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/lit/ - Literature

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18517902 No.18517902 [Reply] [Original]

you fags will call me a pseud but you can go eat a dick. keep reading your shitty philosophy while I use books for what they were really designed for: escapism

>> No.18517915

>you fags will call me a pseud
lol no, pseuds read harder books than you.

>> No.18517921

Based happy brainlet

>> No.18517924

I will do no such thing. I will tell you, however, to quit smoking. It's unhealthy.

>> No.18517930

>what is a vaporizer

>> No.18517973
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/lit/ btfo permanently

>> No.18517976

I am happy you're having a good time, anon. Reading is fun

>> No.18517985

You're not a pseud, you're just a lowlife stoner

>> No.18518041

Nothing wrong with reading easily digestible genre fiction for entertainment, however smoking weed is nigger tier.

>> No.18518055

What about history books?

>> No.18518114

>what is brain damage

>> No.18519513

you ever read childrens books while high?

>> No.18519524

I bet your favorite book is Stoner

>> No.18519528

I like getting high and reading philosophy books

>> No.18521491

this but with lit. I only finally understood literature in junior year when I read Kenzaburo Oe while really high (I didnt know he was a respected author, I picked his book at random because of the cover)

>> No.18521506

Spending however much time you spend on the internet is infinitely more damaging than smoking some weed

>> No.18521618
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seems like a waste of time. but do as you please

>> No.18521682

>he isnt fried as hell while reading german philosophy

>> No.18521691
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You're a psued if and only if you haven't read picrel
>I don't read online trash books
I have the paperback

>> No.18521702

>read stoner
>its about some gay ass nerd

>> No.18521982

This is based. I have literally no interest in the real world whatsoever.

>> No.18522010

nice, sounds fun what have you been reading

>> No.18524085


>> No.18524096
File: 102 KB, 112x112, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get high and read biographies, memoirs, and SF. Copious amounts of coffee really help, too.

>> No.18524781
File: 598 KB, 1200x1580, Mr. Books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With remote learning you can, and I do, smoke weed during class. first year of uni this year I got a 91/100 for a philosophy essay and all 90s in Spanish and I am permanently very high and not exaggerating. You can get very high all the time and still do mental labour that involves words is my takeaway.

>> No.18524829

>what is moisture on my lungs
I'm a ciggy fag but I doubt human lungs are designed to inhale anything except for clean air

>> No.18524847

Books arent designed for escapism

>> No.18525594

>when the preliminary investigation to the explication of the meaning of being is ripping the bong

>> No.18525693

The pseud part here is pretending this is an offensive or interesting position. Trying too hard to be based to be a based brainlet, really

>> No.18526730


>> No.18526745

Philosophy is also escapism but for intelligent people

>> No.18526836

what a painting. Fantastic!
stop bumping a shit thread. (notice how this post did not bump the thread in page number to the top of 4channel.org/lit/catalog )