against it, except from Evola, who basically argued it was missing its spirit. (This was somewhat solved by natsoc.)
I don't think this is an unpopular opinion.

>> No.18521329

I actually got tremendously good recommendations from /lit/ /tv/ and /mu/.
Kek, even one book make me stop drinking.
Also /x/ is the comfyest board.

>> No.18521336

>Clothes were invented by Germans
>Indonesians use silverware (???)

>> No.18521338

Book threads are slow, unless it is one of the books many have read you have to wait for anons who have read them to come along. Look at the threads which are not the small handfuls of regulars, they only ones which get and number of replies are those that get derailed and the occasional on topic posts are lost in the mess.

>> No.18521361

On The Origin Of Species is a deeply theistic book, even though the God found within is not Christian (though not being abrahamic actually makes that God more truly God than Jewish distortions of Plato)
Not if it’s with somebody you love

>> No.18521370
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I don't think it's unpopular but: Depressive things make me happy or calm.
Sad books and songs stop my anxiety.

>> No.18521635

Please tell me more about OOS, I'm interested.
Darwin basically lost all faith in G*D, at a certain point.

>> No.18521641

More context on that pic?

>> No.18521689

No he didn't, he was an atheist until his death. He just stopped talking about it because his Christian wife would cry when he brought it up

>> No.18521726

I'm just interested in that other anon interpretation, I don't necessarily agree with him.
In fact, one of my favourite atheist quotes is from Charlie. Ichneumonidae and shite

>> No.18521730

He certainly found religion to be of value, he hated that his work was used to disprove god and even said he regretted printing it because of that. He talked about it in some letter he wrote a friend, perhaps some anon knows it and can link it. I have no idea what his personal beliefs were, just remember being surprised reading that letter because it went against how we were taught about him.

>> No.18521745

He probably read one of those atheist professors gets btfo by Christian student stories, except it's Darwin and his alleged deathbed conversion

I haven't read Darwin's letters, but I have read Origin of Species. To characterize that book as theistic in any manner is so absurd that I have to think that either that anon hasn't read it or only has a religion hammer in his toolset and thinks everything is a nail

>> No.18521766
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>He certainly found religion to be of value, he hated that his work was used to disprove god and even said he regretted printing it because of that. He talked about it in some letter he wrote a friend, perhaps some anon knows it and can link it.
I remember reading about this, but I can't find/recall a source. I also remember this, though (see pic)

Pic source


>> No.18521809

>To characterize that book as theistic in any manner is so absurd that
I agree, my point was just to say that to characterize it as atheist is just as absurd.
That does not mean he does not see the importance of religion for others/society, just his personal belief. The letter I remember was very much about society and not him, he hated that his work was being used to attack others and their beliefs.

Just remembered I saw the letter in a Darwin exhibit at a manuscript library, so it may or may not be published but it maybe on the web. It was a traveling exhibit, not the libraries own collection, I will see if I can dig it up with these new clues. It was an interesting letter.

>> No.18521952

>That does not mean he does not see the importance of religion for others/society, just his personal belief.
True, but as with all things, also the timing is important. For [literally any relevant human in history] the point is never "Dude thought X", every single great person in history evolved in h** thought. Stalin studied to become a priest. Hitler wanted to become an artist (it seems he played chess with Lenin while living in Vienna, but maybe the story is apocriphal). St. Paul hated the Christians (a word that didn't exist before him). Napoleon participated in the revolution and then became emperor. etc

>I agree, my point was just to say that to characterize it as atheist is just as absurd.
Honestly I don't think the point is atheist or theist, you read it and then draw your own conclusions. It's not either of them, in purpose, it is one of them in effect.
Imagine telling Democritus that atoms ("Not-made-of-parts" = unbreakable) can be broken.

>> No.18522004

>the timing is important
Of course it is, and so is context within the whole. Darwin never spoke against religion from what I know, just of his personal beliefs.
> I don't think the point is atheist or theist
I did not say it was, just that it was neither.

>> No.18522091

>Is that why the entire Western world resolves around suppressing it as an ideology a century after it's been "defeated"?
Ideas don't die, inferior ideas either fade into oblivion or suppressed by more superior ideologies.

>> No.18522098

I hate reading.

>> No.18522169

>Darwin never spoke against religion from what I know
Did you see the pic I posted? "Damnable doctrine" which "I can indeed hardly see how anyone ought to wish to be true" sounds quite like "against religion", not just "personal belief".

>> No.18522315

He was clearly talking about his own views. Show me where he says religion is wrong and science right, fairly confident you can't. He spoke of not understanding it, and people using it for things beyond their own faith, but I don't think he ever spoke out against it despite that being very much in vogue with the academics of those times.

>> No.18522395

salty serbian nationalists

>> No.18522408

>Show me where he says religion is wrong and science right,
That's a, forgive me, dumb request, because that's not how science works.
>He was clearly talking about his own views
Yes, and his views, in his own words, are that "Christianity is a damnable doctrine, because it would condemn my father to hell forever".

>> No.18522413

Based Serbian nationalists


>> No.18522451

Astrology, alchemy, magic, esoterics, etc. were luxurious excesses of a humanity with more intellectual energy than material efficacy. These "schools", or "arts", however you'd like to call them, are in a modern context, just trash receptacles for borderline-schizophrenic """"spiritualists"""" trying to cope with suffering they don't understand. Their suffering, ironically enough, is founded in the fact that they sink their money into shiny rocks and impressive books, which fail as a method of bettering ones life. And to twist the knife, their mental energies are spent making reactive cope-fantasies to explain good/bad events as aesthetically as possible, rather than keeping any valuable information that could improve future circumstance.

>> No.18522468
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I did this with a little toy gun.

>> No.18522475

This is just truth, not unpopular, literal common knowledge

>> No.18522481

As he said, he does not understand it, he does not say it is wrong or right, just that he does not like it.

Also, I did not say or imply that was how science works, just a common refrain among academics of that time. They largely were not subtle about the topic, religion was ignorant, science was learned. You willfully ignored the point.

Think I am done with this, can't imagine what more there is to say on the subject.

>> No.18522503
File: 44 KB, 1200x667, E70CA969-A16A-4672-8B26-4B60EA201678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The police should break into people’s houses and give them the covid vaccine. I don’t care about “your rights” if your too retarded to take one of the safest vaccines in history because of some debunked /pol/ infograph written by a dirty smelly racist incel.

>> No.18522505

Holy Jesus, this is your poor attempt at a sophistic cope?

Yeah, I also think you're done

>> No.18522507

>writes this post

>> No.18522541

Depends on where you've been. Cities are cess pools for this shit. Mainly due to drug abuse. ("Plant medicine").

Marijuana legalization will push America off the fucking brink.

>> No.18522559

What? The whole thing you wrote before has nothing to do marijuana.
>Marijuana legalization will push America off the fucking brink.
Do you think Ritalin and Xanax are better?

I'm not even american btw

>> No.18522565

>take one of the safest vaccines in history
Citation needed.
>some /pol/ infograph
I've never seen a /pol/ infographic that would convince me not to take it. I will take the vaccine in the first quarter of 2023 when the experiments are completed. I, unlike you, actually "trust the science" instead of pop culture, bootlicker.
Although, I'm actually immune to covid so I probably do not need to take it.
>gets covid
>gets over covid
>a few months pass
>family member brings covid into the house
>everyone gets sick except for me
Pretty cool T B H.

>> No.18522686

Not him, but you are a moron. That excerpt is just about not agreeing with the doctrine of eternal damnation, says nothing about his views on religion. This may be a surprise to you, but not all religions have a hell.

>> No.18522716

>This may be a surprise to you, but not all religions have a hell.
Yeah, I'm sure Darwin was in fact really interested in criticizing Tengrism, that system of belief REALLY had an actual impact on his immediate social circle.

>> No.18522727
File: 1.26 MB, 1716x1062, Africa and USA murder rate white and black stats copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Race is real.

>> No.18522743
File: 150 KB, 697x1024, red-pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18522745

Why would you want people you hate breed and have their children turn out like themselves, I thought Christian hated when muslims have 10 children in their country. Why you want to forcibly create a human being that your child will hate to live in the same country with?

>> No.18522753

>white americans homicide rate: 4x when compared to italy
what-a did-a he mean-a by this-a

>> No.18522755

You probably right, Darwin was obviously short sighted and narrow minded. Still ignored the point regarding how that excerpt is about an issue with an aspect of Christianity and not Christianity itself. Same game you played with the other anon.

>> No.18522774

Jews are truly evil. There's something really wrong with them and their brains.

Feminism is retarded and most feminist are lesbians, ugly women or both.

>> No.18522799


>> No.18522814

>making mountains out of molehills
a lot of mexicans are considered "white" by the prison systems. Not hispanic, white. They're not white but that's how it is.

>> No.18522817

Blacks are better writers than whites. Blacks choose to use their talents in other fields. From the few Black writers in the cannon, it’s easy to deduce that they are pound for pound the best

>> No.18522833
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I know.

>> No.18522834


>> No.18522860

>Still ignored the point regarding how that excerpt is about an issue with an aspect of Christianity and not Christianity itself
>eternal damnation is just *a single* aspect of christianity! It's not a big deal if you're doomed to hell for eternity

Are you serious or...

>Feminism is retarded and most feminist are lesbians, ugly women or both.
Feminism is retarded, but you definitely haven't met qt feminists lesbians

>> No.18522867



>>making mountains out of molehills
>being refuted by his own data
I-It's da mekicanz!

>> No.18522868

You don't need an IQ higher than that of a rock to refute debunk racial theories

>> No.18522870

Butterfly is the best trip on this board by far.

>> No.18522913

>debunk racial theories

>> No.18522922

I fucking hate horses.
I hate them, and everyone who loves them is a complete cunt.

>> No.18522934
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Earth will never become a significantly better place. Earth is a purgatory like place where souls go to learn certain lessons and when they've learned those lessons they move on to other planes of existence. This is why history is cyclical and why humans make the same mistakes over and over.

>> No.18522980

>thing you wrote before has nothing to do marijuana
Culturally it does, at least in America. All these new age insta-mystic types are Big Toker Four Hundred and Twenty advocates.

Ritalin and Xanax are worse chemically and culturally, but they're at least honest enough to be depressing psychiatric realities rather than some fun-in-the-magickal-sun pipe dream. American addicts, in addition to the public at large, have this idea that weed is a wonder drug with no adverse effects.

Legalization of marijuana will buff the masturbatory mock-culture that comes with it, intensifying the underlying psychosis and mental illness that founds the shit. Every state that has legalized has seen significant growth in psychosis and mental illness hospitalization, especially in youth.

>> No.18523058

>Every state that has legalized has seen significant growth in psychosis and mental illness hospitalization, especially in youth.

feel free to post proof. Not that I care that much about usa

>> No.18523076


>> No.18523177

marital rape doesn't exist
homosexuality should be illegal
there should be no professional women's sports
dress codes should be enforced to a far more conservative standard
beach going and beach tourism are totally degenerate and should be shut down
all education should be privatized and categorically forbidden for the state to ever meddle in education in any way
tariffs should be high across the board
i am not against voting categorically, but having meme popularity contests where every iliterate hobo choose important issues based on whoever media praised the most is ridiculous and no measure for a states legitimacy
contraception should be illegal and actually enforced
divorce should be banned and heavily enforced
big corporations (defined as all private business larger than mom and pop stores) should all be dissolved and eternally banned from ever existing again
property tax, wealth tax and inheritance taxes are ilegitimate and should never ever exist anywhere
suburbia should all be forcibly razed and banned from every being built again
cars should be banned and a network of public transport built in their stead
cattle meat industry should be phased out and replaced by pork industry
circumcision should be illegal without religious exemptions and enforced
abortion should be punishable by death for everyone involved in any, even the smallest, way

>> No.18523215

First post in this discussion but it's worthwhile to note that states with legalized weed are also the states that sell super high thc weed and edibles etc.
Average bush weed is fine but unsurprisingly stoners hate it because they don't get braindead high off one joint.

>> No.18523509

Agree I want to leave but I just keep coming back.

>> No.18523523

Lungs are unnecessary.

>> No.18523526

Feels bad man. This place really is a drug

>> No.18523535


>> No.18523542

you should be beaten in the public square.

>> No.18523565

>It doesn't even matter that people have different opinions on the world, when everyone is discussing the same surface level issues that are most easily presented to them
do you not have any close relationships where you talk about whatever and make up inside jokes and embelish them to have fun and aid each other in your creative endevours instead of "have you heard"ing the latest zeitgeist gossip anon? i feel like your we live in a society is mostly due to your lack of solid frends. not that i have any but still

>> No.18523582

Ye. How can it not be? Even if there's a good, and that 's a big maybe, we're still stuck in a universe we have no control over--subject to another's judgment for no reason.

>> No.18523613
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>> No.18523633

As a stoner, I really miss being able to get mids. I just like the act of smoking, I don't need to get totally blasted every time. It's like having a beer vs doing shots. And smoking a whole joint of modern weed myself is unthinkable, you have to split that between like 4 people.

>> No.18523648


>> No.18523773

I know that’s a bit of a basic take, but god that made me never want to come back. It really is an addiction we all have

We’re not going to make it bros

>> No.18523826

Giving birth last week.

>> No.18523828

To be precise to a kid with a head of 38cm circumferenc after 36h of actual active labour contractions.

>> No.18523896

As someone getting into reading, this is probably going to happen to me yeah.
The /Hisp/ threads are nice though, but we get 404'd with 0 warning often because of like 4 non-english posting retards

>> No.18524650

Oh I do, and I value those friends, I simply wish that interesting people that stand out from the crowd were more common

>> No.18524927

>Reading a wikipedia page, listening to a blinkist and watching a review on a book gives you as good an understanding as reading the book will
>never tell anyone irl you read
>the more someone talks about reading/books the less they read
>books are more subjective than people want to admit, if you read all of the "greatest" books you'd hate most of them

>> No.18525082

maybe its not the ppl that are uninteresting but your relationship with them. everyone looks like sheeple from far away